Document 16049466

Institute for Creative Arts Practice & Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
Pasmore Commission - Application Form 2015
Guidelines for the Application Form:
1. Please complete all sections in minimum 11 point font size. Maximum 4 pages (excluding 1st page of Guidelines and
Terms and Conditions and Applicant Information).
2. One commission of up to £1,000 will be awarded.
3. Applications from students (undergraduate and postgraduate) must include a named member of academic staff who
will act as project mentor.
4. We expect applicants to refer to University Ethics Procedures and take these into account when making their
5. Applicants should not incur expenditure before approval. Planned expenditure must be in line with the University’s
Financial Regulations: For any successful applications for international travel,
the applicant must liaise directly with University approved supplier Selective Travel and follow University Finance
procedure. The University’s Insurance policy can be found at
6. Applicants should have the prior support of their School/Institute/Centre in delivering the proposal, and associated
7. Applicants should ensure that all interactions with external individuals/organisations/partners undertaken during the
funded activity are noted and sent onto the Newcastle University Institute for Creative Arts Practice for its records as
evidence of activity and potential impact (as expected under the Research Excellence Framework).
Terms and Conditions of Award:
8. The successful applicant will be required to produce a short end of project report, which may be used in Institute
publicity materials (print & web).
9. The successful commission will be required to use Institute for Creative Arts Practice, TWAM and HLF logos on their
10. All project expenditure must be tracked and in line with original application. Any proposed changes to spend or
milestones must be discussed and approved by the Institute Administrator and TWAM Keeper of Art who will discuss
with ‘home’ School/Centre/Institute as appropriate.
Project Lead
School/Institute/Centre &
Status (UG, PG, Staff)
Contact telephone & Email
Project collaborators and
their School/Institute/Centre/
or other affiliations
Name of Finance Administrator
or Clerk in
Institute for Creative Arts Practice – Pasmore Commission_Application Form March 2015
Prepared by March 2014
Title of project/activity
Brief Summary of Proposal
(Max 100 words)
Please highlight below which
areas of creative practice will be
covered by this application. It is
expected that for most
applications more than one area
will be appropriate.
Music composition &
performance; Creative writing;
Fine art; Film practice or digital
media, Drama/theatre studies;
Architecture design; Multimedia
communication; Creative
business/enterprise; curatorial
Other: please state:
Institute for Creative Arts Practice – Pasmore Commission_Application Form March 2015
Prepared by March 2014
Detail of Proposed Activity:
Include details of:
 Nature of activity
 Methodological approach
 Relevance to existing
research or teaching
 Planned milestone dates
 Project end date
Funding Requested and
Budget Breakdown of Project:
Please give as much detail as
possible (e.g. other sources of
funding secured, rail travel for 2
guest speakers, 20hrs of RA time,
catering and venue costs, cost of
coproduction with community
partners, other sources of funding
committed to the project.)
Note: All proposed expenditure
must adhere to University
Please discuss in advance with
Finance Administrator or Clerk in
your School/Institute/Centre
Institute for Creative Arts Practice – Pasmore Commission_Application Form March 2015
Prepared by March 2014
Expected Outcomes
Please give details of what the
activity will achieve and how this
supports the aims of the
Newcastle University Institute for
Creative Arts Practice as outlined
in its Strategic Plan.
Please explain how you will
measure the success of the
Explain how you will evidence the
impact of your activity.
Office Use Only – Award Review
Does project sound viable, feasible and deliver value for money?
Does it have academic credence? Is it encouraging practice based research?
Does it make a strong contribution to NICAP aims & priorities?
Demonstrates a clear enhancement to the research or teaching agenda?
Clearly articulated opportunity to evidence benefits?
Average score
Link to NU Societal Challenge themes (Social Renewal, Ageing, Sustainability)
Is it ethically sound?
Name of reviewer & date
Reviewers comments
Y or N
Y or N
Institute for Creative Arts Practice – Pasmore Commission_Application Form March 2015
Prepared by March 2014