Adding Embedded Elements to CommonSpot The Meebome Widget Skill Level: Intermediate

Adding Embedded Elements to CommonSpot
Skill Level: Intermediate
The Meebome Widget
Meebome is a free external service that provides chats. Instructions for creating the chat are at
Set up and use of the tool is beyond the scope of this tutorial. It is assumed that a chat has been set up
and is working before embedding the widget into your CommonSpot page.
Copy the code for the embedded feature provided to you and paste it into a text editor, such as
In order for the CommonSpot element tool to display correctly when using Internet Explorer,
you need to edit the following line of sample code (there may be other lines within the widget
code, but this is the only one you need to modify):
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="190" height="275">
To do this, after the word embed, in the line above, leave a space after the letter “d” and type
this phrase (if you copy and paste, you may get additional code you don’t want.)
The code should then look something like this:
<embed class="cpHideForMenus" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="190" height="275">
The class name is case sensitive, so be sure to type carefully
Save the text file to your desktop as an HTML file using an appropriate name (no spaces or
special characters, please) and a .htm extension
Example: meebo.htm
Use your browser to browse to the page you want the feature to be displayed on (you may need
to create a new page)
From the appropriate location, use Click to insert new element to select Word, HTML & Other
Format Elements >> HTML
Select Click here to define the HTML Element, then Upload Content
Use the Browse… button to find the file you just saved to your desktop and select Upload
You may see this message. If so, disregard and just press Continue:
Warning: HTML errors were detected in the document you are attempting to
upload. These errors prevent proper re-formatting and HTML cleanup.
Warning: Do NOT use the Edit option as this will remove the code from your page. If you need
to make changes, you need to create or edit your text file with the embedded coded and use the
Upload content option
Note for Internet Explorer users: The element icon may not be visible when in Work mode. In
order to display the element options, click on the upper left corner of the widget and the
element tools will appear