Faculty Senate Agenda and Minutes Thursday, October 15, 2009

Faculty Senate Agenda and Minutes
Thursday, October 15, 2009
3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 (Gwynn Room)
1. 1. Attendance: Please check-in on the attendance roster.
In attendance, Senate officers and delegates—Mark Hubley (FO President), Len Sekelick (Liberal Arts),
Kathi Linville (Nursing), Michelle Klein (Science and Engineering), Eldon Baldwin (at large), Rosanne
Benn (Educational Development), Laura Ellsworth (Public Safety & Law), Alan Mickelson (at large),
Darlene Antezana (Liberal Arts), John Bartles (Learning Resources), Charles Thomas (CIS), Crystal
Smith (BSBS), Nicole Ives (BSBS), Vince Cipriani (WDCE), Leon Weaver (Student Services), Scott Huxel
(Mathematics), Sherry Kinslow (Social Sciences), Jean McEvoy (Learning Resources), and Greg Weiss
(Accounting and Business Management). Others in attendance—Barbara Sanders, Heidi Elam
2. Review the Agenda for the 10/15/09 meeting.
The agenda was approved as written.
3. Review the Minutes of the 9/17/09 and 10/1/09 meetings.
The minutes were approved as written.
4. Calendar
Fall 2009 important dates
A. College closed or no classes
i) Labor Day, college closed, Sat. 9/5—Mon. 9/7
ii) College Enrichment Day, no classes, Tue. 10/27
iii) Thanksgiving, no classes, Wed. 11/25; college closed, Thu. 11/26—Sun. 11/29
B. Other important dates
i) Last day to withdraw from 15-week classes, Fri. 11/20
ii) Final exam week, Fri. 12/11—Thu. 12/17
iii) Grades due, 4:00 PM Fri. 12/18
October/November important dates
E. Senate meetings
i) Thu. 10/1, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
ii) Thu. 10/15, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iii) Thu. 11/5, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iv) Thu. 11/19, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
F. Board of Trustees meetings
i) Thu. 10/8, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
ii) Thu. 11/12, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
G. College-wide Forum
i) Tue. 10/6, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
ii) Tue. 10/20, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
ii) Tue. 11/3, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
ii) Tue. 11/17, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
H. Academic Council
i) Thu. 10/8, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
ii) Thu. 10/22, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
iii) Thu. 11/12, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
5. Attachments
A. Minutes from the 9/17 and 10/1 meetings
B. Professional development needs
6. Reports
A. Senate President
Mark Hubley said he would speak regarding old business.
B. Senate Vice President
C. Academic Council
The bookstore manager, Paul Oliphant, met with the Council:
 Not enough books were ordered for fall
 The 23% enrollment increase was a factor
 More copies of new adoptions need to be ordered
 Faculty can place textbooks on reserve in the library
 Faculty (or the institution) can provide links to online textbook sources
 Bookstore should provide departments with online access to inventory, and
institution should provide bookstore with online access to course enrollments
 Faculty should provide information about alternative textbook sources in their first
day handouts
D. Representative from President’s Leadership Team
E. College-wide Forum
i) Representative from Faculty Organization
Laura Ellsworth reported that the Committee on Committees has been formed
CWF will discuss governance next week
ii) Facilities Committee
Rosanne Benn reported that meetings are held on the 4th Monday of each month
Dave Mosby reported that signage decisions have been delayed because
members of the committee have not attended meetings
The Transportation, Access and Parking subcommittee is developing a survey to
find out how students get to their classes (time, day, location, etc.)
iii) Human Resources Committee
iv) Budget Advisory Committee
v) Campus Culture Committee
vi) Learning Committee
vii) Technology Steering Committee
Eldon Baldwin incorporated comments into the discussion of professional
viii) Strategic Planning Committee
ix) Assessment Committee
F. Chairs’ Council
G. Adjunct Faculty
H. Representative from the Student Governance Board
7. Old Business
A. Elections
Darlene Antezana reported that 151 ballots have been submitted thus far
Special fall election ends tomorrow (Friday 10/16)
Hubley will announce results ASAP
Nominations committee now needs to begin work on the annual spring election
For positions with multiple candidates and vacancies, the ballots need to provide specific
voting instructions (i.e. how many votes to cast)
B. Responding to e-mail and phone calls
Based upon the previous Senate discussion, Hubley sent an email response to V.P.
V.P Dunnington expressed concerns that the response is not adequate
Hubley and Dunnington scheduled a face -to-face conversation
 Clarify adjunct issues
 Meeting scheduled in 2 weeks
8. New Business
A. Discussion of professional development, Heidi Elam
Elam was appointed Director of Professional Development (PD) effective July 1, 2009
Alan Mickelson, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning, now reports to Elam
(formerly under Library/Academic Affairs)
 Elam does not currently have an operating budget
 CWF voted in May to cut proposed $250K PD budget line as a budget reduction
 Center for Teaching and Learning still has a budget (approximately $17K
remaining for FY10)
 PD does not presently participate in distribution of travel funds
V.P. Dunnington wants:
 Faculty to become more involved in leadership of professional organizations (this
requires additional funding to enable full participation)
 Faculty PD tied to promotion and tenure
 Faculty PD tied to strategic plan
Other comments:
 Need to expand training related to all aspects of registration (not just advising)
 Need to provide cross-training so that more faculty can teach reading (students
are turned away each fall due to insufficient number of qualified reading faculty)
Mickelson and Elam suggested working with the HR Subcommittee that plans College
Enrichment Day
Elam’s job this fall is to investigate:
 What PD programs are already underway
 Where there are holes in these existing PD programs
 How to organize a comprehensive institutional PD program
 How to fund a comprehensive institutional PD program
 How to build upon (grow) the existing PD program into a comprehensive
institutional PD program
Elam distributed copies of a 2006 list of faculty PD needs, and asked for feedback – still
relevant, needs update, etc.
 Adjuncts need more technology training
The Senior Team is discussing PD priorities and will be sending a message in that regard
SkillPort is a web-based individual training program that the college has licensed for use
by all employees. SkillPort is set for release on College Enrichment Day. (SkillPort
training is now available.)
Baldwin reported that the Technology Steering Committee (TSC) is beginning to develop
a professional development program to help faculty learn and adopt appropriate
applications of technology to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities
in all teaching-learning environments, including face-to-face, online, hybrid, and
independent study. (The TSC met subsequently and plans to finish a draft proposal
during its December 3 meeting, with the goal of implementing the program in spring 2010
if sufficient institutional funding is available at that time.)
B. Tenure and promotion revisions
9. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
A. Suggestions?
10. Adjournment
5:00 p.m.