Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) in Salford Information for Providers

Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) in Salford
Information for Providers
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
Early Years Pupil Premium
Contents Page
Page Number
What is the Early Years Pupil Premium?
Which settings are eligible?
Which children are eligible?
How much will I be paid?
Providers’ role
Starting Life Well Service (Salford City Council) role
Claiming the EYPP
Provider use of the Early Years Pupil Premium
What do I need to do next?
Useful links
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
What is the Early Years Pupil Premium?
The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is additional funding to support
disadvantaged 3 and 4 year olds receiving the Free Early Education Entitlement
(FEEE), which will come into effect from April 2015. The EYPP will be paid to local
authorities through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). Local Authorities will be
required to pass it on to early years childcare providers for each eligible child at the
hourly rate of 53p per hour.
Which settings are eligible?
All registered early years providers that take children for the FEEE – including
maintained, private, voluntary and independent providers and childminders – will be
able to claim the EYPP for eligible 3 and 4 year olds.
Which children are eligible?
Children will be eligible if they are 3 or 4 years old and receiving Government funded
FEEE in any OFSTED registered provider and their parents are in receipt of one or
more of the following benefits:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and
have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for
Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit
Or if they have been:
looked after by the local authority for at least one day
have been adopted from care
have left care through special guardianship; or
subject to a child arrangement order setting out with whom the child is to live
(formerly known as residence orders)
The investment in Early Years Premium is for early years’ childcare and education to
narrow the attainment gap between young children from low-income families and
their peers, setting them on a path to a more successful future.
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
How much will I be paid?
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is paid at a national rate of 53p for every free
early education hour that an eligible child attends their setting. Salford City Council
passes on the full rate to providers. Please see the following table for examples of
children attending their full 15 hours of free early education a week.
Number of children
Amount each year
Children will not need to access the full entitlement to be eligible for the Early Years
Pupil Premium; providers will be paid on a pro rata basis.
What is the role of providers?
Department for Education (DfE) are clear that providers will be expected to evidence
outcomes as a result of the funding allocated and this will be assessed as part of the
Ofsted inspection. Providers will need to track progress of children so impact can be
measured. Ofsted are clear that EYPP will form part of their existing inspection
framework. Providers should ensure they can demonstrate:
Effective Leadership & Management
How well the provision meets the needs of the range of children in
From 2016 the Census will collect information on numbers of children receiving the
EYPP at each setting. Providers may be required to make available/show evidence
of spend in relation to EYPP.
Promoting the Early Years Pupil Premium to parents and carers? You need to
tell all parents about the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) highlight the benefits for
their children and encourage eligible parents to let you know who they are. This
should be voluntary; some parents will choose not to identify themselves as meeting
the eligibility criteria.
To help providers, the Starting Life Well service has produced a sample letter to give
to all your parents and carers and will make other materials you can use to promote
Early Years Pupil Premium available as a download on our website at
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
Alternatively, the Department for Education has also produced a sample letter
available at www.gov.uk titled ‘early years’ pupil premium: Overview letter for
You can use either of these or use your own method of communicating this
information to your parents. You may want to advertise it on your website, in
newsletters or through social media.
What is the role of Salford City Council Starting Life Well service in relation to
The Starting Life Well service is committed to ensuring you understand what will be
expected of you and have strategies and ideas on how to utilise the funding to make
a difference to children. We want to ensure that you, as providers, are clear about
this new policy and have issued this briefing sheet to start the flow of
communication. We will schedule Provider Briefings in the spring term followed in the
summer term by network meetings which will share information on the processes of
the EYPP and give suggestions and ideas on how the funding could be utilised. We
will also provide support and guidance via our website.
How do I claim Early Years Pupil Premium?
There are a few steps that you will need to carry out to claim the premium, these are:
Step 1 Discus, share and/or send your letter to parents and carers (please
include a copy of the Parental declaration form). Parents should complete this
form and return it to you.
Step 2 If a parent or carer has indicated that their child belongs to one of the
following groups:
o Has been adopted from care,
o Has left care through a special guardianship arrangement,
o Is subject to a child arrangement order
You will need to see a copy of the parent or carers court order to check this
is correct.
The free entitlement team will be able to check the eligibility of any children
that have been identified as being Looked After Children (LAC) by the local
Step 3 Transfer the details provided by parent on the Parent Declaration form
onto the Early Years Headcount form available via the Early Years Provider
Portal (EY Portal) and submit by the deadline date each term.
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
Deadline dates for future terms will be available from:
The Starting Life Well service will then check the family’s eligibility through the
Eligibility Checking System and will send each provider a list of children who
have been identified as eligible.
An Early Years Pupil Premium payment will then be paid to each provider. The
eligibility of children receiving the funding will be automatically checked again at the
beginning of the academic year when the child is taking up their 4 year old
Privacy Notice
Please ensure that all parents of children you are claiming for have been given a
Privacy Notice. Privacy Notices need to be circulated to new parents claiming the
funded entitlement each term. Settings and schools have a Statutory Duty to
circulate Privacy Notices to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. This puts in
place numerous safeguards regarding the use of personal data by organisations,
including the Education Department, Local Authorities and schools. The Privacy
Notice could be included as part of a brochure or induction pack, or it could be
posted on a nursery notice board, but parents must be made aware of it.
The latest version of the Privacy Notice which you can personalise with your own
branding is available from our website as a download at
How should providers use the funding?
Early years providers will be able to determine how the funding is spent, but it will be
down to each individual provider to decide how to utilise the EYPP in order to ensure
the very best outcomes for the children in their care. The consultation document from
Department for Education (DfE) suggests providers may choose to employ graduate
level staff, early years’ teachers or to pool funding with other providers to jointly
schedule training or arrange additional support.
Common themes may be:
Children’s language and communication
Attachment, well-being and behaviour
Physical development
Engagement with parents
Supporting children’s school-readiness
Early Years Pupil Premium IN Salford
Other suggestion:
Improving staff member’s qualification
Accessing specific training such as Elklan training
Providing additional staff to implement strategies such as the Early Years
Language Programme formally known as the Every Child a Talker (ECAT)
The Education Endowment Foundation currently provides a teaching and
learning toolkit, which is a summary of educational strategies and research to
help teachers and schools decide how to use their resources to improve the
attainment of disadvantaged children. This toolkit is to be extended for early
years providers to assist them in identifying how best to spend the Early
Years Pupil Premium. This is available from:
Providers should use relevant research and evidence on what works in improving
quality in the early years when making decisions about how to use their EYPP
funding. They will need to maximise the effectiveness of this additional funding to
improve children’s outcomes and to boost disadvantaged children’s achievement so
as to ‘narrow the gap’.
What do I need to do next?
Providers should ensure they are aware of any relevant information on the Early
Years Pupil Premium
Useful Links
Department for Education (DFE); https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/improvingthe-quality-and-range-of-education-and-childcare-from-birth-to-5-years/supportingpages/early-years-pupil-premium
Foundation years; https://www.foundationyears.org.uk/category/eypp/
Salford Starting Life Well service: https://www.0-19insalford.info
Education Endowment Foundation: