THE MULTIPLIER AND A KEYNESIAN MODEL OF A MACROECONOMIC SYSTEM definitional equations .......................................................................................... 1 identity ................................................................................................................ 1 causal relationships ............................................................................................. 2 consumption equation ......................................................................................... 2 autonomous consumption ................................................................................... 2 marginal propensity to consume ......................................................................... 2 import function.................................................................................................... 2 autonomous imports ............................................................................................ 2 marginal propensity to import ............................................................................. 2 A. The Reduced Form of a System ................................................................................ 2 dependent variable .............................................................................................. 2 endogenous” variable.......................................................................................... 2 independent variables.......................................................................................... 2 exogenous ........................................................................................................... 2 B. Multipliers and Policy Making ................................................................................. 3 sensitivity analysis .............................................................................................. 3 scenario planning ................................................................................................ 3 multiplier ............................................................................................................. 3 C. Diagrams of the System ............................................................................................ 4 Figure 9-1. Aggregate Expenditure........................................................................ 5 Figure 9-2. Shifts in Aggregate Expenditure ......................................................... 6 Figure 9-3. Multiplying Effects ............................................................................. 7 Table 1. Mulitplying Effects ............................................................................... 8 using EXCEL ...................................................................................................... 8 Table 9-1. Mulitplying Effects using EXCEL ........................................................ 8 The study of the economic effects of policy requires an economy to be modeled so that all of the important interactions within the economy can be examined. The study of government policy requires the key actions of government to be included in the economic model. Inevitably such a task requires that a system of equations be defined which specifies how the economy works. The National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) set out some of the major definitional equations- equations that are true by definition- with which to build a model of the macroeconomy. The most important definitional equation is the definitional link between income and expenditure: Y= C + I + G + net X This equation is an identity. It must always be true by definition. 1 However, some equations define causal relationships that describe the behavior of sectors of the economy. The most important one specified by economists is for consumption, C: C=a+b*Y This consumption equation shows that consumption is affected by income, Y. Certain behavioral constants have been found to apply to consumption through time: autonomous consumption (“a”) and the marginal propensity to consume (“b”). Autonomous consumption can be thought of as the consumption we must do regardless of what happens to our income. The marginal propensity to consume represents how much of each extra dollar we use for consumption; it should be positive and it should be below 100%. When the foreign sector is important to an economy then an “open economy” model must be defined. Typically an open economy model includes an equation which specifies an import function. Like the consumption equation the import equation is a behavioral equation, showing how imports (IM) respond to income (Y): IM= IMo +d*Y Certain behavioral constants have been found to apply to imports through time: autonomous imports (“IMo”) and the marginal propensity to import (“d”). Autonomous imports are quite similar to autonomous consumption; can be thought of as the imports we will import regardless of what happens to our income. The marginal propensity to import represents how much of each extra dollar we use for imports; as in the marginal propensity to consume, it should be positive and it should be below 100%. However, for the duration of this reading, we will use a model of a “Closed economy” in which imports are simply treated as exogenous, which means they are completely determined outside of the model. A. The Reduced Form of a System Just these two equations define a system which acts very differently than when the two equations are treated separately. To see how the system works we must find the “reduced form” of the system. The reduced form equation shows one unknown dependent variable on the left hand side (also referred to as the “endogenous” variable because it is determined within the equation) and independent variables (“exogenous”) and parameters on the right hand side. Let’s make income (Y) the endogenous variable that is to be explained and the rest of the variables are exogenous. We can find the reduced form by substituting the consumption function into the first equation as follows: Y= C + I + G + net X = (a + b*Y) + I + G + net X Then we can subtract –b*Y from both sides so that it effectively appears only on the left hand side: 2 Y - b*Y = a + I + G + net X This simplifies to: Y*(1-b) = { a + I + G + net X } Which finally, when dividing through by (1-b), simplifies to the reduced form: Y = (1/(1-b))* { a + I + G + net X } We have one dependent variable and one equation. Only parameters and independent variables are found on the right hand side in a reduced form equation. B. Multipliers and Policy Making Why should we go through the exercise of finding the reduced form equation? Because it allows us to find the impact of policies and major events on our economy. The reduced form equation provides information with which we can do sensitivity analysis and scenario planning just as you can do in making a business plan for a firm. Except that this kind of planning can also involve the entire economy. Let’s see how we can use the above reduced form equation to examine the impact of government expenditure on the economy. Suppose we increase government spending by just $1.00. That means the new income for the economy (Ynew) would be: Ynew = (1/(1-b))* { a + I + (G+$1.00) + net X } If we subtract the previous equation (without the $1.00) from this new equation, we can find the change in income, Y: Y = Ynew – Y = (1/(1-b))* { a + I + (G+$1.00) + net X } - (1/(1-b))* { a + I + G + net X } = (1/(1-b)) * $1.00 You should see that income (Y) would rise by the amount of $1*(1/(1-b)). The term, (1/(1-b)), is called the multiplier. It shows how much income rises for every $1 of government expenditure (or other exogenous expenditure). To find the effect of government policy, the reduced form equation completely eliminates the difficulty of finding out autonomous consumption (“a”), Investment (I), the level of government expenditure (G), Consumption (C), income (Y), or net exports (net X), even though all of those variables are in the equation. In this case the reduced form equation has allowed us to focus only on the value of one parameter, the marginal propensity to consume when we are trying to examine the effects of government policy. In other words, finding the reduced form of a system enormously simplifies the problem 3 of determining the effects of government policy or, for that matter, any other policy or event. What is the numerical value of the multiplier? Generally the Marginal propensity to consume (“b”) on which the multiplier depends is close to 1.0, but never exceeds 1.0. Let’s say it is 0.9. In other words, for every $1 rise in income people spend $.90 consumption. Then the multiplier becomes: Multiplier = (1/(1-b)) = (1/(1-.90)) =10 That means every $1 rise in government expenditure causes a $10 income in the income of the economy. C. Diagrams of the System What’s happening here? Is the government pulling a rabbit out of a hat? Is it creating money out of thin air? No. The additional income comes from the multiplying effects of expenditures turning into income which generates more expenditure which raises income, etc., etc. We can see how this multiplying process works by using a graph of the income and expenditure process. The fundamental identity, Y=C + I + G + net X, can be represented as a 45 degree line where income is on the X-axis and expenditure on the Y-axis. The 45 degree line consists of the points where income equals expenditures. 4 Figure 1. Aggregate Expenditure Expenditure C+I+G+net X equilibrium C+I C =b= marginal propensity to consume a 45o means Y=C+I+G+net X income In the same diagram the consumption function and the other expenditures can also be represented. The consumption function, C = a + b*Y, is an upward sloping line which starts at autonomous consumption, “a”, and has the slope, b, which is the marginal propensity to consume (the consumption function is represented by the lowest upward sloping line in the diagram). On top of the consumption function investment is added. Since investment is not affected by income, it appears as a parallel upward shifting line. On top of investment, government expenditures are added, which leads to the third line. If government spends less with higher income, the third line may even be flatter than the second line. In the diagram, net exports are presumed to be zero so that the third represents total expenditures at every income level. This highest expenditure curve is often referred to as aggregate expenditure. Where aggregate expenditure intersects the 45 degree line, a macroeconomic equilibrium occurs. Below the macroeconomic equilibrium the economy is spending too much, inventories fall, and the attempt to produce more goods and services forces the economy toward equilibrium and a higher income level. Above the equilibrium the economy is spending too little, inventories start piling up, and production is curbed which forces the economy downward to equilbrium. Equilibrium represents the point where inventory levels are at a sustainable optimum. 