PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) ITEM NO. REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR CORPORATE SERVICES TO: THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 23RD SEPTEMBER 2002 TITLE: TREASURY MANAGEMENT 2001/2002 AND 2002/2003 RECOMMENDATIONS: Part 1 - Treasury Management Annual Report 2001/2002 It is recommended that members note the Treasury Management performance in 2001/2002. Part 2 - Borrowing and Investment Strategy Review 2002/2003 It is recommended that members : 1) note the recent activity and current position for 2002/2003 with regard to the Treasury Management function 2) note the addition of the Bank of Scotland Deposit accounts to the approved list of investments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The report provides details of Treasury Management activity in 2001/2002 and also a review of the borrowing and investment strategy for 2002/2003. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: Various working papers in the Finance Division CONTACT OFFICER: John Bilsborough Tel No. 793 3224 WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S): None specifically KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Treasury Management and Budget Strategy. jb49/jf 1 REPORT DETAIL BACKGROUND Treasury Management in Local Government is regulated by the CIPFA Treasury Management in the Public Services : Code of Practice 2001. The primary requirement of the Code is the formulation and agreement by full Council of a Treasury Policy Statement which sets out Council, Committee and Chief Financial Officer responsibilities, and delegation and reporting arrangements. The Treasury Management Policy and Strategy for 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 was approved by Council on 21st March 2001 and 20th March 2002 respectively. The Treasury Management Policy requires that an annual report on Treasury Management is presented for approval and that other matters are reported as appropriate. This report is therefore set out in two parts as follows:PART 1 Treasury Management Annual Report 2001/2002 PART 2 Borrowing and Investment Strategy Review 2002/2003. Members are asked to note the content of the report. A. WESTWOOD Director of Corporate Services jb49/jf J. SPINK Head of Finance 2 PART 1 ANNUAL REPORT ON TREASURY MANAGEMENT 2001/2002 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Borrowing and Investment Strategy for 2001/2002 was approved by Council on 21st March 2001. The strategy was reviewed and a report was presented to the Quality and Performance Scrutiny Committee on 24th September 2001. 1.2 The CIPFA Treasury Management in the Public Services : Code of Practice 2001 adopted by the City Council on the 20th March 2002 requires that an Annual Report on Treasury Management be presented to the Lead Member of Corporate Services and the Quality and Performance Scrutiny Committee. 1.3 This report provides a review of 2001/02 and highlights the major issues arising during the year. 2. BORROWING LIMITS 2.1 In accordance with the requirements of section 45 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the following limits on borrowing in 2001/02 were set by the City Council at the meeting of 21st March 2001: an Aggregate Credit Limit (ACL), representing the maximum long and short term borrowing by the Council of £527.923m. a maximum short term borrowing limit (loans of less than one year) of 20% of the ACL i.e. £105.585m; and a maximum amount of variable rate loans of 50% of the total loans outstanding. 2.2 These limits were not exceeded during 2001/02. The maximum long term borrowing during the year was £513.188m and the maximum short term borrowing during the year was £11.8m. 3. BORROWING REQUIREMENT AND SOURCES OF FUNDING 3.1 At the time of preparation of the 2001/2002 Revenue Budget it was estimated that the borrowing requirement for the year would be £4.577m. 3.2 The estimate has been reviewed during the year and the actual borrowing requirement was revised to £57.941m. The increase in the borrowing requirement was mainly due to an underborrowing in 2000/2001, additional supplementary credit approvals, and also the maturity of a number of PWLB variable loans totalling £46m arising from the rescheduling undertaken in 2000/2001. jb49/jf 3 3.3 The actual funding of the borrowing requirement and the rescheduling exercise compared to the budget assumption is shown below:Budget Assumption Borrowing requirement FUNDING PWLB – Lower quota Market (lobo loans) Underborrowing Actual £m 4.577 % £m 57.941 % Date 4.577 5.5 4.200 25,000 21.000 50.200 7.741 57.941 4.875 3.70 2.75 30.08.01 13.12.01 14.02.02 _____ 4.577 Years 20.5 40.0 (1) 40.0 (2) Note (1) £25m @ 3.70% first 3 years thereafter 4.50% subject to lobo. (2) £21m @ 2.75% first 2 years thereafter 4.50% subject to lobo. 4. MATURITY PROFILE 4.1 The parameters approved by Members in November 1992 set an absolute limit of no more than 15% of the City Council’s loan debt to fall due in any one year. The current intention is to work within a limit of 7.5%. 4.2 The maturity profile at 28th March 2002, attached at Appendix 1, indicates that the working limit (though not the absolute limit) will be slightly exceeded in 2015/16, and also 2041/2042 when the market loans taken in 2001/2002 mature, whilst the absolute limit will be exceeded when the stock issue made in 1993/94 and 1994/95 matures in 2018/19. 4.3 As reported previously action will be taken to reduce these excesses to within the working limits as the opportunities arise to reschedule the loans. No such opportunities arose during 2001/02. 