To promote people's independence respecting their dignity and providing choice and opportunities for them to remain within their
own communities by targeting our services on the most vulnerable and those with highest dependency need.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
 To have clear eligibility criteria for all services including shopping,
cleaning and day care.
 Eligibility criteria for children’s services were published at the
beginning of 2001.
 Draft criteria now drafted. However, government will be issuing
guidance on criteria later in year as part of Fair Access to Care
 Over the five year period 2000-2005, the objective will be to increase  1999/2000 Home Care was 16.9% of Residential Care Budget.
the projected budget for community based services. In the period
2000/2001 Home Care was 19.6% of Residential Care Budget.
2000/01 expenditure will be shifted from residential/nursing care to
Figures based on Independent Sector Care
community based services.
 Introduce a direct payments scheme for those over 60.
 DP Facilitator now employed for extended hours to enable more on
scheme. Working party to include older people.
To carry out a Best Value Review Programme for the Directorate in accordance with the agreed City of Salford Best Value Review
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Carry out the Best Value Review for 'Support for Older People at Home' · Work nearing completion - Final report due in June 2001.
by March 2001.
To develop commissioning strategies for all areas of services, which are informed by the above and based on the four key requirements of
good commissioning.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
In 2000/01 priority will be given to having a commissioning programme · Block contract for domestic tasks service in July 2000. Block
for home care and day care services based on block contracts. Priority
contract for Extra Care Sheltered Housing April 2000. Day Care
will also be given to a system contracting for Residential Services, and
contracts being formulated with voluntary sector.
block contracts for home Care Services and Day Care Services.
To deliver on the requirements and targets as set out in the Quality Protects Programme for 2000/01.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Target the six priority areas in the Quality Protects Programme which
1. Increase the choice of adoption, foster and residential placements for
looked after children, including appropriate choice for black and
ethnic minority children.
· 4 further new children's homes opened, two in partnership with
voluntary organisations (16 additional places with 2 further to
· Participated in HAZ-wide recruitment campaign for Foster Carers.
400 enquiries received.
· Block contract with Independent Fostering Agency for provision of
three families for sibling groups.
· Improved information on children looked after from ethnic minorities
· Foster carer NVQ training implemented.
· Increased fostering allowances by 5% for second year.
· Improve Panel scrutiny to reduce drift of children in need of longterm placements.
· Increased support for children looked after with emotional problems
through STARLAC Project.
· The Aftercare Team has been enlarged to start taking case
responsibility for young people over 16. Working with 2 16+ units to
develop good support.
· Team Leader Post established
· Team now has 5 pathway Advisers and 4 Aftercare Workers (From
Autumn 2001 all young people looked after aged 16+ will have a
Pathway Adviser)
Increase the support for those aged 16-18 living in and leaving care,
including steps to prevent inappropriate discharge from care.
Particular attention should be given to arrangements for increased
support to those who have left care.
· Dedicated reviewing officer for 16+ age group.
· Supported Lodgings Scheme expanded - 2nd worker to start summer
· Independence preparation programmes in all homes have been made
more specific through lifeskills programme developed with young
Improve assessment, planning and record keeping.
· The National Assessment Framework was implemented locally in
November 2000. Timescales for completion of assessments are now
being monitored.
Listen to the views and wishes of children, young people and their
· Young people are now routinely involved in interviews for managers
of homes and Aftercare Workers. This process is being extended to
other posts.
· Young people involved in staff training now.
· Young people have been involved in developing a new complaints
· Young people have been involved in a working group on developing
lifeskills training.
5. Improve the life chances of looked after children through · Identified 88 Nominated Teachers (83% schools).
expenditure on their education and health needs, reducing offending · Through multi agency working group developed PEP for Primary &
and more and better cultural, leisure and sports opportunities.
Secondary schools and submitted draft for consultation with
Nominate Teachers.
· Delivered foundation training to 27 Nominated Teachers to date.
· Commenced meeting with the Principal EWO for the early
identification of exclusions and truancy - identified needed
information improvements.
