Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 - 2011 November 2010 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2. History of Environmental Co-ordinators at Newcastle University ................................................. 1 3. Strategic Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 2 4. EC Vision ........................................................................................................................................ 2 5. Targets............................................................................................................................................. 2 6. Action Plan...................................................................................................................................... 3 Table 6.1 Strategy’s action plan roll out ............................................................................................. 3 Appendix A – Environmental Co-ordinator; Voluntary Role Guidelines............................................... 6 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 1. Introduction Environmental sustainability is a strategic objective of the University’s 2021 Vision and the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy sets a number of challenging targets to reduce environmental impact of the institution. The role of Environmental Co-ordinator (EC) is a role that is undertaken by existing members of staff and it is intended that there will be at least one EC per School /Service. The role of ECs is integral to reducing University environmental impacts, contributing to the effective delivery of environmental objectives. ECs communicate environmental policy and provide a link between operational sustainability, schools and services, share good practice and encourage and motivate other staff. The voluntary role guidelines for an EC are attached in appendix A. This strategy provides a framework to underpin the role of ECs, to support them and to empower them in the effective and efficient delivery of environmental objectives. 2. History of Environmental Co-ordinators at Newcastle University The role of EC was created to produce a University wide network to assist in rolling out environmental initiatives on a local level. The network was launched in 2007 with a Sustainable Development consultation event attended by approximately 30 members. The role was developed over the next few years, and went on to receive senior approval by Professor Tony Stevenson, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Planning and Resources. In May 2008, a series of meetings were convened with the ECs principally to agree the methodology for the roll out of the Recycling Scheme; following their input, the EC network was used extensively to implement and support the roll out of the recycling infrastructure. The success of this activity provided the EC network with a boost in morale and provided a positive momentum. Quarterly meetings were set up for ECs to meet and discuss the wider range of environmental issues; however the network did not have comprehensive attendance from each school. A great deal of work was done to get the vast majority of schools and services represented on the EC network and the numbers swelled to 80. In the academic year of 2008/2009, the EC role was fully rekindled and attendance at each event was high. A major achievement was the majority of ECs developed environmental action plans outlining several objectives for their school. To address any issues and further improve the network, a consultation event took place with the ECs in March 2009. The main issues are highlighted below; ECs felt they did not have enough support, ECs felt there was not enough senior commitment, 1 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 Many ECs commented that a building user group for ECs would be helpful As a result of the consultation the possibility of employing an Environmental Co-ordinator Support Officer was explored, to address the issues brought forward by the ECs. The role of the Support Officer is to provide support to the EC network, aiding them to progress the 2010 environmental sustainability objectives. 3. Strategic Aims and Objectives The overall aim of the strategy is to reduce the environmental impact of the Institution. The objectives of this strategy are to; Develop policy to support the EC role, Develop physical support for EC functions, Consult and communicate effectively, Increase links between ECs. 4. EC Vision The overall aim is for the EC network to continue to grow in numbers and strength, with empowerment of the network in its recognition and influence. The creation of Eco Teams should help to strengthen the network, and provide a sense of local ownership of sustainability issues. It is aimed that by the end of the 2010/2011 academic year (June 2011), the network has increased in size in terms of EC members, to cover all current gaps, and to have at least 3 additional Eco Teams to the 2 Eco teams already set up (Library Green Group and School of Modern Languages Eco Team). 5. Targets It is hoped that ECs will set exact measureable targets to work towards. The suggested targets are to be set for issues which can be quantitatively measured for example: Recycling rate for the building Reduction in energy usage during the Christmas holiday for the building. Reduction in energy usage during the weekend for the building Reduction in hard drive (computer) energy usage during the weekend for the building 2 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 To be recognised in staff survey as the person to contact for any local energy / waste / general sustainability. 6. Action Plan The actions of this strategy are detailed below, with an outline for roll out responsibility and timeframe of completion deadlines, in Table 6.1. Table 6.1 Strategy’s action plan roll out Action Comments Responsibility Timeframe Policy Development of EC strategy Get senior commitment Create EC Policy DOC / KG On-line Consultation With ECs HM/ KG COMPLETE Re-emphasise EC role to Head of School Email from TS DOC Dec 2010 Explore including EC roles in PDR process, and role recognised by HR As a result of TS email Encourage during meetings Meet with HR / SDU DOC / KG June 2011 HM/KG Dec 2010 ECs develop 10/11 objectives KG Spring 2011 ECs set measureable targets KG Spring 2011 Ensure EC objectives 09/10 are completed Each EC set objectives 2009 which feed into business plans Resources and support Support officer Explore development of and initiate support role JM / DOC COMPLETE Student ECs Integrate with student engagement strategy DOC / HM LIVE Student ECs Work with E&E officers, P&P representatives, careers service and A&HS to develop student EC role DOC/HM/KG LIVE Quarterly meetings Ensure meetings encourage engagement and stimulate the EC role. Create guidance on encouraging participation. KG / HM LIVE Stage 1 and 2 HM Jan 2011 Training Environmental awareness 3 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 Building specific training Part of action energy programme Sustainable Procurement 4 GC / HM April 2011 HM Jun 2011 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 Table 6.1 Strategy’s action plan roll out (continued) Eco Teams Develop Eco Teams Building based EC groups were requested in the consultation HM / KG LIVE Deliver Eco Teams workshops There are 2 existing groups who will spread best practice DOC/ HM / KG Oct 2010 Create communication map Graphic representation of communication streams in the EC network HM/ KG Nov 2010 EC information on DEC boards Improve staff / student awareness of ECs HM/ KG Dec 2010 Gap analysis on EC members Check member coverage HM/ KG COMPLETE Annual EC award DOC / HM COMPLETE Social events (2 per year) HM / KG LIVE Communications Incentives 5 Environmental Co-ordinator Strategy 2010 – 2011 Appendix A – Environmental Co-ordinator; Voluntary Role Guidelines Role: Environmental Coordinator Time of Commitment: ½ - 1 day maximum per month Responsible to: Head of Unit / Sustainability Team The role of a School / Service Environmental Coordinator (EC) is instrumental in implementing the University’s Sustainability Strategy. As a day to day contact, they provide a source of knowledge surrounding issues within their school and create a communication link between staff, students, the Heads of School/Service and the Estate Support Service (ESS). Heads of Unit are encouraged to rotate the role of EC between their staff on a regular basis (ideally once every 2 years). The Head of Unit is responsible for ensuring a smooth rotation of the staff in the role, and will provide assistance (along with Sustainability input if required) to the EC to locate a new staff member to undertake the role. Should an EC wish to remain in that role for the foreseeable future, there is no need to create a regular EC rotation. Duties and Responsibilities Assist the Head of Unit in managing and implementing everyday sustainable activities, ensuring procedures are adhered to for regulatory compliance and best practice. Act as the principle unit contact for both staff and students who raise waste and energy issues. Act as a sustainability champion within the unit and more generally within the University. Disseminate information provided by the Sustainability Team to staff and students where required. Liaise with appropriate members of unit staff and students to highlight training needs. Liaise with the appropriate members of unit staff to ensure all new starters are trained and aware of the procedures as they relate to the unit and the overall Sustainability Policy and Strategy. Assist the appropriate person in the production and continued review of localised procedures. Assist the appropriate person in ensuring all employees are aware of changes to procedures and the reasons behind the change. Assist in the collation of information and appropriate data. Assist in implementing waste and energy awareness campaigns. Represent the unit at meetings. Liaise directly with appropriate persons within the Estate Support Service. Provide support and advice to other EC’s. . 6