5. INVESTMENT ACTIVITY 5.1 The original revenue budget assumed an average of £25.8m would be available for investment for the full year at an average rate of 5.75% giving investment income of £1.486m. The approximate updated the forecast of interest earned on investments to £1.711m and the actual interest earned was £1.621m. 5.2 As members are aware £20m was placed with the external fund manager Hambros (since taken over by Investec), on 5th July 1996. The value of the portfolio as at 31st March 2002 was £22.729m as a result of accrued interest being permitted to be held by Investec. Accrued interest can be recalled when required, with the last occasion being in 1999/2000 when £5.2m was recalled. jb49/jf 4 5.3 Over the period 1st April 2001 to 31st March 2002 Investec failed to exceed the local authority 7 day rate against which their performance is measured. However their overall performance has exceeded the 7 day rate since their appointment commenced on 5th July 1996 as shown below:1st April 2001 to 31st March 2002 % 4.06 4.41 Actual rate of return (net) Compound 7 day local authority rate 5th July 1996 to 31st March 2002 % 6.45 5.84 5.4 The return in 2001/2002 was disappointing but reflected events in the world’s money markets following on from the tragic events of September 11th. Investec increased their exposure to gilts in February and March. In the short term, their view was not matched by US economic indicators, and consequently the price of gilts fell. As a result of their higher gilt exposure Investec have performed poorly relative to the benchmark over the year and in particular the final quarter of the year. However, their expectations were realised in the early months of 2002/03, leading to compensatory increases in returns from gilts (see para 5.3 in Part 2). 5.5 The annual average rate of interest received on internally managed investments was 4.21%. 5.6 The average level of total investments during the year was £37.7m and investments held at 31st March 2002 totalled £36.5m. 6. LEASING 6.1 The Council holds capital assets, mainly motor vehicles, I.T. equipment and wheeled bins under operating leases. Operating leases do not provide for the asset to transfer to the Council and are exempt from classification as a credit arrangement. The length of the leases reflect the expected life of the asset and are generally for a period of 5 years for motor vehicles, 3 years for I.T. equipment and 7 years for wheeled bins. jb49/jf 5 6.2 Leases entered into during 2001/2002 amounted to £1.908m in capital value and £0.413m in annual rentals. Details of the leases are as follows :Leasing Co. Asset Bank of Scotland G.E. Capital Bank of Scotland Yorkshire Bank Neopost Key Finance Key Finance Sovereign Capital Value £m 0.031 0.073 0.016 0.044 0.008 0.140 0.224 1.372 1.908 Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles Wheeled Bins Enveloping Machine Council Tax processor Document Management Education ICT Period of rental Years 5 5 3 7 6 5 4 5 6.3 Total rentals payable for all leases held by services from their 2001/2002 revenue budgets were £2.492m. 6.4 At 31st March 2002 the Council had a commitment to meet the following leasing charges, which have been built into the appropriate services/DSO’s budget plans:£m 2.089 1.416 1.232 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2011 7. SUMMARY 7.1 The outturn position for the Capital Financing costs compared to the estimate and approximate are summarized below:Capital Financing 2001/2002 Borrowing Costs HRA GFund Investment Income HRA GFund Net borrowing costs Estimate £m Approximate £m Outturn £m Variance £m 26.918 17.677 44.595 27.050 17.664 44.714 26.969 17.702 44.671 (0.081) 0.038 (0.043) (0.498) (0.988) (1.486) 43.109 (0.540) (1.171) (1.711) 43.003 (0.540) (1.081) (1.621) 43.050 0.090 0.090 0.047 It should be noted that the HRA borrowing costs are financed by housing subsidy from the Government. jb49/jf 6 8. RECOMMENDATION 8.1 It is recommended that members note the Treasury Management performance in 2001/2002. jb49/jf 7 PART 2 TREASURY MANAGEMENT POLICY AND STRATEGY REVIEW 2002/03 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Treasury Management Policy and Strategy for 2002/2003 was considered at the meeting of Cabinet held on 19th March 2002 and approved at the meeting of the City Council on 20th March 2002. 1.2 This report reviews the strategy in the light of the borrowing and investment activity to date. 2. BORROWING LIMITS 2.1 In accordance with the requirements of Section 45 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 the following limits on borrowing in 2002/2003 were set by the City Council at the meeting of 20th March 2002. an Aggregate Credit Limit (ACL), representing the maximum long and short term borrowing by the City Council, of £543.523m. a maximum short term borrowing limit (loans of less than one year) of 20% of the ACL, i.e. £108.705m; and a maximum amount of variable rate loans of 50% of the total loans outstanding 2.2 These limits have not been exceeded during 2002/03. The maximum long term borrowing during the year is £476.335m and there has been no short term borrowing during the year. 3. BORROWING ACTIVITY 3.1 The initial assumption with regard to the borrowing requirement for 2002/03 as determined for the revenue budget was that the City Council would need to borrow £13.016m and that this would be taken from the PWLB at the beginning of the year at an interest rate of 5.25% based upon estimated long term interest rates at the time of preparing the budget. jb49/jf 8 3.2 The PWLB is the major source of local authority borrowing as it traditionally offers more competitive rates than the money market. Based upon current estimates, the 2002/03 PWLB quota entitlement which the City Council is allowed to borrow is as follows:- BCA/SCA PWLB repayments Entitlement b/fwd Total PWLB quota 2002/2003 Lower rate Higher rate £ 16.886 1.289 12.571 30.746 14.828 15.918 30.746 3.3 The latest estimate of the borrowing requirement for 2002/03 has increased to £17.206m to take account of the actual basic credit approval (BCA) and supplementary credit approvals (SCA) made available to the authority and the underborrowing of £7.741m in 2001/2002. 