PART 1 ITEM NO. (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) _____________________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENT _____________________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT ON 10th November 2008 _____________________________________________________________________________ TITLE: S106 Agreements in Irlam and Cadishead _____________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That Lead Member approves the options highlighted in section 2 _____________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: _____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (available for public inspection) N/A _____________________________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low _____________________________________________________________________________ THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: Section 106 _____________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: YES ________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: Yes Environment Directorates Group accountant _____________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Steve Jones. Tel: 925 1016 _____________________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) Irlam & Cadishead 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Budget Monitoring Community Strategy Cultural Strategy Environmental Strategy Equalities Health Planning Strategy Procurement Policies Regeneration _____________________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: 1.1 The Greenspace Strategy and the draft Irlam & Cadishead Community Action Plan 2008/09 have been consulted and compared with the parameters of the S106 agreements in tables 1 & 2 enclosed. 1. 2 The Neighbourhood Management Team have also been consulted and this in association with 1.1 above forms the basis of the suggestions and recommendations contained herewith. 1.3 The sum total of the five agreements is £549,546 divided between capital (£393,296 approximately) and revenue (£156,250 approximately) 1.4 To date full payment to the value of £507,313 has been received from the developers for agreements 1, 3 & 4 and part payment for agreement no 2. 1.5 It is unclear when the remaining sum of £42,233 (the outstanding contribution from agreement no 2) will become available. 1.6 Contact has been made with the City Treasurer to request that he underwrites the shortfall of payments due from the developers. Due to the present economic climate the City Treasurer was obliged to refuse this request. The correspondence is detailed as appendix 1. (At the time of writing this e-mail not all payments had been made) 1.7 Tables 1 & 2 set out in detail the current S106 agreements within Irlam & Cadishead. 2 Table 1 Agreement number Ref number Development location Capital Revenue Total 1 Ref: 113 Former Akzo Nobel site, Dean Road, Cadishead 90,259 34,250 124,509 Amount paid to date 124,509 2 138 Land at Irlam Locks, Cadishead Way, Irlam £59,467 £25,000 £84,467 £42,234 Legal parameters Status For the purposes of local environmental improvements and improvements to local equipped play areas within Irlam and Cadishead” For the purposes of open space and children's play space Previous discussions have been held regarding the use of the contribution within Cadishead Park Taking into account population catchments as identified in the Greenspace strategy, the following sites are eligible for investment 1) Prince’s Park 3 163 Land to the rear of the Ship Public House, Liverpool Road, Irlam 108,804 43,000 151,804 151,804 Open space provision and recreational provision 2) Ferry Road open space Taking into account population catchments as identified in the Greenspace strategy, the following sites are eligible for investment 1)Prince’s Park 2) Caroline St play area 3 Table 2 Agreement number Ref number Development location Capital Revenue Total 4 135 Land at former Kwiksave site, Fairhills Road, Irlam 134,766 £54,000 188,766 Amount paid to date 188,766 Legal parameters Status For the purposes of open space, children’s play space and environmental improvements Taking into account population catchments as identified in the Greenspace strategy, the following sites are eligible for investment 1) Prince’s Park 2) Ferry Rd open space 4 2.0 Options 2.1 The following options which expand on the above tables are presented for consideration 2.2 Agreement 1 2.3 Option 1 - to be utilised for the development of the Cadishead Park Master plan. 2.4 Option 2. A request has also been made to improve a section of footpath from Allotment Road to the rear of no 58 Dean Road which it has to be assumed the Highway has some responsibility. The suggested improvements consist of cutting back vegetation from the sides of the path and applying herbicide. In addition to this work, this Directorate has been asked to look at the situation regarding the old fashioned lighting column situated along this path with a view to reintroducing this facility. 2.5 Recommendation That Lead Member approves the cutting back of vegetation along the pathway and the reintroduction of the lighting column with the remaining monies being used for option no 1. All payments from the developers have been made. 2.6 Agreement 2 2.7 Provisional approval has been given for the total amount (£84,467) to be used for the development of the master plan in Prince’s Park. 2.8 Recommendation That subject to all payments being made, Lead Member approves agreement no 2 being used towards the Prince’s Park master plan. At present £42,234 has been paid by the developers which can be used immediately. 5 2.9 Agreement 3 2.10 Option 1 - to be utilised for the development of the Prince’s Park Master plan. 2.11 Option 2 - Undertake the following works at Caroline Street play area • Install self closing gates at the two entrances to the play area • Remove the concrete panel fencing to the boundary of the play area and the Council Offices on Astley Road 2.12 Recommendation That Lead member approves agreement no 3 being used for the works contained in option 2 with the remaining funds being used to implement the Prince’s Park master plan. All payments from the developer have been made. 2.13 Agreement 4 2.14 Provisional approval has been given for the total amount (£188,766) to be used for the development of the master plan in Prince’s Park. All payments have been made 2.15 Recommendation That Lead Member approves agreement no 4 being used towards the Prince’s Park Master plan. 6 Appendix 1 Steve, I am unable to give any commitment to underwrite the expected s106 income without further details, as follows :- what are the overall estimated capital costs for the Princes Park and Cadishead Park improvements, when will they be spent and how is it proposed that they will be funded, incorporating the use of capital allocation approved or expected and s106 money ? what are the additional revenue costs, particularly in relation to the proposed amphitheatre at Princes Park ? how have the costs of the other proposed facilities, ie at Ferry Rd, Caroline St, Lords St and Henley Ave, been factored into the use of s106 money or capital allocation ? how certain are the future s106 payments in the current economic climate ? In the event that I may still be unable to recommend the underwriting that you seek, it may be necessary to ask you that if we need to use unsupported borrowing to underwrite the costs whilst s106 income is expected, would the Environment Directorate be able to meet the resulting capital financing costs from its revenue budget ? As a rough guide each £10 of capital cost is equivalent to £1 of capital financing costs on revenue, so there would be a revenue cost of £58,000 for a full financial year on the overall shortfall of £582,428 that you mention in the table. It may be that the timing of s106 receipts is such that the full extent of this funding is not required and am happy to illustrate how it might work out with a more detailed understanding of the expected timing of the various cash flows. You may wish to discuss this latter issue with Dave Tinker and Mark Reeves as to whether it is possible to prioritise this level of funding within the Environment revenue budget allocation. I have therefore copied them and Karen Masheder into this reply for information. John From: Jones, Steve Sent: 20 May 2008 12:24 To: Spink, John Subject: Section 106 agreements Irlam & Cadishead John I am preparing a report concerning Section 106 agreements (S106) within the Irlam and Cadishead areas. I have attached a draft copy. As you will see from the report the eight agreements will generate in the region of £910,975 which is split between capital and revenue and if the report is agreed by our Lead Member (Keith Mann) will deliver quality facilities to Prince's Park and Cadishead Park and will upgrade Cadishead Park to District status. Currently £241,297 has been paid to the city council leaving a shortfall of £669,678 and as the report mentions is unclear when this shortfall will become available. The situation is that we may have to wait several years for all payments to be made which would have a significant delay in the long awaited improvements. Can I request that the following S106's are underwritten by yourself in order for this Directorate to proceed with the long awaited projects. I have not included agreement numbers 1& 3 as full payment has been received and agreement number 8 does not relate to either Prince's Park or Cadishead Park therefore there is no urgency with this agreement. Agreement number 2 4 5 6 Ref number Total Amount requested £84,467 188,766 257,650 74,339 Amount paid to date £42,234 0 0 0 138 135 143 147 7 Total 165 19,440 0 19,440 582,428 Regards Steve 7 £42,233 188,766 257,650 74,339