Management 3830 - Contemporary Database Applications (Using Access)
Fall 2005
Brian Dobing, Room E424, 329-2492,
Class Web Page:
Class Times: Mon, Wed 1:40 – 2:55 PM D630
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Other times may be arranged by appointment
Working in pairs, students will design and build a small database system for a business
application following the five-stage model below:
1. create a data model for the new system;
2. design a database structure based on the data model;
3. design and build a user interface for transaction processing;
4. design and build management reports for analysis and decision making; and,
5. combine all the above into a complete, documented, usable and well-tested system.
This course has two corequisites, Management 3061 and Computer Science 1620. You should
have some introduction to Access, either before taking this course or from early classes in Mgt
3061 taken concurrently. Those who have some other introductory software course that did not
use Access, or have studied Access but forgotten all or most of it, should work through the
introductory chapters of the Access text or some other introductory book.
Computer Science 1620 provides an introduction to programming concepts that are useful when
working with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the Access programming language.
However, this class does not require much programming skill and no knowledge of C++ (or any
other programming language) is needed.
Credit Limitations (mostly for Computer Science students)
You cannot receive credit for both Computer Science 3660 and Management 3830. Computer
Science majors who do not take 3660 can receive credit for this class.
Systems Project
The systems project has been divided into separate assignments called milestones. The final three
milestones are cumulative. You cannot simply accept a low grade on milestone 5 or 6 and forget
about it. The final milestone requires that you submit the complete project, including corrections
to work done in milestones 5 and 6.
Second, you are responsible for building a system and you need to do whatever it takes to
succeed. As with real systems, the answers cannot always be found in specific chapters of a
textbook. Most of you will have limited experience with Access. You will need to develop a
strategy to effectively learn this software, through books, on-line help, in-class demonstrations
and, most importantly, experimentation. The schedule on the last page of this syllabus suggests
readings for some of the topics. You will probably find that learning Access is much more
difficult than learning Word or Excel.
Each milestone will normally be done in teams of two students each. No three-person teams will
be permitted, even if this means that someone must work alone. You can change partners any
time during the first four milestones, or choose to work alone. But the final three milestones are
cumulative and are best done by consistent teams (although you can still change or drop a partner
if necessary). Two projects of equal quality will get the same grade, even if one is by a twoperson team and the other is by someone working alone.
Assignment Rules
All milestones, including supporting text and diagrams, must be submitted in Access and Word
2003 format. Each milestone will specify whether printed copies, emailed files, or both are to be
submitted. Assignments are graded primarily for content, but presentation, spelling and grammar
are also important where relevant
Note that the emailed assignments are normally due by noon on the day of the class. I will verify
that the assignments have been received and are readable before class. The printed portions of all
assignments are due at the start of class. Any extensions due to lab problems, weather, or other
reasons will be emailed to the class list and posted on the course web page. Please look there first
if any unusual events occur. Written assignments can also be left under the door of my office if
I'm not there. Submitted assignments may be used during the class to illustrate different ways of
approaching a problem.
For the first four milestones, there will be a 10% penalty for submissions received between the
due time and the start of class and a 25% penalty for submissions made during class time.
Because the solutions will be discussed in class, no submissions can be accepted once the class is
over. For the final three milestones, late submissions will be accepted with a penalty of 25% per
day. Late penalties are subtracted from the grade you otherwise would have earned. So if
Milestone 1 is submitted an hour late and is worth 80/100, it would receive a grade of 70/100. A
50% penalty means a loss of 50 points, rather than receiving half what you normally would.
For milestones 2 and 3, solutions will be presented which represent the final product that would
normally result after an extensive negotiation between the user and the designers. Solutions may
be simplified to limit the workload for the next stage. But, more importantly, the solutions allow
you to continue on the project without the risk of building on an incorrect foundation. Otherwise,
you could begin with an incorrect data model, implement it in Access, and then be unable to
generate the required reports. Teams are free to enhance the basic solution and will receive credit
for doing so in the final milestone. This will be further discussed in class.
Lab Facilities and Software
University Computer Labs, where most of you will build your Access databases, can become
very busy at critical times. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to change. You can use your own
computer, but the official class software is Access 2003.
Course Web Page:
Material will be posted on the course web page:
You should be able to find the course syllabus, assignments, and some class notes. Any
subsequent corrections, additions, etc. will also be posted on the web page. You are responsible
for checking your email regularly.
