Meeting commenced: 10.40 a.m.
ended: 12.32 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor Derek Antrobus - in the Chair
Councillor Charlie McIntyre
Malcolm Sykes, Anthony Stephenson, Steven Lee, Paul Mallinder, Chris Findley, Nigel Dickens, Richard Wynne and
Nikki Park
Item No./Subject
1. Action Sheet arising from the
Planning Lead Member
Briefing held on 6th June,
2. Lead Member Decision
(Part 1)
Salford City Council
Supplementary Planning
Document: Lower Broughton
Design Code: Consultation
Action Required
Action sheet approved.
That the draft of the supplementary planning document ‘Lower
Broughton Design Code’, and the associated Sustainability
Appraisal and the Consultation Statement be approved for the
purposes of consultation.
That the proposed consultation arrangements be approved.
(iii) That further clarification be sought with regard to the comments
contained within the report indicating that further consideration
needed to be given to a strategy to deal with waste collection and
promoting recycling.
(iv) That a copy of the report be forwarded to Ward Councillors.
Responsible Officer
Chris Findley
3. Decisions of the Strategic
Director of Housing and
(a) Purchase of Iclipse Web
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and Planning to
approve the purchase of the Iclipse web browser at a total cost of
£30,314.69, as an exception to financial regulations under Part 4:
Section 7 of the Council procedure rules on Contractual Standing
Orders 2.1a (Sole Supplier), be noted.
Anthony Stephenson
(b) Adoption of Highways in New
Developments - Planting in
Service Margins within
Access Ways
That the decision of the Strategic Director of Housing and
Planning be noted.
Steven Lee
That the letter to be sent to local residents be referred to the
Media and Communications Team to identify whether they have
any concerns on its content and to ensure that they are fully
briefed on its details.
(c) Subways General Graffiti
Removal Contracts 2005/06
That consideration of this item be deferred to identify whether (a) best
value could be secured via the procurement route and (b) the service
could be provided by the Environment Directorate.
Steven Lee
That the (a) proposal to update the Chapel Street Walking Plan,
(b) list of schemes already undertaken and (c) programme of
improvement schemes as part of the Chapel Street Walking Plan
in 2005/2006, be noted.
Chris Findley/Richard
That the suggestion to erect appropriate signs and to display maps
highlighting safe routes to strategic locations be investigated.
4. Items for Information (Part 1)
(a) Chapel Street Regeneration
Strategy Implementation of
the Chapel Street Walking
Plan 2005/2006
(b) Action Irwell Meeting - 1st
June, 2005
That the information be noted.
Malcolm Sykes
(c) Private Sector Stock
That the report be noted.
Malcolm Sykes
(d) Pendleton Stock Condition
and Environmental
Contamination Survey
5. Briefing/Debriefings from
Other Council Meetings
That the report be noted and that the relationship between this work
and Urban Vision’s Management Contract be explored.
Malcolm Sykes
That it be noted that the following report would be considered at the
meeting of Cabinet to be held on 14th June, 2005:-
Malcolm Sykes
Visioning for Chat Moss.
6. Performance
CPA Guidance
7. Performance Indicators
That the information be noted.
Paul Mallinder
(a) Balanced Scorecard
That the information be noted.
Malcolm Sykes/
Councillor McIntyre
(b) Conservation Areas Performance Indicators
8. Budget Update
That the information be noted.
Chris Findley
That the information be noted.
Nigel Dickens
That information be forwarded to the Chairman highlighting the
funding allocated, how it had been spent and the work carried out.
That the information be noted.
That a request be made to Audit to circulate their reports to
Executive Support Members.
9. Audit Issues
Internal Audit Review on
Financial Systems
Malcolm Sykes
10. Any Other Business (Part 1)
(a) Planning Panel Leaflet
That the Planning Panel Leaflet be published at the earliest
opportunity with the inclusion of the comments indicating that
those representatives who wished to speak at the meeting should
take no longer than five minutes.
That following consultation with the Chairman of the Panel, the
suggestion that when considering a planning application, if the
recommendation is to approve, the objectors be given the
opportunity to speak first, and when the recommendation is to
refuse the applicant be allowed to speak first, be addressed.
Councillor Antrobus
(iii) That with regard to the letter which was sent to local residents,
information be included to indicate that if a person was responding
on behalf of a group, please could they indicate how many would
be attending the meeting of the Panel.
(b) Cabe Urban Design Summer
School 2005
That the information be noted.
Councillor Antrobus
That a design workshop be organised and that a representative
from Cabe be invited to attend.
Chris Findley
(c) East Road Pricing
Conference - 15th July, 2005
That the information be noted.
Councillor Antrobus
(d) Neighbourhood Road Safety
Initiative Presentation
That the information be noted and that the comments raised be
Councillor McIntyre
(e) Stanford House
That the information be noted.
Richard Wynne
(f) Acquisition of Land in Lower
That it be noted that terms had been provisionally agreed to acquire
land in Lower Broughton and that a further report would be submitted at
a Planning Lead Member Briefing in the near future.
Richard Wynne