NCL RESEARCH AWARD 2015 of the NCL Foundation. The prize money (50,000 Euros) is to be used for a Postdoctoral fellowship (1 year). Application Form Dear Applicant, Please consider that your application can only be accepted if you use this form and make sure that we receive it per email by October 31, 2015 at NCL Foundation Holstenwall 10 20355 Hamburg Germany NCL Foundation Board NCL-Account Holstenwall 10, D-20355 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0) 40 69 666 740 Dr. rer. nat. Frank Stehr Head of Research IBAN: DE50 20050550 1059223030 BIC: HASPDEHHXXX Hamburger Sparkasse Foundation Council: Dr. Frank Husemann, Dr. Christian Borchard, Alexander Rößler, Martin Hartleif, Dr. Rainer Kuhn Table of contents 1. Applicant data 2. Project overview 3. Project description 4. Therapy relevance 5. Project financing 6. Enclosures a. CVs b. Cooperation partners c. List of 10 most important publications 7. Advice For the completion of the text boxes please use font Arial only, character size 10 points, single-spaced. Please submit your application documents in the stated order as one single data file, preferably as PDF. Applications not meeting the formal requirements will be returned without consideration. 2/11 1. Applicant data Submitting applicant(s): NAME FIRST NAME ACADEMIC DEGREE DATE OF BIRTH NATIONALITY OFFICIAL POSITION INSTITUTION DEPARTMENT STREET AND HOUSE NUMBER ZIP CODE/ POSTAL CODE CITY COUNTRY TELEPHONE TELEFAX E-MAIL Co-applicant (Please copy box for additional co-applicants): NAME FIRST NAME ACADEMIC DEGREE DATE OF BIRTH NATIONALITY OFFICIAL POSITION INSTITUTION DEPARTMENT STREET AND HOUSE NUMBER ZIP CODE/ POSTAL CODE CITY COUNTRY TELEPHONE TELEFAX E-MAIL 3/11 2. Project overview SHORT TITLE / ACRONYM FOR PROJECT: PROJECTTITLE: Please state the topic of your research project as precise and concise as possible. Summary: (max. 2.000 characters) Please, structure the summary in introduction, goals / hypothesis, a description of the works planned and the NCLrelevance. Please, observe the word limit.The following text boxes will give you the opportunity to further elaborate on your project. THEMATIC CLASSIFICATION: To what discipline(s) does your project belong? This information may be used to choose a reviewer. Please, explain in short the relevance to the juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN3). 4/11 3. Project description You have altogether 5 pages for the project description including figures and references. BACKGROUND, STATUS OF RESEARCH AND PROBLEM OUTLINE: (approx. 1 page) Please, introduce the topic with classification according to the current knowledge and detailed problem description. 5/11 AIMS OF PROJECT: (approx. 1 page) Please, state in this text box the underlying hypothesi(e)s of your project and your goals and describe the innovative character of the NCL research project. 6/11 EXECUTION OF PROJECT: (approx. 3 pages) Please, describe in this text box the planned execution and the method of your project, including the time outline. If you have already done preliminary work, please outline those (et al. your expertise in this subject area). 7/11 4. Therapy relevance Please, explain the relevance of your planned project for the development of a therapy for juvenile NCL (CLN3). Also describe the benefits for the patients – that can be worded generally comprehensible. Approx. ½ page. ASPECTS ESPECIALLY WORTHY TO BE FUNDED: (max. ½ page) Please, describe in these text boxes the contributions of your research project to the criteria that are especially worthy to be rewarded. SUSTAINABILITY DISEASE-COMPREHENSIVE RELEVANCE RESEARCH NETWORK 8/11 5. Project financing FINANCIAL SPONSORSHIP WORTHYNESS: (max. ½ page) Please, give cogent reasons for the worthiness to be sponsored by the prize money of the NCL Research Award. The prize money (50.000 Euro) is to be used for a Postodoctoral fellowship (1 year). In case support has been promised from other parties, or another application has been submitted for support for the project described or part of the project, please state here: PROJECT COSTS: (max. ½ page) Please, describe in this text box the costs and if applicable the financing plan for the project. 9/11 6. Enclosures You can attach the following enclosures to your application: a. CV (max. 1 page per applicant), also from future fellow if applicable b. List of most important co-operation partners c. List of up to 10 most important publications of applicant relevant to the project of the last 5 years 10/11 7. Advice The applicant does not have to have any publications concerning NCL. We like to invite scientists from related areas to apply. A co-operation with a new laboratory would be positive in order to intensify the exchange of knowledge. The laureate will be invited to the national NCL-congress to give a talk to report on the current status of the project. 11/11