I will try to respond to email questions. However, I cannot provide long and detailed responses
that way. Some questions may be answered on the class web page and/or brought up in the
following class.
Textbooks and, Readings
The Access textbook (which is the only one you should need to buy) is:
Shelly, Cashman and Pratt, Microsoft Office Access 2003: Comprehensive Concepts and
Techniques, Thomson/Course Technology, 2006.
This book is new for this term (last term used a different book designed for Access 2002). Books
on earlier versions of Access (2000 and 2002) are still useful because the features used in this
class have not changed much in recent versions.
The data modeling section (Chapter 10) from the current 4840/4841 textbook will also be
provided in class.
Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Joey F. George and Joseph S. Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis &
Design, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2002.
Access comes with its own sample “Northwinds” database. You can find examples of most of the
features you want by looking through the forms and reports and seeing how they do things.
Finding ideas in Northwinds, books, sample databases and Access web sites is an essential part
of the learning process. However, you are expected to apply the ideas and not just make a copy of
Northwinds or some similar example.
The following titles are on reserve at the Library:
Form Design:
Business Forms, Made E-Z Products, 2001.
Ready-To-Use Business Forms: A Complete Package For The Small Business, Self-Counsel
Press, 2000.
Data Modeling:
Michael Reingruber and William W. Gregory, The Data Modeling Handbook: A Best-Practice
Approach To Building Quality Data Models, Wiley, C1994.
Michael J. Hernandez, Database Design For Mere Mortals : A Hands-On Guide To Relational
Database Design, Addison-Wesley Developers Press, 1997.
Advanced Access (VBA)
Alison Balter, Mastering Microsoft Access 2002 Desktop Development, Sams, 2002.
Paul Kimmel, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Access 2002 Programming In 24 Hours, Sams,
Susann Novalis and Dana Jones, Access 2002 VBA Handbook, Sybex, 2001.
Your final grade will be determined using the following percentages:
60 (Each milestone value is shown below)
Final Exam
Although the exams are worth only 40% of you grade, this may be misleading. Individual exam
marks typically have greater variance than project marks, resulting in greater impact on the final
The following is an approximate grading curve. Final scores will be rounded, e.g., 77.5 will be a
B. The actual grade distributions for this semester may be adjusted (but only to the advantage of
students) and will not be determined until the end of the semester when all marks are in. The
final grade distribution will be consistent with past classes.
< 50
Academic Integrity
It is critical to the reputation of the Faculty of Management, and of our degrees, that everyone
associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As a Faculty that helps
create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical
standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust.
The University of Lethbridge Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the
heading “Student Discipline Policy. Of particular concern, but certainly not the only violations,
 copying someone else's program, even with minor modifications and with or without their
permission, from a diskette, printed copy, or even by observing what they are doing
 providing a disk or printout or otherwise allowing someone else to copy your work
 allowing someone else to do all or part of your assignment
 working jointly with others to create a single solution and then customizing it for each
 presenting code taken substantially from books, CD-ROMs, the Internet or other sources as
your own
Students cheating on exams or assisting others to do so will receive an "F" in the course.
Cooperation between teams is generally encouraged when it involves technical matters, such as
how Access works. But close cooperation on content resulting in virtually identical submissions
is not acceptable. Milestones that include material that has obviously been copied between two or
more teams will ALL receive a mark of ZERO. Thus, it is important that you protect your work
against copying. Any significant copying of programs found in other books or on the Internet will
be regarded as a serious violation and will also receive a mark of ZERO. Receiving any
substantial outside assistance from Access experts is not acceptable. However, applying ideas
found in these sources is strongly encouraged. If you do copy anything, make a note of it just as
you would reference a quotation in a term paper. If you are unsure about what is or is not
acceptable, please see me first.
You also have some responsibility to ensure that your partner does not violate the policy on
Academic Integrity. Should a violation occur, both members are jointly accountable unless the
violation can be clearly attributed to a specific individual.
Each milestone is a basic step towards building a database system. Further details on each
Milestone will be distributed in class.
Milestone 0 – Entities and Attributes (20 marks)
Identify the key entities and attributes for a system.
Milestone 1 – Practice Data Model (30 marks)
Create a practice data model for an organization.
Milestone 2 - Data Model (100 marks)
Create a data model capable of supporting the operations and management requirements
identified in the organization description. An important part of this milestone is determining
what those requirements are. Some may not be explicitly stated, but are nevertheless critical to
successful operations. Also consider possible management reports for analysis and decision
making, and what data they will require. Data may also be needed for organizational control,
such as tracking which employee has processed each transaction.
