Why do you think ears evolved in Butterflies? a) b) c) d) To define territory Predation Mating All of the above Rubina Khan & Connie Goudie BIO 4420 ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS Light / dark cycle – environmental cue seasonal change in L:D proximate cue for physiological adjustments reproductive cycle feeding, metabolism, hibernation onset ultimate cue for specific activites hunting, foraging Circadian rhythms predictable fluctuations in physiological functions and activities linked (synchronized) to L:D persist in constant dark (circa = about, dies = day) Circadian clocks suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in hypothalamus Suprachiasmatic nucleus component in a direct neural pathway between retinal input and CNS Link between retinal input (light cues), pineal gland and pituitary SCN communicates circadian signals to other parts of CNS SCN communicates circadian signals to: ventromedial nucleus (feeding, appetite) paraventricular nucleus (ADH, oxytocin) nuclei, tracts lesion in SCN-effect? transplant of SCN neurons-effect? Melatonin – “night” hormone Daily rhythm of physiological functions in a human Subject in a room under controlled light cycle 16L:8D Slept at night 12h is noon 0h and 24h is midnight Rhythm in : body temperature plasma growth hormone plasma cortisol urinary potassium Hill et al. 2004 Fig. 10.14 Activity rhythm in nocturnal flying squirrel activity recorded on a running wheel for 23 days each line represent one day 12h is noon 24h is midnight a) Activity pattern is entrained under 12L:12D b) Activity pattern is free-running under constant darkness Hill et al. 2004, Fig. 10.16 Suprachiasmatic nucleus in the hypothalamus is the circadian clock of mammals Location of SCN in brain freerunning rhythm loss of freerunning rhythm Hill et al. 2004, Fig. 10.17 Reproduction : physiological function vital for survival of the species (not the individual) interest in fish reproduction aquaculture maintenance of wild fish stocks protection of rare species ecotoxicology – fish as bioindicators other species? Steps : 1. Maturation of gametes 2. Partner selection (identification/evaluation) 3. Fertilization of gametes 4. Development of zygote, embryo, larva 5. Survival of juveniles Coordination and synchronization with and by environmental factors Great diversity of adaptations morphological physiological behavioural Important role of the Nervous and Endocrine Systems in reproduction K-type strategies vs r-type strategies mammal vs fish semelparity vs iteroparity Hypothalamic-pituitary axis walleye sockeye salmon swordtail cichlid goldfish Moyle&Cech, p.123 Pathways for reproductive stimulation and inhibition in fishes Cech&Moyle, p. 132 HORMONES •BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE CHEMICALS •SYNTHESIZED, STORED, AND SECRETED BY: ENDOCRINE GLANDS (ductless) e.g. pancreas, thyroid, gonad NEUROSECRETORY CELLS e.g. supraoptic nuclei of hypothalamus •SECRETED INTO BLOOD (free or bound) •LOW CIRCULATING TITRES (e.g. insulin 5 X 10-12 M) •SHORT BIOLOGICAL HALF-LIFE e.g. insulin 5-8 minutes, testosterone 1 hour, FSH 3 hours, thyroxine 6 days •PLASMA CLEARANCE BY: TARGET CELL UPTAKE ENZYMATIC DEGRADATION (liver) URINARY EXCRETION STRUCTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF HORMONES 1. PEPTIDES & PROTEINS peptide hormones protein hormones 3 >200 a.a. (e.g. TSH-RH) (e.g. insulin) 2. AMINES thyroid hormones catecholamines tyrosine precursor (e.g. epinephrine) small, H20-soluble 3. STEROIDS adrenal cortical hormones (e.g. cortisol) gonadal hormones (e.g. estrogen, testosterone) cyclic hydrocarbon derivatives cholesterol precursor lipid soluble 4. EICOSENOIDS (autocrine, paracrine) prostaglandins cyclic unsaturated fatty acids MECHANISM OF ACTION OF hydrophilic chemical messengers (e.g. LIPID-INSOLUBLE HORMONES) peptides and proteins, catecholamines •usually not bound to carrier protein •do not readily diffuse across membrane •bind to membrane receptor •H-R complex triggers production of 2nd messenger cAMP, cGMP (cyclic nucleotide monophosphates) IP3, DAG (inositol phospholipids) Ca2+ ions •rapid, short-lived responses; usually metabolic Transport of chemical messenger to the target cell MECHANISM OF ACTION OF hydrophobic chemical messengers (e. g. LIPID-SOLUBLE HORMONES steroid hormones thyroid hormones •bound to carrier protein in blood •readily diffuse across membrane •bind to