SYLLABUS - July 11, 2006 Updated with Cases and corrected Office hours MANAGEMENT 4090 SECTIONS B & NA Management Policy & Strategy Summer 2006 Instructor: Blaine Lawlor Office: E452 Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday. 10 AM – 12 noon (or by appointment) Telephone: 382-7193 E-mail: is the primary means of communication.) Texts: Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Rowe & Sheppard (2006). Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization – Concepts (Second Canadian Edition) Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, Sheppard & Rowe (2006). Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization – Cases (Second Canadian Edition) COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. To teach you the fundamental aspects of strategic planning, industry analysis, strategy implementation, competitive dynamics, organization design, cooperative strategies (strategic alliances), global strategies, and corporate governance. 2. To integrate and apply the knowledge you’ve gained in the core course offerings in the functional areas of the business school curriculum. 3. To enhance your oral and written communication skills through group presentations and individual writing assignments. 4. To expose you to ethical, global, and technological issues associated with strategic management. 5. To develop your skills as a strategist in the areas of intuition, decision-making, opportunity recognition and exploitation, and critical thinking. 6. To provide you with the opportunity to practice what you learn through case analysis. To provide you with an opportunity to work as part of a team. Within the business world, effective participation on a team is what can distinguish one employee from another. CLASSROOM POLICIES Feel free to ask questions or make comments at any time. The questions you ask or comments you make will likely help the other students better understand the issues being discussed. Be sure to read the assigned material before coming to class. There is no better way to truly learn the material. Please contribute to in-class discussions of chapters, readings, outside lecture material, and cases. Plan to attend all sessions. Attendance will be taken each class period, and good attendance (no more than two absences) will help borderline grades at the end of the semester. Please make sure your wireless phones do not ring during class. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY No form of academic misconduct will be tolerated. Please see your student handbook or school catalog for the University’s policy. 1 SYLLABUS - July 11, 2006 Updated with Cases and corrected Office hours PARTICIPATION & ATTENDANCE Participation and attendance is an essential element of this course. As such each student must have a name card with full first (name most commonly used) and last name clearly written and displayed on the desk in front in each class. EXAMS There will be two closed-book exams covering the text, lectures and cases. Each exam will consist of multiple choice, short answer, or true/false questions. I may also include a few essay-type questions. Make-up exams will only be given in extreme circumstances. You must obtain approval from me prior to the day of the exam. No hats are allowed in the exams. GRADING PROCEDURES * Exam # 1 ........................................................................................................................... 150 points Final Exam (Comprehensive) ........................................................................................... 200 points Group Project Analysis & Presentation ........................................................................... 100 points Group case assignments & discussion ................................................................................ 75 points Assignments/Class Participation & Attendance ................................................................ 75 points Total .................................................................................................................................. 600 points * Grades will not be given out over the telephone or by email at the end of the semester. Grades will be based upon the following scale: 95% or more = A+ 90-94.9% = 82-85.9% = B+ 78-81.9% = 70-73.9% = C+ 66-69.9% = 58-61.9% = D+ 50-57.9% = A B C D 86-89.9% 74-77.9% 62-65.9% < 50% = = = = ABCF- GROUP INDUSTRY/COMPANY PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Only one group will be allowed to analyze a particular industry and firm. Choice of industry and firm is on a first-come, first-served basis. Approval of industry/firm is unofficial until presented to me in writing. Five points will be deducted if late. Each group member must participate in the presentation. Business attire is suggested. Each presentation should last approximately 30 minutes. This should allow plenty of time for discussion after each presentation. I require a two-page executive summary and a copy of the materials you intend to utilize on the day of the presentation. Late papers will be NOT be accepted. The grading of your assignment will be based on the: - Executive summary - Thoroughness of your analysis, conclusions & recommendations - Quality of your presentation materials - Excellence of your presentation The information that must be included in the project is shown below. Feel free to add additional information and analysis as you see fit. 2 SYLLABUS - July 11, 2006 Updated with Cases and corrected Office hours Industry Analysis Structure: The industry analysis should be organized as follows: 1. Industry Environment - Discuss the competitors and their market shares. - Discuss the products or services produced by the firms in this industry. 2. Strategies and Critical Success Factors in the Industry - Which firms in the industry are pursuing which business-level strategies? - What must a firm do well to compete effectively in this industry? 3. General Environment - How have demographic changes influenced this industry? - How have technological changes influenced this industry? 4. Strategic Groups within the Industry - Identify strategic groups within the industry. - Discuss why you’ve placed each competitor in each strategic group. - Provide a detailed discussion of your grouping criteria (i.e., price/quality). - Provide an X-Y chart of the groups. 5. Key ratios and measures (ensure you are examining market share growth and trends of own company and key competitors. Are there any surprises? What should be done about those surprises? 6. Key Issues and Future Scenarios - What key opportunities exist for this industry? Which company (or companies) is most likely to take advantage of these opportunities? Why? - What key threats (in terms of new entrants, product life cycle, product obsolescence, substitute products, etc.) exist for this industry? Company Analysis: please address the following issues in your company analysis: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Description of the Firm - Company history. - Product lines. - The scope of the firm (geographic, target customers, technologies, etc.) - The size of the firm (sales, assets, employees, etc.) - The firm's culture and philosophies Identify competitive advantages/disadvantages and overall evaluation using value chain and the Resource-based view (VRIS) 5 forces and SWOT - Which functional areas within the firm are particularly strong and which are particularly weak? Why? - Discuss the firm's financial (ROA, ROS, sales growth, etc.) and non-financial (employment stability/growth, innovation, customer relations, etc.) performance over the last three to five years. Current Strategy - Describe the firm's strategies at the corporate, business, and functional levels. - Discuss each in detail, and evaluate the "soundness" of each. Identify opportunities and Threats and how they relate to the current strategy. - Provide a discussion of the opportunities and threats within the industry that are particularly applicable to your firm. What are the key issues for the firm? Recommended Actions - What should your firm change about its corporate, business, and functional strategies to become more effective? (Hint: Be creative. Don't just discuss what they've been doing in the past. Provide solid recommendations for future actions.) 3 SYLLABUS - July 11, 2006 Updated with Cases and corrected Office hours Detailed Schedule July 4th – Aug 17th, 2006 Date July 4 July 6 Topic Reading Assignment Course overview & Chapter 1 Chapters 2 & 3 Be prepared to discuss the Chapter 2 – Strategic Management and Firm Performance opening cases. Chapter 3 – The External Environment Complete experiential exercise on pg 59 and be prepared to discuss in class Prior to class complete experiential exercises on Pg 130 and 131 July 11 Chapter 4 – Internal Environment & Case 1 Adventus July 13 Chapter 5 Business Level Strategy & Case 12 Heat Savor All projects approved. Review Study for midterm over the weekend July 18 Midterm - Chapters 1 – 5 Work time on projects July 20 Chapter 7 - Corporate level Strategy & Case 16 Meridian Magnesium July 25 Chapter 8 – Acquisitions/Restructuring & Case 15 Lufthansa July 27 Aug 1 Chapter 9 – International Strategy & Case 5 Caterpillar Chapter 11 – Corporate Governance & Case 1 Adventus Aug 3 Aug 8 Aug 10 Aug 15 Aug 17 Chapter 13 – Strategic Leadership & Ethics discussion Presentations & Review Presentations Presentations Final Exam. Comprehensive Time to work on projects 4 Be prepared to discuss mini case at the beginning of the chapter Bring in an example on unethical behavior All projects due! Study for final