Milestone 3 - Access Database (20 marks)
Implement the data model as a relational database in Access. You will be given a data model to
work with, rather than using your own from Milestone 2. Create each Access table and field
needed and choose an appropriate data type for each field. Choose a key field(s) for each table.
Then build a relationship diagram, which will resemble your data model. The diagram should fit
on the screen and be well organized with all fields visible. (In other words, each data file box
should be large enough that no scroll bars are needed.) Add relationships, including referential
integrity where appropriate. Captions, validation rules, etc. should not be added at this time. Nor
should you add any data.
Milestone 4 - Access Queries (80 marks)
Create a variety of queries to retrieve information, using the Access database (including data)
distributed after Milestone 3. Some of these queries may be useful in creating Forms or Reports
in later milestones.
Milestone 5 - Access Data Entry and Control (100 marks)
Using your database from Milestone 4, the first step is to add control features to the tables (e.g.,
field captions, field sizes, integrity checks, etc.). Then you can create Access Forms, primarily
designed for data entry. For example, systems must often be able to add new customers, modify
data for existing ones (e.g., a new address), and record basic transactions. In this milestone, you
will create basic but well-designed data entry forms that should allow record additions and
modifications. Additional features will be added in Milestone 7.
Milestone 6 - Access Reports (100 marks)
Every organization requires a variety of printed output from databases. In Access, printed output
is generally done using “Reports” while screen output is done using “Forms.” Thus, a Customer
Receipt is an Access Report, even though we do not usually think of them as reports in the
normal sense of the term. The purpose of the reports will be specified, but you will need to
determine what data should be included and how it should be organized.
Milestone 7 - Final System (150 marks)
Each team will submit their final product, a working, documented system that provides at least
the key functionality required. Attach a cover memo to explain what you have done and what
features (if any) you have been unable to include. Be honest - if you hide problems that are
discovered the penalty will be much greater. (That's true both for this assignment and in business
There are four key parts to this milestone. First, you need to resubmit some material from earlier
milestones. All forms (Milestone 5) and reports (Milestone 6) will be graded again. However,
different aspects may be tested this time. A project could get a lower or higher score, even if
nothing was changed.
Second, you need to add a Switchboard Form and navigation buttons that allow users to move
among the forms easily. The system may also require some prototype (not functional) security
provisions, such as a password.
Third, your system should provide some documentation to help someone use and maintain the
system. While each Form should contain built in help, the time required to do this would be
prohibitive. Instead, only one Form (which will be specified later) will require Help.
Fourth, you may wish to add some extra features. Be sure to highlight these in your cover memo,
or they might be missed. Keep in mind the fundamental goal of this course. The highest grades
will go to the teams providing the best designed, documented and working systems that support
the organization.
Sep 7
Introduction to Database Management
System Development Life Cycle
Sep 12
Introduction to Database Design and Data Models
HGV Chap 10
Sep 14
Data Models – Identifiers and Simple Relationships
SCP Proj 1
Sep 19
Data Models – Weak Entities and Relationships
Sep 21
Data Models – Special Cases
Sep 26
Data Models – Review Milestone 1
Sep 28
Building a Relational Database
Oct 3
Access Queries
SCP Proj 2
Oct 5
Access Tables and Relationships
SCP Proj 3
Oct 10
Thanksgiving – No Classes
Oct 12
User Interface Design
Oct 17
Creating Access Forms
Oct 19
Report Design
Oct 24
Creating Access Reports
Oct 26
Oct 31
Creating Access Charts and Graphs
Nov 2
Midterm Review / Documentation
Nov 7
Improving Forms
Nov 9
Data Integrity
Nov 14
Switchboards, Linking Forms and Reports
SCP Proj 6
Nov 16
Nov 21
SCP Proj 8
Nov 23
Database Theory / Normalization
Nov 28
SCP Proj 9
Nov 30
Database Administration
Dec 5
Completing the System
Dec 7
System Review
MS 0 Prelim
MS 0
MS 1
MS 2
MS 3
SCP Proj 4-5
SCP Proj 4
MS 4
SCP Proj 6
SCP Proj 7
MS 5
MS 6
MS 7
SCPn refers to chapters in Shelly, Cashman and Pratt, Microsoft Access 2003
HGVn refers to chapters in Hoffer, George and Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis & Design
On highlighted dates, classes will be held in lab E-640