ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND PLANNING TO THE LEAD MEMBER FOR PLANNING ON 27 NOVEMBER 2006 AND FOR INFORMATION TO THE LEAD MEMBERS FOR CULTURE & SPORT AND ENVIRONMENT ON 13th November 2006 TITLE: SALFORD PLAYING PITCH ASSESSMENT 2007 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Lead Members for Planning, Culture & Sport and Environment support the Project Brief for an updated playing pitch assessment and strategy. That the Lead Member for Planning agrees to invite external tenders for this work and to release appropriate funding from the Local Development Framework (LDF) Budget. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report seeks approval for the tendering of a new Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy for Salford. The proposed Project Brief is attached. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS (Available for public inspection) Playing Pitch Assessment 2001 City wide National Playing Fields Association Assessment 2001 Sports Pitch Site Audit 2005 Sports Pitch Team Audit 2006 Definitive list of sites for inclusion List of current users and bookings for the current season List of relevant Salford City Council contacts Schedule of current developments and proposals ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low. SOURCE OF FUNDING: The cost of undertaking the project is being met through the Housing and Planning Directorate’s LDF budget. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc COMMENTS OF THE STRATEGIC DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER AND SUPPORT SERVICES (or his representative): 1. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS No significant legal implications Provided by: Richard Lester 2. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Provision has been made within the LDF budget to accommodate the costs of undertaking the project and will be monitored within the overall budgetary control reports. Provided by: Nigel Dickens PROPERTY (if applicable): Potential implications of better land management HUMAN RESOURCES (if applicable): No implications CONTACT OFFICER: Steve Davey 0161 793 3762 Nick Lowther 0161 793 3798 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): Citywide KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Pledge 1: Improving health in Salford Pledge 3: Encouraging learning, leisure and creativity in Salford Pledge 4: Investing in young people in Salford Pledge 7: Enhancing life in Salford Unitary Development Plan Recreation Policies (R1 Protection of Recreation Land and Facilities; R2 Provision of Recreation Land and Facilities; and H8 Open Space Provision Associated with New Housing Development) Greenspace Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (supplements recreation policies in the UDP) DETAILS 1. 2. Background A Playing Pitch Assessment for the city was last produced in 2000/01. This established the local playing pitch standard (0.73ha / 1000 population), which has been adopted in the UDP and Salford Greenspace Strategy SPD. Sport England recommends a review of Playing Pitch Assessments (PPA) every 2 years and reiterated this in representations made during the public consultation on the Greenspace Strategy SPD. The city council acknowledged that the PPA was out of date and that a review would be commissioned as soon as practicable. The costs associated with the project will be covered by the Spatial Planning LDF budget, which has already made provision for the work. A new PPA is required to determine the demand for sports pitches, sports pitch quality and capacity. The playing pitch assessment will review existing local sports pitch standards and make amendments where necessary, which is especially important given that the population of Salford is predicted to stabilise and begin to increase over the next 5 to 10 years, which could increase demand on sports pitch provision. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc Purpose of the Playing Pitch Assessment The playing pitch assessment will play an important role, which will help to promote the enjoyment of sport for a wide range of Salford residents. In particular it will: 1) identify deficiencies in the amount and quality of pitches, 2) increase the availability and use of pitches in particular areas and 3) identify mechanisms for delivering improvements. More specifically the playing pitch assessment is an important tool: 3. - To provide better information to residents and other users - To satisfy requirements of PPG17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation - To satisfy Sport England as a statutory consultee - To support recreation policies in the adopted UDP and the Greenspace Strategy SPD by providing evidence to protect pitches from development or loss - To understand the demands from teams for outdoor playing pitches and identify areas where community use of school pitches is most needed - To assess the quality of existing sports pitches - To review and establish new local standards - To establish a long-term investment strategy and implement a programme of improvement - To provide justification for the need for developer contributions from new housing - To guide sports pitch provision and improvements through Regeneration - To provide evidence of need for capital grants for sports pitch improvement e.g. the Football Foundation, Heritage Lottery Fund, Sport England Lottery Fund and the New Opportunities Fund Key Stages to be Undertaken The keys stages of the project are: 4. Review and update of sports pitch audits Review of sports team audits Consultation with: - Clubs - Leagues - County/regional governing bodies - LA officers (planning, environment and community leisure) - Salford Sports Council - Adjoining local authorities (to explore cross-boundary issues) - Sport England regional office - Other providers of sports pitches Site visits with quality assessments on all sites Application of the Sport England playing pitch methodology (assessment of demand) Development of policy options Clear recommendations for playing pitch provision, protection and enhancement. Development of local standards for sports pitches, tennis courts and bowling greens. Recommend a prioritised programme of action for the next five years that is realistic, cost effective and achievable. Tender Process As the estimated value does not exceed £30,000, the council’s contractual standing orders require invitation for a written quotation from a minimum of 3 persons / firms that are suitably qualified. Spatial Planning, with the assistance of Sport England, have identified four consultant firms that it is recommended should be invited to submit a quotation. These are: 5. Knight, Kavanagh & Page, Bury PMP, Northwich, Cheshire Strategic Leisure, Carrington, Manchester Urban Vision, Salford c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc 6. Undertaking the PPA The PPA will require management and input from several directorates: 7. 8. 9. The outline timetable for the Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy (PPAS) is: Lead Member Approval to Tender November 2006 Invitations to Tender November 2006 Lead Member Approval to Select Tender January 2007 Appoint Consultant January 2007 Regular Progress Meetings Draft PPAS Deadline June 2007 Final PPAS Deadline July 2007 Consultant Presentations to Directors Team and Lead Members August 2007 Lead Member August 2007 Cabinet Briefing September 2007 Council for Adoption October 2007 Housing & Planning (Spatial Planning) – overall management of the commission, supported by a cross directorate internal working group Culture & Leisure - Client role in relation to city council interests in Strategic Sport Pitch Improvement and will take the lead in implementing the playing pitch strategy Environment – Pitch Quality and Bookings. Implementation of new and improved facilities and management of the majority of recreation sites including playing pitches, bowling greens and tennis courts identified in the ‘Parks for People Strategy’ Salford Community Leisure Limited – Sports Team Audit and PPA experience Education - Dual Use of Education playing pitches including Building Schools for the Future sites Funding sources are available to assist in the implementation of the strategy including the grants referred to above and financial contributions secured from new residential developments. Conclusions The PPA is considered an important document that will identify the playing pitch resource required to meet the needs of the city in the future. It will have important implications for the future planning / regeneration of the city, encouragement of sporting endeavour and the creation of a range of activities for people of all ages. Sports pitches are part of the underpinning of a sustainable community. The PPA will provide robust evidence on which to develop future plans and strategies, and base investment decisions. Tenders will be reported back in January 2007 with a recommendation. c:\joan\specimen new report format.doc