THE ROLE OF INTRAVERBAL NAMING ON THE EMERGENCE OF NOVEL INTRAVERBALS AND EQUIVALENCE CLASSES A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Psychology California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in Psychology (Applied Behavior Analysis) by Monica Lingchi Ma FALL 2013 © 2013 Monica Lingchi Ma ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii THE ROLE OF INTRAVERBAL NAMING ON THE EMERGENCE OF NOVEL INTRAVERBALS AND EQUIVALENCE CLASSES A Thesis by Monica Lingchi Ma Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Caio Miguel, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Emily Wickelgren, Ph.D. __________________________________, Third Reader Charlotte Carp, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date iii Student: Monica Lingchi Ma I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Jianjian Qin, Ph.D. Department of Psychology iv ___________________ Date Abstract of THE ROLE OF INTRAVERBAL NAMING ON THE EMERGENCE OF NOVEL INTRAVERBALS AND EQUIVALENCE CLASSES by Monica Lingchi Ma The purpose of the current studies was to evaluate the effects of teaching unidirectional intraverbal relations in a statement format on the emergence of symmetry and transitivity intraverbal relations and equivalence classes. In Experiment 1, eight undergraduates were exposed to tact training, listener testing, intraverbal training, and a review phase. Derived relations matching-to-sample (MTS) and intraverbal posttests were presented in alternating fashion. The two undergraduates in Experiment 2 also passed all the posttests despite the elimination of the review phase. For Experiment 3, all MTS posttests were administered before intraverbal posttests and vice versa for four undergraduates. Despite procedural variations, all fourteen participants met the emergence criteria for derived relations MTS and intraverbal posttests. Combined results suggest that intraverbal training may be sufficient for producing novel intraverbal and stimulus-stimulus classes. Moreover, all participants emitted vocalizations at some point during the last MTS vocal posttest, suggesting that intraverbal naming mediated responses. _______________________, Committee Chair Caio Miguel, Ph.D. _______________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My deepest gratitude to the individuals whose ongoing support, advice, and guidance have helped me achieve this academic and professional milestone: To Dr. Caio Miguel, for infusing his passion for behavior analysis in me so that I can become the scientist-practitioner I am today. His commitment as my academic advisor has helped me immensely in my graduate career and will forever hold me accountable for conducting research and finding evidence-based interventions. To my committee members, Dr. Emily Wickelgren and Dr. Charlotte Carp, whose insightful questions and suggestions, have influenced the development of this study. To Amanda Chastain, Danielle Hernandez, Adrienne Jennings, Kelli Kent, and Danika Zias, for conducting and analyzing all research sessions with me in three weeks. To the cohort that took me under their wing, Sherrene Fu, Sarah Kohlman, Gregory Lee, Kelly Quah, and Patricia Santos, they have made this academic journey so memorable with their friendships and endless laughter. To Preeti Davé, for being a good listener and always being there for me, despite our distance and super busy schedules. To Jason Greene, for his continual encouragement, patience, and understanding, from start to finish. To my father, mother, and sister, whom I love profoundly and cannot thank enough for their endless support, love, and all they have done to make me a stronger and more intelligent woman. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... vi List of Tables ............................................................................................................... x List of Figures ............................................................................................................. xi Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1 2. EXPERIMENT 1 ................................................................................................. 17 Method ........................................................................................................... 17 Participants ............................................................................................... 17 Settings and Materials .............................................................................. 18 Response Measurement ........................................................................... 21 Experimental Design ................................................................................ 23 Interobserver Agreement ......................................................................... 26 Treatment Integrity .................................................................................. 27 Procedures ................................................................................................ 28 Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 37 P1 and P2 ................................................................................................. 37 P3 and P4 ................................................................................................. 42 P5 and P6 ................................................................................................. 45 P7 and P8 ................................................................................................. 49 vii Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview ..................................... 53 Summary .................................................................................................. 55 3. EXPERIMENT 2 ................................................................................................. 60 Method ........................................................................................................... 60 Participants, Setting and Materials .......................................................... 60 Dependent Measures and Experimental Design ...................................... 60 Procedures ................................................................................................ 60 Results and Discussion ................................................................................... 61 P9 and P10 ............................................................................................... 61 Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview ..................................... 65 Summary .................................................................................................. 66 4. EXPERIMENT 3 ................................................................................................. 70 Method ........................................................................................................... 70 Participants, Setting and Materials .......................................................... 70 Dependent Measures and Experimental Design ...................................... 70 Procedures ................................................................................................ 71 Results and Discussion .................................................................................. 71 P11 and P12 ............................................................................................. 71 P13 and P14 ............................................................................................. 75 Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview ..................................... 79 Summary .................................................................................................. 81 5. GENERAL DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 83 viii Verbal Mediation ............................................................................................ 86 Limitations and Future Research ....................................................................89 Clinical Implications ...................................................................................... 96 Appendix A: MTS Testing and Training Datasheets ................................................. 97 Appendix B: Tact Training and Review Datasheets ................................................ 103 Appendix C: Listener, Testing, Training, and Review Datasheets .......................... 105 Appendix D: AB/BC Intraverbal Training Datasheets ............................................ 107 Appendix E: BA/CB Intraverbal Testing Datasheets .............................................. 109 Appendix F: AC/CA Intraverbal Testing Datasheets .............................................. 111 Appendix G: Remedial Training .............................................................................. 113 Listener Training .............................................................................................. 113 MTS Remedial Training ................................................................................... 113 References ................................................................................................................. 120 ix LIST OF TABLES Tables Page 1. Participant Demographics .................................................................................... 18 2. Target Intraverbal Relations ................................................................................. 20 3. Passing, Mastery, and Emergence Criterion for Each Condition ......................... 26 4. Interobserver Agreement and Treatment Integrity Across Participants ............... 27 5. Pre-Training Target Intraverbal Relations ............................................................ 29 x LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1. Experimental stimuli ............................................................................................ 19 2. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P1, P2, P5, and P6 .................... 24 3. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P3, P4, P7, and P8 .................... 25 4. Pre-training stimuli .............................................................................................. 29 5. Results for P1 on top panel and P2 on bottom panel ........................................... 39 6. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P1 ...................................................................................................... 40 7. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P2 ...................................................................................................... 41 8. Results for P3 on top panel and P4 on bottom panel ........................................... 43 9. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P3 ...................................................................................................... 44 10. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P4 ...................................................................................................... 45 11. Results for P5 on top panel and P6 on bottom panel ........................................... 47 12. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P5 ...................................................................................................... 48 13. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P6 ...................................................................................................... 49 14. Results for P7 on top panel and P8 on bottom panel ........................................... 51 xi 15. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P7 ...................................................................................................... 52 16. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P8 ...................................................................................................... 53 17. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P9 and P10 ............................... 61 18. Results for P9 on top panel and P10 on bottom panel ......................................... 62 19. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P9 ...................................................................................................... 63 20. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P10 .................................................................................................... 65 21. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P11 and P12 ............................. 71 22. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P13 and P14 ............................. 71 23. Results for P11 on top panel and P12 bottom panel ............................................ 73 24. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P11 .................................................................................................... 74 25. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P12 .................................................................................................... 75 26. Results for P13 on top panel and P14 on bottom panel ....................................... 77 27. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P13 .................................................................................................... 78 28. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P14 .................................................................................................... 79 xii 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The formation of equivalence classes has served as a behavior analytic model for understanding symbolic behavior and the emergence of novel behaviors (Sidman, 1994; 2009). In his seminal study, Sidman (1971) taught an intellectually disabled adolescent two relations among three classes of stimuli – dictated words (A), pictures (B), and printed words (C) – via a matching-to-sample (MTS) conditional discrimination procedure. Within the MTS procedure, the participant was instructed to select a picture (B) or printed word (C) from an eight stimuli array (i.e., visual comparison stimuli), conditional upon a dictated word (A; i.e., an auditory sample stimulus) presented by the experimenter. This arrangement of stimuli presentation is known as auditory-visual MTS. After mastering these two relations (AB and AC), the participant was then able to select printed words in the presence of corresponding pictures (BC), and to select pictures in the presence of corresponding printed words (CB). As a result of this teaching procedure, the ordered pairs (AB and AC) of stimuli became equivalent and substitutable for one another. In other words, they acquired the same “meaning.” Sidman and Tailby (1982) later coined the emergence of CB and BC relations given AB and AC training as transitivity. If the AB and AC relations were trained via visual-visual MTS (e.g., in the presence of a printed word as the sample, selecting a picture from the comparison array), then and the derivation of BA and CA relations are known as symmetry. An additional 2 incidental byproduct of the training procedure in Sidman’s (1971) study was that after training, the participant could also label (D) the pictures (B) and printed words (C). Over the past four decades, numerous studies have replicated the findings on equivalence across different populations such as typically developing children (e.g., de Rose, Hidalgo, & Vasconcellos, 2013), children with autism (e.g., LeBlanc, Miguel, Cummings, Goldsmith, & Carr, 2003) and adolescents with fragile X syndrome (Hall, DeBernardis, & Reiss, 2006), using a variety of stimuli (e.g., Arntzen, Halstadtro, Bjerke & Halstadtro, 2010; Haegele, McComas, Dixon, & Burns, 2011; Keintz, Miguel, Kao, & Finn, 2011; Miguel, Yang, Finn, & Ahearn, 2009) and distinct training structures (e.g., Doughty, Kastner, & Bismark, 2011; Wilson & Hayes, 1996). Three training structures (Saunders & Green, 1999) typically used in this type of research are: one-to-many (OTM), many-to-one (MTO), and linear series (LS). With an OTM procedure, the learner is taught to select different comparison stimuli in the presence of the same sample stimulus (e.g., AB and AC relations). MTO entails the selection of the same comparison stimulus in the presence of multiple sample stimuli (e.g., BA and CA relations). LS describes a procedure in which the comparison stimuli of the first taught relation (e.g., AB), serves as the sample in the second trained relation (e.g., BC). The stimulus that is shared between trained relations is known as the node (Fields & Verhave, 1987). Preliminary studies comparing the relative effectiveness of the three training structures on the formation of equivalence classes have found OTM and 3 MTO to be equally effective (Smeets & Barnes-Holmes, 2005b), but slightly more effective than LS (Arntzen, Grondahl, & Eilifsen, 2010). The cost effectiveness of teaching a small number of relations in a systematic manner that result in an intricate network of emergent relations has caught the attention of many behavior analysts. The three main accounts attempting to uncover the mechanisms underlying the emergence of derived relations are, Sidman’s theory of equivalence (Sidman, 2000) and its derivation, the stimulus control topography coherence theory (McIlvane & Dube, 2003), Relational Frame Theory (RFT; Hayes, 1996; Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001), and the naming hypothesis (Horne & Lowe, 1996). Sidman’s account considers the emergence of novel relations to be a primitive behavioral process wherein all stimuli participating in any three-term contingency enter into equivalence relations during training. In a visual-visual MTS task, for instance, given two trials (i.e., three-term contingencies) with identical antecedents, consequences, and topographically similar responses (e.g., pointing), the two visual stimuli across the two trials would enter the same equivalence class (see Sidman, 2000 for further details). Alternatively, both RFT and the naming hypothesis suggest that derived relations are profoundly rooted in verbal behavior, but from different perspectives. According to the RFT account, contingencies present during language acquisition form frames of reference that set the stage for emergent relations (see Hayes, 1996). In contrast, the naming hypothesis suggests that language mediates the formation 4 of equivalence classes. For the purpose of this study, only the naming hypothesis will be discussed in further detail. The naming hypothesis extends Skinner’s (1957) interpretive exercise on a functional analysis of verbal behavior using well-established behavior principles. Horne and Lowe (1996) defined naming as a generalized operant which entails the bidirectional relation of an individual responding as a listener to her own speaker behavior. The two primary components of the naming relation are an elementary verbal operant (i.e., an echoic, tact, or intraverbal) and conventional (i.e., learned) listener behavior. Horne and Lowe (1996) described two mechanisms by which equivalence classes are formed, common naming and intraverbal naming. Common naming consists of a circular relation between a common tact1 and conventional listener behaviors. For example, in the presence of a dog, a child overtly or covertly tacts (i.e., labels) “dog” (speaker behavior), which produces a response product that serves as a discriminative stimulus (SD) for orienting or pointing to the dog (listener behavior). Stimuli that are part of the same name relation, evoke identical speaker and listener behaviors, and hence pertain to the same category. For instance, in