Anvil Characteristics Associated With MCSs Jian Yuan Robert A. Houze University of Washington, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, Cloud and Precipitation Seminar, 4 December 2008 Outline • Motivation • Methodology & Data • MCS definition & Global Mapping of MCS • Preliminary results of Anvil Cloud Properties • Summary & Future Work Motivation Cirriform cloud has important impacts on global radiation balance and much of them is from deep convection. (Luo and Rossow 2004) High cloud production is very sensitive to convection parameterization in climate models (Clement and Soden 2005). Latent heating profile associated with tropical convective systems can affect the structure of the large-scale circulation. (Houze, 1982; Hartmann et al. 1984; Schumacher et al. 2004 etc.) The associated radiative heating profile has not been documented with observational study. Motivation (continued) In both the Tropics and warm middle latitudes much of cirriform cloud produced by deep convection is from MCSs. Un-precipitated ice-phase hydrometeors injected into the atmosphere by MCS are not well documented and understood. CloudSat now provides globally sampled cloud vertical structure information. Goal: Structure and composition of MCS Anvils ANVIL AC ANVIL AS Methodology 1. Objective Identification of MCSs. – Size, Coldness, intensity etc. 2. Associate anvils with MCSs. 3. Analyze MCS anvil clouds captured by CloudSat cloud radar. Data • Rain Rate: AMSR-E Aqua L2B Global Swath Rain Rate (AE_Rain). • Horizontal Cloud Structure: MODIS MODIS06/Aqua Cloud product V5 • Vertical Cloud Structure: CloudSat Products 2B-GEOPROF Identification of High Cloud Features MODIS Tb11 (KO) Combined AMSR Rain (mm/h) Cloud Features Precipitation from high cloud systems Percentages are contributions of total rainfall from all high cloud systems within each region for the whole 12 months of 2007. PDF of Rainfall 77.5% 59.8% 73.1% 82.5% 67.8% 77.3% 2000km2 Identify Meso-scale Convective Systems • Rain area 2,000-250,000 km2 • Mean Tb11 <235 Ko • Rain area with R>10 mm/h > 200km2 • Subdivided by the coldness – Cold: Tb11min10%<208 K – Warm: 208 Ko<Tb11min10%<220 Ko Cold MCS (Biggest 30%) MAM Warm MCS (Biggest 30%) MAM Cold MCS (Smallest 30%) MAM Warm MCS (Smallest 30%) MAM Buoyancy profile (75th percentile; in degrees Celsius) from NCEP reanalysis Cetrone & Houze , QJR, 2008 (Figure 2) PDF of Non-precipitating Clouds Anvil Clouds Color-map unit (Num/[.25km]2) Non-precipitating: Ze_max(0~4km) <= -10dBZe (according to Stehpens and Wood 2006). PDF of the anvil cloud thickness Normalized Histograms of Anvil Clouds Cloud Top and base Distribution of Anvil Clouds Normalized Sample Size CFAD of Anvil Clouds (WP) CFAD of Anvil Clouds (AF) Normalized Sample frequency as function of Reflectivity Summary OBJECTIVE MODIS/AMSR-E METHODOLOGY CAPTURES TROPICAL MCS CHARACTERISTICS – Cloud tops of MCSs colder over Africa and West Pacific than over East Pacific and tropical Atlantic – Larger MCSs more frequent over ocean – Smaller MCSs more frequent over land – MJO AND South Asian monsoon favor larger, colder MCSs – Etc. PRELIMINARY CLOUDSAT RESULTS SHOW ANVIL STRUCTURE FOR OBJECTIVELY IDENTIFIED MCSs – Africa: Broad distribution of reflectivity, more stronger echo– stronger convection and more anvils attached to convective area – West Pacific: Narrow peaked distribution of reflectivity with values increasing downward--suggests diffusion, aggregation processes, relative weak convection and more anvils attached to stratiform area Future Plan Further analysis of anvil properties for different regions and seasons—microphysics, frequency of occurrence, water budget etc.. Understand and quantify the radiative heating associated with anvil clouds—complete the heating structure (LH+RH) associated with MCSs. END CFAD of Anvil Clouds (W. P.) CFAD of Anvil Clouds (Africa) Cold MCS (30~70%) MAM Warm MCS (30~70%) MAM Capturing MCSs 1. Isolating high cloud systems by finding the Tb11 isotherm associated with the maximum gradient within TB11 patterns. 2. Identifying cold cloud center by finding local minimum of Tb11 within each high cloud system. 3. Identifying precipitating core by finding spatially contiguous raining area with R>3mm/hr. 4. Associate anvils clouds with cloud cores. Nominal Frequency 94 GHz Pulse Width 3.3 µsec PRF 4300 Hz Minimum Detectable Z* -26 dBZ Data Window 0-25 km Antenna Size 1.95 m Dynamic Range 70 dB Integration Time 0.3 sec Vertical Resolution 500 m Cross-track Resolution 1.4 km Along-track Resolution 2.5 km Data Rate 15 kbps Missing data Cloud structures