Part 1 (Open to the public) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE HEAD OF HUMAN RESOURCES To the: HUMAN RESOURCES CABINET WORKING GROUP On: Monday, 17 July, 2006 TITLE: Skills for Life Strategy for Employees - Draft RECOMMENDATIONS: That Members consider the content and implications of the attached draft strategy. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report provides Members of the Group the opportunity to consider the draft Skills for Life Strategy for Employees and make recommendations and amendments to it. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Medium THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: To be identified LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: n/a FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: To be obtained at a later stage CONTACT OFFICER: Heather Grove (x3958) WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: ALL WARDS KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Employee Matters; Lifelong Learning; Social Exclusion; DETAILS: Attached is a draft Skills for Life Strategy for Employees. It identifies the background, implications and issues regarding poor literacy and numeracy skills amongst employees and approaches to delivering training to improve this. The draft strategy also provides an action plan for achieving up-skilling in the Council's workforce. Members are requested to consider the issues involved and any amendments they would want to make to the strategy.