cytoplasmic or nuclear receptor •H-R complex binds to regulatory portions of DNA •stimulate (or inhibit) transcription of specific genes •and specific proteins •effects persist for hours to days Transport of chemical messenger to the target cell •Genetic sex in fishes Some species : F (XX) M (XY) Others : F (ZW) M (ZZ) Mammals: F (XX), M(XY) Birds: F (ZW), M (ZZ) •Phenotypic sex in fishes 1o sex characteristics : ovary, testes Great vulnerability, sex change easily inducible 1. Hormonal status (experimental or endogenous) e.g. treatment with methyltestosterone (F to M) e.g. treatment with estrone (M to F) problem of endocrine disrupters and xenoestrogens 2. Environmental or social factors e.g. temperature (non-differentiated gonad to M or F/temperature) e.g. social status/hierarchy experimental behavioral physiology Vulnerability of other vertebrates : Effect of temperature on sex determination in turtles (eggs incubated at low Temp. → Males, high Temp → Females alligators (high and low temp → Females; intermediate → Males) External and internal features of an adult fish Moyle&Cech, p. 120 2o sexual characteristics • Specialized anatomical adaptations Pigmentation, special structures, internal or external fertilization, reproduction modes (oviparity, ovoviviparity, viviparity) • Biochemical adaptations hormones, pheromones • Sexual behaviours preparation of nets, spawning gravel, nuptial danse,… Importance of exprimental physiology and endocrinology approach and methods used Examples of reproductive modes vis à vis : sharks, birds, reptiles, … parental care internal or external fertilization Sexual dimorphism in salmon (sockeye salmon) semelparous vs iteroparous fish Pacific salmon vs Atlantic salmon Moyle&Cech, p.123 Phyletic distribution of neurohypophyseal hormones Bentley, 1996 NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEM The pituitary glands of fishes diagrammatic representation of the midsagittal section Evolution of the pituitary anatomy/physiology •Teleostei e.g. trout, pike, carp Pituitary gland of a teleost fish (e.g. eel, Anguilla anguilla) diagrammatic representation of the midsagittal section cells that produce hormones in the pars distalis (part of adenohypophysis) lie in distinct zones Prolactin cells in pituitary gland of yellow perch, Perca flavescens x400 Annual reproductive cycles in fishes from temperate zones (e.g. male rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) Seasonal variation in plasma levels of steroids testosterone (x) 11-ketotestosterone (o) 17,20B-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (+) Seasonal variation in volume of sperm (open squares) GSI (circles) GSI=% gonad wt/body wt Norris, p. 421 Ovulation cycle in mammals ESTROUS vs MENSTRUAL CYCLES duration of luteal phase proliferation of endometrium vaginal cytology effect of environment effect of copulation sexual receptivity SPONTANEOUS OVULATORS (e.g. rat, human) surge secretion independent of neural inputs INDUCED/REFLEX OVULATORS (e.g. cat, rabbit) surge is triggered by stimulation of vaginal and cervical nerve endings during copulation BIO 4420 ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY Annual reproductive cycles in fishes from temperate zones (e.g. female rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss) Seasonal variation in plasma levels of steroids testosterone (solid square) estradiol (open square) 17,20B-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (open triangle Seasonal variation in plasma vitellogenin (solid circles) GTH (open circles) Vitellogenesis Blood-feeding insects Blood meal initiates JH surge Then Vtg production Seasonal variation in ovarian weight (in longjaw mudsucker, Gillichthys mirabilis) Cycles of ovarian recrudescence and regression Importance of environmental cues Moyle&Cech, p.130 •Seasonal reproductive cycles in temperate zone periods of reproductive activity periods of rest Use of proximate environmental cues photoperiod temperature Use of ultimate environmental cues availability of food, oxygen mates spawning habitats,… •Continual reproduction in tropical zone Munro et al. 1990, p. 15 Link between retinal input (light cues), pineal gland and pituitary SCN communicates circadian signals to other parts of CNS SCN communicates circadian signals to: ventromedial nucleus (feeding, appetite) paraventricular nucleus (ADH, oxytocin) nuclei, tracts lesion in SCN-effect? transplant of SCN neurons-effect? Melatonin – “night” hormone Gametogenesis in female and male Normal testes Chemically-induced damage to testes Seminiferous tubule Hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in mammals Ovulation cycle in mammals Production of oogonia (yellow) and oocytes (red) by the ovarian germinal epithelium Mitosis – production of oogonia (diploid 2n) Meioisis – production of oocytes (haploid n) Germinal epithelium Mellinger, p.126 Stages of oogenesis (medaka, Oryzias latipes) follicular cells germinal vesicle post-ovulatory follicle Iwamatsu 1988 vegetative pole 1 2 1-immature ovary with oogonia 2-recrudescing ovary (oogonia, vitellogenic oocytes) 3-mature ovary (large eggs filled with yolk-vitellus) 3 N.B. different scale Activation of egg by fertilization •organization of the peripheral cytoplasm into blastocyst (embryo) unfertilized egg •organization of vitellus yolk sac (lipoprotein) fertilized egg •movement of oil droplets Mellinger, p.129 Development of embryos and larvae walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) Embryo at age 3 days enclosed in egg membrane Embryo at 6 days (removed from egg membrane) hvv – hepatic vitelline vein da – dorsal aorta Embryo at 8 days after hatching Larva, 17 days Moyle&Cech, p.128 Synchronization of spawning in fish ovulatory peak of GTH in female interaction between • photoperiod • temperature • availability of substrate for egg deposition • presence of males exhibiting sexual behavior Stacey et al., 1992 Model of interactions between hormonal factors and pheromones mediating synchronization of ovulation and spawning in fish GTH – gonadotropin PG – prostaglandins PIP – pheromone induced prostaglandin 17,20P – 17, 20B-dihydroxy-4pregnen-3-one OVUL - ovulation Stacey 1994 Endocrine Disruptors : pollutants that have the potential to disrupt the endocrine (hormonal) system of animals, including humans mechanisms of action: mimic natural hormones block action of natural hormones disruption of synthesis Induction of egg protein in male fish by sewage chemicals Jobling et al. 1996, Env.Tox.Chem. •male trout •laboratory exposure, 6 wks •Estrogen (positive control) Octylphenol Nonylphenol •EFFECTS Vitellogenin in blood Smaller testes Intersex in fish downstream from sewage plants Matthiessen et al. 1998 Normal ovary Primary oocytes Secondary oocytes Intersex testis oocytes sperm Animal life cycle and developmental stages similarities/differences vertebrates/invertebrates Life cycle and reproduction in insects Larva grows, molts, sheds exoskeleton Last instar – emergence of adult Two paths of development: Holometabolous insects larva - last instar pupa (+cocoon) adult Hemimetabolous insects larva nymphs adult Juvenile hormone maintains juvenile stages Ecdysone (steroid) important for molting process Metamorphosis of holometabolous insects – role of juvenile hormone (JH) relevance/applications/similarities/differences Hemimetabolism incomplete metamorphosis Vitellogenesis blood-feeding insects blood meal initiates JH surge then Vtg production spermatheca? other animals? Oogenesis in silk moth Parthenogenesis Homogametic Female XX produces offspring only females reproduction without males involves divisions of an oocyte production of diploid individulas, same as the mother commmon in invertebrates (e.g. insects) Heterogametic Female ZW produces offspring only males Gametogenesis in female and male Ovulation Fertilization Implantation Development Parturition Ovulation cycle in mammals Embryonic development in the uterus of a placental mammal: blastocyst binds to uterine wall trophoblast cells invade placenta forms extraembryonic membranes develop Other strategies Sperm storage delayed fertilization (…spermatheca…) Delayed implantation fertilized ovum develops to blastocyst stage (100-400 cells), but implantation into uterine wall is delayed Uterine horns in pregnant mouse at term (vom Saal and Dhar, 1992) Development of mammary glands Lactation Role of prolactin estrogen oxytocin TYPES OF GLANDS Gland = cluster of secretory cells EXOCRINE GLANDS secrete fluids through duct onto epithelial surface external surface internal surface e.g.sweat glands e.g.gall bladder mammary glands salivary glands ENDOCRINE GLANDS secrete hormones directly into circulatory system no duct no distinctive morphological features well vascularized BIO 4420 ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY