Postmodernism and Reactions to It Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 7/17/2016 Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 1 Postmodernism and Grand Narratives Collapse of metanarratives of reason, e.g. the search for a universal cause of history, a grand theory that will explain everything, e.g. class conflict, the unconscious. Metanarratives of reason shown to be historically and culturally constructed and particular. In anthropology, this involved examining the ways that anthropological writings had: Rhetorically maintained the power relations between anthropologists and subjects. How grand theories originating in the west, functioned to marginalize ‘other’ cultures. 7/17/2016 Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 2 Writing Culture (1984) and ‘Herme’s Dilemna’. What is the anthropologist’s role in maintaining western hegemony? Call attention to the constructed nature of anthropological accounts: Newly problematized relationship between the writer, reader and subject matter. Geertz and a semiotic approach: 7/17/2016 Criticized on rhetorical grounds. Relationship of authority is established primarily between Geertz as anthropologist and his readers, i.e. other western anthropologists and anthropology students. Geertz establishes himself as an individual, while ‘the Balinese’ are a collectivity; they become homogenized as a single subjectivity. Blurring of ‘the Balinese’ and Geertz’ understanding of the Balinese. Retains ‘positional superiority’ of the anthropologist as translator through these rhetorical devices. Balinese may become subjects and not objects, but they are homogenized into essentialized symbol makers. Anthropologists need to create new rhetorical devices that will capture a more person to person ethnographic style: e.g. dialogues, co-productions. Culture is composed of seriously contested codes of meaning. Anthropologists should recognize this and not present unitary ethnographies on THE Balinese culture, THE Nuer. Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 3 Responses to Postmodernism Mascia-Lees, Sharpe and Cohen, ‘Cautions from a Feminist Perspective’ Both feminism and anthropology are grounded in the cultural politics of securing recognition that women and the non-western are crucial elements in human understanding. Argue that postmodernism itself needs to be situated within geopolitics: Past 3 decades, western white middle-class males have experienced a political and cultural decentering. Postmodernism can be understood as a metaphor for the anxiety such individuals are facing as they sense that the ground is shifting under their feet. Clifford: did not include feminist voices within postmodern critique of anthropology because it ‘has not produced either unconventional forms of writing or a developed reflection on ethnographic textuality.’ 7/17/2016 Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 4 Beyond Postmodernism? Thinking Through Anthropology and the ‘Savage Slot’ 7/17/2016 Simply changing rhetorical devices is not enough. Postmodernism falls short of a revised anthropology because it does not examine the conditions under which it became defined as a discipline. Collapse of metanarratives found in many societies under colonial rule. Postmodernism must turn its methods upon itself. Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 5 Fields and ‘fields’ of anthropology Discursive field of anthropology was set before it emerged as a discipline. Characterized by two major tropes surrounding small-scale, ‘primitive’ societies. These are the ‘savage’ and the ‘utopian’: 7/17/2016 The first derived from the necessities of governance in colonial situations. The second constituted the alter-ego to the West; a site of ‘freedom’, ‘simplicity’, ‘honesty’, ‘sharing’. Utopias only make sense in terms of the order against which they were projected. They, too, feed upon foundational thought and amplify it, if only as its negation. Future of anthropology depends upon the dismantling of this slot. Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 6 Real Life 7/17/2016 Give an example or real life anecdote Sympathize with the audience’s situation if appropriate Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 7 What This Means 7/17/2016 Add a strong statement that summarizes how you feel or think about this topic Summarize key points you want your audience to remember Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 8 Next Steps 7/17/2016 Summarize any actions required of your audience Summarize any follow up action items required of you Self and Other in the Making of Anthropology 9