Sacramento City College Enrollment Management Meeting

Sacramento City College
Enrollment Management Meeting
Dec 12, 2013 * RN-258 * 10-11 AM
1. Don Button – Briefing on College
Activity: Positive Sex Education
Don reviewed the proposal for SAC City Sex-Positive Week.
The four day event will be held the 2nd week of February.
Institutional support will be generated through the SOS
activity and a table and/or room will be set up for the
Enrollment Management Committee to present information
on relationships, safe sex or whatever the planning coming
committee decides should be highlighted.
Discussion regarding the new SSSP regulations. What
should we do to help the college become more aware
of what role they will play as this is not just a Student
Services issue. The college will receive funding based
on 1st year students completing Orientation,
Matriculation, and Counseling. Faculty and staff need
to know what role they play in the new requirements.
What part of their work contributes to funding.
Suggestions for helping college become more aware of
how they will increase funding for the college:
1. Go to specific groups and show what role their dept
plays in the new requirements.
2. Send email to dept chairs informing them of
3. Send a concise, abbreviated, flyer describing
requirements, may add comments from staff that
attended various workshops on how information helped
4. Flex workshop; consider video clips.
VPSS thought this would be a good activity with
institutional support as discipline cases often deal with
relationship issues between the sexes.
The activity helps to change the culture of the college
to develop a non-judgmental point of view when
dealing with the sexes and it is supported by different
areas on campus.
Rhonda Rios Kravitz, Robert Heisleman, Debra Luff,
Michael Poindexter and a counselor with a social work
background will become the planning committee.
Anyone may join in the planning committee. Rhonda
was asked to take the lead on this and set up a
meeting in January.
Michael Poindexter and Christine Hernandez will
design the flyer that will go out to staff.
Michael will touch bases with our publicity
department, PIO regarding online publications
that can help to inform staff.
Mary Turner, Joint Deans Council and administrative
assistants are to have a workshop and one of the topics
can be SSSP requirements.
3. SSSP Spring SOS programs
Discussion regarding SOS activities:
 Reviewed the SOS Spring 2014 activities:
o Jan 21-23 activity SOS Welcome Tables OK
o Mar 4-6 activity Pass that class: stay til May OK
o SOS What’s next, following changes recommended:
1. Move the dates up to Feb, 3rd or 4th week of school;
helpful hints flyer should be sent and SARS alert; the
flyer should include assessment with faculty;
information about W’s; and check with SRC, Norm for
informational flyer that he also sends out. The VPs
also send a joint information memo to faculty.
2. Should we do a simple flow chart that shows
students what they need to do?’
3. If a student completes all components, is there
something they receive?
4. How does the 90 unit mark affect registration?
 The committee was thanked for all the hard work they
do to help our students be successful in their
educational goals.
 Reminder: for Commencement, order graduation cards
for Veterans.
Due to SSSP requirements: Current continuing students
are being grandfathered in and will not lose their
priority registration if they have not completed the
three components of SSSP: Orientation, Assessment
and Advising/ISEP for Spring 2014.
New first year students that register for Summer and
Fall 2014 classes must complete three components of