3.4 In order to fund the borrowing requirement three market loans (details below) have been taken. All of the loans are Lobos (lender borrower options) which means that after the initial fixed period, the lender has the right to amend the rate in the second period of the loan. If this right is exercised, the borrower if unable to agree the new rate, can repay the loan in full without penalty. In normal circumstances the Council would not take lobo loans, because of the lack of control. However, in this instance the rates were both favourable and too good an opportunity to miss. During the period the loans were taken PWLB low quota rates ranged between 5.125% to 4.625% for a 25 year maturity. Lender Depfa Bank Europe plc Amount £m 5.000 Barclays 6.200 Dresdner 6.000 Rate £ 2.50% fixed two years, thereafter 4.99% subject to lobo 2.40% fixed two years, thereafter 4.99% subject to lobo 3.60% fixed two years thereafter 4.625% subject to lobo Period Years 40 Date Taken 24.07.2002 40 29.07.2002 40 25.09.2002 3.5 Appendix 2 shows the latest interest rates for all types and period of PWLB loan, whilst Appendix 3 illustrates the latest interest rate forecasts together with the 25 year PWLB lower quota historic rates. 3.6 As can be seen from Appendix 3 long term PWLB interest rates have fluctuated within an extremely narrow margin from 5.25% to 4.625% during the first five months of 2002/2003. Current forecasts are that long term interest rates will remain steady for the remainder of the year. jb49/jf 9 4. INVESTMENTS 4.1 The revenue budget assumed that an average interest rate of 4.12% would be obtained on investments which would average £48.67m during 2002/2003, giving investment income of £2.005m. 4.2 Investment income earned to 31st August compared to the revenue budget assumption is detailed below together with an explanation of the major variances. INVESTMENT INCOME Budget Assumption Internally Managed Externally Managed Actual Full Year £m 746 to 31st Aug 02 £m 0.311 to 31st Aug 02 £m 0.311 £m 0.000 1.259 2,005 0.524 0.835 0.615 0.926 0.091 0.091 The reasons for the variation in income from investments to date compared with the budget assumption are as follows:a) Internally Managed Funds Interest rate - average interest rate achieved is in line with the budget assumption of 3.5% b) Externally Managed Funds Interest rate - average interest rate achieved slightly exceeds the budget assumption 4.5% gilts prices have increased 5. EXTERNAL CASH FUND MANAGERS 5.1 Investec (formerly Hambros Bank) was appointed as external fund managers on 5th July 1996 for an initial period of two years, with an option to extend subject to their satisfactory performance. Approval has been given to extend the period of appointment to 4th July 2002. 5.2 Over the period 1st April 2002 to 31st August 2002 Investec exceeded the local authority 7 day rate against which their performance is measured by 1.13%. Their overall performance since the commencement of their appointment is shown below:- Actual rate of return Compound 7 day local authority rate jb49/jf 10 1st April 2002 to 31st August 2002 % 2.67% 1.54% 5th July 1996 to 31st August 2002 % 6.45% 5.69% 5.3 Following on from last year’s dip in performance there has been the expected improvement in performance this year. In the first quarter this was largely due to the gilts that had been held in the portfolio from the previous year and also investments in the longer dated Certificates of Deposit, taking advantage of changing market expectations and hence the positive yield curve. In the second quarter the gilts have been sold as Investec believes gilt prices have peaked and further investments made in Certificates of Deposit, maintaining the improved performance. 5.4 In view of the satisfactory performance it is to be recommended to the Lead Member for Corporate Services that their appointment be extended further. 5.5 Bank of Scotland Deposit Accounts In July 2002 the Council opened two deposit accounts with the Bank of Scotland; the Corporate Investment Account and the Corporate Reserve Account. Both accounts have a minimum deposit of £500,000 and the main difference between the accounts is that Investment Account has same day access and the Investment Reserve account has a 7 day notice period for withdrawal. Both accounts compare favourably with current money market rates and also the Co-operative Special Reserve Account. For example the current guaranteed rate of return for a £5m deposit is 3.9% for the investment account and 3.95% for the Reserve Account. Members should note that the Bank of Scotland is included in the approved list of investments with a maximum investment amount of £10m up to 364 days. 6. LEASING 6.1 The following operating leases have been arranged to date:Leasing Company Key Finance Key Finance Key Finance Key Finance Key Finance 7. Asset Document Imaging Council Tax Cash Receipting Wheeled bins I.T. training plan Capital Value £m 0.140 0.043 0.035 0.108 0.025 Period of Rental Years 4 5 5 7 3 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that members:a) note the recent activity and current position for 2002/2003 with regard to the Treasury Management function. b) note the addition of the Bank of Scotland Deposit accounts to the approved list of investments. jb49/jf 11