The ‘West Virginia Agritourism Initiative’ – Business Planning and Risk Management Education for Stakeholders in the Agritourism Supply Chain Doolarie Singh-Knights1, B. Brabham2, D. Bailey2, and J. Richmond2, 1Extension Specialist, 2Extension Agent, West Virginia University INTRODUCTION RESULTS WV farmers are exploring agritourism as an emerging agribusiness opportunity because of its flexibility, and income-diversification and cash-flow potential for small operations. WV is uniquely positioned to capitalize on this opportunity having the highest family farms/capita in the nation and >20,000 small/part-time operations. State-wide needs assessments suggest a risk-management and business planning approach is needed to help agritourism operators evaluate and manage the potential risks and returns associated with their enterprises. The ‘WV Agritourism Initiative,’ an agritourism short-course designed to enhance enterprise viability and profitability, provided education, planning tools, and supplemental resources to encourage and develop agritourism and farm-based education enterprises for 85 existing and new agritourism operators. Five business risk-management functions (production, marketing, financial, legal and human) were comprehensively addressed. Four short-courses (3 face-to-face sites each with 4 modules - 20 contact-hours; 1 online – 6 weeks), provided tools and coursework leading towards an agritourism specific five-page business plan with supplemental risk management tools (eg. farm/food safety plan) upon completion. RATIONALE Why is Agritourism Important to WV and WV Farms Demand Motivation More visitors travelling by car, shorter trips Environmental Diverse activities combining educational and recreational experiences Economic SocioCultural Supply Motivation Diversify the income stream and improve cash flow Diversify product lines & markets, and get feedback from customers Growing interest in experiential travel Educating visitors Growing interest by the public to support local farmers, rural landscapes and environmental stewardship Agritourism Benefits Improve community development and appreciation for the role of agriculture Agritourism development is consistent with WV’s policies to support the farming industry - vehicle for increased farm income, increased visitor spending, local revitalization, job creation, farmland preservation. Agritourism is recognized as a strategy for bolstering the viability of WV agriculture - Estimated Economic Contribution (Direct Effects only) from visitor expenditures at WV agritourism sites in 2014 was $8,370,403. Future public and private investment in agritourism development hinges on helping agritourism operators to improve the business of agritourism – helping operations be profitable with significant returns on investments. This is the overall goal of the WV Agritourism Initiative. Proportion (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Managing Financial Managing Managing Visitor Risks Farm/Food Safety Experience Risks This poster illustrates 4 main aspects of ‘The WV Agritourism Initiative,’ that laid a solid foundation to help agritourism operators move from a ‘production-oriented’ to a ‘customer-oriented and businessoriented mindset,’ thereby increasing sustainability of their operations. Motivations that drive agritourism operators, and the priority areas affecting the start-up or operation of their agritourism venture that would help them achieve their strategic objectives; ‘Best practices for sustained adult learning’ that were incorporated throughout the short-course, that helped uncover learners mental models, allowed learners to contribute to content and outcomes, linked content to learner’s prior experiences, and provided a safe environment for learning; Key partnerships that made this project successful as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for agritourism resources; and The notable project outcomes and impacts that were uncovered from post-evaluation surveys. This material is based upon work completed with the WV Agritourism Initiative, supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2012-49200-20031. Matching Assets Building Marketing with Market Collaborations and (Traditional and Demand Partnerships Online) Field Creative/Emerging Tour/Successful Opportunities Models COURSE OVERVIEW: Growing Agritourism and Farm-Based Education in West Virginia - Managing Risks for Improved Income Diversification MODULE TOPIC Resource Developed 1 Assessing Your Potential: Emerging Opportunities In Agritourism • ‘Assessing the Agritourism Potential of your Region and your Farm Enterprise’ • ‘Building a Viable Agritourism Enterprise – The 5 Page Business Plan’ 2 Marketing and Financial Planning for Agritourism Enterprises • ‘Partial Budgeting – A Key Tool in Agribusiness Financial Management’ Managing Risk In Agritourism: Farm Safety, Food Safety and • ‘Legal Guide to Managing Legal Risks Associated with Direct Markets for Local 3 Emergency Planning Procedures Foods in WV’ (In Progress) • ‘Understanding the Big (Regional) Picture – Where Does my Agritourism 4 Tools and Resources for Integrated Agritourism Marketing Success Operation Fit in?’ • ‘Co-opetition’ – The Art of Cooperative Competition in Agritourism’ • ‘Collaboration and Innovation in the Agritourism Supply Chain – Keys to a Capstone Trip Best Practices in Agritourism Operation and Management Successful Agritourism Enterprise’ Cluster Clusters of SMEs to provide model of cooperation and • WV Food Trail; WV Maple Days; other smaller ‘clusters’ competitiveness (COOPETITION) to build regional viability Development All materials and presentations archived on WVUES Community Online Learning System website - Notable Project Outcomes and Impacts % of Risk Area Production Financial METHODOLOGY – STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATION FOR AGRITOURISM DEVELOPMENT Rank of Priority Training Needs for Proposed Agritourism Course (WV Agritourism Internet Survey 2014, n=144) Marketing Legal Human Resource Selected Risk Management Strategy Participants complete resource assessment guide to evaluate their potential, and consider changes needed, to successfully pursue various agritourism/farm-based education enterprise alternatives as possible diversification strategies. Participants use enterprise/partial budgets, and financial statements to make changes to their existing/proposed enterprise to improve profitability, cash flow and efficiency. Participants evaluate innovative collaborations/partnerships and marketing opportunities to market the 'region/destination,’ and form and maintain mutually-beneficial alliances. Participants Pre Post 16 100 22 100 6 72 Participants prepare applicable farm/food safety plans and emergency procedures, utilizing industry best management practices to reduce liability/risk concerns. 42 Participants prepare events management checklist (e.g. 'conducting a farm tour' checklist, 'codes of standards for tour guides'), considering hospitality and labor needs. 17 CONCLUSION/IMPLICATIONS OF THIS STUDY 100% of participants increased their knowledge, skills and confidence to start or expand their agritourism enterprise. Six months post-workshop, 85 participants have implemented at least two risk management strategies and 32 have launched a new/improved enterprise. Project materials can be adapted for use by other educators in designing their educational activities, including but not limited to agritourism programming, leading to risk mitigation and sound enterprise decision-making, using a wholefarm risk management approach. 87 WVU Law School WVU Extension (ANR and CEWD) WVDA The WV Agritourism Initiative – Key Partners WVSU and OSU Advisors (VT Ext., Rutgers Ext.) 82 Div. of Tourism CVBs, Farm Family Insurance Operators (WV, VT, NC) Survey says --- Positive Future for WV Agritourism Mean Responses (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree) I plan to expand my agritourism… My agritourism operation is profitable. My agritourism operation is successful. I expect my sales from agritourism to… I expect to hire more employees than I… I want to attract more customers to… I plan to exit the agritourism business… I am optimistic about the future of the… 0 1 2 3 4 5