a recent study conducted by Miguel and Kobari-Wright (2013), two children with autism spectrum disorder between five and six years of age were taught the category name for three groups of dogs. Pretests required participants to match pictures of dogs based on 1 Skinner (1957) defined a tact as a verbal operant under the control of a nonverbal antecedent stimulus (e.g., an object, event, or property of one) that is maintained by generalized reinforcement. An example would be saying “airplane” in the presence of an airplane in the sky. 5 category membership: hound dog, work dog, or play dog. Neither participant was able to categorize the nine pictures of dogs prior to tact training. Upon learning to tact each picture of a dog with its category name, one participant passed the categorization posttest and the other required additional instruction to tact the sample prior to selecting a comparison stimulus to be able to categorize. These results suggest that when the second participant tacted the sample stimulus overtly, she heard herself say the category name and responded to the auditory stimulus by selecting the comparison stimulus that shared the same name relation. This interlocking relation between speaker and listener behavior is what supports common naming as a form of verbal mediation in problem solving tasks. Similarly, Lowe, Horne, Harris, and Randle (2002), empirically evaluated the role of common naming on stimulus substitutability using a categorization task with nine toddlers between the ages of two and four. Six arbitrary stimuli divided into two threemember categories called “vek” and “zog” were used. In the beginning, participants were taught to tact each of the six stimuli with the category name. Subsequently, category MTS tests were administered in one of two ways: (1) a sample was presented, the participant looked at the sample, and then selected the corresponding comparison stimulus, or (2) a sample was presented, the participant was instructed to tact the sample, and then selected the corresponding comparison stimulus. Results indicated that by simply teaching a common tact, either vek or zog, all of the participants were able to categorize the stimuli into different classes. Additionally, five participants required the instruction to overtly tact the sample before selecting the comparison stimulus to pass, 6 which is consistent with the findings from Miguel and Kobari-Wright (2013) and with the role of verbal mediation in the naming hypothesis. Moreover, Sprinkle and Miguel (2012) compared and contrasted the efficacy of teaching listener versus speaker behavior on the emergence of equivalence classes with four children diagnosed with autism between the ages of five and seven. Within an alternating treatments design, participants were exposed to two sets of stimuli, one correlated with listener (MTS training) and one with speaker (textual/tact) training. Each set of stimuli contained three three-member classes (18 stimuli total across sets). Initial pretests evaluated whether participants could (1) select a picture (B) or printed word (C) given a dictated name (A), (2) select a picture (B) when shown a printed word (C) and vice versa (i.e., CB), and (3) orally label (D) a given picture (B) or printed word (C). For listener training, participants were taught AB and AC relations, meaning that in the presence of the dictated word (A), to select the corresponding picture (B) or printed word (C) from the comparison array. During speaker training, participants were taught BD and CD relations, meaning that in the presence of a picture (B) or printed word (C), engage in tact or textual behavior (D), respectively. Posttests indicated that while listener training alone cannot reliably lead to the emergence of speaker behavior and equivalence classes, exposure to speaker training was sufficient for all participants to derive listener behavior and equivalence classes. Such results support the notion that both speaker and listener behavior are necessary for stimulus categorization to emerge (Miguel & Petursdottir, 2009). 7 The role of common naming on arbitrary categorization tasks (e.g., Lowe, Horne, Harris, and Randle, 2002; Lowe, Horne, & Hughes, 2005; Horne, Hughes, & Lowe, 2006; Horne, Lowe, & Harris, 2007), nonarbitrary categorization tasks (e.g., Miguel, Petursdottir, Carr, & Michael, 2008), arbitrary matching (Eikeseth & Smith, 1992), and non-arbitrary matching (e.g., Sprinkle & Miguel, 2012) are well-documented across typically developing (e.g., Mahoney, Miguel, Ahearn, & Bell, 2011) and developmentally disabled individuals (e.g., Miguel & Kobari-Wright, 2013). Common naming as a verbal mediation strategy continues to propel extensive research, with the most recent endeavors in deciphering complex linguistic phenomenon such as analogical reasoning (e.g., Lantaya, Fernand, LaFrance, Dickman, & Miguel, 2013; Quah, Lantaya, Meyer, & Miguel, 2013). Another verbal mediation strategy proposed by Horne and Lowe (1996) is intraverbal naming. With intraverbal naming, the response product of a tact evokes an intraverbal2 which leads to the individual responding to the final response product as a listener (Lowe & Horne, 1996), thus creating a verbal rule linking stimuli together (Dugdale & Lowe, 1990). For example, in the presence of a toothbrush, a child (overtly or covertly) tacts, “toothbrush” (speaker behavior), which produces a response product that serves as a verbal SD due to a history of reinforcement or “contiguous usage” 2 An intraverbal is an elementary verbal operant under the control of a verbal discriminative stimulus, with no formal similarity or point-to-point correspondence between the two (Skinner, 1957). Examples of intraverbals include answering questions, responding to emails, engaging in debates, recalling past events, singing a song, and telling a story. For instance, answering, “Fine” in response to the question, “How are you doing?” or saying, “Cake” upon hearing, “Birthday.” 8 (Skinner, 1957) for the intraverbal, “toothpaste.” In turn, the intraverbal itself (saying “toothpaste”) produces yet another response product that serves as an SD for picking up the toothpaste (listener behavior). Lowe and Beasty (1987) showed how 29 typically developing children between the ages of two and five may have utilized intraverbal naming as a mediation strategy for deriving relations on an MTS task. All MTS tasks employed a two-comparison stimuli array from the same category (i.e., vertical vs. horizontal lines for line drawings, green vs. red for colors, and triangle vs. cross for shapes). Initial teaching conditions included matching a vertical line (A1) to green (B1) and a horizontal line (A2) to red (B2). Then, participants were taught to relate a vertical line (A1) with a triangle (C1) and a horizontal line (A2) with a cross (C2). Dependent variables included participants’ spontaneous vocalizations throughout all training and testing phases and their performance on symmetry (i.e., B1A1, C1A1, B2A2, and C2A2) and transitivity (i.e., B1C1, C1B1, B2C2, and C2B2) MTS posttests. Results showed that of the 17 participants that passed the equivalence posttest, all had intraverbally named the correct sample-comparison pairs at some point during training. For example, after mastering AB and AC relations, when presented with B2 as a sample stimulus on a posttest, a participant said, “down red cross.” In this case, the presence of B2 was strong enough to evoke the tact “down” which in turn evoked the intraverbal “red cross” and led to the selection of either A2 or C2 that was present in the comparison array. Lowe and Beasty speculated that selfechoic repetition (Skinner, 1957) may have facilitated the emergence of symmetrical and 9 transitive intraverbal relations. For instance, when repeating, “down red cross down red cross,” the frequency of “red” (B2) presented before “cross” (C2) may have been sufficient to establish equivalence relations (i.e., B2C2 and C2B2). Furthermore, Bentall, Dickins, and Fox (1993) investigated the effects of teaching class names (i.e., common naming) versus individual names on the emergence of derived relations. Six three-member classes created with 18 arbitrary stimuli were employed. Of the 16 undergraduate participants, half received tact training on class names (six verbal stimuli total) and half on individual names (eighteen verbal stimuli total). Participants were then exposed to visual-visual MTS training to establish AB and BC relations. Prior to the start of training, experimenters instructed participants to tact the sample stimulus when it appeared and the comparison stimulus while selecting it. Upon mastery of AB and BC relations, experimenters administered a MTS test consisting of trained relations, symmetry, transitivity, and equivalence. Results indicated that participants who learned class names made fewer errors on all test relations than participants who learned individual names. A secondary dependent measure of this study was response latency, the amount of time between the participant’s overt tact of the sample stimulus and selection of the comparison stimulus. Compared to participants exposed to class names, results indicated that participants who received training in individual stimuli names had longer response latencies on tests of transitivity and equivalence. Bentall and colleagues speculated that longer response latencies were correlated with nodal distance. That is, intraverbal naming required two verbal links and one node (e.g., A goes with B, B goes 10 with C, so A goes with C) as opposed to common naming, which only required one verbal link and no nodes (i.e., the category name) to solve the task. Five of the eight participants in the individual name group reported creating intraverbal links as a strategy for solving the derived relations MTS test. During the post-experimental interview, for instance, one participant stated that given a particular sample stimulus, she “…imagined a bracelet hung on the tusks, and tusks on a dinosaur” (p. 209). Recent studies that have determined that visual imaging may facilitate the use of verbal mediation strategies (e.g., Kisamore, Carr, and LeBlanc, 2011) provide some insight on interpreting this participant’s verbal report. Smeets and Barnes-Holmes (2005a) conducted the first study directly examining the role of intraverbal naming on equivalence. Using 15 arbitrary stimuli divided into five three-member classes (i.e., A, B, C, D, and E), 16 typically developing five-year-old participants were trained on AB and AC relations via visual-visual MTS training and “N”(dictated name) D and “N”E relations via auditory-visual MTS training. Upon passing symmetry and equivalence MTS tests (with or without remedial training), a naming test was conducted to evaluate whether participants assigned an individual or class name to each stimulus. As a result of the naming test, participants were further divided into two groups, a “consistent group” with seven participants who tacted stimuli with the same verbal response reliably (e.g., given the picture of an elephant, saying “elephant” each time), and an “inconsistent group” with eight participants who tacted stimuli with a different verbal response across presentations (e.g., given an elephant, 11 saying “car,” “elephant,” or “button” across trials). One participant was not eligible to continue due to special circumstances. In accordance with intraverbal naming, the product of tacting the sample stimulus should serve as an SD, evoking an intraverbal that leads to the selection of the corresponding comparison stimulus. Thus experimenters hypothesized that participants in the “consistent group” would form equivalence classes because the same initial tact would reliably evoke the correct intraverbal relation (e.g., in the presence of an elephant as the sample, tacting “elephant” evoked the intraverbal “letter” or “wheel” and subsequently selecting the corresponding stimulus from the comparison array). Conversely, those in the “inconsistent group” would not be able to do so because random initial tacts would evoke random, unrelated, intraverbal relations (e.g., given an elephant as a sample, tacting “car” would evoke the intraverbal “voo,” and lead to the selection of a comparison stimulus unrelated to the sample). Results showed that three of seven (43%) and five of eight (63%) participants in the consistent and inconsistent groups, respectively, passed the equivalence tests. These findings challenge the intraverbal naming account because children in the inconsistent group were able to form equivalence classes despite the lack of a reliable initial verbal response (i.e., a tact) required for verbal mediation. The mixed results led Smeets and Barnes-Holmes to conclude that naming alone was insufficient for explaining equivalence. A notable limitation is that experimenters used an explicit naming test which generated rules for engaging in overt verbal behavior. During a naming test, verbal responses under the control of a verbal stimulus such as, “What do you call this?” (Smeets & Barnes-Holmes, 12 2005a) may not correspond with verbal responses under the control of variables present during the experimental condition (e.g., visual stimuli, schedules of reinforcement, etc.; Lima & Abreu-Rodrigues, 2010). Since verbal behavior in naming tests and experimental conditions may differ because they are under the control of very different antecedent stimuli, the accuracy of verbal reports on naming tests with regards to task performance is questionable (Dugdale & Lowe, 1990; Horne & Lowe, 1996). Therefore, despite naming tests, it is still unclear whether participants in the study conducted by Smeets and Barnes-Holmes (2005a) engaged in covert verbal mediation strategies during posttests. In a recent unpublished dissertation, Carp (2012) evaluated whether a combination of tact and visual-visual MTS training would be sufficient for the emergence of vocal intraverbal relations and the formation of equivalence classes. A total of nine familiar pictures divided into three three-member categories – states (A), birds (B), and flowers (C) – were used. Initially, six typically developing kindergarteners were taught to tact each of the nine stimuli with their common names (e.g., California, quail, poppy) followed by an intraverbal test assessing the emergence of AB, AC, BA, CA, BC, and CB vocal intraverbal relations. The intraverbal test was conducted in a question-answer format. For instance, the experimenter would ask, “California (A3) goes with which bird?” with the correct answer being “Quail (B3).” In this example, the word “bird” served as the contextual cue for a vocal response related to category B (i.e., quail) and not C (i.e., poppy). Subsequently, participants were exposed to visual-visual MTS training in 13 which participants were taught to relate state to bird (AB) and state to flower (AC) relations. Upon mastery of AB and AC relations, an equivalence test (BC and CB relations) for emerging visual-visual relations and a second intraverbal test were administered. Results indicated that only two participants passed the equivalence test following visual-visual MTS training, one participant passed after remedial training, and three participants never passed, even with extensive remedial training. Furthermore, the three participants who passed the equivalence test continued on to pass the intraverbal test and the three participants who failed the equivalence test also failed the intraverbal test. Such results are consistent with intraverbal naming because it is possible that contingencies during training (i.e., reinforcement during MTS training) facilitated the emergence and establishment of intraverbal relations that later mediated performance on derived relations tests (Horne & Lowe, 1996). For example, given a picture of California (A3) as the sample stimulus, participants covertly or overtly tacted, “California,” and when shown the comparison stimuli, tacted “quail” (B3) or “poppy” (C3) while making a selection. Although reinforcement was provided contingent upon selecting (i.e., pointing to) the correct comparison stimulus, it also inadvertently strengthened any covert or overt spontaneous verbal behavior that was occurring simultaneously. In this case, reinforcement following the correct selection of a comparison stimulus also reinforced any verbal behavior that may have been occurring concurrently with the selection response, such as, “California (A3) – quail (B3)” and/or “California (A3)” – poppy (C3).” In turn, due to self-echoic repetition (e.g., “California poppy California quail California 14 poppy California quail”), these intraverbal relations may have facilitated the emergence of “quail (B3) – poppy (C3)” and “poppy (C3) – quail (B3)” (i.e., transitive relations) due to contiguous usage (Skinner, 1957). While previous studies demonstrated a correlation between intraverbal and derived relations, they could not definitively conclude that participants engaged in intraverbal naming as a form of verbal mediation. Bentall et al. (1993) and Carp (2012) suggested that the most direct way to assess the role of intraverbal naming is to teach the intraverbal relation and assess how participants perform on an MTS posttest where stimuli are only intraverbally (i.e., arbitrarily) related. Thus, Santos, Ma, Jennings, Zias, and Miguel (2013) conducted a study evaluating the exclusive role of intraverbal naming on an arbitrary MTS task with undergraduate students. In Experiment 1, eighteen arbitrary stimuli, each with an assigned Tagalog exemplar name, were divided into three sets of six arbitrary stimuli with each set composed of two three-member categories. Matching-to-sample pretests showed that all six participants were unable to match stimuli from category A to category B based on experimental relations. Teaching conditions aligned closely with the components required for using intraverbal naming as a verbal mediation strategy on MTS tasks – tact, intraverbal, and listener behavior. The purpose of tact training was to teach participants to say the name of each individual stimulus (e.g., manok, anim, ibon) and to establish each stimulus as a nonverbal SD. Listener testing evaluated whether participants could select a comparison stimulus conditional upon a dictated name. During intraverbal training, experimenters taught participants 15 unidirectional AB intraverbal relations in statement format using the autoclitic “___ goes with ___” (e.g., Manok goes with Ibon) in the absence of visual stimuli. Upon meeting mastery criteria for each condition, all six participants passed the AB MTS posttest, which required them to match arbitrary stimuli solely based on the learned experimental intraverbal relations. Furthermore, two of the participants overtly emitted the intraverbal relation during posttests without having been explicitly instructed to do so. In Experiment 2, four undergraduate students, one from the previous study (P6) and three new recruits were probed for the emergence of symmetrical intraverbal relations and corresponding stimulus-stimulus relations (i.e., MTS performance). P7, P8, and P9 were only exposed to training procedures for one set of stimuli, as opposed to three sets for P6 (due to participation in Experiment 1). The same set of stimuli was used across participants to evaluate derived relations. Following training conditions and the final AB MTS posttest, P6 and P7 were exposed to a BA intraverbal posttest and then a BA MTS posttest. For P8 and P9, the order of the tests was reversed so that the BA MTS posttest was administered before the BA intraverbal posttest. P8 passed the BA MTS posttest, but failed the BA intraverbal posttest and spontaneous vocalization data showed that inaccurate performance was correlated with the absence of overt vocalizations. The remaining three participants passed the posttests, demonstrating the emergence of symmetrical intraverbal and stimulus-stimulus relations. These findings suggest that tact and intraverbal training alone may be sufficient to establish symmetrical intraverbal and stimulus-stimulus relations. 16 Provided that preliminary data on the role of intraverbal naming on derived symmetry relations is promising (Santos et al., 2013), and that teaching efficacy increases as a function of equivalence class formation and expansion (Sidman & Tailby, 1982), the next logical step would be to assess the role of intraverbal naming on transitivity and equivalence relations. Therefore, the purpose of the following two experiments is to evaluate the effects of teaching unidirectional intraverbal relations in a statement format on (1) the emergence of symmetrical (i.e., bidirectional) and transitive intraverbal relations, and (2) the formation of equivalence (stimulus-stimulus) classes. 17 Chapter 2 EXPERIMENT 1 Method Participants Participants included eight undergraduate students from California State University, Sacramento (CSUS), 2 males (P2 and P3) and 6 females (P1, P4, P5, P6, P7, and P8) between the ages of 21 and 34. Prior to the start of the study, participants were asked to complete a demographics survey including the following information: gender, age, grade point average, and primary language (see Table 1). Individuals who participated in any prior stimulus equivalence studies were excluded. Participants were required to attend one 2.5-hour session with a 5-minute break offered after completing each condition (e.g., after pretests, after meeting mastery criteria for tact training, etc.), for a maximum of five breaks per session. Participants received extra credit for an upperdivision college-level psychology course upon completion of the study. 18 Table 1 Participant Demographics Participant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Gender F M M F F F F F F F F M F F Age 21 24 30 22 34 22 22 31 30 25 23 23 31 24 GPA 2.6 N/A 3.8 3.5 3.4 2.3 3.7 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.4 2.6 3.3 Primary Language English English English English English English English English English English English English Tagalog English Setting and Materials All experimental sessions were conducted at the Verbal Behavior Laboratory at CSUS. The room measured 7 x 3 m, and included several tables and office chairs, two desktop computers, two vertical filing cabinets, and a bookshelf. Stimuli consisted of nine common images (similar to Carp, 2012), further divided into three categories – birds (A), states (B), and flowers (C) (see Figure 1), with three members each (i.e., A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3). For intraverbal and MTS tasks, cross set stimuli with the same number were considered a correct match (e.g., A1 and B1) and those with a different number, an incorrect match (e.g., B2 and C1). Target intraverbal relations are shown in Table 2. The letter-number code (e.g., A3) assigned to each stimulus was for the experimenter’s use only; participants were not exposed to these 19 codes. All stimuli were presented via the computer program, Mestre Libras (Elias, Goyos, Saunders, & Saunders, 2008) on a 15-inch LCD computer screen. [A1] Cardinal [A2] Yellowhammer [A3] Mockingbird A1 A2 A3 [B1] Virginia [B2] Alabama [B3] Texas B1 B2 B3 [C1] Dogwood [C2] Camellia [C3] Bluebonnet C1 C2 Figure 1. Experimental stimuli. C3 20 Table 2 Target Intraverbal Relations Antecedent Stimuli Baseline A ïƒ B Bird ïƒ State The state for [A1] is… [A1] Cardinal The state for [A2] is… [A2] Yellowhammer The state for [A3] is… [A3] Mockingbird Correct Response [B1] Virginia [B2] Alabama [B3] Texas B ïƒ C State ïƒ Flower The flower for [B1] is… The flower for [B2] is… The flower for [B3] is… [B1] Virginia [B2] Alabama [B3] Texas [C1] Dogwood [C2] Camellia [C3] Bluebonnet Symmetry B ïƒ A State ïƒ Bird The bird for [B1] is… The bird for [B2] is… The bird for [B3] is… [B1] Virginia [B2] Alabama [B3] Texas [A1] Cardinal [A2] Yellowhammer [A3] Mockingbird C ïƒ B Flower ïƒ State The state for [C1] is… The state for [C2] is… The state for [C3] is… [C1] Dogwood [C2] Camellia [C3] Bluebonnet [B1] Virginia [B2] Alabama [B3] Texas Transitivity A ïƒ C Bird ïƒ Flower The flower for [A1] is… The flower for [A2] is… The flower for [A3] is… [A1] Cardinal [A2] Yellowhammer [A3] Mockingbird [C1] Dogwood [C2] Camellia [C3] Bluebonnet C ïƒ A Flower ïƒ Bird The bird for [C1] is… The bird for [C2] is… The bird for [C3] is… [C1] Dogwood [C2] Camellia [C3] Bluebonnet [A1] Cardinal [A2] Yellowhammer [A3] Mockingbird For each testing and training condition, predetermined blocks consisting of a set number of trials were presented to ensure that stimuli were presented in counterbalanced 21 order to eliminate potential biases (e.g., side bias, exposure, etc.; Green, 2001). Sample stimuli varied unsystematically across trials so that each sample was presented three times within an 18- or 27-trial block. Comparison stimuli were programmed so that (1) comparison arrays consisted of three stimuli per trial, (2) the position of comparison stimuli varied across trials, and (3) the position of the correct comparison stimulus per sample stimulus appeared in the left, middle, and right positions one time each across three trials within a block. For example, in a MTS block, given A1 as a sample stimulus, B1 appeared on the left for one trial, middle for another, and right for the last, with A2 and A3 serving as sample stimuli for trials interspersed in between. Each sample stimulus was presented three times during 27-trial blocks for tact training and listener testing and training, and 18-trial blocks for intraverbal training and testing, and MTS tests. Two patterns of 18- and 27-trial blocks were presented in randomized order to control for repeated exposure. See Appendix A-F for trial order on data sheets. Response Measurement Dependent Variables. For tact and intraverbal training, the dependent variable was the percentage of correct unprompted vocal responses (e.g., for a tact trial, when shown a picture of cardinal [A1], participants said “cardinal [A1],” and for an intraverbal trial, given the fill-in-the-blank statement “The state for cardinal [A1] is…,” participants said “Virginia [B1]”). During listener testing and training, performance was measured as the percentage of correct unprompted selection of a comparison stimulus from a threestimuli array conditional upon the dictated name of a sample stimulus (e.g., when the 22 computer program said “Cardinal [A1],” participants selected the picture of the cardinal [A1] and not the yellowhammer [A2] or mockingbird [A3]). Three variables were measured during MTS test conditions, (1) the percentage of correct unprompted comparison stimulus selection in the presence of a given sample stimulus (e.g., given cardinal [A1] as a sample, selecting Virginia [B1] and not Alabama [B2] or Texas [B3]), (2) response latency, the amount of time in seconds between the presentation of the comparison array and the selection of a comparison stimulus (Bentall et al., 1993; Dymond and Rehfeldt, 2000), and (3) participants’ spontaneous vocalizations (i.e., anything participants overtly say that was not specified by the experimenter). Data Collection. Participants were seated in front of a computer screen and next to the primary experimenter to avoid experimental cueing. The wall behind the computer screen was unadorned. An Apple iPad 2 © was propped up to the right of the participant and experimenter for recording purposes. A trained observer sat behind participants and the experimenter to collect data. The trained observer recorded correct unprompted (+), prompted (P), incorrect responses (-), and spontaneous vocalizations in vivo for all training and testing sessions. To avoid the possibility of incidentally reinforcing participants’ chaining of incorrect and correct responses together (e.g., “self-correction”), the participants’ first response was used to determine if the response was correct or incorrect. For instance, if participants answered, “Texas, I mean Virginia” during a tact training trial, “Texas” was used. For all conditions, participants were required to respond within 5 s of the presentation of the sample stimulus, with the exception of intraverbal 23 and MTS tests, which was 10 s (Santos et al., 2013). The purpose of increasing the amount of time participants had to respond during test conditions was to assess whether longer response latencies were correlated with nodal distance (Bentall et al., 1993). Responses which were no nodes apart (i.e., AB, BC, BA, BC) should have equal response latencies that are shorter than those for responses which are one node apart (i.e., AC, CA). The final percentage for any given block was calculated as follows: number of correct unprompted (+) responses divided by the total number of trials. The software digitally recorded correct and incorrect responses for MTS and listener tests as well as response latency. The trained observer collected data on intraverbal training and testing, and spontaneous vocalizations during the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. Experimental Design A two-tier non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants (Watson & Workman, 1981) was used to evaluate the emergence of derived relations. As shown in Figure 2, four participants (P1, P2, P5, and P6) were exposed to the following conditions: pre-training, MTS pretest, tact training, listener testing, AB/BC intraverbal training, training review, AB/BC MTS posttest, BA/CB intraverbal testing, BA/CB MTS posttest, remedial symmetry training (if needed), AC/CA intraverbal testing, and AC/CA MTS posttest. Remedial training for failing listener testing and MTS posttests were designed but were not evaluated because all participants meeting the passing or emergence criteria (see Appendix G). For the other four participants (P3, P4, P7, and P8), the order of conditions were identical with the exception that for the BA/CB (symmetry) and AC/CA 24 (transitivity) posttests, the corresponding MTS posttests will be conducted prior to the intraverbal test (e.g., BA/CB MTS posttest before BA/CB intraverbal test) as specified in Figure 3. Mastery, passing, and emergence criteria for each condition are presented in Table 3. Figure 2. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P1, P2, P5, and P6. Arrows and boxes with dashed lines represent conditions that will be conducted if participants fail to meet the passing criteria for the preceding condition. Arrows and boxes with solid lines represent standard conditions. 25 Figure 3. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P3, P4, P7, and P8. Arrows and boxes with dashed lines represent conditions that will be conducted if participants fail to meet the passing criteria for the preceding condition. Arrows and boxes with solid lines represent standard conditions. 26 Table 3 Passing, Mastery, and Emergence Criterion for Each Condition Condition 1 Targets per block Trials per block Number of attempts Pre-training 1 (P1, P3, P5, P7) 2 (P2, P4, P6, P8) Criterion 3 consec. correct < 50% MTS Pretest 6 18 2 Tact Training 9 27 N/A 1 block 100% 3 Listener Testing 9 27 2 1 block 100% Listener Training 9 27 N/A 1 block 100% 4 AB/BC Intraverbal Training 6 18 N/A 1 block 100% 5 Review N/A Tact 9 27 N/A 1 block 100% Listener 9 27 N/A 1 block 100% AB/BC Intraverbal 6 18 N/A 1 block 100% AB/BC MTS Posttest 6 18 2 1 block >89% Remedial Phase 1 9 9 N/A 1 block 100% Remedial Phase 2 9 9 N/A 1 block 100% Remedial Phase 3 3 9 N/A 1 block 100% 7 BA/CB Intraverbal Testing 6 18 2 1 block >89% 8 BA/CB MTS Posttest 6 18 2 1 block >89% Remedial Phase 1 3 9 N/A 1 block 100% Remedial Phase 2 3 9 N/A 1 block 100% 9 AC/CA Intraverbal Testing 6 18 2 1 block >89% 10 AC/CA MTS Posttest 6 18 2 1 block >89% Remedial Phase 1 3 9 N/A 1 block 100% Remedial Phase 2 3 9 N/A 1 block 100% AC/CA MTS Vocal Posttest 6 18 1 1 block >89% 6 11 Interobserver Agreement (IOA) A second observer collected data from digital video recordings for 50% of each condition in which Mestre Libras did not record responses (i.e., tact training, and 27 intraverbal training and testing) for IOA purposes. An agreement for each trial is defined by both observers scoring the trial as correct unprompted, prompted, or incorrect. Discrepancies between observers were scored as a disagreement. Point-by-point percentage of agreement was calculated using the following formula: total number of agreements divided by total number of agreements plus disagreements and then multiplied by 100. Each participants’ mean IOA percentage and range across conditions are shown in Table 4. Table 4 Interobserver Agreement and Treatment Integrity Across Participants. P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 Interobserver Agreement Mean Range 99.3 97.6-100 100 100-100 98.1 88.8-100 100 100-100 97.7 88.9-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 99.1 94.4-100 97.2 88.8-100 99.3 97.2-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 Treatment Integrity Mean Range 99.6 94.4-100 99.3 90.2-100 100 100-100 99.2 88.8-100 100 100-100 99.8 97.8-100 99.7 96.2-100 99.4 94.4-100 99.2 94.4-100 99.5 94.4-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 100 100-100 Treatment Integrity (TI) The second observer also assessed TI for 50% of sessions across conditions. Data were collected on the correct implementation of each trial, including: (1) the timing of prompts (e.g., no delay vs. after 5-seconds), and (2) the delivery of consequences (e.g., 28 after every response or none). The trial was coded as incorrect if either of these components were implemented incorrectly or omitted. Treatment integrity across conditions was calculated by dividing the number of correctly executed trials by the total number of trials across conditions and multiplied by 100. Means and ranges for TI for individual participants are included in Table 4. Procedures Pre-training. The purpose of this condition was to familiarize participants with the different training procedures and computer program. Six familiar stimuli (see Figure 4) not related to those of the study, divided equally into two categories were used for this condition only. Practice trials for tact training, listener testing, intraverbal training (see Table 5) and MTS tests were conducted separately until participants reached three consecutive correct unprompted responses on each task. The procedures for each condition are described in detail below using experimental stimuli in place of familiar stimuli. 29 [A1] Pig [A2] Elephant [A3] Cat A1 A2 A3 [B1] Orange [B2] Banana [B3] Apple B1 B2 Figure 4. Pre-training stimuli. B3 Table 5 Pre-Training Target Intraverbal Relations Antecedent Stimuli A ïƒ B Animal ïƒ Fruit The fruit for [A1] is… [A1] Pig The fruit for [A2] is… [A2] Elephant The fruit for [A3] is… [A3] Cat Correct Response [B1] Orange [B2] Banana [B3] Apple MTS pre- and posttests. The purpose of this condition was to determine whether participants could match the stimuli shown in Figure 1 based on the intraverbal relations listed in Table 2. The experimenter read the following instructions to participants prior to the start of the condition: In this condition, you will be shown a blank screen with a blue box positioned at the top left corner. Click on the box and a picture will appear. Then click on the picture and three pictures will appear underneath it. I want you to click on the picture on the bottom row that best matches the picture at the top. You will have 10-seconds to respond after the pictures appear across the bottom of the screen and the first 30 picture you click will be recorded as your answer. I will not be giving you any feedback at this point. Do you have any questions? Each trial began with participants using the mouse to click on a blue box at the top left corner of the screen (the observing response) for a visual stimulus to appear (e.g., cardinal [A1]) on the top right corner. Participants then clicked on the stimulus (the observing response). Subsequently, three pictures appeared across the bottom of the screen (e.g., Virginia [B1], Alabama [B2], and Texas [B3]). Participants had 10 s to respond once comparison stimuli appeared before the experimenter prompted, “Please make a selection.” There were no programmed consequences following correct or incorrect responses. Upon selecting a comparison stimulus by using the mouse to click on it, a blank screen with a blue box at the top left corner appeared, signaling the start of the next trial. For the pretest, six relations were tested: (1) bird to state (AB), and (2) state to flower (BC), (3) state to bird (BA), (4) flower to state (CB), (5) bird to flower (AC), and (6) flower to bird (CA). The AB/BC relations served as baseline relations and participants were directly trained on these two relations. Posttests assessed for the emergence of BA/CB symmetry relations and AC/CA transitivity relations and were conducted in the orders specified in Figures 2 and 3. Sessions were conducted in 18-trial blocks in which each of the six sample stimuli were presented three times with the corresponding comparison stimulus presented one time each in the left, middle, and right positions. For the pretest, the criterion for continuing to the next condition was one to two 18-trial blocks with 50% or less of correct responses. For posttests, participants were 31 given two attempts (i.e. two blocks) to meet the passing or emergence criteria, so that if participants failed the first block, a second block was presented. If participants also failed the second block, then remedial training was implemented. The passing criterion for AB/BC relations and emergence criteria for BA/CB and AC/CA relations was set at one 18-trial block with 16 out of 18 trials (89%) of correct responding. If P1, P2, P5, and P6 failed to meet the passing or emergence criterion for BA/CB and AC/CA MTS posttests, the experimenter directly taught participants the corresponding intraverbal relations that were presented in the preceding intraverbal test condition (see Appendix G). However, if P3, P4, P7, and P8 failed to meet the passing or emergence criterion for BA/CB and AC/CA relations, they continued to the corresponding intraverbal test. Failure to meet the emergence criterion for the subsequent intraverbal test resulted in remedial training as specified for the corresponding MTS task (see Appendix G). For example, if a participant scored 67% and 50% on two consecutive blocks of BC/CA MTS and proceeded to score 33% on the following BC/CA intraverbal test, then remedial training for BC/CA relations was conducted. Nonetheless, if a participant met emergence criteria for the intraverbal test, the corresponding MTS posttest was repeated and if he or she still failed, remedial training was implemented. The terminal condition for each participant was one 18-trial block of AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. Prior to the start, the experimenter read the following instructions to participants: 32 For this last condition, I want you to think out loud so that we know what your thought process is as you are solving the task. The rest of the condition will be identical to the previous matching conditions with 10seconds to respond and no feedback until the very end. Do you have any questions? The emergence criteria was set at one 18-trial block with 16 out of 18 trials (89%) of correct responding regardless of vocalizations emitted. Tact training. The purpose of this condition was to teach participants to label each of the nine stimuli when presented successively. Prior to this condition, the experimenter read the following instructions to participants: In this condition, you will be shown a blank screen with a blue box positioned at the top. Point to the box with your finger and after I click on the box with the mouse, a picture will appear. I want you to tell me what you see. In the beginning, I will help you by saying the name of the picture and having you repeat after me. Then, I will let you label the picture as best as you can. You will have 5-seconds to respond after the picture appears and your first answer will be recorded as your response. I will give you feedback on correct and incorrect answers to help you along the way. Do you have any questions? After participants pointed to the blue box (the observing response) located at the top of the computer screen, the experimenter clicked on the blue box and a visual stimulus appeared. Initially, a zero-second delay echoic prompt was provided upon the presentation of a stimulus, where the experimenter said the name for participants to repeat. After the first nine-trials of the first block, a constant 5-second prompt delay (Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh, 2011) was implemented for the remaining 18 trials and all subsequent blocks. Participants had the opportunity to respond independently within the 5-second interval before the experimenter’s echoic prompt. The experimenter provided 33 praise for all correct unprompted responses. If participants responded incorrectly, the experimenter said, “Try again. Cardinal (A1). What is it?” had participants repeat the answer, and re-presented the trial. Following the first correct unprompted response, the experimenter only provided praise for all subsequent correct unprompted responses and not prompted responses (Karsten & Carr, 2009). Sessions were conducted in 27-trial blocks in which each of nine sample stimuli were presented three times in predetermined random order. The mastery criterion for proceeding to the next condition was one 27trial block with 27 out of 27 trials (100%) of correct responding. Listener testing. The purpose of this condition was to assess how accurately participants can select a comparison stimulus from a three-stimulus array upon hearing a dictated name. The experimenter read the following instructions to participants at the beginning: In this condition, you will be shown a blank screen with a blue box positioned at the top left corner. Click on the blue box and a white box will appear and the program will say a name. Then click on the white box and three pictures will appear beneath it. I want you to click on the picture on the bottom row that best matches the name that you heard. You will have 5-seconds to respond after the pictures appear across the bottom of the screen and the first picture you click will be recorded as your answer. I will provide you with feedback at the end of this task. Do you have any questions? Each trial began with participants using the mouse to click a solid blue box presented on the top left corner of the computer screen. A white box appeared on the top right corner and Mestre Libras dictated the name of a target stimulus. Subsequently, participants clicked on the white box (the observing response) and three pictures appeared across the bottom of the screen. Participants were given 5-seconds to respond 34 and there were no programmed consequences for correct or incorrect responses. Sessions were conducted in 27-trial blocks in which each of nine sample stimuli were presented three times and the corresponding comparison stimulus presented one time each in the left, middle, and right positions. Participants were given two attempts to meet the passing criterion, which was set at one 27-trial block with 27 out of 27 trials (100%) of correct responding. Failure to pass listener testing resulted in listener training (see Appendix G). Intraverbal training. The purpose of this condition was to teach participants intraverbals which established the relations between two stimuli from different classes. Target intraverbal relations are presented in Table 2. Blocks contained mixed AB and BC relations, with each relation targeted three times. For the first block, the experimenter read the following instructions to participants: In this condition, I will say a complete statement for you to repeat. Once you repeat the statement, I will give you with a fill-in-the-blank statement to complete. You will have 5-seconds to respond and your first response will be recorded. I will give you feedback on correct and incorrect answers to help you along the way. Do you have any questions? Each trial began with the experimenter modeling a statement (i.e., a prompt) for participants to repeat. Once participants repeated the statement, the experimenter presented the same statement in a fill-in-the-blank format and gave participants 5-seconds to complete it. For example, the experimenter said, “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1)” and participants echoed, “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1).” 35 Subsequently, the experimenter said, “The state for cardinal (A1) is…” and waited 5seconds for participants to respond. Praise was provided for correct responses and the second observer recorded it as a prompted (P) response. Following an incorrect response, the second observer marked the trial as incorrect (-) and the experimenter implemented an error correction procedure by saying, “Try again,” stating the correct answer, and repeating the trial. For instance, “Try again. Virginia (B1). The state for cardinal (A1) is…” Starting with the second block, trials consisted of fill-in-the-blank statements only. The experimenter told participants: Now, I will no longer model the statement beforehand. I will just give you the fill-in-the-blank statement and I want you to finish it to the best of your ability. You will have 5-seconds to respond and your first answer will be recorded. I will give you feedback on correct and incorrect answers to help you along the way. Do you have any questions? For example, the experimenter only said, “The state for cardinal (A1) is…” and gave participants 5-seconds to respond. If participants responded correctly praise was provided. If participants responded incorrectly, the experimenter stated the correct response, and immediately re-presented the trial. Sessions were conducted in 18-trial blocks with each of the six target relations presented three times. The mastery criterion for moving to the next condition was one 18-trial block with 100% of correct responding. Review. The purpose of this condition was to ensure participants maintained accurate responding of trained skills in the absence of programmed consequences. The 36 review condition made sure that performance on posttests could not be attributed to sudden changes in the schedule of reinforcement (e.g., ratio strain; Baum, 1993). The review phase included a minimum of one 27-trial block of listener, two18trial blocks of intraverbal, and two 27-trial blocks of tact, with trials within a block counterbalanced as mentioned in the corresponding sections. The listener, tact, and intraverbal sequence was fixed to eliminate the possibility of presenting tact, intraverbal, then listener, as this is the sequence of behaviors that participants needed to engage in during posttests if they used intraverbal naming as a mediation strategy. The first block of tact and intraverbal review were divided into three equal segments (i.e., 3 6-trial segments for 27-trial blocks, and 3 6-trial segments for 18-trial blocks, respectively) so that the probability of reinforcement for the first third of the trials is 100%, the second is 50%, and the last is 0%. This fading procedure was not applied to the listener review because listener testing was initially conducted in the absence of reinforcement and hence reinforcement did not need to be faded. If responding in the first block was maintained at 100% correct responding for tact and intraverbal, a second block was administered in the absence of programmed consequences. Error correction (i.e., echoic prompt and repeating the trial) was provided for each incorrect response. The criterion for moving to the next condition, AB/BC MTS posttest, was set at one 18-trial block at 100% correct responding for the intraverbal review and one 27-trial block at 100% of correct responding for each listener and tact reviews with no reinforcement. 37 Intraverbal testing. This condition was conducted in the same manner as intraverbal training, with the exception of no programmed consequences or error correction procedures, and participants were given 10-seconds to respond after the experimenter presented the fill-in-the-blank statement. The two relations tested were (1) BA/CB (symmetry), and (2) AC/CA (transitivity), in the order specified in Figures 2 and 3. Participants were given up to two attempts (i.e., two blocks) to meet the emergence criterion. Sessions were conducted in 18-trial blocks and each of the six target relations were presented three times in an unsystematic manner. There was no passing criterion for intraverbal tests and participants proceeded to the corresponding MTS task (P1, P2, P5, and P6) or necessary remedial training (P3, P4, P7, and P8) after up to two 18-trial blocks of intraverbal testing. Upon completing BA/CB intraverbal testing, P1, P2, P5, and P6 moved on to the BA/CB MTS posttest and P3, P4, P7, and P8 moved on to remedial training or proceeding MTS posttest regardless of performance on the intraverbal test. The emergence criterion for intraverbal relations was set at one 18-trial block with 16 out of 18 trials (89%) or higher of correct responding (Carp, 2012). Results and Discussion P1 and P2 Figure 5 depicts the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P1 (top panel) and P2 (bottom panel). P1 performed below chance level (50%) for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (22%), BA/CB (39%), and AC/CA (33%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after three blocks 38 (81 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after six blocks (108 trials). During the review, she needed one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (94%), BA/CB MTS (100%), AC/CA intraverbal testing (100%), and AC/CA MTS (89%), in this order. Additionally, she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) by correctly tacting stimuli or emitting an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented for each trial (100%) of the block. There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 2.53 s, M = 2.05 s, and M = 2.58 s, respectively), (2) cross test first trial performance (3.03 s, 2.68 s, and 2.40 s, respectively), and (3) across trials within the first block (see Figure 6). 39 Figure 5. Results for P1 on top panel and P2 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 40 Figure 6. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P1. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Similarly, P2 also failed the AB/BC (M = 33% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 39% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 36% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing three blocks (81 trials) of tact training, he met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). He achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with six blocks (108 trials). Within the review, he required one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and three blocks (54 trials) of intraverbal. He went on to pass the AB/BC (89%), BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) intraverbal tests. Moreover, P2 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest 41 while emitting experimentally defined tacts or intraverbal relations for 12 out of 18 trials (67%). For the other six trials, he produced self-generated intraverbals that corresponded with some feature of the stimuli presented, such as “This little flower goes with the big bird that’s red.” Cross test data showed a notably longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (7.88 s) when compared to the first BA/CB (3.57 s) and BA/CB (4.70 s) trials. However, there were negligible differences on AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 3.65 s, M = 2.90 s, and M = 3.50 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 7). Figure 7. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P2. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. 42 P3 and P4 Figure 8 shows the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P3 (top panel) and P4 (bottom panel). P4 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (0%), BA/CB (6%), and AC/CA (22%). He reached the mastery criterion for tact training after three blocks (81 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, he met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after three blocks (54 trials). During the review, he needed one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. In the posttest phase, he met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (100%), AC/CA MTS (100%), and AC/CA intraverbal testing (89%), in this order. Additionally, he passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented for four out of 18 trials (22%). Cross test data showed a longer response latency for the first AC/CA trial (2.95 s) when compared to the first AB/BC (2.22 s) and BA/CB (1.92 s) trials. There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 2.61 s, M = 2.34 s, and M = 2.95 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the first block (see Figure 9). 43 Figure 8. Results for P3 on top panel and P4 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 44 Figure 9. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P3. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P4 also failed the AB/BC (M = 17% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 17% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 33% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing two blocks (54 trials) of tact training, she met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). She achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with three blocks (54 trials). Within the review, she required one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. She went on to pass the AB/BC (100%), BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) intraverbal tests. Moreover, P4 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) 45 while emitting correct tacts or intraverbal relations for 18 out of 18 trials (100%). Latency data for P4’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 2.06 s, M = 1.94 s, and M = 1.90 s, respectively), (2) cross test first trial performances (2.58 s, 2.28 s, and 2.65 s, respectively), and (3) across trials within the block (see Figure 10). Figure 10. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P4. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P5 and P6 Figure 11 depicts the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P5 (top panel) and P6 (bottom panel). P5 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (22%), BA/CB (39%), and 46 AC/CA (11%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after five blocks (135 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after 11 blocks (198 trials). During the review, she needed one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and four blocks (72 trials) of intraverbal. In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (100%), BA/CB MTS (100%), AC/CA intraverbal testing (94%), and AC/CA MTS (94%), in this order. Additionally, she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented in 6 out of 18 trials (33%). For the other 12 trials, she emitted tacts or intraverbals that corresponded with the color of the stimuli (e.g., “Red white,” when cardinal [A1] was the sample and dogwood [C1] was the correct comparison). Cross test data showed a notably longer response latency for the first AC/CA trial (4.08 s) when compared to the first AB/BC (2.73 s) and BA/CB (2.17 s) trials. There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 1.77 s, M = 1.67 s, and M = 1.72 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the first block (see Figure 12). 47 Figure 11. Results for P5 on top panel and P6 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 48 Figure 12. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P5. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Similarly, P6 also failed the AB/BC (M = 47% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 33.5% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 36% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing two blocks (54 trials) of tact training, she met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). She achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with five blocks (90 trials). For the review, she required one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. She went on to pass the AB/BC (94%), BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (94%) intraverbal tests. Moreover, P6 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest 49 (100%) but only emitted an experimentally defined tact and no intraverbal relations in one out of 18 trials (6%). Cross test data showed a notably longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (3.68 s) when compared to the first BA/CB (2.67 s) and AC/CA (2.28 s) trials. Latency data for P6’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 2.39 s, M = 2.28 s, and M = 2.67 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 13). Figure 13. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P6. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P7 and P8 Figure 14 shows the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P7 (top panel) and P8 (bottom panel). P7 50 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (44%), BA/CB (44%), and AC/CA (0%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after two blocks (54 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after two blocks (36 trials). During the review, she needed one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (94%), BA/CB MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (100%), AC/CA MTS (89%), and AC/CA intraverbal testing (100%) in this order. Additionally, she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented in all 18 trials (100%). There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 2.02 s, M = 1.96 s, and M = 1.77 s, respectively), (2) cross test first trial performance (1.80 s, 1.33 s, and 1.75 s, respectively), and (3) across trials within the first block (see Figure 15). 51 Figure 14. Results for P7 on top panel and P8 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 52 Figure 15. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P7. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P8 also failed the AB/BC (M = 22% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 41.5% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 8.5% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing two blocks (54 trials) of tact training, she met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). She achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with seven blocks (126 trials). For the review, she required one block (27 trials) of listener, two blocks (54 trials) of tact, and two blocks (36 trials) of intraverbal. She went on to pass the AB/BC (100%), BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (89%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) intraverbal tests. Moreover, P8 passed the AC/CA vocal posttest (100%) 53 and emitted experimentally defined tacts or intraverbal relations for all trials (100%). Cross test response latency data showed a notably longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (7.07 s) when compared to the first BA/CB (5.18 s) and AC/CA (3.25 s) trials. On the contrary, P8’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 3.24 s, M = 2.65 s, and M = 2.43 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 16). Figure 16. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P8. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview None of the participants spontaneously emitted target tacts or intraverbals during the MTS posttests until specifically instructed to do so for the AC/CA MTS vocal 54 posttest. P3 and P7 were the only participants who tacted the sample (e.g., a flower), the related state, and produced the corresponding intraverbal (e.g., a bird). For example, P7 said, “Yellowhammer, Alabama, camellia,” when shown A2 as the sample and, C1, C2, and C3 as the comparisons. Three participants, P1, P4, and P8 produced intraverbals that only included the name of the sample and correct comparison stimuli, such as, “Bluebonnet, mockingbird.” P2, P5, and P6 emitted self-generated intraverbals that were composed of (1) a target tact and/or a physical feature, or (2) two physical features of the sample and/or comparison stimuli. For example, in the presence of dogwood (C1) as the sample, P6 said, “Dogwood is red,” with “red” corresponding to the color of the cardinal (A1), the correct comparison stimulus. Given the same trial, P5 said, “Red,” in the presence of dogwood (C1), which describes the color of the corresponding comparison stimulus, the cardinal (A1), and not the sample itself, which is white. Lastly, P2 was the most creative and said statements such as, “This little flower (dogwood [C1]) goes with the big bird that’s red (cardinal [A1]),” for the same trial. In the post-experimental interview, seven of the eight participants admitted using some form of verbal mediation to determine the correct response on MTS and intraverbal posttests. P4 was the only participant who reported not knowing how she was emitting correct responses on posttests. P1 and P6 reported that their problem solving strategy was to supplement the target intraverbal relations with previous knowledge. For example, P6 reported establishing the mockingbird (A3) – Texas (B3) – bluebonnet (C3) relation by thinking about the book, “To Kill a Mockingbird from Texas, and then the 55 blue lonestar state…[which is] Texas” for bluebonnet. The majority of participants (P2, P3, P5, P7, and P8) explained that they linked the sample back to the corresponding state to identify the correct comparison stimulus (e.g., “Put the names of things together with the state,” “The bird goes to the state, so it must go to the flower,” “I was grouping them by the state-flower and state-bird for each state”). These self-reported verbal mediation strategies are consistent with the notion that training structures utilizing familiar stimuli (i.e., states) as nodes are effective in producing derived relations (Arntzen & Lian, 2010; Holth & Arntzen, 1998). Familiar or meaningful stimuli can function as SDs (Arntzen & Lian, 2010; Fields, Arnzten, Narty, & Eilifsen, 2012) to evoke behaviors that lead to reinforcement, such as selection responses or precurrent behaviors (i.e., problem solving strategies; Palmer 1991) when the desired response is unknown (Delaney & Austin, 1998). Common naming, intraverbal naming, joint control (Lowenkron, 2006), and visual imaging are all examples of precurrent behaviors. In terms of the current study, it is possible that if flowers (C), a less familiar class of stimuli, served as nodes rather than states (B), then participants would have had difficulties establishing equivalence relations. Summary As shown in Figure 2, P1, P2, P5, and P6 were exposed to intraverbal tests before MTS posttests for each emerging relation (i.e., BA/CB and AC/CA). Conditions were presented in reverse order for P3, P4, P7, and P8, so that MTS posttests were conducted before intraverbal tests (see Figure 3). Despite this procedural variation, all eight 56 participants demonstrated the emergence of symmetry (BA/CB) and transitivity (AC/CA) intraverbal relations, as well as stimulus-stimulus classes following tact training, listener testing, and AB/BC intraverbal training. None of the participants required more than one block for each of the MTS posttests to meet the passing criterion and hence none needed remedial training. Prior to training, all participants failed the MTS pretests for all relations (i.e., AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA). Results from the AB/BC MTS posttest support the notion that tact training, listener testing, and AB/BC intraverbal training, as a package, were effective in teaching participants to match pictures that were arbitrarily related (i.e., only related via the intraverbal relation and not physical characteristics; Santos et al., 2013). Participants’ performance on BA/CB and AC/CA MTS posttests suggest that the training package was also sufficient in establishing equivalence classes. Additionally, all participants met the emergence criteria for both BA/CB and AC/CA intraverbal tests on the first block, suggesting that the training package was effective in teaching participants to emit intraverbal relations that were symmetrical (BA/CB) or transitive (AC/CA) to baseline (AB/BC) relations. In examining the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest, P1, P5, and P8 shared a similar performance pattern. These three participants met the mastery criteria on the first block (89%, 94%, and 89%, respectively) of the AC/CA MTS posttest. However, when instructed to talk about their problem solving strategy aloud in the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest, P1, P5, and P8 scored 100% correct responding for that block, demonstrating an 57 improvement in responding accuracy. In the common naming literature, if participants failed to categorize following training in speaker (i.e., tact) and listener (i.e., selection) behaviors, an effective remedial strategy consisted of instructing participants to overtly tact the sample before selecting the comparison stimulus within a MTS framework (Lowe et al., 2002; Miguel & Kobari-Wright, 2013). The findings from P1, P5, and P8’s AC/CA MTS posttest and AC/CA MTS vocal posttest seems to resonate with this response pattern. That is, requiring a verbal response in the presence of the sample stimulus may improve selection accuracy for the comparison stimulus, and therefore strengthening the hypothesis that verbal mediation plays a role the formation of equivalence classes (Horne & Lowe, 1996). Response latency data on MTS posttests were mixed across the eight participants; there were no clear differentiations in latency across the different relations tested. For most of the participants, the differences were minute. The AC/CA MTS posttest assessed for the derivation of transitivity relations. Since two relations were required to relate a bird (A stimuli) to a flower (C stimuli), bird (A) to state (B) and state (B) to bird (C), a participant using verbal mediation as the problem solving strategy would require more time on a transitivity trial when compared to a baseline (AB/BC) or symmetry (BA/CB) trial (Carp, 2012). Notably, P3 and P5 had longer latencies for the first trial of the AC/CA MTS posttest (2.95 s and 4.08 s) than the AB/BC (2.22 s and 2.73 s) and BA/CB (1.92 s and 2.17 s) MTS posttests, replicating the findings from previous studies (e.g., Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012). However, P2, P6, and P8 spent considerably more time 58 on the first trial of the AB/BC MTS posttest (7.88 s, 3.68 s, and 7.07 s) than the BA/CB (3.57 s, 2.67 s, and 5.18 s) and AC/CA (4.70 s, 2.28 s, and 3.25 s) MTS posttests. P1, P4, and P7 did not show a differentiation in response latency for the first trial across the three posttests. One possible explanation for the mixed response latency results is that the training package included superfluous components that led to participants learning to select while engaging in alternative forms of mediation before reaching the MTS posttests. For example, the tact or listener review tasks following AB/BC intraverbal training exposed participants to the visual stimuli again and thus may have allowed participants to relate stimuli based on the intraverbal relations. It is possible that during the review, participants related stimuli using intraverbal naming, but after repeated exposures to the pairing via strategies such as visual imaging (e.g., Kisamore et al., 2011), their responses during MTS posttests may have come under the control of self-generated intraverbals (e.g., P2 saying “The mockingbird belongs with the bluebonnet”), other verbal mediation strategies (e.g., in the presence of bluebonnet [C3] as the sample, P6 said, “Grey,” which corresponded with a physical characteristic of mockingbird [A3], the correct comparison stimulus), or no mediation strategies at all (Stromer, MacKay, & Remington, 1996). While it is possible that participants may have matched stimuli based on visual mediation strategies, previous studies evaluating visual-visual MTS training only (Smeets & Barnes-Holmes, 2005a) or in combination with tact training (Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012) on MTS tests of symmetry and transitivity relations, have produced inconsistent 59 emergent relations, with failures correlated with faulty verbal repertoires (e.g., failures to demonstrate emerging intraverbal relations were correlated with failures on MTS tests for the same emergent relation; Carp, 2012). Therefore, it is very unlikely that participants formed equivalence classes in the current study without engaging in any form of verbal mediation, at least not in the initial stages. Therefore, the purpose of Experiment 2 was to evaluate whether the review phase was an essential component following tact training, listener testing, and AB/BC intraverbal training, for the emergence of derived intraverbal relations and equivalence classes and its effect on response latency. 60 Chapter 3 EXPERIMENT 2 Method Participants, Setting and Materials Participants included two female (P9 and P10) undergraduate students from CSUS, ages 30 and 25, respectively (see Table 1), and were recruited based on the same criteria as specified in Experiment 1. They were given extra credit for an upper-division psychology course for completing the study. Settings and materials were identical to those described in Experiment 1. Dependent Measures and Experimental Design A two-tier non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants (Watson & Workman, 1981) was used to evaluate the emergence of derived relations. Mastery, passing, and emergence criteria for each condition were the same as Experiment 1 (see Table 3). Interobserver agreement (IOA) and treatment integrity (TI) data were also collected as described in Experiment 1. Each participant’s IOA percentage and range as well as TI mean and range are shown in Table 4. Procedures All training and testing conditions were identical to those described in Experiment 1 and presented in the same order as P1, P2, P5, and P6, with the omission of the review 61 phase. More specifically, immediately after AB/BC intraverbal training, P9 and P10 were exposed to MTS and intraverbal posttests (see Figure 17). Figure 17. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P9 and P10. Results and Discussion P9 and P10 Figure 18 depicts the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P9 (top panel) and P10 (bottom panel). P9 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (17%), BA/CB (28%), and AC/CA (17%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after two blocks (54 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after four blocks (72 trials). In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (94%), BA/CB MTS (100%), AC/CA intraverbal testing (100%), and AC/CA MTS (100%), in this order. Additionally, 62 Figure 18. Results for P9 on top panel and P10 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 63 she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented for seven out of 18 trials (39%). Cross MTS posttest data showed a notably longer response latency for the first AC/CA trial (2.60 s) when compared to the first AB/BC trial (1.80 s) and not the first BA/CB trial (2.32 s). There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 1.94 s, M = 1.85 s, and M = 2.16 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the first block (see Figure 19). Figure 19. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P9. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P10 also failed the AB/BC (M = 33% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 11.5% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 33% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon 64 completing three blocks (81 trials) of tact training, she met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). After she achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with four blocks (72 trials), she went on to pass the AB/BC (100%), BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (100%), and AC/CA (94%) intraverbal tests. Furthermore, P10 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) while emitting the experimentally defined tact or intraverbal relations in 18 out of 18 trials (100%). Cross MTS posttest first trial data showed a noticeable longer response latency for the AB/BC posttest (4.85 s) than the BA/CB posttest (3.45 s) and even more so for the AC/CA posttest (2.67 s). Latency data for P10’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 3.35 s, M = 2.68 s, and M = 2.67 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 20). 65 Figure 20. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P10. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview Neither P9 nor P10 emitted spontaneous tacts or intraverbals while completing the MTS posttests until instructed to do so for the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. For each tact, P9 added the color of the stimulus to form an intraverbal (e.g., “Pink camellia goes with yellowhammer”) for the first eight trials which evolved into intraverbals composed of colors only (e.g., “Pink goes with yellow”) for the remaining 10 trials. P10 produced two-word intraverbals consisting of the tacts for the sample and correct comparison stimuli (e.g., “Cardinal, dogwood”) for all 18 trials. 66 When asked to describe her strategy during the post-experimental interview for relating birds (A) to flowers (C), the transitivity relation, P9 reported that she was matching “mostly just by color.” However, direct observation of her vocalizations and selection responses shows that she was not matching by the physical colors of the stimuli, but according to the colors of her self-generated intraverbals. For instance, if she was matching by physical color, she should have put cardinal (red; A1) and camellia (pink; C2) together. Yet in the presence of a cardinal (A1), P9 said, “Red goes with white,” with ‘white’ being a physical characteristic of dogwood (C3), the correct comparison stimulus. Likewise, P10 also reported using a verbal mediation strategy, to solve posttests. She stated, “I’d say the state, the flower, and the bird to myself when [experimenters] were doing stuff…Texas, bluebonnet, mockingbird. Texas, bluebonnet, mockingbird.” This account of covert verbal behavior aligns closely with the notion that self-echoic repetition (Skinner, 1957) may be sufficient to facilitate the emergence of novel intraverbal relations (Lowe & Beasty, 1987) which in turn, can be applied to situations in which intraverbal naming may be used as a mediation strategy (Horne & Lowe, 1996). Summary Similar to the eight participants in Experiment 1, symmetry (BA/CB) and transitivity (AC/CA) intraverbal relations, as well as stimulus-stimulus classes emerged following tact training, listener testing, and AB/BC intraverbal training for the two participants in Experiment 2. Prior to training, both participants failed MTS pretests for 67 all relations (i.e., AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA). Neither of the participants required more than one posttest block for each of the MTS tasks to meet the passing criteria and hence did not need remedial training. Results from the three MTS posttests further support the notion that the training package was effective in teaching participants to match pictures that were arbitrarily related and sufficient in establishing equivalence classes. Additionally, both participants met the emergence criteria for both BA/CB and AC/CA intraverbal tests on the first block, indicating that the training package was effective in teaching participants to formulate symmetry (BA/CB) and transitivity (AC/CA) intraverbal relations. For the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest, P10 produced a novel performance pattern. She initially passed the AC/CA MTS posttest with 100% accuracy, but when instructed to talk in the subsequent AC/CA MTS vocal posttest, response accuracy declined to 89%. Such performance is inconsistent with that of P1, P5, and P8, as well as participants in previous studies implementing requirements for vocalizations as a remedial strategy for failure on categorization tasks (Lowe et al., 2002; Miguel & Kobari-Wright, 2013). Response latency across the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were mixed across the two participants, yet similar to what was obtained in Experiment 1. P9 required noticeably more time for the first AC/CA trial (2.60 s) than the first AB/BC trial (1.80 s), but not the first BA/CB trial (2.32 s). On the contrary, P10 had a longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (4.85 s) when compared to the first BA/CB trial (3.45 s), and more so for the first AC/CA trial (2.67 s). Therefore, only one of the two 68 participants’ latency data is consistent with previous findings showing a longer latency for transitivity relations than baseline and symmetry relations (Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012). Overall results indicated that the review included in Experiment 1 was a superfluous training component because the absence of it did not affect participants’ ability to meet passing or emergence criteria on all MTS and intraverbal posttests. However, contrary to the hypothesis that extra exposure to visual stimuli in the review (i.e., tact and listener tasks,) may have allowed participants to relate stimuli using alternative mediation strategies (e.g., visual imaging) prior to MTS posttests and hence influencing latency, the elimination of the review did not provide any clearer response latency patterns across baseline, symmetry, and transitivity MTS posttests, than those obtained in Experiment 1. Aside from the review exposing participants to visual experimental stimuli prior to posttests, the sequence of posttests may have also facilitated the passing of MTS posttests or emergence of novel intraverbals in the same manner. In Experiment 1, a MTS posttest was always presented immediately before or after an intraverbal test so that the first condition may have served as a prompt for the second condition. For example, when a MTS posttest was presented before its respective intraverbal test (i.e., BA/CB MTS posttest then BA/CB intraverbal test), the exposure to visual stimuli pairings during the MTS posttest may have inadvertently served as a type of visual prompt to facilitate the emergence of intraverbal relations that corresponded with the subsequent intraverbal 69 test. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of picture prompts in establishing intraverbals (Ingvarsson & Hollobaugh, 2011). However, tact and visualvisual MTS alone have inconsistently produced novel intraverbal and equivalence classes (Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012). While unlikely, the possibility that the visual-visual stimuli pairings during MTS trials served as prompts for participants to engage in covert intraverbals that matched the tested relations in the subsequent intraverbal posttest still exists. The same potential confound happens when an intraverbal test was presented immediately prior to its MTS counterpart (i.e., AC/CA intraverbal test before AC/CA MTS posttest). Auditory presentation of stimulus pairs during intraverbal testing may have evoked visual images (Skinner, 1974) of the stimuli, allowing participants to relate them on a covert level that facilitated quicker responding on subsequent MTS posttests assessing the same relations. As a result, the alternating sequences of posttests can unintentionally function as a formal prompt, which is often used to strengthen weak intraverbal behaviors (Skinner, 1957). Thus, the purpose of Experiment 3 was to evaluate whether the juxtaposition of MTS and intraverbal posttests was affecting the emergence of derived intraverbal relations and equivalence classes, as well as response latency by administering all MTS posttests prior to intraverbal tests and vice versa following tact training, listener testing, and intraverbal training only. 70 Chapter 4 EXPERIMENT 3 Method Participants, Setting and Materials Participants included one male (P12) and three female (P11, P13, and P14) undergraduate students from CSUS, between the ages of 23 and 31 (see Table 1), and were recruited based on the same criteria as specified in Experiment 1. All participants were given extra credit for an upper-division psychology course upon completion of the study. Settings and materials were identical to those described in Experiment 1. Dependent Measures and Experimental Design A two-tier non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants (Watson & Workman, 1981) was used to evaluate the emergence of derived relations. Mastery, passing, and emergence criteria for each condition were the same as Experiment 1 (see Table 3). Interobserver agreement (IOA) and treatment integrity (TI) data were also collected as detailed in Experiment 1. Each participant’s IOA percentage and range as well as TI mean and range are shown in Table 4. 71 Procedures All procedures were conducted as described in Experiment 1 with the exception of the order of posttests. For P11 and P12, all MTS posttests were presented before intraverbal tests (see Figure 21). Figure 21. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P11 and P12. On the contrary, P13 and P14 were exposed to intraverbal tests before MTS posttests (Figure 22). Figure 22. Sequence of training and testing conditions for P13 and P14. Results and Discussion P11 and P12 Figure 23 depicts the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P11 (top panel) and P12 (bottom panel). P11 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (6%), BA/CB (17%), 72 and AC/CA (33%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after three blocks (81 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after three blocks (54 trials). In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for the AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB MTS (94%), AC/CA MTS (100%), BA/CB intraverbal testing (100%), AC/CA intraverbal testing (100%), in this order. Additionally, she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented for each trial, 100% of the time. Cross MTS posttest data indicated a noticeably longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (5.27 s) when compared to the first BA/CB trial (2.65 s) and AC/CA trial (2.28 s). There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 2.12 s, M = 2.19 s, and M = 1.67 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the first block (see Figure 24). 73 Figure 23. Results for P11 on top panel and P12 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 74 Figure 24. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P11. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Similarly, P12 also failed the AB/BC (M = 30.5% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 27.5% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 0% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing two blocks (54 trials) of tact training, he met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). He achieved mastery criterion for intraverbal training with three blocks (54 trials). He went on to pass the AB/BC (100%), BA/CB (89%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests and met emergence criterion for BA/CB (89%), and AC/CA (94%) intraverbal tests. Furthermore, P12 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest and emitted experimentally defined tacts or intraverbal relations in 18 out of 18 trials (100%). Cross MTS posttest first trial data 75 indicated a longer response latency for the first AC/CA trial (3.50 s) than the AB/BC trial (2.67 s) and BA/CB trial (2.55 s). Differences in latency for P12’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 2.52 s, M = 2.65 s, and M = 2.46 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 25). Figure 25. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P12. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P13 and P14 Figure 26 depicts the percentage of correct responses across MTS pre- and posttests, listener tests, and intraverbal tests for P13 (top panel) and P14 (bottom panel). P13 performed below chance level for all MTS pretests, AB/BC (17%), BA/CB (39%), 76 and AC/CA (22%). She reached the mastery criterion for tact training after two blocks (54 trials) and continued on to pass the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). Subsequently, she met the mastery criterion for intraverbal training after four blocks (72 trials). In the posttest phase, she met passing or emergence criterion on the first block for BA/CB intraverbal testing (100%), AC/CA intraverbal testing (100%), AB/BC MTS (100%), BA/CB MTS (94%), and AC/CA MTS (100%), in this order. Additionally, she passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest (100%) and correctly tacted stimuli or emitted an intraverbal relation relevant to the stimuli presented for each trial, 100% of the time. Cross MTS posttest data showed a longer response latency for the first BA/CB (3.20 s) and AC/CA (3.03 s) trials when compared with the first AB/BC (2.20 s) trial. There were no significant differences in latency for AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests in terms of (1) averages for each test (M = 2.20 s, M = 2.48 s, and M = 2.32 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the first block (see Figure 27). 77 Figure 26. Results for P13 on top panel and P14 on bottom panel. The solid diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS tests, respectively. The solid circle refers to the listener test. The “X” stands for the BA/CB intraverbal test and the asterisk for the AC/CA intraverbal test. 78 Figure 27. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P13. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. P14 also failed the AB/BC (M = 5.5% across two blocks), BA/CB (M = 8.5% across two blocks), and AC/CA (M = 0% across two blocks) MTS pretests. Upon completing two blocks (54 trials) of tact training, she met mastery criterion and subsequently passed the listener test (100%) on the first block (27 trials). She reached mastery criterion for intraverbal training with 6 blocks (108 trials). On the following posttests, she met emergence criterion for BA/CB (94%), and AC/CA (100%) intraverbal tests and passed the AB/BC (94%), BA/CB (89%), and AC/CA (100%) MTS posttests. Later on, P14 passed the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest and emitted the experimentally defined tacts or intraverbal relations in 18 out of 18 trials (100%). Cross MTS posttest 79 data showed a longer response latency for the first AB/BC trial (8.15 s) when compared with the first BA/CB (2.02 s) and AC/CA (2.92 s) trials. Latency data for P14’s AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests were negligible with regards to (1) first block averages (M = 2.83 s, M = 2.49 s, and M = 1.93 s, respectively), and (2) across trials within the block (see Figure 28). Figure 28. Response latency in seconds across 18 trials of the first block of each MTS posttest for P14. The diamond, square, and triangle represent the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests, respectively. Vocal Posttest and Post-Experimental Interview Similar to Experiments 1A and 1B, none of the participants spontaneously tacted or emitted intraverbal relations while completing the MTS posttests until instructed to do so for the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. P11 consistently produced two-word intraverbals 80 (e.g., “Bluebonnet, mockingbird; cardinal, dogwood”) that correlated with trial-by-trial stimuli. P14 interspersed two-word intraverbals with lengthier self-generated links such as, “Dogwood back to cardinal,” and “Mockingbird goes to bluebonnet.” Moreover, P14 shortened tacts so that what was supposedly, “Bluebonnet goes with mockingbird,” was emitted as “Blue goes with mocking.” In three out of 18 trials, P12 produced intraverbals that included the name of a state (B) when samples and comparisons were birds (A) or flowers (C) (e.g., “Mockingbird goes to bluebonnet, as it does to Texas,” “Bluebonnet goes to the Texas bird,” “Yellowhammer back to Alabama goes to camellia”). Likewise, P13 generated three-word intraverbals composed of the bird (A) – state (B) – flower (C) relation for the first five trials (e.g., “Bluebonnet, Texas, mockingbird”) which later evolved into two-word intraverbals with tacts that corresponded with the sample and comparison stimuli only (e.g., “Bluebonnet, mockingbird”). All four participants reported using some form of verbal mediation during MTS conditions in the post-experimental interview. P11 stated that she matched birds (A) and flowers (C) by “trying to match them with colors and their names. For example, Virginia is red and white, which is dogwood and cardinal.” P12, P13, and P14 implemented a different strategy, they reported linking the sample with the state (B) to determine the correct comparison (e.g., “I had more trouble pairing the bird (A) and the plant (C) without the state as kind of a tie…I was trying to think of [the sample and comparison] and associate them with a state,” “I brought [the bluebonnet] [C3] back to the state of Texas [B3] and I thought of Texas having the blue flower [C3] and then the grey 81 mockingbird [A3]”). P13’s description of her strategy, “When I saw a bird, I said the state, and then I would pick the flower. And after a few times, I would just pick the [flower] because I remembered,” is indicative of why response latencies may be mixed across participants throughout the study (see General Discussion). Summary Regardless of completing all the MTS posttests before intraverbal testing (P11 and P12) or vice versa (P13 and P14), all four participants met the passing criteria for all three MTS posttests and the emergence criteria for both of the intraverbal tests. None of the participants needed more than one block of the AB/BC, BA/CB, or AC/CA MTS posttests to pass and therefore, remedial training was again, not required. Before tact training, listener testing, and intraverbal training, all of the participants failed the AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS pretests. Similar to Experiments 1A and 1B, the training package alone was sufficient for participants to successfully match stimuli that were only intraverbally (i.e., arbitrarily) related and derive novel intraverbal relations amongst them. There was no variability in participants’ performance on the AC/CA MTS posttest and AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. All participants demonstrated 100% correct responding on the first block of both posttests while emitting experimentally specified tacts or intraverbal relations 100% of the time for the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. Such results indicate that requiring participants to produce vocalizations did not alter performance (i.e., no improvement or deterioration). Again, like in Experiments 1A and 1B, response 82 latency across the three MTS posttests were mixed for the four participants. P11 and P14 had longer response latencies for the first trial of the AB/BC MTS posttest (5.27 s and 8.15 s) when compared to the BA/CB MTS posttest (2.65 s and 2.02 s) and AC/CA MTS posttests (2.28 s and 2.92 s). Conversely, P12 was the only participant who spent more time answering the first trial of the AC/CA MTS posttest (3.50 s) than the AB/BC MTS posttest (2.67 s) and BA/CB MTS posttest (2.55 s). P13 had longer first trials latencies for BA/CB (3.20 s) and AC/CA (3.03 s) posttests than AB/BC (2.20 s). In Experiment 1, MTS posttests were presented in alternating fashion with intraverbal tests (see Figures 2 and 3) and in Experiment 3, all MTS posttests were presented before or after all intraverbal tests. The consistent lack of differentiation in response latencies across the two studies suggests that the procedural variations did not influence performance, refuting the previous hypothesis that presenting one task prior to the other (e.g., a MTS posttest before intraverbal test) may have functioned as a prompt for participants to respond correctly. Although response latency is one indicator of whether participants may be using verbal mediation strategies, it is not an absolute datum nor is it only a measure of covert verbal behavior (Tomanari, Sidman, Rubio, & Dube, 2006; see General Discussion). 83 Chapter 5 GENERAL DISCUSSION The purpose of the current study was to assess whether training unidirectional intraverbal relations in a statement format would be sufficient for the emergence of symmetry and transitivity intraverbal relations and stimulus-stimulus classes. All 14 participants across the two studies demonstrated emergent target relations (i.e., BA/CB and AC/CA) following tact training, listener testing, and AB/BC intraverbal training. Participants only needed one block each of the three MTS posttests and intraverbal tests to meet the passing or emergence criteria, and hence remedial training procedures were never implemented or evaluated. More importantly, all of the participants emitted experimentally defined or self-generated tacts or intraverbally named the correct samplecomparison pairs at some point during the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest. These results are consistent with Horne and Lowe’s (1996) intraverbal naming account in that participants who passed MTS posttests also demonstrated emergence of corresponding intraverbal relations or vice versa depending on the order of posttests. Tact training and listener testing ensured that participants had the speaker (i.e., tact the stimulus) and listener (i.e., select a stimulus when given its dictated name) repertoires necessary for naming. Since experimental stimuli shared no physical similarities (e.g., shape, size, and color) and had very different names (e.g., bluebonnet and mockingbird), participants could only correctly match stimuli based on the intraverbal relations taught 84 during training albeit the use of different mediation strategies. With intraverbal naming, the participant should have tacted the sample upon presentation, the response product which evoked the corresponding intraverbal relation from training, whose response product evoked the behavior of selecting the correct comparison stimulus. For example, the presence of A1 should have evoked the tact, “cardinal,” and the presence of states as comparisons should have evoked the intraverbal, “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1),” due to training, or simply “Virginia” (B1) due to contiguous usage (Skinner, 1957), and the selection of B1 from the comparison array. Alternatively, exposure to visual stimuli during MTS pretests, tact training, and listener testing may have facilitated the use of visual imaging as a mediation strategy. Skinner (1974) reasoned that “[w]e may…see a thing in its absence, not because we are immediately reinforced when we do so, but because we are then able to engage in behavior which is subsequently reinforced” (p. 92). For example, a study by Kisamore et al. (2011) found that when prompted to use visual imaging as a mediation strategy for an intraverbal categorization task, 4 to 5 year old children were able to respond to questions such as, “What are some animals?” more accurately than without the strategy. With regards to the current study, intraverbal training consisted of repeated verbal pairings of stimuli which may have established compound visual images (e.g., A1B1) that mediated responding. Exposure to pretests may have primed participants to learn the relations and hence practicing visual imaging would produce delayed reinforcement during posttests. Reinforcement following a correct intraverbal response may have also reinforced any 85 concurrent use of visual imaging strategies, strengthening it as a mediation strategy. For instance, the intraverbal relation, “The flower for Virginia (B1) is ___,” evoked an image of B1C1 and “seeing” C1 (i.e., dogwood) led to participants correctly responding with, “dogwood.” Praise provided for the correct intraverbal response would have thus inadvertently reinforced engaging in visual imaging simultaneously. Therefore, while initial performance was produced via verbal behavior training alone, participants did not necessarily have to utilize a verbal mediation strategy to pass posttests. The undifferentiated response latencies across AB/BC, BA/CB, and AC/CA MTS posttests are potentially inconsistent with previous studies examining the emergence of intraverbal relations following MTS training (e.g., Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012). Six participants (P2, P6, P8, P10, P11, and P14) had longer latencies for the first trial of the AB/BC MTS posttest. Four other participants (P3, P5, P9, and P12) spent noticeably more time on the first trial of the AC/CA MTS posttest. P13 was the only participant who had longer latencies for the first trials for BA/CB and AC/CA posttests when compared to the AB/BC posttest. The remaining three participants (P1, P4, and P7) had similar latencies on the first trial across the three MTS posttests. Findings from Experiment 2 indicated that replacing the review prior to posttests with verbal instructions specifying the experimental conditions of posttests (i.e., no programmed consequences until the end of five different posttests) was sufficient for participants to maintain accuracy in responding and meet passing or emergence criterion. However, it did not prevent conflicting response latencies across participants. Furthermore, 86 Experiment 3 results demonstrated that alternating MTS and corresponding intraverbal posttests did not influence response latency on MTS posttests. Although previous studies have found that response latencies for derived relations (i.e., symmetry and transitivity) are longer than baseline relations (i.e., taught relations; e.g., Bentall et al., 1993), it is only inferred that the difference is due to covert verbal behavior (Bentall, Jones, & Dickins, 1998). Alternatively, latency may be an indicator of how substitutable stimuli are for each other and a measure of how similar stimuli are to each other within a class (Fields, Adams, Verhave, & Newman, 1990; Fields, LandonJimenez, Buffington, & Adams, 1995). Therefore, while only four (P3, P5, P9, and P12) of 14 participants (29%) in the current study reproduced shorter latencies for baseline relations and longer ones for derived relations, it does not conclusively refute the possibility that participants utilized some form of verbal mediation to pass posttests. Six (P2, P6, P8, P10, P11, and P14) of 14 participants (43%) spent more time matching stimuli in accordance with baseline relations (AB/BC) than derived relations (BA/CB and AC/CA) on the first trials and thus suggests that verbal mediation may have been necessary in the beginning, but exposure to experimental conditions in the AB/BC MTS posttest may have facilitated the use of more time-effective mediation strategies (e.g., visual imaging) for BA/CB and AC/CA MTS posttests. Verbal Mediation None of the participants spontaneously emitted experimental tacts or intraverbals during any of the MTS posttests until given specific instructions to do so for the AC/CA 87 vocal MTS posttest. Yet it is important to take into account the timing of the AC/CA vocal MTS posttest in relation to exposure to the experimental conditions. Since all participants passed all the MTS posttests with the first block, it would mean that they were all exposed to a minimum of 54 MTS trials. It is possible that the selection response was initially under the control of verbal behavior, but after numerous trials, it eventually came under the control of other contextual stimuli (e.g., physical characteristics; Hayes, White, & Bissett, 1998). Latency data from P2, P6, P8, P10, P11, and P14 seems to support this speculation. Hence the verbal mediation strategy used during the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest may not have aligned with performance for that particular block, but for initial blocks. For example, following the researcher presenting the instruction to “think out loud,” P5 stated, “If I do that, I can’t think,” suggesting that verbal mediation may have receded in magnitude (Skinner, 1957) to the point where the selection response may be considered “unconscious” behavior (Skinner, 1971). Moreover, P9 initially emitted experimentally specified tacts and intraverbals for the first 7 trials and then produced self-generated tacts and intraverbals such as, “Red goes with white,” indicating that the selection response, while initially under the control of the experimentally defined intraverbal relations, evolved over trials to be under the control of physical characteristics of stimuli. Similarly, P13 reported that, “In the beginning when I saw a bird, I said the state. Then I would pick the flower for that state. And then after a few times, I would just pick the [flower] because I remembered,” in the postexperimental interview. Given that the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest occurred after 18- 88 trials of the standard block of AC/CA MTS posttest (i.e., no instruction to vocalize), it is very likely that participants no longer needed to engage in verbal mediation to meet the passing criteria, but emitted vocalizations due to the instruction. Nonetheless, the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest allowed researchers to potentially access covert verbal mediation strategies, such as intraverbal naming. For example, during the AC/CA MTS posttest without instructions to vocalize, the presence of A3 may have evoked the covert tact, “mockingbird,” the product of which evoked the covert intraverbal, “bluebonnet,” and the subsequent selection the correct corresponding stimulus, C3. The following AC/CA MTS vocal posttest made this covert verbal mediation process overt and measureable. To ensure that test performance was governed or controlled by verbal behavior and not other factors (e.g., reactivity), the AC/CA vocal posttest was strategically designed to adhere to one of three control measures for verbal reports in accordance with the silent dog method (Hayes et al., 1998). Aside from P10, the other 13 participants who passed the AC/CA MTS posttest without vocalizations went on to pass the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest with the same, if not better scores. Such results are consistent with the silent dog methodology (Hayes et al., 1998) in which performance on the same task under specific instructions to vocalize or not to vocalize should produce identical results because the experimental contingencies are the same. Vocal posttest data, when contrasted with post-experimental interview data, is more accurate because responses in the latter are under the control of different variables (Lima & Abreu-Rodrigues, 2010). Therefore, participants’ concurrent vocalizations 89 during the terminal AC/CA MTS vocal posttest can be considered an accurate reflection of their covert verbal mediation strategy at some point during MTS posttests. Limitations and Future Research There are several limitations that warrant attention and provide guidance for future research. First, the way pre-training was conducted may have primed participants to utilize intraverbal relations on MTS tests. During pre-training, participants were trained to tact, select stimuli upon hearing a dictated name, recite intraverbal relations, and complete a MTS condition for two 3-member classes, animals (A) and fruits (B) (see Figure 4). The intraverbal relations were arbitrary in that they put together an animal and fruit that shared no physical similarities such as, “The fruit for pig is orange” (see Table 5). The subsequent MTS condition presented animals (A) as samples across trials and fruits (B) as comparisons. In order to meet the mastery criterion, participants had to match according to the trained intraverbal relations, which all participants did without explicit instruction. To avoid the possibility of prematurely exposing participants to experimental variables, but still provide an opportunity to familiarize them with the different training and testing procedures, future replications should consider using various stimuli for each of the pre-training conditions (e.g., animals for tact, vehicles for listener, colors for intraverbal, and food groups for MTS). Second, the current study failed to replicate response latency patterns found in previous research on intraverbal naming, but this may be in part attributable to the 90 training procedure, structure, or paradigm. Intraverbal training was conducted in blocks with mixed AB and BC relations. While not frequent, adjacent intraverbal relations exposed the bird (A) – flower (B) – state (C) relation (e.g., The state for cardinal is Virginia. The flower for Virginia is dogwood). In version 1 of the AB/BC Intraverbal Training (see Appendix D), the following relations were presented in sequential order once: (1) B1C1, A1B1, and (2) B2C2, A2B2. For version 2 (see Appendix D), (1) B2C2, A2B2, (2) B2C2, A2B2, B2C2, (3) B3C3, A3B3, (4) A3B3, B3C3, (5) B1C1, A1B1, and (6) A1B1, B1C1, appeared in conjunction with each other once. It is possible that these consecutive presentations of AB and BC relations facilitated the formation of equivalence classes due to direct reinforcement contingencies rather than intraverbal naming. Accordingly, Sidman (2000) proposed that stimuli (i.e., SDs, responses, and reinforcement) not shared between two otherwise identical contingencies may enter the same equivalence class. For instance, given the intraverbal relations “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1)” and “The flower for Virginia (B1) is dogwood (C1),” and praise during training, all stimuli “drop out of the equivalence relation” (p. 132) with the exception of cardinal (A1) and dogwood (C1). At this point, both cardinal (A1) and dogwood (C1), the two stimuli in the transitivity relation, can interchangeably function as an SD or response and hence response latencies would be undifferentiated across baseline, symmetry, and transitivity relations. A similar confound exists for the AC/CA intraverbal test (see Appendix F), where same member AC and CA relations (e.g., A1C1 and C1A1) were presented adjacent to 91 each other (twice in version 1 and three times in version 2). The rationale for using a linear series training structure (i.e., AB and BC) was that it allowed for the separation and hence evaluation of pure transitivity and pure equivalence relations (Carp, 2012). Given AB and BC as baseline relations, transitivity consists of deriving the AC relation and an equivalence relation is the combined product of transitivity and symmetry (i.e., CA; Fields & Verhave, 1987). Administering an equivalence trial immediately following a transitivity trial with same class members is problematic because it becomes unclear whether the prior trial prompted the subsequent trial, or if symmetry or equivalence was tested, with the prior producing shorter latencies than the latter. Thus, future research should control for these two potential extraneous variables by (1) segregating baseline relations (i.e., AB and BC) during training by conducting AB training blocks, then BC training blocks, instead of mixed AB/BC training blocks, (2) conducting mixed training, but assigning topographically dissimilar reinforcement for different relations (e.g., praise for AB relations and tokens for BA relations; Johnson, 2012), and (3) conducting separate tests for transitivity and equivalence relations or mixing BA/CB with AC/CA relations in the same block to see if it would affect response latency. Perhaps a more pertinent consideration is that previous research measuring response latency trained baseline relations with a MTS paradigm and then assessed for the emergence of intraverbal relations (e.g., Bentall et al., 1993; Carp, 2012), whereas the current study trained baseline intraverbal relations and then tested for the derivation of novel intraverbal and stimulus-stimulus relations. Consequently, it is possible that 92 differentiated response latency patterns were not replicated due to the training paradigm. For example, Bentall et al. (1998) utilized a MTS paradigm with a LS training structure to teach 20 undergraduate students six arbitrary five-member classes. Data from symmetry and transitivity MTS tests indicated that latency decreased as the tests progressed. If latency is indeed an indirect measure of covert verbal mediation, as the authors suggested, this would mean that the need to engage in verbal behavior as a problem solving strategy may be drastically reduced after numerous repetitions, either due to a transfer of stimulus control to physical aspects of experimental stimuli or other factors. If this speculation is valid, it may help explain the lack of response latency differentiation in the current study. Participants were instructed to emit target intraverbal relations, which later potentially served as a verbal mediation strategy for MTS tests, multiple times during the training (M = 86 trials, range 36 to 198 trials across participants). This repetition and prior exposure to experimental stimuli during tact training and listener testing made it possible for participants to engage in other covert mediation strategies, such as visual imaging, that may have facilitated a transfer of stimulus control to aspects such as physical characteristics of experimental stimuli, allowing participants to complete MTS tests without engaging in verbal mediation. The elimination of verbal mediation would account for similar response latencies across baseline, symmetry, and transitivity MTS trials. Five (P2, P5, P6, P9, and P11) of the 14 participants’ vocalizations in the AC/CA MTS vocal posttest and post-experimental interview showed that their responses may have been under the control of color. 93 Correspondingly, future studies should conduct tact training with multiple exemplars (e.g., color vs. black and white pictures, single vs. multiple flowers, various perspectives, line drawings, etc.), and use novel same-class exemplars (e.g., a mockingbird that was not included in training) during posttests so that it would be more difficult for a specific characteristic (e.g., color) to acquire control over responding, making it less effortful to engage in intraverbal naming. Also, it may be worthwhile to examine the potential of implementing a limited hold on response latency. Tomanari, Sidman, Rubio, and Dube (2006) utilized a MTS paradigm to teach five participants (ages 19-32 years) baseline relations (AB and AC) with an OTM training structure. Derived relations MTS test conditions included a 0.40.5 s limited hold for samples and 1.2-1.3 s for comparisons. Despite this time limitation, three participants met emergence criteria and mean latencies were differentiated for baseline (shortest), symmetry, and transitivity (longest) relations. With such a short limited hold, it would be fairly impossible to engage in any form of verbal mediation, and such findings weaken the notion of verbal mediation as a problem solving strategy. Artnzen and Haugland (2012) conducted a similar study, manipulating the limited hold for five participants (ages 24 to 63 years). After meeting mastery criteria for baseline relations in a MTS format with a 1.2 s limited hold, four participants failed to reach the emergence criteria on derived relations tests with a 2.5 s limited hold, while maintaining undifferentiated latencies across tested relations. These results replicate a previous study conducted by Holth and Arntzen (2000), where all participants failed to demonstrate the 94 emergence of equivalence when a 2 s limited hold on reaction time was specified. Collaboratively, the results of these two studies strengthen the notion of verbal mediation because the failures indicate that the limited hold may have restricted the occurrence of precurrent behaviors (Holth & Arntzen, 2000), such as intraverbal naming, that would have mediated correct responding. If the behavior of selecting the correct comparison stimulus was completely under the control of the sample stimulus, then more participants should have demonstrated the emergence of novel relations, regardless of the limited hold. However, because these two studies trained baseline relations using a MTS paradigm, it is unclear whether participants engaged in any form of verbal behavior, and if so, whether latency was an indicator of it. The current study taught baseline relations with intraverbals, a potential verbal mediation strategy, hence a replication of the training procedure with an added limited hold for MTS tests may provide another avenue for measuring covert verbal behavior. Lastly, response latency has been found to be directly related to nodal distance such that the more nodes there are between stimuli, the longer the latency (Bentall et al., 1998; Dymond & Rehfeldt, 2000; Fields et al., 2012). A potential explanation for this phenomenon is that nodes are separated by verbal links (Bentall et al., 1993), so that for a 3-member relation, two links (i.e., AB and BC) are required to determine transitive relations (i.e., AC) and these verbal links are what makes up for differences in latency. Previous research demonstrating response latency differentiations have utilized arbitrary stimuli (Arntzen & Nikolaisen, 2011) forming more than three classes with three 95 members each (e.g., Bentall et al., 1998; Fields et al., 2012; Wulfert & Hayes, 1988) and studies using arbitrary three 3-member classes have found minimal to no differences (e.g., Arntzen & Haugland, 2012). Accordingly, future research on teaching intraverbal relations to establish equivalence classes should include expanded members and hence nodal distances (e.g., five-member classes result in three-node equivalence classes) with arbitrary stimuli to detect more robust differences in response latency. Third, the purpose of Experiment 2 was to eliminate extraneous exposure to visual stimuli by removing the review phase following training. Future studies can further decrease exposing participants to experimental stimuli during training by omitting listener testing. If participants fail any of the posttests following tact and intraverbal training, listener testing can be implemented to determine if participants have naming. Fourth, the training package included AB/BC intraverbal training only. To better understand how intraverbal relations exert control over responding, future research can train one relation across same members of different classes (e.g., A1B1 and B1C1), test for performance on relevant intraverbal and MTS posttests, and then train another relation across different members of different classes (e.g., A1B2, B1C2), to assess how participants perform on the subsequent posttest. If responding is controlled by intraverbal relations and not by extraneous factors (e.g., physical similarity), then responses on subsequent MTS and intraverbal posttests should change according to the most recently trained intraverbal relations. 96 Fifth, similar to the study conducted by Santos et al. (2013), intraverbal naming was not evaluated as a remedial intervention because all participants passed or met emergence criterion on posttests following initial training. Perhaps future research assessing intraverbal naming with other populations (e.g., children) may find it necessary to implement and empirically validate it as an independent teaching strategy. Clinical Implications The current study provided preliminary evidence supporting the efficiency of teaching unidirectional intraverbal relations to promote the emergence of novel intraverbal relations and stimulus-stimulus equivalence classes. Although the debate of whether verbal behavior is necessary for the formation of equivalence classes persists (e.g., Sidman, 2000; Hayes, 1996; Horne & Lowe, 1996), if empirical evidence demonstrates that verbal behavior as a supplemental strategy for teaching conditional discrimination can accelerate acquisition rates and generate novel relations, then it may be an efficient technology to use, especially with individuals with limited repertoires. However, further analyses with the aforementioned recommendations for future research and with different populations (e.g., children with and without developmental disorders) are necessary to verify the efficacy of the intraverbal training procedure and whether it is premature to assume that teaching a prerequisite skill is sufficient for the formation of novel verbal behaviors and establishment of equivalence classes. 