1. On authority grounds (who has the power to construct how)

1. On authority grounds (who
has the power to construct
and portray a culture and
2. and on textual grounds
(how the writing strategies,
style, choice of voice)
influences the reader.
History of fieldwork in
From Armchair anthropology to the field
origins of participant observation
Beginning the fieldwork process
Selection of project, funding
Preparing for the field
Working in the Field
Site selection
Gaining rapport
Exchanges and gift
 Factors influencing fieldwork
Culture shock
Fieldwork techniques
Theoretical considerations
Participant observation
Interviews and questionnaires
Recording Culture
Field notes
 Tape recording,
photography, videos and films
Data analysis
Analysing data
Writing process
Ethical issues in cultural
anthropology and dangers in
the field
Role of the anthropologists towards
people being studied
Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think it is important to learn about the
historical background of anthropological
ethnography? What is the relationship between
ethnography as a process and ethnography as a
product? How can we understand about cultures
through ethnography? Give examples from the
readings and/or lectures.
2. Considering lectures and readings about “Coming
of Age in Samoa”, can there be a “falsification of a
1928 ethnography by another written in 1083?