Part 1 ITEM NO. ___________________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE REGENERATION ___________________________________________________________________ TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNNING ON 18th JANUARY 2011 ___________________________________________________________________ TITLE: A580 Maintenance Scheme ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That Lead Member for Planning approve the implementation of the A580 Maintenance Scheme at the target Cost of £460,497.20. Made up of the following elements of work: 1 Street Lighting £ 124882.18 2 Carriageway Surfacing £ 165934.49 3 Environmental, Safety & Drainage £ 169680.53 ___________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council have been awarded an Exceptional Maintenance Grant from the Department for Transport to carry out maintenace work along the de-trunked section of the A580 East Lancashire Road. The report seeks the approval to carry out resurfacing works, associated drainage work, crash barrier repairs, footway repairs, signage and Street Lighting works as outlined in the report. ___________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (Available for public inspection) Scheme Layout Plans: NG-A580-SL-001 LB-AA580-S-001/002/003 LB-A580-M-001/002 LB-A580-M-003Drainage ___________________________________________________________________ KEY DECISION: YES ___________________________________________________________________ DETAILS: The City Council identified and submitted a £2.8 million bid to the Department for Transport for exceptional maintenance of the de-trunked stretch of the A580 (East Lancashire Road). In response the Department for Transport allocated only £0.589 million (over two years). Works to the value of approxiamately D:\98942087.doc £0.90 million was expended in 2009/10 and the remaining allocation shall be used to undertake the following work in 2010/11: A580 (Walkden Road to Ellenbrook Road- West Bound carriageway) A visual condition survey has been carried out to determine the extent of the deterioration identified within the machine based survey data. It is considered that early intervention to replace the surface course will arrest the deterioration of the carriageway. A Hot rolled Asphalt surface has been specified to ensure that adequate texture depth is achieved and a aggregate with a minimum polished stone value of 68 to ensure skid resistance is provided. Deeper reinstatement shall be undertaken in lane one towards the Ellenbrook Road junction, where sub surface failure has occurred. Associated highway drainage works, to alleviate flooding along the carriageway and adjacent footway, have been identified along with Crash Barrier repair works, sign cleaning and footway improvements. This will greatly improve the highway safety for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians using the A580. A580 Chaddock Lane to Mosley Common Road (Street Lighting Renewal) In addition to the works described earlier in this report, a street lighting scheme has been designed to replace the existing lighting. The existing columns are suffering from varying degrees of corrosion and sections of the Local Authority cable network, including cable terminations are in a dangerous condition. A new Lighting Scheme would provide improved lighting, designed to BS 5489 / BS EN 13201, and will include the replacement of the Local Authority cable network to meet BS7671. The exceptional maintenance grant gives opportunity to replace the street lighting along this section of road. However, the Road Safety Team have recommended the use of Passive Safety Columns and associated equipment. Currently, the Street Lighting Team are reviewing the design to take account of this recommendation. However due to the timescale for the review and risk assessments that are required to determine the use or otherwise of passive safety columns, there is a small risk that there are delivery constraints for this element of the scheme. A reserve carriageway surfacing scheme has been prepared to the East Bound carriageway (equating to the value of the street lighting scheme), to ensure that the allocation is fully expended. Should this occur, Lead Member shall be advised of this change by means of a Briefing Note. Should the street lighting element fail, then the scheme shall take its place within the overall street lighting renewal priorities for Salford. ___________________________________________________________________ KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: to promote sustainable transport and safety. The street lighting element will assist in the reduction of crime and the fear of crime. ___________________________________________________________________ EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: There are no adverse implications for equality ___________________________________________________________________ D:\98942087.doc ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium – Failure to implement the scheme will result in the loss of the Exceptional Maintenance Grant and will leave the A580 exposed to further deterioration. ___________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF FUNDING: Department for Transport Exceptional Maintenace Grant allocation ___________________________________________________________________ LEGAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Richard Lester x2129. Report approved for monitoring purposes. ___________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Supplied by Peter Butterworth on 20th December 2010. There is provision of £589k within the Sustainable Regeneration Block 3 Transport Capital programme. For this scheme, funding is from a specific Department for Transport allocation which can only be claimed if expenditure is incurred. ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: The works shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004. In addition, any Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders that may be required shall be advertised accordingly. Additionally, it is normal practice that liaison takes place with Environmental Services to ensure the refuse/recycling collection service is not adversely affected. Some elements of the works shall take place outside normal working hours, the pollution control team and affected local residents shall be consulted about working hours arrangements. Additionally, Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council’s Traffic Management Officer shall be consulted to ensure disruption on the neighbouring highway network is minimised. The surfacing element of the scheme falls within the area that will be the Leigh Guided Busway. However the schemes will be complimentary. ___________________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Steve Mangan TEL. NO. 0161 603 4034 ___________________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Boothstown & Ellenbrook LB-A580-M-003 Drainage.pdf LB-A580-S-001.pdf LB-A580-S-002.pdf LB-A580-S-003.pdf NG-A580-SL-001.pdf LB-A580-M-001.pdf LB-A580-M-002.pdf ____________________________________________ D:\98942087.doc