MiniLesson Plan EDUC 3601 Science Minilesson Plan

EDUC 3601
Science Minilesson Plan
MiniLesson Plan
Date: February 7, 2006
Subject: Science 10
Emphasis: Nature of Science
Time: 20 minutes
Grade: Grade 10
Unit A: Energy and Matter in Chemical Change
Lesson Topic : Properties of Water
Name: Larissa Miller
General Learner Outcomes: Students will…
Explain how elements combine to form compounds
Ask questions about observed relationships, and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems,
and issues
Work as a member of a team in addressing problems, and apply the skills and conventions of science
in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
Specific Learner Objectives: Students will…
Relate the molecular structure of simple substances to their properties
State a prediction and hypothesis based on available evidence and background information
Communicate questions, ideas and intentions; and receive, interpret, understand, support and
respond to the ideas of others
Learning Objectives: Students will…
1. Describe the molecular structure and unique properties of water
2. Predict observations based on their knowledge of the molecular structure and
properties of water
2 clear cups
Vegetable oil
20 small Styrofoam balls
10 large blue Styrofoam balls
20 yellow tooth picks
10 blue tooth picks
Introduction: (3 minutes)
 Good Morning Grade 10’s. (Do not start speaking until students are ready to learn)
 How would you likme to be right here, or here (show posters of tropical beach,
waterfall, water skiing, etc)
 ASK: What do you notice about these places? What’s it got so do with this (hold up
bottle of water) Why is water important to human beings? Other living things? Is
water the same as other liquids you know about? Does anyone know the special
properties of water?
• In today’s lesson, you are going to learn more about the structure and properties of
water, see a demonstration about water’s weird properties, and use that knowledge in
making model water molecules
Body: (14 minutes):
Activity 1: Demonstration: Well one of the interesting things of water can be seen right
here in this demonstration, so look closely. ASK: What’s this? ( cup of water). Now
EDUC 3601
Science Minilesson Plan
how many washers do you think it will take to make this cup of water overflow? What is
your prediction?
 Drop washers in glass…
 ASK:What do you observe happening? It is not overflowing but forming a
 Yes there is a convex appearance to the water and it has not overflowed?
 ASK: Why do you think this is happening? Any explanations?
Activity 2 Direct Instruction: The convex appearance can be attributed to the molecular
structure of water – which is what makes water unique.
-You see as we discussed earlier a water molecule is made up of ? (H20). Three atoms
consisting of 1 oxygen and 2 hydrogen atoms. (Show example of water molecule).
-ASK: So now that we know the basic structure does anyone know why ithee is such
strong attraction between molecules?
-Well it has something to do with positive and negative bond within the molecules and a
strong attraction between the oxygen and hydrogen
- Draw of H20 structure on board and explain bonding within and between molecules
Activity 3 Model-Building:
So now that you are aware of the properties of structure it is time for a survival challenge.
Using what you’ve learned about water molecules you will create 5 water molecules and
attach them to one another.
Introduction: Here is your instruction sheet and materials. You will have 10 minutes to
complete the activity so please listen and read instructions carefully.
Step 1: Read instructions; Step 2: As a team work together to assemble 5 water
molecule structures; Step 3: Blue Styrofoam indicates oxygen and white is hydrogen.
Step 4: Yellow toothpicks are to be used within a molecule while blue toothpicks are to
be used between molecules; Step 5: Also choose one presenter to tell us about the model
you made and how it can explain the surface tension we observed in the glass of water?
ASK : Can you please summarize for the class what the precedure is?
Closure (3 minutes):
 ASK: Can we have the two people quickly present their models?
 ASK:Can someone tell me another interesting thing they learned about water today?
 Give the class feedback on their models and how they worked together. Tell them to
place the models on their instruction sheet, be sure to put their name on the sheet. Next
class we continue on to chemical reactions, in which water also plays a large part.
Assessment Methods:
1. Objective 1: student oral reposnses to questions during instroduction, closure,
demonstration, and direct instruction, written responses on molecule model worksheet, .
2. Objective 2: Oral predictions made during demonstration.
Educational Resources Used:
1. Bosak. Susan. 2000. Science Is. Scholastic Canada Ltd. Markham, Ontario.
2. Edgar, B. et al. 2004. Science Focus 10 and Teachers’ Resource. McGraw-Hill
EDUC 3601
Science Minilesson Plan
3. Liem, Tik. 1992. Invitations to Science Inquiry (2nd Edition). United States of America.
4. Roscoe, Keith and Mrazek, Rick. 2005. Scientific Literacy for Canadian Students:
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. Detselig Enterprises: Calgary, Alberta.