PART 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES To the: Lead Member for Customer and Support Services On: 28 July 2010 TITLE : AGMA Contract for the Drinking Water Supply Services for the period 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2013 (with the option to extend to 31 July 2014) RECOMMENDATIONS : The Lead Member is requested to approve:- the Joint award of a contract to Cooler Aid Ltd and Pressure Coolers Ltd /t/a Maestro International for the Drinking Water Supply Services to the following AGMA authorities :Greater Manchester Police, Salford City Council, Tameside MBC, Trafford MBC, Manchester City Council and Stockport MBC for the period 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2013 ( with the option to extend to 31 July 2014) at an approximate cost of £627,826.62 over the initial three year contract period and £837,102.16 over a possible four year period; - authorise the City Solicitor to prepare contract award documents as soon as possible; - authorise delegated authority to the Strategic Director of Customer and Support Services or his appointed representative to negotiate an optional 12 month extension to the contract dependent on satisfactory service provision, consistent quality of product and maintenance of competitive unit costs. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY : This contract renewal ensures a continuity of the City Council’s commitment to AGMA in terms of Lead Authority status on contractual responsibility for the essential Supply of Drinking Water Services. This call-off contract arrangement will satisfy the operational needs of six public sector organisations, and the possibility of other North West Authorities to benefit from a contract which will provide value for money resulting from initiatives that the utilisation of bulk purchasing power enables. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS : OJEU advertisement “thechest” advertisement Tender receipt schedule Tender evaluation schedules Tender evaluation matrix. (These documents contain commercially sensitive information and are not for public scrutiny) ASSESSMENT OF RISK : None other than supply and market fluctuations which are beyond our control. SOURCES OF FUNDING : Revenue budgets COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative) LEGAL IMPLICATIONS None. FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED Company accounts have been assessed and Experian Financial reports obtained. PROPERTY (if applicable): Not Applicable HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): Not Applicable CONTACT OFFICER : Valentine Lord – Corporate Procurement Team. WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) : Not Applicable KEY COUNCIL POLICIES : Best Value; Procurement Policies. DETAILS : Restricted Procedure 19 expressions of interest were received following publication of our OJEU notice on 8 December 2009. 19 tenders were received by the closing date of 8 January 2010. 10 short listed companies were then invited to tender. 9 short listed companies returned their tenders by the closing date of 23 April 2010. Extensive evaluation procedures have taken place involving the following criteria for marking: - Quality of submissions, Economic and Financial standing, Technical/Professional ability, Quality Assurance standards, Environmental Management standards, H &S/Equal opportunities compliance. These criteria represent 40% weighting of the total evaluation: the other 60% relates to pricing. The tender price schedule required companies to provide costs for a range of drinking water dispensers. i.e. Bottled water and Mains water supply. Cooler Aid and Maestro provided costs for mains supply coolers and bottled water coolers. Bronte Water Coolers were £4428.84 cheaper overall but the Experian risk report for this company was very poor with a score of only 20 out of 100 points, a very high risk score. Cooler Aid and Maestro are new companies to Salford Council and so site visits were conducted as means to evaluate their operations and capacity arrangements. These proved to be very satisfactory. Due to the large geographical area that this contract covers the above two companies have been selected to ensure a reliable service provision. By applying the contract unit quantities to the old and new prices we see an annual value of £253,748.00 and £209,275.54 respectively. A saving of £44,472.46 or 17.53% per annum.