PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 APPLICATION No: 05/50292/HH APPLICANT: A Rooryk/C Aubert LOCATION: 16 Barton Road Worsley M28 2PB PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey side extension and attached double garage with balcony and spiral staircase and new Vehicular access. WARD: Worsley At the meeting of the Panel held on 7th July 2005 consideration of this application was DEFERRED FOR AN INPECTION BY THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL. My previous observations are set out below: DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL This application relates to a grade II listed end terrace property. Number 10,12 and 14 Barton Road has a right of access to the rear of the site. The right of access is immediately adjacent to the existing gable end of the applicant’s property. This right of access leads to two garages and an open area used as parking space for numbers 10,12 and 14. Further to the east is the disused public toilets and Worsley Canal. It is proposed to erect a two storey side extension and an attached double garage with a balcony and staircase and a new vehicular access. An application for Listed Building Consent also appears on the agenda. CONSULTATIONS Worsley Civic Trust and Amenity Society-does not object to the architectural aspects of the plans providing that the facade is in keeping with surrounding properties in the Conservation Area but has draw to our attention over the legal right of access to land adjacent to the existing gable end of Number 16. They strongly object to any proposals to re-locate the entrance in closer proximity to the pedestrian crossing. PUBLICITY A site notice has been displayed and a press notice issued. 1 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 The following neighbour addresses were notified: 10, 12, 14 Barton Road 7, 7B, 9 and11A Barton Road Queen Victoria Boathouse, The Green REPRESENTATIONS I have received five letters of objection in response to the planning application publicity. The following issues have been raised: Out of character to the village, New access, Overlooking to public toilets, The spiral staircase detracts from the scale and appearance of this listed building Legal right of way used by neighbouring residents No10, 12 and 14 Barton Road. Felling of a tree in a Conservation area. UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DEV8-House extensions DEV1-Development Criteria EN11-Protection and Enhancement of Conservation Areas REVISED DEPOSIT DRAFT REPLACEMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DES7-Amenity of users and Neighbours DES8-Alterations/Extensions CH5-Works Within Conservation Areas PLANNING APPRAISAL The main planning issues relating to this application are whether: the size, height and siting of the proposal would have an unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenity of the neighbouring residents; the impact of the proposed extension may have on the character or appearance of Worsley Village Conservation Area and whether the proposed vehicular access would be acceptable and whether the proposal would comply with the provisions of relevant policies of the Adopted and Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan Unitary Development Plan and the Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. Policy DEV1 of the Adopted Unitary Development Plan states that the City Council will have regard to a number of factors when dealing with applications for planning permission. These factors include the location of the proposed development, the relationship to the road, and the visual appearance of the development and the size of 2 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 the development, this is re-iterated in policy DES8. The proposed double garage would project 5.7m from the proposed two-storey side extension and would be 5.9m in length. A new dwarf wall approximately 0.5m high and railing gates is proposed to close the current opening. A hard standing of 5.6m in length and 2.4m in width is maintained between the garage and highway. The new access is close to the beginning of the pedestrian crossing. In Highway safety terms I have no objections and conclude that the new access would be an improvement to the position of the existing access. The new proposed dwarf wall and railing gates would comply with highway standards of the 2m x 60m visibility splay, to give a clear visual opening for the applicant to manoeuvre safely out of their driveway and to be able to see any pedestrians approaching the driveway. As such it is not considered that the proposal would have a detrimental impact on highway safety. DEV8 states that planning permission will not be granted for extensions that have an unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents by reason of overlooking, overshadowing, dominance loss of light or privacy nor would it have an unacceptably adverse impact on the character of the street scene, this is re-iterated in policy DES7. The proposed two-storey side extension would project 3.8m from the existing property and would be 7.6m in length. There would be a bedroom window to the front of the proposed extension at first floor level: Facing opposite is No.7 Barton Road, an estate agent. I am satisfied there would be no impact on the amenity of overlooking or loss of privacy as a result of this proposal. There are no proposed habitable room windows facing the rear elevation. The proposed roof top garden would overlook Worsley Canal, and southeast facing onto existing public toilets, which are approximately 11m from the proposal. The public toilets are no longer in use. As such it is not considered that the proposal would have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of neighbouring residents by reasons of overlooking or loss of privacy and that the proposal will result in an overbearing or dominant structure by reason of height or projection, therefore I would consider the proposal is in keeping with policy DEV8 and DES7. Policy CH5 states that the Council will seek to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area. The proposed two-storey side and double garage has been designed to be sympathetic to the existing grade II listed building. The walls are to be rendered to match with the existing. I have attached a condition for materials such as windows, roof covering to be submitted to Local Planning Authority for inspection. The extension would appear as an extension to the existing building by setting it back from the main elevation. This maintains an honest history of the development of the building. As such the extension would not detract from the character or appearance of the Conservation area. With the objections raised concerning over the joint access via the applicant’s property. The applicant’s agent and the applicant are aware of the issue of right of way. He informs me that the applicant has spoken to neighbours about providing an alternative right of way. This is a matter for parties concerned to take separate legal advice to determine the right of way. 3 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 With the objections raised concerning the felling of a tree. The proposed garage would not affect the tree. I have spoken to the Agent that a separate application would have to be made for works to trees in a conservation area. CONCLUSION Overall, the proposed development complies with all the relevant policies of the adopted Unitary Development Plan and the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan. I therefore recommend that the application be approved. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Subject to the following Conditions 1. Standard Condition A01 Five year time limit 2. Not withstanding the details of materials shown on the approved plans, no work shall be started until samples of the external materials for the roof, details or specification for the walls, windows, doors, railings to first floor balcony, front dwarf wall and spiral staircase approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The work shall only be carried out in accordance with sample details as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 3. Not withstanding the details of materials shown on the approved plans, no work shall be started until samples of the external materials for the roof, details or specification for the walls, windows, doors, railings to first floor balcony, front dwarf wall and spiral staircase approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The work shall only be carried out in accordance with sample details as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. (Reasons) 1. Standard Reason R000 Section 91 2. Standard Reason R008A Development-Buildings in vicinity Note(s) for Applicant 1. The Applicant to be made aware that the proposed extensions would be built over a joint legal access. 4 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 2. The applicant is advised that the requirements of all the conditions precedent must be satisfied prior to the commencement of the development. Failure to satisfy the conditions precedent renders all development unauthorised and unlawful and appropriate action may be taken by the Council. APPLICATION No: 05/50513/HH APPLICANT: Ms S Kirkham LOCATION: 15 Carisbrook Drive Swinton MANCHESTER M27 5LS PROPOSAL: Erection of a part single/part two storey rear extension, conservatory at rear of dwelling and external decking WARD: Swinton South At the meeting of the Panel held on 7th July 2005 consideration of this application was DEFERRED FOR AN INPECTION BY THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL. My previous observations are set out below: DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL This application relates to a semi-detached property on Carisbrook Drive in Swinton. The proposal is for the erection of a part single/part two storey rear extension, conservatory at the rear of dwelling and external decking. The proposed part single/part two storey rear extension would project 2.74m from the rear of the property. The proposed conservatory and external decking would then project 2.74m from the rear extension. There would be a kitchen and dining room on the ground floor of the proposed rear extension and a bedroom above the kitchen. The conservatory would be 2.941m wide and be attached to the dining room. The external decking would be adjacent to the conservatory. PUBLICITY The following neighbour addresses were notified: 14, 16, 18 Sevenoaks Drive 13, 17 Carisbrook Drive 5 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 REPRESENTATIONS I have not received any letters of objection in response to the planning application publicity. Councillor Valerie Burgoyne has asked for the application to be determined by the Planning and Transportation Regulatory Panel. UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DEV1 and DEV8 REVISED DEPOSIT DRAFT REPLACEMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DES1 and DES7 PLANNING APPRAISAL The main planning issues relating to this application are: whether the proposal would seriously injure the amenity of existing residential properties and whether the proposal complies with the relevant policies of both the Adopted and Revised Deposit Draft Replacement UDPs. The City of Salford Unitary Development Plan (UDP) was adopted in November 1995. The Plan is in review and a Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan was published in November 2003. Policy DEV1 of the adopted UDP and Policy DES1 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan outline the factors that will be considered when determining planning applications. These include the location, nature, size, density and appearance of the proposed development and its relationship to its surroundings. Policy DEV8 of the adopted UDP and Policy DES7 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan state that development will not be permitted where it would have an adverse impact upon the occupiers or users of other developments in the vicinity. The Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance was adopted in December 2002 after public consultation. It provides additional guidance on the factors to be considered and standards maintained when determining householder applications. Policy HH1 of the SPG states that “planning permission will not normally be granted for extensions that do not maintain a minimum distance of 21m between facing habitable windows”. The relationship of 15 Carisbrook Drive to the rear of 16 Sevenoaks Drive is such that the proposed first floor element of the two storey part of the rear extension would be opposite a 6 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 bedroom window at 16 Sevenoaks Drive. There is a difference in ground level making 15 Carisbrook Drive higher than 16 Sevenoaks Drive and so the applicant does not consider there would be any overlooking as the bedroom window in the proposed extension would be facing the roof of 16 Sevenoaks Drive. Due to the application property being on a higher level of ground it is considered there would be overlooking and a loss of privacy for the occupiers of 16 Sevenoaks Drive as the bedroom window in the proposed extension directly faces the bedroom window of 16 Sevenoaks Drive. A minimum distance of 21m is required between the two properties and there is only a distance of approximately 19.6m. The proposal therefore does not comply with HH1 of the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions and is therefore unacceptable. The Councillor states that other residents in the area have had plans approved and have built similar extensions to that currently proposed. It is correct that neighbouring residents have had planning approval for similar extensions; for example, 19 Carisbrook Drive had a first floor rear extension to provide an enlarged bedroom over the existing kitchen which was granted permission on 18th November 1997. Number 13 Carisbrook Drive had a part single/ part two storey rear extension to provide an enlarged lounge and kitchen on the ground floor and an enlarged bedroom on the first floor. This was granted permission 12th May 1993. Another example is 27 Ashdown Drive where a first floor bedroom extension has been constructed and permission was granted 31st July 2002. All of these examples pre-date the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions which was adopted in December 2002. This application would be determined following the current planning policies. The proposal at 15 Carisbrook is contrary to the Council’s policies and is therefore considered to be unacceptable. The conservatory and external decking are acceptable as there is a part single/part two storey extension at the rear of 13 Carisbrook Drive and so the conservatory complies with HH9. It would not be possible to have a split decision, as there would be a gap of 2.74m between the existing rear of the property and the conservatory/decking. The applicant was given the opportunity to make amendments to the proposal in order for it to be more acceptable by only having a single storey extension across the rear, however they would like it to be determined without any changes to the plans. CONCLUSION In conclusion I believe the proposed development should not be granted permission as it is contrary to planning policy and would harm the residential amenity of the occupiers of 16 Sevenoaks Drive. I therefore recommend the application to be refused. RECOMMENDATION: Refuse For the following Reasons: 1. The proposed development would result in loss of privacy for the neighbouring residents of 16 7 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 Sevenoaks Drive contrary to Policy DEV 8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and the Council's Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. APPLICATION No: 05/50721/LBC APPLICANT: A Rooryck LOCATION: 16 Barton Road Worsley M28 2PB PROPOSAL: Listed Building Consent for the erection of a two storey side extension and garage with roof balcony and spiral staircase WARD: Worsley At the meeting of the Panel held on 7th July 2005 consideration of this application was DEFERRED FOR AN INPECTION BY THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL. My previous observations are set out below: DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL This application relates to a grade II listed end terrace property in Worsley Village Conservation Area. Number 10,12 and 14Barton Road has a right of access to the rear of the site. The right of access is immediately adjacent to the existing gable end of the applicant’s property. This right of access leads to two garages and an open area used as parking space for numbers 10,12 and 14. Further to the east is the disused public toilets and Worsley Canal. It is proposed to erect a two storey side extension and an attached double garage with a balcony and staircase and a new vehicular access. CONSULTATIONS Worsley Civic Trust and Amenity Society-does not object to the architectural aspects of the plans providing that the faēade is in keeping with surrounding properties in the Conservation Area but has draw to our attention over the legal right of access to land adjacent to the existing gable end of Number 16. They strongly object to any proposals to re-locate the entrance in closer proximity to the pedestrian crossing. PUBLICITY 8 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 A site notice has been displayed and a press notice issued. The following neighbour addresses were notified: 10, 12, 14 Barton Road 7, 7B, 9 and11A Barton Road Queen Victoria Boathouse, The Green REPRESENTATIONS I have received five letters of objection in response to the planning application publicity. The following issues have been raised: Out of character to the village, New access, Overlooking to public toilets, The spiral staircase detracts from the scale and appearance of this listed building Legal right of way used by neighbouring residents No10, 12 and 14 Barton Road. Felling of a tree in a Conservation area. UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: EN12-Protection and Enhancement of Listed Buildings REVISED DEPOSIT DRAFT REPLACEMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: CH2-Works to Listed Buildings CH4-Development Affecting the Setting of a Listed Building PLANNING APPRAISAL The main planning issues relating to this application is the impact of the proposed extension may have on the architectural and historic character and setting of the listed building and whether the proposal would comply with the provisions of relevant policies of the Adopted and Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan Unitary Development Plan and the Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. Policy EN11 and CH5 states that the Council will seek to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and Policy EN12 and CH4 states that planning permission will only be granted for development that would not have an unacceptable impact on the setting of any listed building or would detract from the architectural and historic character of a listed building. 9 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 The proposed two-storey side and double garage has been designed to be sympathetic to the existing grade II listed building. The walls are to be rendered to match with the existing. I have attached a condition for materials such as windows, roof covering to be submitted to Local Planning Authority for approval. The extension would appear as an extension to the existing building by setting it back from the main elevation. This maintains an honest history of the development of the building. As such the extension would not detract from the character or appearance of this grade II listed building in a Conservation area. The remaining objections are considered in the planning application report. CONCLUSION Overall, the proposed development complies with all the relevant policies of the adopted Unitary Development Plan and the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan. I therefore recommend that the application be approved. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Subject to the following Conditions 1. Standard Condition A01 Five year time limit 2. Not withstanding the details of materials submitted shown on the approved plans, no work shall be started until samples of the external materials for the roof, details or specification for the walls, windows, doors, railings to first floor balcony, front dwarf wall and spiral staircase approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The work shall only be carried out in accordance with sample details as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. (Reasons) 1. Standard Reason R038 Section 18 2. To safeguard the visual integrity of the listed building in accordance with policy CH2 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan. APPLICATION No: 05/50724/COU APPLICANT: D Nafisa Kaduji LOCATION: 64 Victoria Road Salford M6 8EF 10 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 PROPOSAL: Change of use of ground floor from residential to dental surgery WARD: Weaste And Seedley At the meeting of the Panel held on 7th July 2005 consideration of this application was DEFERRED FOR AN INPECTION BY THE PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL. My previous observations are set out below: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Since writing my report I have received 5 letters in support of the application. I have also received two further letters of objection to the proposal outlining the following issues: Parking is not being given sufficient consideration That parking next to the boundary with number 32 Orlanda Avenue will result in noise, fumes and a loss of visual amenity to the owners of this property when using their rear garden. The issue of the parking layout and root protection measures have been discussed with the applicant and their agent and I am satisfied that an acceptable level of parking and manoeuvrability space can be achieved within the site whilst still protecting the trees. As an acceptable layout has not yet been submitted the issue will be the subject of a condition. I have received the following comments from Councillor Ainsworth with regard to the conditions: Condition 2: amend to ‘There shall not be more than one practitioner , ie dentist hygienist or similar, providing services at the premises at any one time.’ The suggested justification is to reflect the advice of the applicant and the consequent basis of planning appraisal of the proposal - and in particular the adequacy of the proposed car parking arrangements in the context of the respective situations that the proposal contains two consulting rooms capable of simultaneous delivery of patient services (ie a dentist surgery and a hygienist room) , the property is located a significant distance away from any public transport route (ie a distance of greater than the 400 m generally acknowledged to be a determinant of choice of mode of transport) ,the locality is already subject to long stay hospital generated on street parking and there is no evidence ( eg by reference to the existing dental practise operating on Victoria Road) to suggest that the patients will be residents of the immediate locality. Condition 3 : amend to include reference to the required parking layout demonstrating the capability of vehicles to exit from the car park in a forward gear. The suggested justification is to ensure the adequacy of on site space enabling vehicles to manoeuvre and on the highway safety grounds of avoiding the undue risk of vehicles having to reverse ( with restricted visibility) into the carriageway . 11 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 Conditions 4 and 6 replace the references to the provision of medical care ( which definition could include a multiplicity of medical related services including drug rehab/treatment) to primary use/purpose of the building as a dental surgery. The application is specific in requesting approval for use as a dental surgery and no other medical use and has apparently been publicised and appraised as such. It is conceivable that other services falling within the definition of ‘medical care’ may be considered inappropriate. Condition 5 :Specify in the second sentence that Such scheme shall include the retention of a frontage boundary (privet) hedge and protected trees, detail of additional trees and shrubs to be planted …….etc. The reason is that the text of the report identifies the existence of the screening provided by the existing trees and privet to have been a material consideration in determining the acceptability of the proposed car park arrangement and the maintenance of area amenity. Additional Condition: Signage: A condition is requested to the effect that no external or window signage , other than the property number, shall be erected or displayed without the prior written approval of the Planning Authority, .The reason is to ensure that the building will retain its residential character and appearance. Generally I agree with suggested amendments and conditions 2 and 4 have been changed with the applicants agreement to just a dentist or dental practitioner. Condition 3 has been amended to require that vehicles entering and leaving the site should be able to do so in forward gear. I do not consider the amendment to number 5 to be required as the privet hedge is not protected and it is likely that a small section will be required to be removed in order to achieve the required visibility splays. The additional condition is not necessary as advertisements are controlled by the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 and consent is likely to be required to display illuminated signage. It is likely that the business will require some form of signage, for example the name of the practitioner and I do not consider that non-illuminated signage for this purpose would be inappropriate in this location. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL This application relates to a detached property on Victoria Road, situated between its junctions with Orlanda Avenue and Oakland Avenue. The immediate area is predominantly residential in nature. Hope Hospital is situated only a short distance away. The application submitted is to change the ground floor of the property to a dental surgery for one practitioner. Internally this would equate to one surgery room, a reception area, room for a hygienist and WC/kitchen facilities. The proposed surgery would employ three new staff and would operate between the hours of 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 12 noon Fridays. The proposal would make provision for car parking spaces to the front of the property using the existing vehicular access. A number of protected trees exist within the curtilage of the property along the boundary with Victoria Road. 12 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 SITE HISTORY There have been no previous applications on the site. CONSULTATIONS Directorate of Environmental Services – no objections received. PUBLICITY A site notice was displayed on 1st June 2005. The following neighbour addresses were notified: 73 – 89 & 89A (odd numbers) Victoria Road 28, 30, 32, 33 Orlanda Avenue 25, 27, 28 Oakland Avenue REPRESENTATIONS I have received 17 letters of objection and an identical letter signed by 12 people in response to the planning application publicity. The following issues have been raised: The proposal will impact on existing car parking problems in the area Lower house values Impact on highway safety Out of character with the residential nature of the area Already a dentist on this road and is already well covered for these services Will attract groups of youths outside in the evening Reduce the visual impact of the area if the front of the property is used for parking This part of the road is likely to soon be part of the residents parking scheme The number of proposed parking spaces does not meet Council guidelines No indication of how the first floor flat will be accessed Internal layout only allows access to the kitchen is through the WC or Hygienists room The property has only been on the market for a few months No scale plan showing how the parking is to be achieved Precedent that this may lead to further commercial properties on the road Potential for the dentist to change to an alternative business use I have also received a letter of objection from Councillor Ainsworth requesting that the application go to Panel and outlining the following issues: That the proposal will have a wider sphere of influence than just the effect on Victoria Road Potential for future business growth in the surrounding area 13 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 That insufficient information has been submitted to determine the application UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DEV1 – Development Criteria SC9 – Health Care Facilities REVISED DEPOSIT DRAFT REPLACEMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DES1 – Respecting Context EHC1 – Provision and improvement of Health Care Facilities PLANNING APPRAISAL The main planning issues relating to this application are whether the principle of the use of the property as a dentist is acceptable and whether car-parking provision proposed for this use is acceptable. Policies DEV1 and DES1 call for consideration to be given to the relationship of the proposed development to its surrounding uses and the context in which it will be set. The proposed dental surgery would be operational only during daytime hours, between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am and 12 noon on Friday. The property is detached from its nearest neighbours that face onto the adjacent side streets. Externally the building will retain its residential character and appearance. As a matter of principle I would maintain that such a use within an appropriate context can co exist with neighbouring residential properties provided matters of traffic generation and car parking and its associated visual impact can be satisfied. I do not feel that the approval of this scheme would set a precedent for future commercial development given that a change of use application would be required for changes to any other properties. House values, the time the property has been on the market and the movement between rooms are not material planning considerations. Policy EHC1 states that planning permission will be granted for the provision of new, and improvements to health and community facilities by public, private and voluntary agencies, provided the development would: “Not give rise to unacceptable levels of traffic congestion, or have an adverse impact on Highway Safety in terms of traffic generation, parking or servicing.” The Adopted Unitary Development Plan (1995) would normally require a minimum of five car parking spaces for this type of use. However these are minimum standards and the Revised Draft Deposit Plan now operates on a maximum standard basis to encourage more sustainable modes of 14 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 transport. In this location a reduced level of parking would be acceptable given that a number of patients would be from the local area. Furthermore one consulting room is proposed and the practising consultant would reside in the first floor flat. The practice will operate on an appointment system that staggers visits and therefore vehicle movements and car parking would be controlled. I do not consider that the use of the front of the property for car parking associated with the use will have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area. The property is currently vacant and the garden overgrown and a significant degree of screening is provided by the existing trees and privet hedge to the front of the property. An initial scheme showing 6 car parking spaces has been submitted, however it is not acceptable given that there is insufficient manoeuvrability space. I am satisfied that there is adequate space within the site to provide a satisfactory level of parking. A condition is recommended to ensure that the parking layout is approved prior to the commencement of the change of use and to ensure that the layout makes provision for the protection of the roots of the protected trees on the site. A condition is also recommended to ensure that only one practitioner can operate from the premises. CONCLUSION In conclusion I consider that the principle of a change of use of this property to a dentist is acceptable provided that the applicant can provide evidence that the required number of car parking spaces can be achieved within the curtilage of the property without having a detrimental impact on the protected trees. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Subject to the following Conditions 1. Standard Condition A01 Five year time limit 2. There shall not be more than one dentist or dental practitioner working from the premises at any one time. 3. No development shall be commenced until full details (including surface treatment) of a parking layout showing provision for five spaces, including one disabled space and details of the root protection measures for the protected trees on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any plans submitted should demonstrate sufficient manouverability spaces for cars to enter and leave the property in forward gear. The use of the building shall not commence until the approved parking scheme and the approved spaces are available for use. 4. Any residential occupancy of the building shall be limited to a dentist or dental practitioner employed as part of the primary use of the building. 15 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 5. In conjunction with the parking layout, required under condition 3, the site shall be treated in accordance with a landscape scheme which shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before development is started. Such scheme shall include full details of trees and shrubs to be planted, walls, fences and boundary treatments and shall be carried out within 6 months of the commencement of development and thereafter shall be maintained thereafter. Any trees or shrubs dying within five years of planting shall be replaced. 6. Not withstanding the provisions of class D1 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes (Amendment) Order 2005, the premises shall only be used for the primary purpose of dental care. 7. The use hereby permitted shall NOT be operated on weekends or Bank Holidays and shall ONLY be operated between the hours of : 9am and 5pm Mondays to Thursdays 9am and 12 noon Fridays. Reason(s) 1. Standard Reason R000 Section 91 2. Reason: Inadequate provision has been made for the parking of vehicles to allow the unrestricted use of the building in accordance with policy T13 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan. 3. Standard Reason R026A Interests of highway safety 4. Standard Reason R022A Inadequate provision for parking 5. Standard Reason R004A Amenity-area 6. Standard Reason R022A Inadequate provision for parking 7. Standard Reason R005A Amenity-neighbours Note(s) for Applicant 1. This permission does not relate to any signage, nor does it imply that permission would be forthcoming. Any signage is likely to require a subsequent application to display advertisements. APPLICATION No: 05/50772/HH 16 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 APPLICANT: Mr D Smus LOCATION: 61 Ashbourne Grove Salford M7 4DB PROPOSAL: Construction of rear dormer extension and alterations to roof to create a gable end roof. (Amendment to previously Approved 04/48163/HH) WARD: Broughton DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL This application relates to a semi-detached property at the end of Ashbourne Grove near to the Junction with Leicester Road. The property has a small rear garden that is 4.9m in length and 7.7m in width. The property has an existing part single part two storey rear extension. The application is for the erection of a box dormer in the rear roof space of the property. The dormer will project out approximately 6m from the roof plane. It would be sited approximately 0.1m below the ridge of the roof. It is set in from the gable end of the property approximately 0.3m and from the adjoining semi-detached property approximately 0.6m. The property has an existing two storey rear extension. The proposed dormer extension would project out the same distance as this extension. This application is an amendment to 04/48163/HH which was approved in July 2004. This application differs from the previous in that the dormer extension will now project at total of 6m from the roof line of the property. The previous permission approved a dormer extension that would project 4m from the ridge and would not extend past the rear wall of the dwelling. SITE HISTORY 04/48163/HH- Construction of rear dormer extension and alterations to roof to create a gable end roof. Approved under delegated powers on 09.07.2004 but has not been built to date. PUBLICITY The following neighbour addresses were notified: 57A – 59 Leicester Road 100-104 Northumberland Street 59 Ashbourne Grove REPRESENTATIONS 17 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 I have received no letters of representation / objection in response to the planning application publicity. Councillor B P Murphy has requested the application be determined at panel due to the large family requirements of the applicant. REGIONAL SPATIAL STRATEGY None UNITARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DEV8 House Extensions REVISED DEPOSIT DRAFT REPLACEMENT PLAN POLICY Site specific policies: None Other policies: DES8 Alterations and Extensions PLANNING APPRAISAL The main planning issue relating to this application is the impact that the proposed dormer would have upon the street scene and the over looking and subsequent loss of privacy to the residents of 102 Northumberland Street. Policy DEV8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan states that development must not have an unacceptably adverse impact on the character and appearance of the street scene. Policies DES8 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan reiterate the sentiments of DEV8. Policy HH15 of the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions states that dormers are not normally acceptable where they face an adopted highway used by vehicular traffic and are not an original feature of the street scene unless they are designed in such a way that their impact can be significantly reduced. It goes on to provide specific guidance on how dormers can be designed in order to minimise their impact upon the street scene advocating dormers which have pitched or hipped roofs and are sited below the ridge line and set well back and in from the eaves. 61 Ashbourne Grove is located at the end of a row of semi-detached properties, just 17 metres from Leicester Road. The roofspace where the proposed dormer would be constructed is highly visible to those travelling up or down Leicester Road and Ashbourne Grove. According to policy the proposed dormer should be designed in such a way that its impact upon the street scene is significantly reduced. This is not the case. The proposed dormer has a boxy design, it is very large extending across most of the roof and projecting out from the roof by approximately 6m. The size of the dormer together with its boxy design accentuates the bulkiness of the structure. The proposed dormer would therefore form a very obvious and incongruous feature within the 18 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 roofspace. The long range, visibility and poor design means that the proposed dormer would have an adverse impact upon the street scene. The development is contrary to policy DEV8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan, policies DES7 and DES8 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan and policy HH15 of the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. The previously approved planning application 04/48163/HH showed that the rear dormer would be sited entirely on the existing rear roof plane of the house and as such did not significantly further contribute to over looking or a loss of privacy to 102 Northumberland Street. There is 15m separation distance between the main original dwelling house of 102 Northumberland Street and 61 Ashbourne Grove, however, following rear extensions at both properties the separation distance between the rear extensions of 61 Ashbourne Grove and the rear elevation of 102 Northumberland Street is 12.5m. As the current scheme seeks to extend the dormer to project 6m from the roof plane this will bring the dormers’ habitable room window closer to 102 Northumberland Street than the previously approved dormer by 2m ie it will be 12.5m away. The previously approved dormer would be 14.5m away. I consider that this increase in projection, which seeks to reduce an existing sub-standard separation distance between the previously approved dormer and the dwelling opposite, will result in a significant increase in the loss of amenity to the neighbouring residents in terms of over looking and loss of privacy having regard to its location in the roofspace. I consider that the proposed dormer extension would be detrimental to the amenity of the residents of 102 Northumberland Street and as such I consider the proposal unacceptable. CONCLUSION Overall, the siting of the house is such that the proposed development would be highly visible to those travelling along Leicester Road and Ashbourne Grove. The boxy design of the dormer in combination with the 6m rear projection and end of row location means that the proposed dormer forms an incongruous feature within the roofscape which would have a negative effect on the street scene. It is therefore contrary to policy DEV8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan, policies DES8 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan and policy HH15 of the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. I consider that the further reduction in separation distance to 102 Northumberland Street at the rear would result in serious over looking and a loss of privacy to the residents. I am of the opinion that this application clearly increases the over looking element on the rear garden and rear aspect of 102 Northumberland Street due to the projection of the dormer over the existing rear extension instead of being sited entirely on the originals roof plane of the house. It is therefore contrary to policy DEV8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan, policies DES8 of the Revised Deposit Draft Replacement Plan and policy HH3 of the Council’s Supplementary Planning Guidance on House Extensions. I therefore recommend that the application be refused. RECOMMENDATION: Refuse For the following Reasons: 19 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 1. The proposed dormer extension would, by reason of its size and design, be an incongruous addition to the roofscape detrimental to the visual amenity of the area contrary to Policy HH15 of the Council's Supplementary Planning Guidance for house extensions and policy DEV8 of the City of Salford Unitary Development Plan and Policy DES8 of the First Deposit Draft Replacement City of Salford Unitary Development Plan 2. The proposed rear dormer would, by reason of its proximity to the property at the rear 102 Northumberland Street, result in overlooking and a subsequent loss of privacy contrary to Policy DEV8 of the Unitary Development Plan and HH1 of the Supplementary Planning Guidance - House Extensions. 20 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 21 PLANNING & TRANSPORTATION REGULATORY PANEL PART I SECTION 1: APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION 21st July 2005 22