STRATEGY AND REGENERATION OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 4 OCTOBER 2004 ACTION SHEET ARISING FROM THE ABOVE COMMITTEE Present: Councillors Smyth (Chair), Owen, Dawson, Jolley, Humphreys, Compton, Broughton, Fernandez, R Garrido, King and Wilson. Officers and invitees: Russell Bernstein, Karen Lucas, Councillor Merry, Sheila Murtagh, Karen McCrackle, Stuart Kitchen and Louise Slater. ITEM 1. Apologies for Absence. 3. Action sheet from the Meeting held on 6 September 2004 Karen Lucas ACTION REQUIRED RESPONSIBLE MEMBER / OFFICER TIMESCALE Councillor Slater. Matters arising: Crime and Disorder Members asked for further update in due course regarding the piloting of a national non-emergency number to contact the police. Members asked if consideration is being given to have a police presence/shop in local businesses due to the closure of local police stations/counters. Further discussions were requested. Members asked if they could receive details relating to the closure of community police stations. Members requested a quarterly update on the crime and disorder targets to run in parallel and enable monitoring in between the 6 monthly reports presented jointly by the Chief Superintendent of Salford and the Crime and Disorder Partnership. Karen Lucas/GMPA Karen Lucas/GMPA Karen Lucas/GMPA Chris Wells 1 Action sheet agreed. 4. Local Strategic Partnership. Councillor Merry, Sheila Murtagh and Karen McCrackle The Local Strategic Partnership is continuing to focus on the development of a Performance Management Framework. Councillor Merry provided an overview of the progress report, highlighting the proposed sports village that will provide facilitating and coaching of a variety of sports for young people in Salford. Councillor Merry informed Members that he was recently informed that Salford has had a rise in population; further information is not yet available. Questions: With regards to the traffic light ranking and the elements that scored an amber/red, are they under control? The targets are extremely challenging and the LSP is moving ahead with the recovery plan with ongoing support from Government Office North West (GONW). Members asked who represents the community on the LSP Board? The Board includes 3 representatives from the Community Network and 2 Community Committee reps. Sheila introduced Karen McCrackle who has been appointed as Communication Officer, to improve internal communication with all partners of the LSP as well as externally. Councillor Smyth thanked Councillor Merry and Sheila for their contributions. 2 5. Economic Development. 5.1 Best Value Review – Performance Improvement Plan. Stuart provided a brief resume of the progress report presented to Members, which outlines progress during the first quarter of 2004/05. Overall Economic Development is making good progress with the action plan, 80% of the plan has been achieved. Members asked how the under achieving targets are progressing? Stuart explained that not all these targets are Economic Developments responsibility i.e. educational attainment and are being monitored by the appropriate scrutiny committee. The City Council is considering ways to procure construction activity and have selected two partners to deliver projects for the next 5 years. They have agreed to increase modern apprenticeships for Salford school leavers. Members asked what else is being done to establish more apprenticeships; there are a substantial amount of opportunities in Salford, however, young people are required to have 5 GCSE passes to gain an apprenticeship. There is a possibility of an apprenticeship in Economic Development. 5.2 Economic Development Strategy. The Economic Audit circulated to Members provides an up to date overview of the economic profile of Salford. All the documents presented today are presently under consultation and awaiting further information from partners, therefore providing Members with an opportunity to have an input. The papers will be presented to the Local Strategic Partnership later this month, and then presented to Cabinet and Council later in the year. Stuart provided a presentation outlining the strategy – copy attached. Members highlighted concerns about the continued ageism in the 3 workplace and what are employers doing to not discriminate against 50+? Employers are now retaining their workforce longer so as not to lose a skilled labour force. With regards to asylum seekers; when do they have a legal right to work? Only when their asylum seekers application has been approved and they are given refugee status. The marketing campaign is having a significant impact in attracting new businesses to Salford. Further progress report to be presented in February 2005. 6. Post Office Closures - City Council’s submission. 7. Work Programme. Karen Lucas Stuart Kitchen February 2005 Members were asked to inform Karen Lucas if they had any topics relevant to this committee that would benefit from being included on the work programme. And if there they could think of any awareness training that they would benefit from. All Members/Karen Lucas 1 November 2004. To be included on the November agenda to agree priorities of the Scrutiny Committee. Karen Lucas 1 November 2004. No issues raised. 4 8. Forward Plan 9. Any other business. No issues arising. No issues. Date of Next Meeting: 1 November 2004 at 2.00pm (briefing for Members at 1.30pm) Chair Assistant Director Scrutiny Support Officer Councillor Susan Slater Russell Bernstein Karen Lucas 0161 872 2368 0161 793 3530 0161 793 3318 5 Salford’s Economic Development - Presentation Strategy 2004/7 • Economic Audit. • A Strategic Framework. • Action Plans Economic Audit Key Issues • • • • • • • Salford is high in the deprivation index – top 4%. Salford has industrial stock in need of repair. Salford is home to key employment sectors. Salford has low business survival rates. Salford has low levels of basic skills. Salford has a large inactive population. Salford has a high level of benefit dependency. Recognising Our Achievements Encouraging investment in the City Progress 2003/4 • • • • • • • • • • • Employment Sites Study Phase 1. 44,000 new commercial floorspace created. 1,420 jobs created. 16 company relocations into or within Salford. 4 RSA Grants received by Salford companies. Launch of ‘Playing Our Part in M:KC.’ Design for Salford Innovation Park Innovation Forum finalised and planning permission obtained. Strategic Framework Encouraging investment in the City Objectives 2004/7 Ensure that the City has the infrastructure capable of attracting and retaining investment. Grow the economy through the exploitation of knowledge. Secure the regeneration of the City through targeted area based initiatives. Maintain a dynamic and co-ordinated investment services to companies locating in Salford and provide an effective aftercare service. 6 Recognising Our Achievements Supporting Business Development Progress 2003/4 • • • • • • • 9 Enterprise Grants awarded totalling £334,000. 4 RSA Grants awarded totalling £1,550,000. 164 businesses awarded Business Security Grant. Export Form attended by 150 companies. Launch of Business Consultative Groups. EDEN Newsletter. Client management database. Strategic Framework Supporting Business Development Objectives 2004/7 • • • Improve the performance, competitiveness and growth of established businesses. Increase the number of viable businesses and improve start-up and survival rates. Develop key employment sectors which are particularly strong or have growth potential. Recognising Our Achievements Employability Progress 2003/4 • • • • • • • Employment Plan and revised action plans. Employment Bulletin. Exemplar Employers. Construction Partnership. Launch of Salford HR Forum. Skills for Life Strategy Launched. Re-launch of Salford Employment Charter. 102 unemployed residents into employment & training 158 employees benefited from training and development 7 Strategic Framework Employability Objectives 2004/7 • • • • Working in partnership to provide greater co-ordination and impact, minimising duplication. Working with those furthest from the labour market to overcome the barriers preventing them from effectively engaging in the labour market. Effectively engaging with local employers to recruit and train the local workforce. Ensure Salford residents possess essential and transferable skills. Recognising Our Achievements Supporting the Social Economy Progress 2003/4 • • • • Appointment of an Assistant Director of Procurement at SCC. 43 new groups received support from SCV. 8 community enterprises established. 18 FTE jobs created. Strategic Framework Supporting the Social Economy Objectives 2004/7 • • • • Promote a greater understanding of the social economy and its support structures. Undertake cross-sector organisational development and capability building to develop effective commissioning frameworks. Support innovation and enterprise in the social economy. Develop a strategic investment framework and other financial mechanisms to support the growth of the social economy. Action Plans • • Partnership commitment to delivery. SMART Targets. 8 • Regular evaluation and review. 9