FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Ratings are distinct for each semester; they are not cumulative. Under each competency, specific practice behaviors are listed, along with specific measures for evaluating student performance. This form may be personalized with comments after each section. If any intern within a section has been rated Minimally Competent or Not Competent a specific comment must be included regarding that item in the area provided. In addition, strengths, achievements and initiatives shown by the student in the performance of his/her assignments and work contact should be noted in the comment sections or narrative summary. The Rating Scale is: Fully Competent: The student demonstrates both knowledge and ability which completely meets and/or exceeds the criteria set for the practice behavior. Mostly Competent: The student demonstrates both knowledge and ability which meets a majority of the basic expectations for the practice behavior. Moderately Competent: The student demonstrates both knowledge and ability which meets the basic expectations for the practice behavior. Minimally Competent: The student requires intensive redirection. The student demonstrates effort but has difficulty in achieving required expectations for the practice behavior. Not Competent: The student is unable to perform even minimal tasks and does not demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical base of materials. Not Applicable: Student has little or no opportunity to engage in task. DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 1 FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Student Name Student ID Number College/University Degree Program Field Placement Site Field Instructor Name Evaluation Period Year Mid-Term Total Hours Final 5-Fully Competent, 4-Mostly Competent, 3-Moderately Competent, 2-Minimally Competent, 1-Not Competent, N/ANot Applicable Competency 1 2 3 4 Competency 1 – Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly Displays appropriate behavior with staff and clients – professional demeanor Demonstrates the importance of appearance and appropriateness in dress Demonstrates effective communication Utilizes professional supervision and consultation Maintains client confidentiality, professional roles and boundaries Demonstrates ability to access services for clients Is punctual and adheres to agree upon attendance schedule Recognizes the need to manage personal values and opinions in order to assist clients or client systems Comments Competency 2 – Apply social work ethical principles to guide professional practice Read and demonstrates an understanding of the NASW Code of Professional Values and Ethics Recognizes the importance of considering ethical behavior in decision making by applying the NASW Code to clients and systems Displays ability to distinguish differences among self-reflection, self-monitoring, and selfcorrection Comments DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 2 5 N/A FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Competency 1 2 3 4 5 Competency 3 – Apply critical thinking to inform and communication professional judgments Demonstrates purposeful oral and written communication in working with clients and systems Displays the ability to organize information in an appropriate format Identifies and distinguishes different assessment tools Demonstrates awareness of the importance of using different sources of information Demonstrates familiarity and how researchbased knowledge affects the client or target population Demonstrates effective oral and writing skills when working with different populations Comments Competency 4 – Engage diversity and difference in practice Communicates the importance of difference in shaping life experiences Utilizes diversity sensitive interviewing skills Recognizes and describes the extent to which a particular group’s values and structures may oppress, marginalize, alienate, or enhance the privilege and power of clients and systems Demonstrates awareness of the importance of knowing personal biases and values related to different groups Recognizes the importance of fostering a respect for diversity Demonstrates awareness of appropriate life experiences to share with clients, groups and other individuals Views and utilizes staff as helpful sources of information Comments Competency 5 – Advance human rights and social and economic justice Describes the forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination related to the clients and systems of the agency Distinguishes the difference between oppresssion and discrimination DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 3 N/A FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Competency Differentiates case and cause advocacy regarding human rights and social and economic justice 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Competency 6 – Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research Uses research evidence to inform practice Recognizes why research evidence is used Acknowledges how research affects the tasks performed at the agency Recognizes the need for ongoing and existing or evidence-based research and evidence related to the field Recognizes the importance of practice experience Comments Competency 7 – Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment Demonstrates an understanding of major social work theoretical frameworks Articulates the connection between developmental stages and appropriate intervention Demonstrates familiarity with the processes of assessment, intervention, and evaluation Recognizes the importance of understanding others in their own environment Demonstrates familiarity with how to gain information about others in their own environment Comments Competency 8 – Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services Demonstrates an understanding of social policies Identifies how particular policies influence practice Identifies the role of practice in policy development Acknowledges ways to advocate for effective policy change DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 4 N/A FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Competency 1 2 3 4 5 Comments Competency 9 – Respond to contexts that shape practice Identify organization change that impacts clients and systems Recognizes the need to make changes to service delivery to provide effective services (i.e. different location, different population, etc.) Recognizes the role of social workers in providing leadership to support effective changes Demonstrates awareness of the profession’s history and commitment to improving the lives of those served or their communities Comments Competency 10 – Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities Recognize and distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication as expressed by clients, colleagues, etc. Recognizes the role he/she plays with clients/groups/organizations/communities Acknowledges that all participants enter the agency at different stages with different needs Recognizes and employs the appropriate uses of empathy Acknowledges why work goals and desired outcomes are created and used during field work Recognizes and understands methods for collecting, organizing, and interpreting client data from a variety of sources Recognizes and employs the different types of intervention strategies Identifies the special engagement needs of diverse clients across systems and the life span Assesses strengths and challenges of clients and systems in working toward case conceptualization Develop mutually agreed-upon client and system goals Identifies major social work interventions to help clients and systems solve problems Initiates culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate actions to achieve client/system goals Considers prevention strategies as an integral part of the intervention process DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 5 N/A FIELD INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION OF STUDENT RATING SCALE Internship Placement Program Michigan Department of Human Services Competency 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Assesses personal and professional strengths and challenges Remains open to self-reflection and feedback Comments Additional Competencies Comments Would the DHS Field Instructor recommend the intern for a position with the Department of Human Services? Yes No (If no, why not?) Additional Feedback I have reviewed the above evaluation and acknowledge receipt: Student Signature Date Field Instructor Signature Date Field Liaison Signature Date Recommended Grade (based on college/university grading scale, i.e. 4.0 scale, Pass/Fail or letter grade) Department of Human Services (DHS) will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race, religion, age, national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your needs known to a DHS office in your area. DHS-1308 (2-13) MS Word 6