Eccles Political Executive 16th November 2007. Update from Neighbourhood Manager. 1. CURRENT ACTIVITIES The Local Partnership Delivery Group is the multi-agency forum for helping to address crime and anti-social behaviour in the Eccles Service Delivery area. Local Partnership Delivery Group Part A Brookhouse. Action Plan in place which is being reported back to citywide PDG. Actions arising from work done by partners at LPDG: Confidential telephone hotline to housing and police officers operated on an out of hours basis to encourage reporting from residents. Flytipping hotspots identified and work being done with Environmental Officers. Intensive estate management work being done in certain areas, including garden inspections etc. Tenancy enforcement action being progressed in appropriate cases. Other civil enforcement actions in process with individual perpetrators of anti-social behaviour. Winton detached youth team in place and working on Brookhouse on several evenings per week. Friday night football sessions for young men and women organised by Sports Development. One Anti-Social Behaviour Order obtained. A further ASBO application expected in court soon. One Postponed Possession Order awarded against a problematic tenancy. One demotion order given at Court against a further problematic tenancy. Tenancy checks ongoing. Garden inspections ongoing Multi-agency walkabout programme in place. 1 Barton. Forms part of a wider plan for the Barton area which will be reported to citywide PBG. No reports of ASB in the last two months from Moore, Pearson and Tooley Houses. Estate inspections completed. Repair and environmental works ordered. Fire safety inspections completed. Chips pans replaced by deep fat fryers where appropriate. Extra cleansing to the blocks requested at Moore, Pearson and Tooley. All four flats at Higson Avenue now let. Burglary Reduction Team designing potential physical improvements for the Higson/Higher Croft area. Lime St/Station Rd. Noise and neighbour nuisance in the area. Eviction carried out at Lime St. Friday evening walkabout with PCSOs completed. Flytipping and graffiti removed. Estate inspections carried out and environmental actions to follow. Other Crime and Disorder Issues. Barton Off road biking notices to be placed at Patricroft Rec and Eccles Rec to enable easier enforcement actions against off road nuisance. Some problems at Ellesmere St being investigated currently. CCTV camera operators informed. Eccles The Neighbourhood Team are working in partnership with the Police to resurrect the Pub Watch scheme for Eccles Town Centre and initiate a scheme on Liverpool Rd 2 Winton Work on Brookhouse continues. There have been some reports of problems in the Anson Rd area and perpetrators are being tackled by appropriate agencies. The following table outlines actions taken within Community Committee Areas to tackle perpetrators of anti-social behaviour. The table shows a yearly breakdown of key actions taken and notified to the Crime & Disorder Legal Team, from 1ST JANUARY 2007 up to and including 30th September 2007 has been led by Neighbourhood Managers, Sector Sergeants, Anti-Social Behaviour Team, and the Crime and Disorder Solicitor, working in Partnership with other public agencies 2006 Claremont Weaste Eccles Irlam/Cadishead Ordsall/Langworthy Salford East Swinton Walkden/Little Hulton Worsley/Boothstown Clients Action Plan Warning Letters Intvws Offered Ints Attend Signed Promise Case Conf . Total Appli. Total Granted Stand Alone ASBO on Convic CSO (Child Safety Order) Interim ASBO Breach 3 28 17 2 3 12 1 20 12 2 3 7 3 18 3 6 3 1 3 20 3 6 3 1 1 7 3 5 2 0 0 7 2 4 2 0 0 2 0 1 4 0 0 2 1 1 5 5 0 2 1 1 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 19 7 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feedback from Eccles Task Groups. Environment and Transport. The Group met on 3rd October, discussion included the following: Eccles Recreation Ground Masterplan – This has now been presented to all relevant committees, funding required for further progress to be made. Currently in the process of resurrecting the Friends of Eccles Rec group. 3 Celebration Lights - £7k funding available to date. Lights group are considering purchasing new garlands for lamp posts on Church Street. Subsequently the lights group have been successful in obtaining funds from Barton Fairshare. In Bloom project – Eccles Neighbourhood Team asked for suggestions for potential in-bloom projects. Block 3 Update and 10k signage budget - Engineers and Design to proceed with the Railway forecourt feasibility study urgently. (There had been a delay due to internal procedures at Urban Vision).Costs for the Pine Grove School project were underestimated by £7k. Approval from Eccles Community Committee is required for the additional spend. A further Block 3 meeting will be held before the November Community Committee meeting. 10k Signage Budget - The EETG required more information so proposals could be put forward for this funding. This item will be included on the agenda of the next Block 3 meeting Youth Task Group The Group met on 24th September, discussion included the following Eccles Youth Centre - Refurbishment work at Eccles Youth Centre is almost complete. From 15/10/07 there will be youth provision during the weekends. Eccles Youth Centre will be open on Friday evenings and Irlam on Saturdays. Activities which took place during the summer included: An SSCF funded summer scheme which included 2 Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. A PCT funded Cyclone Project which encompassed mountain bike maintenance. A healthy lifestyles course at Eccles Youth Centre for young women. Sports activities for young men at Eccles Youth Centre. A visit to Alton Towers for 35 young people. Sports Development - Numbers attending summer sports provision were up on last year with a total of 270 young people attending the various activities. Activities at Westwood Park were not well attended due to problems with grass cutting and the tarmac. A very successful end of summer programme festival was held at Salford City Academy. This venue will be used next year. October half term activities will focus on football. The girls Friday night football team from Brookhouse is being resurrected. The Early Years swimming programme has been extended and is now suitable for children aged 12 weeks to 4 years. 4 Eccles Senior Task Group. The group met on 5th November 2007. The group discussed Eccles Cenotaph and James Nasymth memorial. There has been some feedback from the public that the area around the cenotaph should be enhanced. The group are also keen to progress the relocation of the James Naysmith memorial to coincide with the centenary in 2008. It was felt the best way to progress this was to arrange a meeting with the relevant offices and look at both projects together. The Neighbourhood Team will coordinate the meeting Cohesion Task Group. The sub group of the task group has been meeting regularly . The Faith event has been rearranged to 1st December, 1pm-3pm at Eccles Congregational Church. The plans for the event are moving forward and there is strong support for the event from Eccles Churches Together and the Mosque. The event itself is quite unique with very little evidence being found that other events like this have taken place elsewhere. It is hoped that this will encourage further events like this to take place in the future. The sub group will be meeting before Christmas to look at future agenda items and to plan further cohesion events for 2008 such as for Black History month in October Community Safety Task Group The group met on 8th November 2007 at Eccles Town Hall. There was a police report on local issues. It was reported that crime in all the main areas had reduced The Community Justice Initiative were represented and reported that the initiative had now been rolled out citywide based on the success of the scheme in Eccles. The information from the Local Partnership Business Group was reported back to the Task Group It was reported that doorstep crime seems to be an issue at the moment. Resident Representatives at the meeting had the opportunity to report/ask questions. Other issues. Barton Fairshare. 5 The Fair Share Trust panel has supported ten schemes to date: 1. Security lighting/CCTV on Ellesmere St. 2. Various costs for The Yemeni Community Centre – rent, staffing costs, equipment etc. 3. Monitoring costs for 3 years for the cameras that the City Council is providing along Liverpool Rd. 4. Community Garden scheme for residents at Darwell Ave. 5. Fencing for Enfield House. 6. Tindall St Allotment group. 7. Community Development Worker for Barton area 8. Eccles Festival Lights 9. Greater Manchester Music Action Zone 10. The Lowry on Walkabout Park Residents have forwarded their application to the Community Foundation and this is undergoing technical assessment at their end. The technical assessment took place on 9th October Neighbourhood team working with Urban Vision and the Environment Directorate to obtain up to date costings, approximate timescales and detailed plans. Youth service, Nexus and Irwell Valley Housing Association are meeting with the view to putting in a joint bid regarding youth provision. Safer Stronger Communities Fund This fund is for 3 Super output areas within the Winton Ward – Brookhouse, New Lane and Westwood Park. The Board has now finally agreed the main thrust of schemes for this year (07/08) 1. Support for Brookhouse Youth Club to be provided by CVS. 2. A detached youth team (1 full time and 2 part time workers) for the Winton Ward to be locally directed by the Youth Work Manager for the area (Danny Mulvihill). This is additional provision for the area. . 3. A Rugby League Development Officer employed by Salford Reds. This Officer has been working with local schools and groups in Winton successfully over recent months. 4. A Neighbourhood Development Officer to be based within the Neighbourhood Management Team to manage and monitor the SSCF programme along with increasing community involvement in the SO areas. Andrea Parker is currently working in this role. 5. CCTV for Brookhouse and Westwood Park. These schemes have gone through the tendering process and contracts have been awarded. 6 6. Some landscaping for the Brookhouse estate. 7. Fencing and security works for Westwood Park and Brookhouse estate. 8. Funding for extra Sports and Youth Sessions for young people. 9. Additional money for CCTV. 10. A multi use games area and skate park for Brookhouse estate. 11. A small grants pot for local groups to apply to for support for their projects. Community Action Plan. The Community Action Plan for 2008/09 has now been produced and will focus much of the work for the Eccles Neighbourhood Team. The team are currently in the process of identifying projects from the Community Action Plan which the Task Groups can help move forward and support. The Neighbourhood Team is planning to carry out a consultation exercise early in the New Year to ask local groups what topics their organisation in particularly interested in and to encourage them to get involved in some of the projects relating to these in the neighbourhood area 7