· Training in paired reading of residential staff in 6 homes (20 children
One exclusion of a child in Public Care since March 1999 but
returned after appeal.
· 15 children attended homework clubs within homes.
· Maintained high % of annual medicals for LAC but need to improve.
Implemented new procedures for initial Health Assessments to
enable better transfer of health information/needs from child's 'home'
· Appointment of Health Needs Co-ordinator to target health
services/advice to those LAC most in need of this service. (delayed
due to dev. difficulties).
· Continued discussions with PCGs and Community Trust to include
designated services for LAC within mainstrean services and include
this in Salford's HimP.
· Training for some Foster Carers on Health Promotion /Awareness
topics ( using NCB pack ).
· Increased Clinical psychology time in STARLAC project providing a
designated therapeutic & CAMHS consultation service for LAC and
their carers.
· Continued raising awareness of the needs of LAC amongst
mainstream community health, CAMHS, and voluntary sector staff.
· We are working to improve data accuracy which we think is still
suspect (partic education performance which is under-recorded.)
· Protocol with YOT for children who offend completed. Introduction
of 'Positive Parenting' programme to some residential staff to address
offending with young people.
· Social support team for Pupil Support Service (jt with Education &
NCH) delayed because of major recruitment problems. Staff now
appointed & Project will start Feb 2001.
· Range of additional educational and leisure materials introduced into
· Activities budget for 1 home increased.
· Regular liaison meetings take place between members coordinating
rota visits and managers.
· Training on The Safety of the Social Care Workforce.
6. Manage change: expenditure in this priority area should be targeted
on human resource issues, communications and financial
management strategies and on work to strengthen the governance of
· Those elements of Residential Review not having financial
children's services.
implications have been completed. Staffing review should be
· Implement the foster care and residential care services reviews
completed 2001 - 02.
To ensure that expenditure complies with budget requirements and the requirement to make efficiency savings.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
To ensure compliance with the budget requirement and to achieve • Savings identified during the budget preparation exercise were
efficiency savings of 2% for March 2001, 3% for 2001/2 and to
actioned resulting in compliance with the 2% efficiency target as
outline the actions to achieve this.
evidenced through the Social Services Inspectorate Autumn 2000
Self Assessment.
In managing the changes required by the Best Value programme the Directorate will identify which services are the most effective, efficient
and appropriate ones to achieve its key priorities and purchase these accordingly.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Prioritise the services from the public and independent sectors, that · Transfer of 9 elderly people's homes into an independent trust,
are required to achieve the objectives and priorities of the
recommissioning some beds within the independent sector. Cease to
Directorate and to achieve the most appropriate arrangements for
provide and in house domestic care service - new service provided
their delivery by March 2001.
within the independent sector.
Reduce the unit costs of services to the average of the Metropolitan · Increase use of foster care and establish block purchase arrangements
Councils within 5 years.
with external residential child care providers to reduce reliance on
expensive spot-purchased residential placements.
To have management information, which supports the delivery of the Directorate's programme, to analyse needs requirements and the
financial information to achieve the strategic objectives.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Purchase and establish the new IT system.
 New IT system became 'live' May 2001.
 Full implementation, with data entry by operational staff, will be
complete by Autumn 2001.
Identify the necessary resources to fulfil our commitments to the
Best Value programme.
 In report form.
Implement the necessary management and service changes to
support the achievement of the Directorate's priorities and
 In report form.
To actively involve users and carers in planning services and in tailoring individual packages of care and to ensure effective mechanisms
are in place to handle complaints
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Achieve the implementation of the 'You and Yours Charter' by June ·
The Charter, re-named 'Better Care, Higher Standards' was
published in October 2000.
To integrate the work of the Development & Customer Care Division with the Community Affairs Division and other key partners to
improve the effectiveness of achieving the objectives and targets of the regeneration strategy and of increasing the capacity of communities
to influence events. To continue to develop a local compact with the voluntary community sector in line with national guidelines.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Consult with staff on the most appropriate ways of deciding the role of · Consultation has been undertaken. Restructure has taken place.
the Development & Customer Care Division and Community Affairs
Position and Issue statement to be produced for Scrutiny Committee.
Divisions within the Directorate in the context of the wider corporate
Therefore objective achieved.
agenda and implement appropriate changes, and to monitor integrating
services and implement changes by April 2000.
To ensure that children in need gain maximum life chances from educational opportunities, health care and social care.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Improve the education attainment of standards of children in need · Work has begun on an interagency preventative strategy which will
so that they meet the attendance and attainment as set out by the
DfEE. The standards and targets are detailed in the Quality Protects
Educational attainment
Ensure that children in need have the opportunity to enjoy a
Positive Health
standard of health and development as good as that which can be
Offending behaviour
expected for the general population having regard to any diagnosed
To be in place by Autumn 2002
disability or health condition by reducing the incidence of children
The Directorate is also contributing to the development of the
being classified as 'Children in Need' by 5% by 2002.
Children's Fund initiative.
Help children in need from black and ethnic minority groups gain·
maximum life chance benefits to meet the requirements of
Quality Protects PC10 by March 2001.
· A consultation exercise was undertaken with children from ethnic
minorities on what they would want from services.
· This will be developed in the coming year with creation of a new
strategic post for listening to children.
· Consultancy with Bibini Centre begun May 2000.
To ensure that children are protected from emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Bring down the number who die from abuse.
Reduce the incidence of child abuse (significant harm).
Make sure that as few children as possible suffer from repeated
· In Salford since the setting up of the Child Protection Unit in 1987
there have not been any deaths of children from abuse. The target
therefore continues to be to maintain this record by having in place an
effective inter-agency child protection system.
· There is no way of knowing the true incidence of child abuse in a
population as only a proportion of cases are ever detected or reported.
The child protection system tends to be concerned with reducing
repeat victimisation rather than absolute prevention as the system
only becomes involved with children after an incident has already
· PAF indicator A3 requires local authorities to report on the
proportion of children registered during the year ending 31 March
who have previously been registered (re-registrations). The National
Priorities Guidance target is to reduce by 10% by 2001/2002 the
proportion of re-registrations from a baseline at 31 March 1996.
· Tne rate of re-registrations for Salford in the year ending 31 March
2000 was 9%. This compares with a national and metropolitan
district average of 14%. Salford's baseline figure was 11% so the
NPG target was clearly met. However, in the DH review of Personal
Social Services PAF indicators, Salford only gains a 4 rather than a 5
star rating because the optimum rate is considered to be within the
range 10 to 15%
· A low figure is generally taken to indicate good performance but too
low a figure may mean that an authority is failing to identify and
register some children who may be vulnerable. Some level of reregistrations is inevitable given the co-occurrence of different types
of abuse in some families and the fact that some carers are not able to
sustain improvements in their parenting capacity.
· Salford's figure for the year ending 31 March 2001 is 11%
slightly higher than projected in the Autumn Statement and Quality
Protects MAP, but now within the optimum range indicated by the
· The recent SSI Annual Review Report refers to Salford's child
protection system as being 'well-managed' and the PAF Review
report notes that single indicators should not be viewed in isolation.
Re-registration rates need particularly to be considered alongside the
figures for length of time on the Register where Salford's low figure
of 5% of children on the Register for more than 2 years earned a
maximum 4 star rating in the PAF Review.
To ensure that children are securely attached to carers capable of providing safe and effective care for the duration of childhood by
extending the range and choice of placements available.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Measure the expenditure on children in need (and not looked after) · Expenditure has moved in this direction, but the long term aim is to
as a proportion of expenditure on all children's services to prevent
increase expenditure back towards preventative services by reducing
family breakdown. To reduce the expenditure as a proportion of
numbers looked after through Preventative Strategy.
expenditure on children in need and not looked after from 24% to
20% so as to increase the expenditure on children looked after.
Ensure more stability for children in the care of local authorities by
reducing the number of changes of placement for children looked
after to no more than 14% by March 2001 the number of children
who have three or more placements.
· Achieved. Partly because of increase in number of placements. Will
require continuous monitoring.
Help children who need them find secure homes with adoptive · Number of adopters approved increased from 18 in 1999-2000 to
parents and where adoption is the right thing, children in care to be
23 in 2000-01. Increase in children placed from 16 to 22.
adopted as soon as possible by minimising the period children · Adoption Review completed.
remain looked after before they are adopted. For children looked · Participation in Adoption Champions Project (NW Region).
after under the age of 10. The target is to increase the proportion
that are in foster care and places for adoption from 74% March
1999 to 90% March 2000.
Where long term fostering is the right thing, children in care to be
placed in long term fostering care. To increase the % of children
looked after for at least 4 years who have been in their foster care
for at least 2 years from 56.6% in 1989-99 to 57% in 2000/01.
· HAZ Fostercare Recruitment project with 400 enquiries is a step
towards increasing number of foster carers. Will take 6-9 month to
be able to measure success of scheme.
To ensure that children looked after gain maximum life chance benefits from education opportunities, health care and social care.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Bring the overall performance of children looked after for a year or · Action to improve education of children looked after is outlined
more, in National Curriculum tests closer into line with local
children by meeting the performance requirements set out in the · Performance is being monitored by Social Scrutiny Committee.
Performance Assessment Framework and the National Priority
· Protocol with YOT for children who offend completed. Introduction
Reduce the rate of offending of children looked after.
of 'Positive Parenting' programme to some residential staff to address
offending with young people.
· Activities worker for children looked after appointed.
To ensure that children in need leaving care are not isolated, participate socially and economically as citizens as they enter childhood.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
For young people who were looked after at the age of 16 to · Via TEC funded worker, individual study support packages have
maximise the number engaged in education, training or
been developed.
employment at the age of 19. To increase the proportion of young · After Care Service has easily accessible IT equipment available for
people leaving care age 16+ with at least 1 GCSE at grades A-G or
young people.
a GNVQ to 50% by March 2007.
· Strong links with local College formed; 10 young people awarded
certificates in IT. Groundwork done to develop non qualification
course as a foundation on which to build.
To ensure that children with specific social needs arising out of disability or a health condition are living in families or other appropriate
settings in the community where their assessed needs are met and reviewed.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Provide more and better family support to help disabled children
and their families live ordinary lives
· Sustained support given to 410 families plus 35 additional families
introduced during the year.
· Inter-agency information provided on domiciliary support & new
Help more disabled and non disabled children use the same play
leaflet produced.
and leisure services.
· 34 children placed on integrated play schemes.
· 250 volunteers, mainly teenagers, supported play and leisure
Give children and parents information about the services that might
help them.
· 3 newsletters sent to all families with child on disability record.
To ensure there are referral and assessment processes which discriminate effectively between different types and levels of need and
produce a timely service response by making sure that social services, health and education agree how they will assess what help children
and families need an how they will respond.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Reduce the proportion of repeat referrals within a 12 month period, · As yet the Directorate is not able to measure performance in
where the reason for the indicates that the responses to the original
relation to this indicator.
referral did not appropriately address the child's needs. To reduce · This is one of the shortfalls that the installation of the new IT system
the proportion of repeat referrals by 25% in March 2000 to 20%, to
is intended to address. The reconfiguration of the social work teams
15% in March 2002.
as referred to above and the implementation of the new National
Assessment Framework is expected to improve the quality of
assessments and ensure that an appropriate response to children's
needs is provided.
Complete an initial assessment and put in place case objectives · These timescales have only been introduced with the implementation
within 7 working days of referral. To achieve a target of 80% by
of the National Assessment Framework from the 1 April this year. In
March 2002.
fact Salford began a trial of the Framework last November and is
participating in a research programme undertaken by London
Complete a core assessment and put in place case objectives, within
a maximum of 35 working days from the day of the initial
assessment. To achieve a target of 80% by March 2002.
Provide services promptly in response to the assessment. To
achieve a target of 95% by March 2002.
University. The results so far suggest that the timescales will be
difficult to meet for all cases but Salford's performance is comparable
with that of the other local authorities participating in the research
· Work is currently being undertaken on the identification of
performance targets to measure compliance with the objective to put
the timescale for responses within a timescale that meets the needs of
the child.
To plan, commission, purchase and monitor an adequate supply of appropriate, cost effective and safe social care provision for those
eligible for local authority support.
To promote the independence of adults assessed as needing social care support arranged by the local authority, respecting their dignity and
furthering their social and economic participation.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Target - 1999/2000 = 1.63
Target - 2000/2001 = 4.00
Target - 2001/2002 = 4.5
Increase the number of adults whom the authority help to live at
home per 1000 adults under 65.
To work with the NHS, users, carers, and other agencies to avoid unnecessary admissions to hospital and to find appropriate placements
on leaving hospital and to maximise health status and independence.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Reduce the per capital rate of growth in emergency admissions of
people of 75 to an annual average of 3% over the 5 years up to
Enable informal carers to care or continue to care for as long as they · Carers Assessments to be introduced.
and the service user wish, by reducing the number of people · Carers Services developed through Carers Grant.
moving into residential and nursing homes if quality support is
more appropriate.
To meet the corporate objectives of ensuring excellent employment prospects and high quality job opportunities and to continue to raise
aspirations and achievement by providing learning and development opportunities of the highest quality.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Develop a register of the range of supported employment schemes · Welfare to Work Joint Investment Plan completed April 2001.
for people with learning disability and mental health problems by
March 2001.
A commissioning strategy to be ready by March 2000 and a system of contracting for services to be implemented by 2005.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Establish by March 2001 a system of contracting for residential · Working with providers to create independent supported
services and block contracting for home care services, and day care
accommodation from residential care arrangements.
· Three providers in process of change.
· Community Support providers work group on block contracting proposals due June 2001.
To improve the mental health of the population and improve treatment and care of those with mental health problems through the
provision of a comprehensive range of high quality effective and responsive services.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
To work with NHS to implement the Adult Mental Health Strategy. · Mental Health Local Implementation Team in place, Local Action
Plan monitored by SSI and Regional Office.
To extend the availability of social work support over more hours · Model for extended CMHT Services being developed with Mental
per week.
Health Trust.
For 100 people within the HAZ programme and who have moderate
or severe mental health problems who are currently unemployed to
obtain employment.
Reduce the death rate from suicide and undetermined injury by at
least a further sixth (17% by 2010, from a baseline at 1996). Local
target is to reduce death rates from suicide by 8% by 2005.
· Suicide rate in 1996 was 13.37 per 100,000 represented by 31
deaths. The figure rose 14.54 per 100,000 in 1999 due to 33
· For people with mental health problems from minority ethnic groups • No survey completed.
to show higher level of satisfaction with services.
· By 2002 to reduce the number of compulsory admissions to hospital
by 5%.
• Reduction in assessments for compulsory admission from 320 to
Help young people resist drug misuse in order to achieve their full potential in society.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Establishment of multi agency Young Persons Strategy Group to
develop young people's services.
· Development and dissemination of guidelines concerning the
management of drug-related incidents within residential care
Reduce the proportion of people under 25 reporting use of illegal
drugs in the last month and previous year substantially and to
reduce heroin and cocaine by 50% by 2008 and 25% by 2005.
Protect communities from drug related anti-social and criminal behaviour.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Reconfiguration and modernisation of Salford Drug Service.
· Implementation of arrest referral scheme.
Reduce the levels of repeat offending amongst drug misusing
individuals by 50% by 2008 and 25% by 2005.
Enable people with drug problems to overcome them and live healthy and crime-free lives.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Increase participation of problem drug misuse in drug treatment ·
programmes which have a positive impact on health and crime by
100% by 2008 and 66% by 2005.
Proactive engagement with local prisons to facilitate access to
treatment prior to and following on from custodial sentences.
Reduce the availability of illegal drugs on the streets of Salford by reducing access to drugs amongst young people (under 25).
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Reduce access to all drugs amongst young people and reduce · Participation in Year 7 project aimed at reducing availability through
access to the drugs which cause the most harm particularly
education of the potential customers of the future.
heroin and cocaine by 50% by 2008 and by 25% by 2005.
Through the Local Authority and in partnership with the Health Services, and others working through the Salford and Trafford Health
Improvement Programme to achieve the following:
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Reduce the death rate from heart disease and stroke and related
illnesses amongst people under 65 by at least a further third (33%)
by 2010 from a baseline of 1996.
Reduce the death rate from cancer amongst people aged under 65
by at least a further fifth (20%) by 2010 from a baseline at 1996.
Establish a downward trend in adult smoking rates in all social
classes by reducing smoking so that the overall demand falls from
28% or less by 2010 with a fall to 26% by 2005.
Improve the health of expectant mothers and their families by
reducing the percentage of women who smoke during pregnancy
from 23% to 15% by 2010 with a fall to 18% by 2005.
To put local communities at the heart of the regeneration process by building strong communities that can be integrated and sustained
within the City of Salford.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Reduce the poverty levels in the City and improve our position with · Target date April 2003. Progress is being made.
regard to the indices used in the Poverty Profile of Salford in 1995.
To enable people in local communities to maximise their potential by supporting and developing their capacity to work out their own
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
To implement the recommendations outlined the paper 'Building on · Review of the 26 recommendations for implementation over three
Success - The way forward for the Community Strategy in Salford'
years to April 2003: 12 recommendations have been implemented;
by March 2001. The primary focus of the Community Strategy will
implementation underway on other 14.
be centred on promoting community participation and supporting
and enhancing community activity.
Operate the delegated budget at local level and develop a local
model of Community Committees by July 2000.
· Achieved.
Ensure that community grants are prioritised and allocated to meet
key strategic objectives.
· Achieved.
To contribute to the Corporate Objective of 'Making Salford a Safer place'.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Contribute to the Crime Reductions Strategy and implementation at · 9 Local Action Plans have been produced.
local level.
Protect our communities from anti-social and criminal behaviour related to drug use.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Arrest referral scheme implemented.
Reduce the levels of misusing offenders by 50% by 2008 and 25%
by 2005.
To maximise the benefits for service users within the resources available and to demonstrate the effectiveness and value for money of the
care and support provided.
To ensure that resources are planned and provided at levels, which provide for value for money; allows for choice and different responses
for different needs and circumstances.
To identify and secure the resources required to support the community based services to maintain people within their own communities.
To actively manage the resources available to comply with the Authority's Corporate Budget Strategy and overall level of resources.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Continually review all services to ensure value for money is
• Strengthening of the Commissioning Contracts and Review team has
enabled more robust contractual documentation and processes to be
put in place.
Reduce the unit costs of services to the average for Metropolitan
Ensure Department of Health efficiency savings of 2% for 2000/01
and 3% for 2001/02 are achieved.
Operate a charging regime for adult services which is consistent and • The charging regime has been operated along established principles
equitable and which maximises revenue while not providing
which charge a maximum of 50% of the additional benefit
distortions or disincentives which would affect the outcome of care
individuals can claim for their care (or a flat rate of £3).
for individuals.
Develop Management/Financial information systems for front line • The new Corporate Financial System SAP has been implemented.
managers by March 2001.
This was a long and intensive task to achieve. Limited senior
management training was undertaken in 2000/01. A significant
training exercise is planned for 2001/02.
Manage service commissioning and service delivery within the
corporate delegate budget process.
• The Directorate has operated within its delegated budget with the
exception of Children's expenditure. The impact of children's
pressures was quantified and built into the budget process for
2000/01 & 2001/02.
Extend devolved budgets on a phased basis to promote
accountability and effective financial management.
• The new SAP system was largely used to inform Senior Management
Team. Greater use and training on SAP and related devolved budgets
will continue in 2001/02.
To have financial systems which support the commissioning • Accountants have supported the processes of Best Value reviews,
strategy for investment/disinvestment in services, identify the
implementation of savings and service charges on a payment by
financial changes resulting from Best Value reviews and changes in
payment basis.
the patterns of service provision.
• The implementation of agreed service changes have resulted in
efficiency savings of 2% for 2000/01.
To ensure that we have the staff resources which are appropriate in numbers and costs, quality, capacity, potential and commitment by
identifying the staff resources needed to deliver on the requirements contained within the Directorate's Strategic Plan and the changes to
the way services are delivered to comply with Best Value requirements.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Identify the staffing implications arising from the implementation Overall number of employees 530
of the proposals for the Strategic Development of the Community &
Social Services Directorate to achieve a reduction of 400 staff by VER/VS
475 (90%)
20% staff redeployed, 40% Voluntary Redundancy and 40% Redeployment
55 (10%)
Voluntary Severance of the total by March 2001.
Review the directorate Safety Policy Statement and associated
Codes of Practice and issue revisions, as appropriate.
Implement an appraisal system throughout the directorate, in Appraisal system introduced throughout Directorate.
accordance with corporate guidelines, to complement the
supervision policy applied in each service area to be introduced by
March 2001.
Assist in the management of sickness absence and seek to reduce
the current level of absence by 2% by March 2001.
Input to corporate policy on Attendance Management Policy and
establishment of regular monitoring system involving member of DMG
(Deputy Director). Continuing support to Managers in implementation
of guidelines.
Identify the implications arising from the Single Status Agreement
and the associated costs for each service area.
Compensation payments made in respect of change to car allowance
rates and reduction in double time premium.
Safety Policy and associated Codes of Practice reviewed and revised, as
Sleep-in allowances - payments ceased to employees during periods of
annual leave/sickness.
To ensure that managers and social care workers are appropriately trained and qualified by a commitment by all to the uptake of training
at all levels and by demonstrating that training is linked to improvement performance and the achievement of strategic objectives and
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
Conduct a training needs analysis within the Directorate and
produce a Training Plan which meets the requirements of:
Training Plan for 2000/1 produced which addressed the requirements
a). The National Training Strategy.
b). Quality Protects - Management Action Plan.
c). Mental Health Grant.
d). The key strategic objectives for the Directorate as outlined in the
Services Plan.
To establish appropriate systems to ensure staff can meet the Training Plan is being re-focussed to meet these requirements within
registration and re-registration requirements of the G.S.C.C. as they the constraints of the available resources.
To ensure through regulatory powers and duties that adults and children are protected from harm and poor care services.
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
All services coming within the remit of the Inspection Unit must • All services have received the minimum number of statutory
receive the minimum number of statutory inspections per year, each
inspections this year.
year. At the present time all care homes must receive two visits per
year, with children's day care receiving a minimum of one visit per
In meeting the requirements to demonstrate continuous improvements in our performance the Directorate will:
Actions Proposed
Actions Undertaken/Results Achieved
· Adults
- Older Peoples strategy
- M H Strategy
- Learning Disability Strategy
- Carers Special Grant
Actively involve users and carers in planning services and in
tailoring individual packages of care and to ensure effective
mechanisms are in place to handle complaints. We shall
demonstrate that the views of children and families are actively
sought and used in the planning, delivery and review of services
and to provide evidence that the satisfaction of users with the
services provided is increasing.
· Children & Families
) Action Plans have been
) developed under the NSF
) to change existing and
) initiate new services
- 3 years Carers Plan
Developed 2001/4
- Spurgeons Advocacy Service
- Support children & young
and Independent Visiting Scheme people through the planning
and review process and with
individual complaints
- Results to be published
· Personal Social Services
Survey - completed
· BCMS Survey to be completed July 2001
Demonstrate a commitment to racial equality by achieving a
minimum level one and level two of the Commission of Racial
Equality standards by March 2001.
· Anti-Discriminatory Practice Policy produced and circulated
throughout Directorate.
· Training Strategy on ADPP introduced
To implement the Corporate Equality and Service Delivery Policy
by 31 March 2001.
· Service Delivery Audit carried out under Corporate Service Delivery
equality standard
JP/LD - 31 May 2001 - c:\sarpt\misc\KeyActio.ns