5 Figure 2. Shifts in Aggregate Expenditure Expenditure New equilibrium New C+I+G+net X $10 billion Old equilibrium More Govt Expenditure C+I+G+net X 45o income Suppose the government increases expenditures by $10 billion. Then aggregate expenditure rises by the full $10 billion to a new aggregate expenditure curve (labeled “New C+I+G+netX”). The equilibrium rises from the old equilibrium to the new equilibrium. However, income rises by much more than $10 billion. To see why it rises by more than $10 billion, we must follow the money trail. The government spends the $10 billion, but the sellers from whom the government buys, see the $10 billion as new income. With their new income they will save some and then consume the rest. The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) tells us just how much of the $10 billion will be consumed. Assuming an MPC of .9, the sellers will consume $9 billion (which equals $10 billion * 0.9). Of course, when the sellers consume, they are buyers, not sellers. Their $9 billion of consumption adds to the total expenditure as shown in the following diagram: 6 Figure 3. Multiplying Effects Expenditure $10 b. More Expenditure 45o Etc. $10 b. Etc. Means $9 b. More income More income Means $9 b. more Expend Means $10 b. More income New C+I+G+net X C+I+G+net X INCOME RISES BY $100 BILLION. income But the diagram also shows that the money trail keeps multiplying onward.. The consumers spend the $9 billion, but the new sellers from whom the consumers buy, see the $9 billion as new income. The MPC tells us just how much of the $9 billion will be consumed: the new sellers will consume $8.1 billion (which equals $9 billion * 0.9). Of course, when the new sellers consume, they are buyers, not sellers. Their $8.1 billion of consumption adds to the total expenditure as shown in the above diagram. The logic of this multiplying process can be taken an infinite number rounds. Here’s how an EXCEL spreadsheet can be programmed to carry out the calculation: 7 Table 1. Mulitplying Effects using EXCEL A B 1 Expenditure Income 2 10.0000 10.0000 3 9.0000 9.0000 4 8.1000 8.1000 5 7.2900 7.2900 6 6.5610 6.5610 7 5.9049 5.9049 8 5.3144 5.3144 9 4.7830 4.7830 10 4.3047 4.3047 11 3.8742 3.8742 12 3.4868 3.4868 13 3.1381 3.1381 14 2.8243 2.8243 … … … sum 74.5813 Note: After labeling the columns, cell a2 shows the initial change in government expenditure ($10 billion). Then cell b2 is set equal to a2 (in other words enter “=a2”) because what is spent turns into someone else’s income by definition. But that income gets spent, although not all of it. The marginal propensity to consume (say it is .9) says that 90% of the income is spent on consumption. So in cell a3, the marginal propensity to consume is multiplied by the income in cell b2 (i.e. enter “=.9*b2” in cell a3). Then drag the formulas in both cells (cell b2 first and then cell a3) as far down as you want and sum the columns as shown at the bottom of the middle column. Each additional row that you add represents another round of spending based on the extra income created by the previous round of spending. Of course all of this work is unnecessary with an understanding of the multiplier. When the MPC is .90, the multiplier on government expenditure is given as we saw above by: Multiplier = (1/(1-b)) = (1/(1-.90)) =10 Multiplying the multiplier by the $10 billion change in government expenditure gives us the total increase of $100 billion. And we haven’t had to go through all of the rounds to get there. However for complicated systems of equations the reduced form may be very difficult to find. The process of using EXCEL to solve for the rounds of equations may prove a much easier task. Furthermore, the EXCEL approach helps us to visualize what 8 is happening in the economy, step-by-step, as policy works to stimulate or destimulate the economy. INDEX of terms “endogenous” variable 2 45 degree line .............. 3 aggregate expenditure . 5 autonomous consumption ............ 2 causal relationships ..... 1 consumption equation . 2 definitional equations .. 1 dependent variable ...... 2 exogenous ................... 2 identity ........................ 1 independent variables.. 2 macroeconomic equilibrium .............. 5 marginal propensity to consume .................. 2 multiplier ..................... 3 multiplying effects ...... 3 reduced form ............... 2 reduced form equation 2 scenario planning ........ 2 sensitivity analysis ...... 2 system of equations ..... 1 The Reduced Form of a System ..................... 2 9