Minor Requirements - Operations Management The Department of Decision and Information Sciences Charlton College of Business The minor in Operations Management develops an understanding of the processes and methods of organizing activities, materials and staff to effectively manage the flow of goods or services from suppliers to customers. Students will have the opportunity to develop analytical and quantitative tools applicable to a broad range or organizations. Students eligible to declare the minor must have an overall GPA of 2.5 and have completed 54 credits. The “Request for a Minor” form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar. Students meet the requirements of the minor by completing all of the 8 courses listed below with a GPA of 2.5 in the eight courses. Foundation Courses: ____ ____ ECO 231 Principles of Economics I 3 ____ ____ ACT 211 Principles of Accounting I (Sophomore standing) 3 ____ ____ MKT 311 Principles of Marketing (Jr. standing) 3 ____ ____ MGT 311 Organizational Behavior (Jr. standing & ENL 265) 3 POM 345 Operations Management 3 Required Course: ____ ____ (Jr. standing and POM 212) Elective Courses: (choose three of the following) 3 3 ____ ____ POM 415 Applied Decision Models (Sr. standing & POM 333) ____ ____ POM 446 Process Design and Management (Sr. standing & POM 345) ____ ____ POM 447 Project Management (Sr. standing & POM 345) ____ ____ POM 448 Supply Chain Management (Sr. standing & POM 345) 3 ________ GPA __________________________ ADVISOR’S SIGNATURE _____________________________ CHAIRPERSON’S SIGNATURE ________________________ DEAN’S SIGNATURE 4/14 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth North Dartmouth, Ma. 02747 Office of University Records __________________________ Date __________________________ Name __________________________ Student ID Number __________________________ Major ___________________________ Year of Graduation I wish to elect a minor in: Operations Management ___________________________ Student Signature ___________________________ Chairperson of Department Minor ___________________________ Chairperson of Department Major Return completed form to: University Records Office Foster Administration Building/Room 103 Revised 09/07