97 APPENDIX A: MTS Testing and Training Datasheets AB/BC MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Alabama Cardinal Texas Alabama Mockingbird Virginia Texas Yellowhammer Mockingbird Virginia Cardinal Mockingbird Virginia Alabama Yellowhammer Cardinal Texas Yellowhammer B2 A1 B3 B2 A3 B1 B3 A2 A3 B1 A1 A3 B1 B2 A2 A1 B3 A2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L C1 B1 C3 C2 B2 C2 C1 B1 B3 C3 B2 B1 C1 C3 B3 B3 C2 B2 M C2 B2 C1 C3 B3 C3 C2 B2 B1 C1 B3 B2 C2 C1 B1 B1 C3 B3 1 R C3 B3 C2 C1 B1 C1 C3 B3 B2 C2 B1 B3 C3 C2 B2 B2 C1 B1 T I L C1 B1 C3 C2 B2 C2 C1 B1 B3 C3 B2 B1 C1 C3 B3 B3 C2 B2 M C2 B2 C1 C3 B3 C3 C2 B2 B1 C1 B3 B2 C2 C1 B1 B1 C3 B3 3 R C3 B3 C2 C1 B1 C1 C3 B3 B2 C2 B1 B3 C3 C2 B2 B2 C1 B1 T I 98 AB/BC MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Alabama Yellowhammer Cardinal Texas Mockingbird Virginia Cardinal Texas Virginia Yellowhammer Mockingbird Alabama Yellowhammer Alabama Mockingbird Texas Cardinal Virginia B2 A2 A1 B3 A3 B1 A1 B3 B1 A2 A3 B2 A2 B2 A3 B3 A1 B1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L C1 B2 B3 C3 B1 C2 B1 C1 C3 B3 B2 C2 B1 C3 B3 C2 B2 C1 M C2 B3 B1 C1 B2 C3 B2 C2 C1 B1 B3 C3 B2 C1 B1 C3 B3 C2 2 R C3 B1 B2 C2 B3 C1 B3 C3 C2 B2 B1 C1 B3 C2 B2 C1 B1 C3 T I L C1 B2 B3 C3 B1 C2 B1 C1 C3 B3 B2 C2 B1 C3 B3 C2 B2 C1 M C2 B3 B1 C1 B2 C3 B2 C2 C1 B1 B3 C3 B2 C1 B1 C3 B3 C2 4 R C3 B1 B2 C2 B3 C1 B3 C3 C2 B2 B1 C1 B3 C2 B2 C1 B1 C3 T I 99 BA/CB MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Alabama Dogwood Bluebonnet Texas Virginia Bluebonnet Texas Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Dogwood Alabama Camellia Alabama Texas Dogwood Virginia Camellia B2 C1 C3 B3 B1 C3 B3 C2 B1 C3 C1 B2 C2 B2 B3 C1 B1 C2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L A1 B2 B2 A3 A2 B1 A1 B1 A3 B3 B3 A2 B2 A3 A2 B1 A1 B3 M A2 B3 B3 A1 A3 B2 A2 B2 A1 B1 B1 A3 B3 A1 A3 B2 A2 B1 1 R A3 B1 B1 A2 A1 B3 A3 B3 A2 B2 B2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B3 A3 B2 T I L A1 B2 B2 A3 A2 B1 A1 B1 A3 B3 B3 A2 B2 A3 A2 B1 A1 B3 M A2 B3 B3 A1 A3 B2 A2 B2 A1 B1 B1 A3 B3 A1 A3 B2 A2 B1 3 R A3 B1 B1 A2 A1 B3 A3 B3 A2 B2 B2 A1 B1 A2 A1 B3 A3 B2 T I 100 BA/CB MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Bluebonnet Alabama Texas Alabama Dogwood Camellia Virginia Texas Dogwood Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Alabama Texas Dogwood C3 B2 B3 B2 C1 C2 B1 B3 C1 C2 B1 C3 C2 B1 C3 B2 B3 C1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L B1 A1 A3 A2 B3 B2 A2 A1 B1 B3 A3 B2 B1 A1 B3 A3 A2 B2 M B2 A2 A1 A3 B1 B3 A3 A2 B2 B1 A1 B3 B2 A2 B1 A1 A3 B3 2 R B3 A3 A2 A1 B2 B1 A1 A3 B3 B2 A2 B1 B3 A3 B2 A2 A1 B1 T I L B1 A1 A3 A2 B3 B2 A2 A1 B1 B3 A3 B2 B1 A1 B3 A3 A2 B2 M B2 A2 A1 A3 B1 B3 A3 A2 B2 B1 A1 B3 B2 A2 B1 A1 A3 B3 4 R B3 A3 A2 A1 B2 B1 A1 A3 B3 B2 A2 B1 B3 A3 B2 A2 A1 B1 T I 101 AC/CA MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Bluebonnet Cardinal Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Bluebonnet Cardinal Mockingbird Camellia Bluebonnet Yellowhammer Cardinal Yellowhammer Dogwood C3 A1 C1 A3 C2 A2 C1 A3 C2 C3 A1 A3 C2 C3 A2 A1 A2 C1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L A1 C1 A3 C2 A2 C1 A1 C3 A3 A2 C2 C1 A1 A3 C3 C3 C2 A2 M A2 C2 A1 C3 A3 C2 A2 C1 A1 A3 C3 C2 A2 A1 C1 C1 C3 A3 1 R A3 C3 A2 C1 A1 C3 A3 C2 A2 A1 C1 C3 A3 A2 C2 C2 C1 A1 T I L A1 C1 A3 C2 A2 C1 A1 C3 A3 A2 C2 C1 A1 A3 C3 C3 C2 A2 M A2 C2 A1 C3 A3 C2 A2 C1 A1 A3 C3 C2 A2 A1 C1 C1 C3 A3 3 R A3 C3 A2 C1 A1 C3 A3 C2 A2 A1 C1 C3 A3 A2 C2 C2 C1 A1 T I 102 AC/CA MTS Pre/Post (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Pretest = 1 or 2 18-trial block(s) at <50% Posttest = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) [2 attempts] S Dogwood Yellowhammer Bluebonnet Cardinal Mockingbird Bluebonnet Cardinal Camellia Bluebonnet Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Yellowhammer Mockingbird Dogwood Cardinal Camellia C1 A2 C3 A1 A3 C3 A1 C2 C3 A2 C1 A3 C2 A2 A3 C1 A1 C2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L A2 C2 A2 C3 C1 A1 C1 A1 A3 C3 A3 C2 A2 C1 C3 A1 C2 A3 M A3 C3 A3 C1 C2 A2 C2 A2 A1 C1 A1 C3 A3 C2 C1 A2 C3 A1 2 R A1 C1 A1 C2 C3 A3 C3 A3 A2 C2 A2 C1 A1 C3 C2 A3 C1 A2 T I L A2 C2 A2 C3 C1 A1 C1 A1 A3 C3 A3 C2 A2 C1 C3 A1 C2 A3 M A3 C3 A3 C1 C2 A2 C2 A2 A1 C1 A1 C3 A3 C2 C1 A2 C3 A1 4 R A1 C1 A1 C2 C3 A3 C3 A3 A2 C2 A2 C1 A1 C3 C2 A3 C1 A2 T I 103 APPENDIX B: Tact Training and Review Datasheets Tact Training/Review (circle one) Participant:___ Date: __/__/2013 Coding: [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Mastery: Training = 1 27-trial block at 100% Review = 1 27-trial block at 100% V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. S Alabama Dogwood Yellowhammer Bluebonnet Cardinal Texas Mockingbird Virginia Bluebonnet Cardinal Texas Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Alabama Camellia Yellowhammer Alabama Mockingbird Texas Dogwood Cardinal Virginia Camellia 1 B2 C1 A2 C3 A1 B3 A3 B1 C3 A1 B3 C2 B1 C3 A2 C1 A3 B2 C2 A2 B2 A3 B3 C1 A1 B1 C2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 3 5 7 9 104 Tact Training/Review (circle one) Participant:___ Date: __/__/2013 Coding: [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Mastery: Training = 1 27-trial block at 100% Review = 1 27-trial block at 100% V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. S Bluebonnet Alabama Cardinal Texas Alabama Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Texas Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Cardinal Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Alabama Yellowhammer Cardinal Texas Yellowhammer Dogwood C3 B2 A1 B3 B2 C1 A3 C2 B1 B3 A2 C1 A3 C2 B1 C3 A1 A3 C2 B1 C3 B2 A2 A1 B3 A2 C1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 2 4 6 8 10 105 APPENDIX C: Listener Testing, Training, and Review Datasheets Listener Testing/Training/Review (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Testing = 1 27-trial block at 100% [2 attempts] Training = 1 27-trial block at 100% Review = 1 27-trial block at 100% S Bluebonnet Alabama Cardinal Texas Alabama Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Texas Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Cardinal Mockingbird Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Alabama Yellowhammer Cardinal Texas Yellowhammer Dogwood C3 B2 A1 B3 B2 C1 A3 C2 B1 B3 A2 C1 A3 C2 B1 C3 A1 A3 C2 B1 C3 B2 A2 A1 B3 A2 C1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L C1 B1 A1 B3 B2 C3 A2 C2 B2 B1 A1 C1 A3 C3 B3 C2 A2 A1 C1 B1 C3 B3 A3 A3 B2 A2 C2 1 M C2 B2 A2 B1 B3 C1 A3 C3 B3 B2 A2 C2 A1 C1 B1 C3 A3 A2 C2 B2 C1 B1 A1 A1 B3 A3 C3 R C3 B3 A3 B2 B1 C2 A1 C1 B1 B3 A3 C3 A2 C2 B2 C1 A1 A3 C3 B3 C2 B2 A2 A2 B1 A1 C1 L C1 B1 A1 B3 B2 C3 A2 C2 B2 B1 A1 C1 A3 C3 B3 C2 A2 A1 C1 B1 C3 B3 A3 A3 B2 A2 C2 3 M C2 B2 A2 B1 B3 C1 A3 C3 B3 B2 A2 C2 A1 C1 B1 C3 A3 A2 C2 B2 C1 B1 A1 A1 B3 A3 C3 R C3 B3 A3 B2 B1 C2 A1 C1 B1 B3 A3 C3 A2 C2 B2 C1 A1 A3 C3 B3 C2 B2 A2 A2 B1 A1 C1 L C1 B1 A1 B3 B2 C3 A2 C2 B2 B1 A1 C1 A3 C3 B3 C2 A2 A1 C1 B1 C3 B3 A3 A3 B2 A2 C2 5 M C2 B2 A2 B1 B3 C1 A3 C3 B3 B2 A2 C2 A1 C1 B1 C3 A3 A2 C2 B2 C1 B1 A1 A1 B3 A3 C3 R C3 B3 A3 B2 B1 C2 A1 C1 B1 B3 A3 C3 A2 C2 B2 C1 A1 A3 C3 B3 C2 B2 A2 A2 B1 A1 C1 106 Listener Testing/Training/Review (circle one) Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Testing = 1 27-trial block at 100% [2 attempts] Training = 1 27-trial block at 100% Review = 1 27-trial block at 100% S Alabama Dogwood Yellowhammer Bluebonnet Cardinal Texas Mockingbird Virginia Bluebonnet Cardinal Texas Camellia Virginia Bluebonnet Yellowhammer Dogwood Mockingbird Alabama Camellia Yellowhammer Alabama Mockingbird Texas Dogwood Cardinal Virginia Camellia B2 C1 A2 C3 A1 B3 A3 B1 C3 A1 B3 C2 B1 C3 A2 C1 A3 B2 C2 A2 B2 A3 B3 C1 A1 B1 C2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct L B1 C2 A2 C2 A3 B3 A1 B2 C1 A1 B1 C1 B3 C3 A3 C3 A2 B2 C2 A1 B3 A3 B2 C1 A2 B1 C3 2 M B2 C3 A3 C3 A1 B1 A2 B3 C2 A2 B2 C2 B1 C1 A1 C1 A3 B3 C3 A2 B1 A1 B3 C2 A3 B2 C1 R B3 C1 A1 C1 A2 B2 A3 B1 C3 A3 B3 C3 B2 C2 A2 C2 A1 B1 C1 A3 B2 A2 B1 C3 A1 B3 C2 L B1 C2 A2 C2 A3 B3 A1 B2 C1 A1 B1 C1 B3 C3 A3 C3 A2 B2 C2 A1 B3 A3 B2 C1 A2 B1 C3 4 M B2 C3 A3 C3 A1 B1 A2 B3 C2 A2 B2 C2 B1 C1 A1 C1 A3 B3 C3 A2 B1 A1 B3 C2 A3 B2 C1 R B3 C1 A1 C1 A2 B2 A3 B1 C3 A3 B3 C3 B2 C2 A2 C2 A1 B1 C1 A3 B2 A2 B1 C3 A1 B3 C2 L B1 C2 A2 C2 A3 B3 A1 B2 C1 A1 B1 C1 B3 C3 A3 C3 A2 B2 C2 A1 B3 A3 B2 C1 A2 B1 C3 6 M B2 C3 A3 C3 A1 B1 A2 B3 C2 A2 B2 C2 B1 C1 A1 C1 A3 B3 C3 A2 B1 A1 B3 C2 A3 B2 C1 R B3 C1 A1 C1 A2 B2 A3 B1 C3 A3 B3 C3 B2 C2 A2 C2 A1 B1 C1 A3 B2 A2 B1 C3 A1 B3 C2 107 APPENDIX D: AB/BC Intraverbal Training Datasheets AB/BC Intraverbal Training/Review (circle one) Participant#:___ Date: __/__/2013 Coding: [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Mastery: Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block > 89% (16 out of 18) V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. S The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 1 3 5 108 AB/BC Intraverbal Training/Review (circle one) Participant#:___ Date: __/__/2013 Coding: [+] correct unprompted [P] prompted [-] incorrect Mastery: Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block > 89% (16 out of 18) V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. S The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for yellowhammer is Alabama. A2B2 The flower for Alabama is camellia. B2C2 The state for mockingbird is Texas. A3B3 The flower for Texas is bluebonnet. B3C3 The state for cardinal is Virginia. A1B1 The flower for Virginia is dogwood. B1C1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 2 4 6 109 APPENDIX E: BA/CB Intraverbal Testing Datasheets BA/CB Intraverbal Testing Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct [P] prompted [-] incorrect Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) S The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 1 3 5 110 BA/CB Intraverbal Testing Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct [P] prompted [-] incorrect Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) S The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The state for camellia is Alabama. C2B2 The bird for Virginia is cardinal. B1A1 The state for bluebonnet is Texas. C3B3 The bird for Alabama is yellowhammer. B2A2 The bird for Texas is mockingbird. B3A3 The state for dogwood is Virginia. C1B1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 2 4 6 111 APPENDIX F: AC/CA Intraverbal Testing Datasheets AC/CA Intraverbal Testing Coding: Mastery: V1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct [P] prompted [-] incorrect Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) S The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 1 3 5 112 AC/CA Intraverbal Testing Coding: Mastery: V2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Participant #:___ Date: __/__/2013 [+] correct [P] prompted [-] incorrect Training = 1 18-trial block at 100% Review = 1 18-trial block at 100% Testing = 1 18-trial block >89% (16 out of 18) S The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 The bird for bluebonnet is mockingbird. C3A3 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 The flower for yellowhammer is camellia. A2C2 The flower for mockingbird is bluebonnet. A3C3 The bird for dogwood is cardinal. C1A1 The flower for cardinal is dogwood. A1C1 The bird for camellia is yellowhammer. C2A2 Correct/Incorrect % Correct 2 4 6 113 APPENDIX G: Remedial Training Listener Training This condition was only administered if participants failed to meet the passing criterion for the listener testing condition (above), and was conducted in the same manner as listener testing with three modifications. First, the experimenter pointed to the correct comparison stimulus as soon as the three comparisons appeared on the screen for the first nine-trials of the first block, followed by a constant 5-second prompt delay for the remaining 18-trials and subsequent blocks. Second, all correct responses were praised and incorrect responses resulted in error correction (i.e., gesture prompt and repeating the trial). Third, a differential reinforcement procedure following the first correct unprompted response (Karsten & Carr, 2009) was implemented. Sessions were conducted in 27-trial blocks in which each of nine sample stimuli were presented three times with the corresponding comparison stimulus presented one time each in the left, middle, and right positions. The mastery criterion for advancing to the next condition was set at one 27-trial block with 27 out of 27 trials (100%) of correct responding. MTS Remedial Training Failure to meet passing criteria on any MTS test resulted in remedial training. For each relation tested (i.e., symmetry and transitivity), remedial training was divided into multiple phases. The mastery criteria for each remedial phase were set at one 9-trial block at 9 out of 9 (100%) correct responses. After meeting the mastery criterion for one of the remedial phases, participants returned to the relevant MTS test. If participants 114 passed the MTS test, they advanced to the next condition in the study. If participants failed the MTS test, the experimenter implemented the next remedial phase. Remedial AB/BC training. The following remedial phases were implemented if participants failed the AB/BC MTS posttest. Phase 1. The purpose of this phase was to teach participants to tact the sample stimulus before selecting a comparison stimulus for each trial of the MTS test, the first step in using intraverbal naming as a verbal mediation strategy. The tact should evoke the intraverbal relation which in turn leads to the selection of the corresponding comparison stimulus. Participants were instructed to say the name of the sample stimulus before the comparison array was presented (Lowe et al., 2002). Procedures were identical to those of the MTS posttest with the exception that the experimenter prompted participants to tact the sample by asking, “What is it?” and giving participants 5-seconds to respond. A differential reinforcement procedure (Karsten & Carr, 2009) was implemented so that praise was provided for every prompted trial until the first trial that participants responded correctly and before the prompt, after which only correct unprompted responses were praised. Prompted responses were followed by neutral feedback (e.g., “okay”) and incorrect responses resulted in the error correction procedure specified for tact training. Additionally, the comparison array for the MTS trial appeared following a correct tact response. Phase 2. The purpose of this phase was to teach participants to overtly engage in the intraverbal relation before making the selection response, the second step to using 115 intraverbal naming as a verbal mediation strategy. Procedures were identical to those of the MTS test with the exception that the experimenter prompted participants to emit the intraverbal relation by providing the fill-in-the-blank statement for participants after the sample was presented. For example, in the presence of a cardinal (A1) as a sample, the experimenter said, “The state for cardinal (A1) is…” and gave participants 5-seconds to answer. A differential reinforcement procedure (Karsten & Carr, 2009) was implemented so that praise was provided for every prompted response until the first trial in which participants responded correctly and before the prompt, after which only correct unprompted responses were praised. Prompted responses were followed by neutral feedback (e.g., “okay”) and incorrect responses resulted in the error correction procedure specified for intraverbal training. Also, following a correct response, the experimenter presented a MTS trial for the given relation. Phase 3. The purpose of this phase was to teach participants to engage in listener behavior (i.e., selecting the comparison stimulus given the name of the stimulus) in response to their own speaker behavior, the final step to using intraverbal naming as a verbal mediation strategy. Prior to each MTS trial, the experimenter said the intraverbal statement, presented the comparison stimuli, and vocally prompted participants to select the comparison stimulus that corresponded with the last stimulus in the intraverbal statement. For example, upon the experimenter saying, “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1),” three comparison stimuli appeared. Then the experimenter told participants, “Touch Virginia (B1),” and waited 5-seconds for participants to respond 116 before prompting (i.e., pointing to the correct stimulus). A differential reinforcement procedure (Karsten & Carr, 2009) was implemented so that praise was be provided for each prompted correct response until the first trial that participants responded correctly and before the prompt, after which only correct unprompted responses were praised. Prompted responses were followed by neutral feedback (e.g., “okay”) and incorrect responses resulted in the error correction specified for listener training. Remedial BA/CB training. The following remedial phases were implemented if participants failed the BA/CB MTS posttest. Phase 1. Symmetry for the AB intraverbal relation was taught directly in this phase. The purpose of only targeting AB/BA symmetry relations in this phase was to assess if participants could derive the BC/CB symmetry relation (the other relation targeted in the BA/CB MTS posttest) after being explicitly exposed to symmetry intraverbal relation training procedures for the AB relation only. The autoclitic used during this phrase was, “The state for [A] is [B], so the bird for [B] is…” At the beginning of each trial, the experimenter stated a trained AB relation, immediately followed by a fill-in-the-blank symmetry intraverbal with a 5-second constant time delay. For example, the experimenter said, “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1), so the bird for Virginia (B1) is…” and gave participants 5-seconds to respond before prompting. Correct unprompted responses resulted in praise and the onset of an MTS trial that corresponded with the symmetry intraverbal relation. For incorrect responses, the 117 experimenter said, “Try again,” provided an echoic prompt, and repeated the trial immediately. Phase 2. Symmetry for the BC intraverbal relation was directly taught in this phase. The procedure was identical to those used in phase 1 of remedial BA/CB training, with the exception of the autoclitic phrase. Given the BC/CB relation, the autoclitic phrase was, “The flower for [B] is [C], so the state for [C] is…” For example, the experimenter presented, “The flower for Virginia (B1) is dogwood (C1), so the state for dogwood (C1) is…” Remedial AC/CA training. The following remedial phases were implemented if participants failed the AC/CA MTS posttest. Phase 1. In this condition, participants were directly taught the AC transitive intraverbal relation. The purpose of only targeting the AC relation in this phase was to assess if participants can derive the CA relation after being exposed to (1) reverse intraverbal relations in the previous BA/CB conditions, and (2) training for combining two intraverbals (i.e., AB and BC) to derive a new relation in the current phase. Training consisted of using the autoclitic frame, “The state for [A] is [B] and the flower for [B] is [C]. So the flower for [A] is [C].” Prior to the session, the experimenter told participants: I will first give you an example of a statement. Then I will tell you part of another statement and I want you to fill-in-the blanks. I will give you feedback on correct and incorrect answers to help you along the way. Do you have any questions? 118 A trial began with the experimenter modeling a complete statement, such as “The state for cardinal (A1) is Virginia (B1) and the flower for Virginia (B1) is dogwood (C1). So the flower for cardinal (A1) is dogwood (C1).” Subsequently, the experimenter presented a fill-in-the-blank statement for participants with a different set of stimuli using the same autoclitic frame. For example, the experimenter said, “The state for yellowhammer (A2) is…”, gave participants 5-seconds to respond with “Alabama (B2)” as the correct answer, then the experimenter presented, “The flower for Alabama (B2) is…” and allowed participants 5-seconds to respond. Following a correct response (i.e., “Camellia [C2]”), the experimenter stated, “So the flower for yellowhammer (A2) is…” For the first three trials of the first block, the experimenter provided a 5-second constant time delay for the completion of the first two intraverbal relations (i.e., AB/BC) and an immediate echoic prompt for the last relation (i.e., AC), after which all intraverbal relations within a trial were presented with a 5-second constant time delay. 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