Faculty Senate Agenda and Minutes Thursday, February 18, 2010

Faculty Senate Agenda and Minutes
Thursday, February 18, 2010
3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 (Gwynn Room)
1. Attendance: Please check-in on the attendance roster.
In attendance, Senate officers and delegates—Mark Hubley (FO President), Swazette Young (FO Vice
President), Kathi Linville (Nursing), Nancy Meman (Allied Health), Eldon Baldwin (at large), Daniel Jones
(at large), Rosanne Benn (Learning Foundations), Laura Ellsworth (Public Safety & Law), Len Sekelick
(Liberal Arts), Michelle Klein (Science and Engineering), Darlene Antezana (Liberal Arts), Scott Huxel
(Mathematics), Janet Carlson (Educational Development), and Sherry Kinslow (Social Sciences).
Guests—Micheal Emmanuel (student representative)
2. Review the Agenda for the 2/18/10 meeting.
 Approved
3. Review the Minutes of the 2/4/10 meeting.
 Approved with spelling (Micheal) and typo (SGB) corrections at bottom of page 3.
4. Calendar
Spring 2010 important dates
A. College closed or no classes
i) Presidents’ Day, college closed, Mon. 2/15
ii) Spring Break, college closed, Mon. 3/29—Sun. 4/4
B. Other important dates
i) Last day to withdraw from 15-week classes, Fri. 4/16 (Will this change?)
 Yes – revised schedule due out very soon.
ii) Final exam week, Tue. 5/18—Mon. 5/24
iii) Grades due, Wed. 5/26
iv) Commencement, Thu. 5/27
February/March important dates
E. Senate meetings
i) Thu. 2/4, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
ii) Thu. 2/18, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iii) Thu. 3/4, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iv) Thu. 3/18, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
F. Board of Trustees meetings
i) Thu. 2/25, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
 Date and place confirmed
i) Thu. 3/11, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
G. College-wide Forum
i) Tue. 2/2, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
ii) Tue. 2/16, 2:00—3:30 PM, Kent 262
iii) Tue. 3/2, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
iv) Tue. 3/16, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
H. Academic Council
i) Thu. 2/11, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133 cancelled
ii) Thu. 2/25, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
iii) Thu. 3/11, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
iv) Thu. 3/25, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
5. Attachments
A. Minutes from the 2/4 meeting
B. Guidelines for responses to e-mail and voice-mail
6. Reports
A. Senate President
o Mark has discussed with Tom Knapp (VP for Admin and Finance), Mark’s proposal to
use “control points” as a mechanism for preventing further growth in faculty pay
inequities. (See minutes for 2/4/20)
 This is an interim revenue-neutral step for the college, provided that the control
point for each rank is the average pay for that rank.
 Knapp supports the idea.
 The Board is considering Hendricks recommendations:
 The Board has not yet taken any action with regard to the Hendricks
 If the Board decides to approve Hendricks recommendations as policy, a
Senate proposal would be moot, because it is consistent with what
Hendricks has recommended.
 Hendricks recommendations for classified staff would require immediate
action to reclassify some positions, and some reclassifications would
require pay adjustments.
 Action on salary inequities also needs to be addressed:
 Very complicated issue
 Affects all employees
 Requires individual case studies
 College records do not account for previous experience at other
 Variations exist due to different rules in force when different employees
were hired
 Need additional funding in order to raise overall salary levels
 HR has completed recommendations regarding:
 Short term disabilities
 Domestic partners
 HR recommends that both commence at start of FY11
 Knapp is currently reviewing these recommendations
o Re: Draft Letter to Dukes regarding reserved parking for the Board, the Board has
already made a decision to reduce by five the number reserved parking spaces.
B. Senate Vice President
 See Old Business – Promotion and Tenure
C. Academic Council
D. Representative from President’s Leadership Team
 Cancelled for February
 Next changed to afternoon of March 17. Eldon teaches then, so Mark will attend in
his stead.
E. College-wide Forum
i) Representative from Faculty Organization
 Two vacancies: Weiss and Das
 CWF having difficulty achieving a quorum
 Senate to elect replacements on March 4 to complete spring terms for these
vacant positions.
ii) Facilities Committee
 Monday meeting (2/22) to work on survey design
iii) Human Resources Committee
iv) Budget Advisory Committee
 County Exec recommended budget contribution FY11 is below FY10 level
 Concern that this does not reflect “maintenance of effort”
 Possible state reductions as a result?
v) Campus Culture Committee
vi) Learning Committee
vii) Technology Steering Committee
viii) Strategic Planning Committee
 External environmental scans are complete
ix) Assessment Committee
 Reviewing Core Learning Outcomes
 Reviewing MAAP (formerly Academic Profile)
F. Chairs’ Council
 Discussed snow make-up policy
o Plan announced by Sandy Dunnington (2/17)
 Concerns reported:
 Message did not come across as a positive one – misplaced
 No mention of student learning
 Emphasis on making up necessary minutes to meet state
requirement, but no mention of what that requirement is.
(State requirement is (50 minutes) x (15 weeks) = 750
minutes per credit per semester for each credit)
 Apparent lack of concern when it comes to some faculty
who routinely dismiss their classes early.
o No change in graduation date
 Discussed concerns over classroom conditions with Facilities Management
 Discussed concerns over procurement with Purchasing
G. Adjunct Faculty
 Alan Mickelson and Janet Carlson are working on a new Ready Resource Manual for
adjunct faculty
 Two volunteers to work on recommendations for adjunct faculty evaluations
H. Representative from the Student Governance Board
7. Old Business
A. Tenure and promotion revisions
o Revisions to proposed Promotion and Tenure timetable
Eligible faculty must apply new end of spring semester
 Question: Must applicants already be eligible or only need to become
eligible in the subsequent fall semester?
Portfolios due at end of October:
 Question: Why so late? Answer: Chairs are too busy in September.
Divisions complete reviews before end of fall semester
 Question: Is there enough time remaining?
College-wide reviews completed during February/March
An earlier timetable should be possible because any required evaluation must be
complete prior to review for promotion or tenure.
Possible alternative timetable:
 ILS review in Fall
 Division review in February
 College-wide review in March
 Appeals in April (3 weeks?)
 Board approval in May
The goals are:
 Senate discussion of a written draft during the March 4 meeting
 Email draft to all faculty
 Invite all faculty to discuss during a Faculty Organization meeting on
March 18
 Conduct faculty referendum with election ballot before Spring Break.
B. