2014-2017 FACULTY CONTRACT 336B H.5: ADMINISTRATIVE 337B Adjunct Prob. 338B Regular 339B 343B 340B x 344B Dept. Chair 341B x Faculty Administrative Evaluation 342B Mt. San Antonio College 345B Professor: Date: Department: Probationary Faculty, Completing Year: 1 2 3 4 Tenured Faculty A. Instructions: Administrative comments should address the following if information is available: 1. Active participation in curriculum development 5. Promptness with deadlines 2. Compliance with course outline/teaching 6. Availability/meeting obligations competence 7. Involvement in total program of the College 3. Competence in discipline 4. Interactions with students/colleagues B. Administrator’s Comments: C. Overall Rating: 1 Performance exceeds the standard (Used to commend the recipient for performance above the expected) 2 Performance meets the standard (Used to acknowledge satisfactory performance of duties and responsibilities) 3 Improvement recommended (Used to warn the recipient that performance is below what is expected) 4 Performance does not meet the standard (used for unacceptable performance) Any rating other than ‘Performance meets the standard’ (#2) must be accompanied by an explanatory remark by the evaluator. Remarks or specific suggestions for change optional in “comments” space provided. D. Signatures: E. Administrator: Date: Professor: Date: Comments by Professor (optional): Distribution: Faculty Member Division Office Personnel File 8/04; 7/05; 7/06; 7/08; 7/11;7/14