SWINTON NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNERSHIP BOARD ACTION SHEET ARISING FROM THE MEETING HELD ON 19TH OCTOBER 2010 PRESENT : Councillor Dawson in the Chair Councillors O’Neill, Hinds and Ferguson Marie Shields (Neighbourhood Manager), Tim Littlemore (Central Locality Manager), Angela Arthur (Skills & Work Commissioning Team), Kevin Brady (Assistant Chief Executive), Phil Morton (Environment) ,Janice Lowndes (PCT) Maggie Heavey (IYSS), Tim Field (Community, Health & Social Care), Mike Johnston (Salix Homes), Sergeant J Connolly (GMP), Emily Edwards (Skills & Work Commissioning Team), Craig Monaghan (BSF), Daniel Hewitt (BSF) Ian Anderson (TLP), Mike Hall (BSF), Helen Oldland (Democratic Services) ITEM 1. 2. Introductions and Apologies for Absence. Minutes from the meeting held on 17th August 2010 and Matters Arising. DECISION ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY Apologies submitted from Councillors Lea and Warner, Paul Bland and Inspector Findlow. Noted. Councillor Dawson made the members aware that he was a governor at the Swinton High School and Council Ferguson stated that he was a governor at Moorside High. Approved as a true and correct record. Community Cohesion Marie Shields indicated that the board would receive the requested information with regard to the work undertaken Noted. by the Cohesion Task Group under agenda item no 6. (Community Cohesion) Kevin Brady explained that the Cabinet Work Plan was available both on the internet and the council’s intranet D:\219512609.doc 1 pages, with regular updates included. Noted. Working Neighbourhood Team Update Marie Shields and Angela Arthur made the board aware that the update requested with regard to benefit Noted. claimants would be included under agenda item no 5. (Working Neighbourhood Team Update) 3. Swinton/Moorside High School BSF proposal. D:\219512609.doc Mike Hall gave a detailed verbal overview with regard to the consultations that had been undertaken following the proposal to close both Moorside and The Swinton Community High Schools and replace them with one new school on the current Moorside High School playing fields. This also involved enlarging the site to include the land at Moorside High School and also rebuild Moorside Primary School as part of the development. Parents, pupils, members of the community and the governing bodies of the schools involved had all been widely consulted and given the opportunity to express their views on the scheme. He explained that the proposal was now due to be considered by Cabinet on the 26th October 2010. The planning application had not yet been submitted, but members were shown the proposed site for the building and various issues relating to flooding, vehicle and pedestrian access, staff car parking and the community use of the site were discussed. A wide ranging discussion ensued, on this controversial proposal and the results from the consultations, during which Mike Hall answered members questions which included, community facilities, the demolition of the 2 building once empty, feeder primary schools, pupil numbers, admission criteria, refurbishment of the current schools and the provision of a 21st Century education. Mike Hall and his team were thanked for their attendance and input before they left the meeting. 4. Swinton and Pendlebury Business Marie Shields provided the board members with details Plan 2011/12 of the Swinton Business Plan for 2011/12 and the Neighbourhood Community priorities that had been agreed with Community Committee members at the meeting on the 12th of October 2010. Members were asked to give consideration to the list of priorities to ensure that it reflected the issues that needed to be focused upon for the next twelve months. Members were in agreement on the priorities but the Marie Shields following inclusions were requested; Encourage an active and healthy lifestyle for older people Encourage participation of older people in the services we provide Emotional Health and Wellbeing Child Poverty It was noted that, once the outcome of the comprehensive spending review was known, the business plan may need to be revisited in the light of less money being made available. A discussion took place on the need for “smarter” working between the many services involved in delivering effective outcomes for the community and its D:\219512609.doc 3 members and how best to integrate these partners, including the private sector and the community itself, in order to deliver a better service. Tim Littlemore offered to provide data with regard to the work that was ongoing within the locality team that linked into the neighbourhood priorities. Janice Lowndes highlighted the very useful data that was contained within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which was now available and stated that the profile for Swinton could be presented, as an accurate summary of the needs of the area, if members wished. Marie Shields requested members’ feedback with regard to the business plan priorities and indicated that, after undertaking additional work with various partners, she Marie Shields would report back on developments at the next meeting. 5. Working Neighbourhood Team Update. The Swinton & Pendlebury Working Neighbourhood Team update for October 2010 was distributed along with a detailed breakdown of claimant numbers for the Swinton North, South and Pendlebury areas. It was noted that this information could be provided in various different ways in order to best provide a comprehensive view of the area. This could then be used to ensure that resources were targeted and to measure Emily Edwards/Marie Shields outcomes achieved. Mike Johnston explained that the information held on the D:\219512609.doc 4 Salix homes database could also be shared as part of the partnership working referred to in earlier discussions. It was agreed that more discussion on partnership working needed to take place and would be on the Marie Shields/Helen Oldland agenda for the next meeting in January 2011. It was noted that a comprehensive quarterly report including the ‘mapping’ of data was to be made available Emily Edwards at the next meeting alongside a ‘case study’ to help to illustrate the “customer journey” through the various levels of support. Marie Shields highlighted the breadth of activities that had been ongoing across the area including the excellent partnership working with the Health Improvement Team, Salix Homes and City West housing. 6. Community Cohesion. On behalf of the board members the chair thanked the neighbourhood team for the many projects that were being delivered. Marie Shields introduced an update with regard to the Marie Shields. ongoing work within the Neighbourhood team which was supporting Community Cohesion in the area. The update incorporated information with regard to the key projects that had been undertaken to bring together different groups and break down barriers and included; D:\219512609.doc School based activities Black History Month Restorative Justice scheme 5 Kevin Brady emphasised the need to ensure that this issue was being highlighted in both primary and high schools, with the headteachers being closely involved in getting the message across to children and young people. Maggie Heavey reported that the Youth Service had worked with Irlam and Cadishead High School to improve attitudes and similar work could be carried out in the high schools in Swinton if it was felt that this would prove beneficial. 7. Input from Councillors on Political Executive Arrangements. No political executive arrangements were raised. 8. Any Other Business. There was no any other business. 9. Date and Time of Next Meeting It was noted that these would be distributed to all concerned once finalised by the Neighbourhood Management Team. The members were thanked for attending and the meeting was closed at 7.25pm D:\219512609.doc 6