Approved Minutes Sacramento City College Academic Senate Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 President: Connie Zuercher Vice-President: Greg Rose (absent) Secretary: Troy Myers Senators: Lonnie Larson, Erica Wagner, Debbie Loomis, Michelle Smith, Jared Anderson, Patti Redmond, Arthur Hernandez, Nadine Kirkpatrick, Lori Petite, Steve James, Barbara Toupadakis, Simeon Okoroike, Deborah Gambrell, Linda Reynolds, Adrian Chevraux-FitzHugh, Andrew Jones, Bill Miller, Amy Zannakis, Sue Carriere, Carolyn Koloski, Carrie Marks, Carolyn Pickrel, Susan Griffin, Chris Daubert, Lynne Giovannetti, Rick Woodmansee. Guests: Chris Seddon, Faculty Co-chair Ed Tech; Cathy Chenu Campbell, Library. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Connie at 12:00. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from 3-15 approved by consensus. Reports: Elections have concluded for this year. Connie reminded us that the number of representatives is based on the number of full time and part time faculty FTE; for every 10 FTE there is one Senate Representative. The number of Senators is lower because the number of faculty has decreased in some divisions. There were 3 contested elections and those individuals have been notified. We will make introductions on May 3rd and say goodbye to outgoing Senators. Connie needs to know how many will be attending because we provide lunch. Please RSVP by the next meeting. So far we have 24 RSVP’s. If you RSVP’d at today’s meeting there is no need to RSVP again. Connie thanked the election committee for their work. Connie is making 3 appointments which she needs approval on. For Kinesiology Karen Kunimura, fulltime, and John Herlihy, adjunct; for MSE Joseph Phillips, full-time. All three approved by consensus. Connie would like another Senate meeting on April 26th. Rick moved to have an additional Senate meeting on 4/26, motion seconded; approved by consensus. Announcements: Hands Across California is 4/17/11; a handout was distributed. This Thursday at 9:00 a.m. there will be Coffee with the Chancellor in the SCC Student Center. OLD BUSINESS Staff Development Committee, 2011-12 Proposals N. Kirkpatrick This was our second reading. Nadine is collecting input on the new SD theme for the next two years. She is hoping any comments we have can be written on the paper and given to her. She has already forwarded one batch, but she would like as much input as possible. Connie reminded us that we were specifically concerned about the line regarding “refocusing student success” and “accountability.” The latest version of the proposal was read reflecting suggestions and edits form the last meeting and subsequent input. “Conversely” was removed. Lynne moved to approve the document, seconded, approved with 3 abstentions. District Wide SLO Proposal R. Woodmansee This was our second reading. No new suggestions were made. A summary of the proposal was requested: Rick reminded us that SCC is preparing for the SLO proficiency deadline of 2012 for the Accreditation Team. Program SLO assessment is addressed in item one, and that item is designed to fix SLO mapping between courses and programs. The ultimate goal is to have the program and course SLO’s embedded into Socrates. Part two of the proposal is intended to bring about a higher level of student awareness of SLO’s in their courses and programs. Rick would like to see SLO’s included unobtrusively in the online schedule and online catalog. Someone asked about courses that are not being offered. Rick reminded us that SLO’s do not have to be assessed in these courses. Connie asked for a motion to approve. Lonnie moved we approve the SLO Proposal as Rick presented it, seconded, approved with one abstention. Letter to Students T. Myers This was our second reading. Connie reminded us of the purpose of the letter, to support students and help them see the value of their seats. Patty moved to approve, seconded, approved with one abstention. NEW BUSINESS 3 Year District Budget Proposal Review B. Martinelli Bob reminded us of the March 17th Chancellor’s update on the budget; the other document in the Chancellor’s briefing which was distributed at today’s meeting. This was first distributed on March 15th after Board approval. The document presents 3 scenarios in chart format. The Chancellor is looking for maximum dissemination of this information and is looking for feedback from any person or group, any new ideas or suggestions; the Data Points at the end of the document can help those who wish to think creatively about the issues. The scenarios presented reflect a good faith effort to spread the hurt across many areas of the budget, but any new approach is welcome and can be communicated directly to the Chancellor. Bob reminded us that 2008-2009 is considered the base year, the pre crisis budget. He also pointed out that the 3 year plan has now become a 4 year plan. Bob does not expect any additional cuts this fiscal year, but next year is in great question. The Board has approved up to 26 million in future reserves; this carries us through 12-13. This 26 million represents about half of Los Rios capital reserves. In the best case scenario, A, Los Rios loses 13.2 million, in B 24.6 M. in C 36.0 M. Categorical programs remain in an uncertain position. The District agreed in the past to backfill categorical programs to 40 percent of operational capacity; but scenario B and C reflect lower backfills with reduced operational capacity; this will have significant impact. Los Rios has made a decision to continue step and column increases. Current planning puts us someplace between B and C. The expected salary rollback is a function of the trombone clause. So far the district has avoided salary reductions, but in B and C there is a planned 3 percent reduction which would build to a 5.5 total percent reduction in two years. The number of specified management positions expected to be vacant district wide are between 2 and 11 in various scenarios. These would happen through attrition. For classified the number is between 10 and 88. Bob told us that in the worst case, 27 classified positions would be vacant at SCC. As of next year summer school will not be covered by the district, nor the child development center. Retirements or departing faculty will probably not be filled with new hires. The expected reductions in FTE are as follows: an 11 percent cut district wide in B; between 11 and 15 in scenario C; we are preparing for the worst. As much as possible will be pulled out of this coming summer and fall. The current plan is to pull 65 FTE out of summer and fall and spring. This is a huge reduction, and SCC will be under 400 FTE for the first time in many years. This will effect the adjuncts, even long term adjuncts in some departments. Health care: there will be an additional 96 dollar employee cost in the best case, in B and C as much as 153 dollars. Staff Development will take a significant hit. So far college reserves have been told to stay at the colleges and be used locally. Someone asked, is each campus in Los Rios having to make the same level of cuts? It will likely be uneven. CRC and FLC have enrollment issues and cannot cut much. Davis also must remain at a certain enrollment level. Also, Administration is doing the best they can to take classes out of the schedule before it goes live, but dialogue continues as cuts deepen. President Jeffrey then presented a reflection: she noted that these presentations are very sobering. but we still are very confident that we have a good plan to move forward. Funding in local areas must be held very close to limits because backfills and shifting of funds is not likely. Programs must operate within established budgets. Operations will be reduced, not increased or added in, even though requests continue to come in for increased funding. Also, we must look ahead to see what we will do when we come out of this. The President asked, how can we boost morale during such difficult times? She reminded us that just two weeks ago we were looking at scenario A, a week ago at B, now we are closer to C. This is a time when we have to be honest about the budget realities. The Chancellor is sincere when he asks for ideas, especially regarding the data points. The Chancellor will be here on Thursday she reminded us. Until mid April they will be open to feedback at the DO. The President is open to seeing any ideas faculty submit to the District if the submitter wishes. Someone asked, is C the actual worst case scenario. or is there a plan D? As we know it today, C is the worst case scenario. It is possible we may move closer to B if we see light. Connie made several closing announcements: there are repeatability resolutions which should be read. Also, Economics has been added to the minimum qualifications for Accounting, but we can still disagree with this. Shannon noted that Accounting is very different from Economics, and SCC Accounting faculty are not supportive of an Economics degree being a min qual for Accounting. The Senate supported Shannon’s request by consensus. Please Let Connie know if there is any feedback on the resolutions as she is our voting delegate at Plenary next week. NEXT MEETING: April 26, 2011 To place items on future agendas, please call x2150