OATF Minutes November 3 - President’s Conference Room

OATF Minutes
November 3rd - President’s Conference Room
2 – 3:30 PM
1. Dana welcomed Norv Wellsfry, Cori Burns, Dan DuBray, Kathy McLain,
Marybeth Buechner, and Jeanne Edman. Minutes from 10/24 were approved.
2. Update on the SLOA coordinator discussions – Dana and Norv shared their
observations of the SLOA and CASSL coordinator dialogue that occurred in
the Senate. Key observations included:
the dialogue affirmed the work Marybeth has done and was supportive of
the concepts for both positions
there was some sentiment that the SLOA coordinator should be funded out
of the administrative not the faculty bucket
there was some question as to whether the SLOA coordinator position
could eventually phase into the existing structure
there was some confusion about the need for the position and what the
people would need to do
there was some concern about the need for clerical support for the
there was some thought that the agenda for the SLOA coordinator should
be molded in response to the WASC visit
there was some lack of clarity about what was wanted in the CASSL
coordinator position. Some didn’t see a need or value in the CASSL
activities and wanted the CASSL coordinator to serve as a conduit to
funding for various things.
some comments reveals a rather parochial view of the faculty – that their
responsibilities were limited to the classroom and their PD needs were
limited to developing discipline expertise.
3. Finalization of spring forms – the committee provided some further input to
the ongoing development of the spring forms. Marybeth will incorporate these
suggestions into the next (final?) version. Kathy will adapt and create an
example of an instructional support/administrative support example.
4. Discussion about the FAQ development and dissemination – The committee
decided to implement the following as a way to support the fall assessment
projects and the spring dialogues:
we will post new forms and examples
we will send an email to the campus that includes the following:
a. “notes from the Outcomes Assessment Task Force” in the subject
b. If you are ready and interested the spring forms and examples of
completed forms are posted online at….
c. if you haven’t yet completed your assessment all is not lost! You
could still administer a student self-assessment during your final or
could include one or more questions to assess your SLO on your
final exam/project.
d. if it is still possible, please save and bring your assessment results
to the spring dialogues.
5. Discussion about the dissemination of spring forms - In addition to the
previous, information about the spring dialogues will be included and
disseminated in the FLEX brochures for faculty.
6. Continued Discussion about future needs with respect to outcomes
development and assessment – the committee discussed the draft task list and
made several suggestions for modifications. The most significant was the
realization that the document needed to be reorganized to identify major needs
and then to outline the related tasks. Kathy will incorporate these suggestions
into the next draft.
Moving Forward with the Institutionalization of Outcomes Assessment at CRC
Major Need: a long- and short-term Outcomes Assessment Implementation Plan that
clarifies expectations and timelines for outcomes development and assessment.
Related needs
 An ongoing committee structure to support outcomes development and
assessment. Ideas include:
o forming a joint issues committee,
o forming an new shared governance committee, and
o adding to the responsibilities and/or composition of the Curriculum and
Planning Committees
 The integration of outcomes assessment into all campus processes, including
PrOF, Unit and Strategic Planning, decision-making, budget allocations,
classroom research, institutional research, etc.
 Ongoing support, training, and assistance in SLO development and assessment for
faculty and staff.
 Information systems and staff to support SLO assessment data management.
 Further definition and implementation of a cycle that includes the review,
assessment, and modification of student learning outcomes across the college.
 Development of an integrated web-based structure that effectively and efficiently
links outcomes assessment, planning and resource allocations.
 An ongoing and systematic evaluation of the assessment and outcomes structures
and processes.
Related Tasks
Clerical support is needed to:
 Create and maintain an outcomes assessment data base.
 Help monitor and implement the Outcomes Assessment cycle.
 Maintain the outcomes web-site
 Disseminate outcomes assessment forms and various communications regarding
outcomes development and assessment
 Maintain records to support the WASC annual reporting regarding outcomes and
Training/professional development is needed about
 Outcomes development
 Outcomes assessment processes
 The purpose and benefits of outcomes assessment
 Using outcomes assessment to improve student learning and program
 The evaluation of assessment processes
 Using outcomes assessment as part of the planning and budgeting processes
Ongoing process development/maintenance needs include:
 The identification and procurement of resources to facilitate and reduce the
workload involved in outcomes assessment
 Time and resources to support the outcomes dialogues during FLEX
 Enhanced support for outcomes dialogues in non-instructional programs
 A cycle by which college wide outcomes are reviewed
 A process to ensure that program and college outcomes are assessed on a regular
leadership/focus/integration/coordination is needed to:
 Provide ongoing leadership and support to outcomes development and the
implementation and integration of outcomes assessment
 Monitor and support the implementation of the outcomes assessment cycle
 Facilitate the creation and dissemination of the summary of the outcomes
assessment dialogues to the appropriate groups on campus (Academic Senate,
Curriculum Committee, Planning Committee, etc.)