Budget Scrutiny Meeting 3 September 2003 Action Sheet

Budget Scrutiny Meeting
3rd September 2003
Action Sheet
Members: Councillors Lightup (Chair), Dawson, V Burgoyne Boyd, Garrido, and Potter.
Officers: John Spink (Corporate Services), Russell Bernstein, Peter Kidd (Scrutiny Support)
Lead Members and Executive Support: Councillors. Hunt, Hinds, J Murphy, Antrobus.
Apologies: Councillor Ullman, Jones, M. Lea, Mann, Hincks, Wilkinson, Warner.
Action Sheet
Best Value Review of
City Leisure – a
verbal report
presented by Jill
Verbal report on the
arts and leisure
strategy by Jill Baker
Review of libraries
and information
The Working Class
Movement Library
presented by Jill
No Matters arising
Reports of the Director of Education and Leisure
The savings proposed are on course, legal and financial issues are
proceeding as expected, though a technical issue concerning VAT and
other business planning issues may delay the transfer to Trust status to
November. John Spink confirmed the deliberation over the tax issue was
best considered in the context of the long-term service delivery interests of
the Trust. Members to be kept aware of the date of transfer
The issue of the twinning officer post has been resolved, the budget for
Events has passed to Chief Executive and the savings have been made in
Arts and Leisure.
This matter has been referred to Lifelong Leisure Scrutiny – no further
action required.
A review has been undertaken to determine options to meet required
savings, a number of options will be discussed and a paper presented to
Cabinet- it is anticipated that savings will be made, any risk that they will not
be made will be reported to Scrutiny. – No further action is required
The Leader of the Council, Cllr Warner and trustees are due to meet to
discuss options to ensure required savings are met. Scrutiny will await the
outcome of the discussions. This will be reported at a future meeting
Peter Kidd
The first
Jill Baker
Provisional Outturn in
Education and leisure
presented by Jill
Baker and Bob
Gas and electricity
Charges presented
by Bruce Jassi with
Cllr Hunt.
Services a review
presented by Bruce
Jassi and Dave
Highways tripping
claims presented by
Bill Taylor and John
Bob outlined the cause of the overspend – the below target return on fitness
suites, staffing costs, the commonwealth games and the tourist information
centre fire. The fitness suites are now above target and will make a surplus
this year, and the forecast for the DSO’s after unforeseen charges last year
look good with a reported surplus of £8000 this year so far. A note of
caution was raised about insurance against litigation - discussions are to
take place with Development Services Directorate to share good practice
and prevent spiralling numbers of tripping claims in the future.
Reports of the Director of Environmental Services
Following a request by members further detail on charges was brought to
committee explaining why charges exceeded budget in 2002/03 and work
undertaken to reduce the effects for 2003/04. So successful is this work that
the ongoing effect in 2003/04 has been reduced from £62,000 to £17,000,
which may be reduced still further. A note of caution, the gas and electric
contracts are due for renewal and in all likelihood charges will increase
significantly which must be borne in mind in future budgets. No further
action is required.
The report was considered under Part 2 regulations.
Recent revisions in working practices have significantly reduced the backlog
of work and members’ recognised progress was being made in the right
direction. This issue is also being considered by the Environmental Scrutiny
Reports of the Director of Development Services
A joint report was considered under Part 2 regulations.
Detailed financial information was shared with members as were the
measures being taken to reduce the number and impact of tripping claims
on the highways. Progress is being made, for example the expected
formation of a joint venture company, however the effects will only emerge
in a number of years time.
Environmental Scrutiny committee is also monitoring this matter; duplication
should be avoided though financial concerns may be referred back.
Scrutiny Support
Scrutiny Support
A verbal update on
Following a request at the last meeting Bill Taylor informed the meeting as
to the areas where parking attendants work in pairs.
Bill was asked to investigate the availability of information on parking
restriction for circulation to members.
Also an update on the change to marker posts on yellow lined areas was
requested by Councillor Boyd
Report of the Chief Executive
The Salford People
Following last years outturn, measures have been put in place to prevent a
A report presented by recurrence of the losses made. Accurate budget forecasts and realistic
Ian Andrew
income targets are in place, work is ongoing to secure a partnership in
publication to share costs and good practice. The editorial board are happy
with the progress made and the newly structured regular meetings and are
confident any problems will be identified and raised appropriately and
Reports of the Director of Corporate Services
Revenue monitoring
A consolidation of significant items from Directorates.
Presented by John
The committee was assured that revenue and capital expenditure were in
line with budget / programmes and savings were being achieved with the
exception of 2 directorates who were asked to come to the next meeting
with reports.
a) Education and Leisure concern was expressed on additional cost of
pensions, independent special school placements and written off debts from
closed high schools
b) Community and Social Services concern was exposed on actions taken
to correct the homecare budget.
Capital Programme
Changes to the 2003/4 programme were outlined, which take account of
Presented by John
the final Outturn figures 2002/3
John Spink was asked to check the source of funding for Boothstown
Community Centre and Brierly House
Bill Taylor
Before Oct
meeting if
Bill Taylor
Jill Baker
Ann Williams
John Spink
To next
Medium Term
Financial Strategy
A verbal report
presented by John
Capital Investment
Strategy presented
by John Spink
Work programme
Any other business
The District Audit
report – Review of
Capital Expenditure
The Budget Strategy Group are developing 2004/5 budget plans with an
eye on the following 2 years. Cllr Boyd raised whether potential fines for
delayed discharges had not been provided for, this should be borne in mind
and closely monitored though as long as Salford works with the interested
parties these should be kept to a minimum.
It was also raised as a concern that the efficiency savings asked for would
be difficult for Development Services to achieve.
This issue will be dealt with more comprehensively at a future meeting.
Members noted the reports submitted to Government Office Northwest and
the City Council though the actual papers are for internal use as the
strategy received a “good” rating last year and as a result submission will
not be as closely scrutinised this year.
The prudential borrowing code will be introduced in April 2004 – Briefing
sessions will be organised to enable members to understand implications
nearer the time
Members agreed this - With the addition of reports from Education &
Leisure and Community and Social Services Directorate to come in
Members were given the report for information and their attention was
drawn to the recommendations on the scope of capitalisation of the “grey”
areas which Salford are determined to Phase out from capital funding – no
action required.
Date of Next Meeting: 1st
Assistant Director
Scrutiny Support Officer
October 2003
- 9.30am
Roger Lightup
Russell Bernstein
Peter Kidd
0161 775 9589
0161 793 3530
0161 793 3322
John Spink /
Peter Kidd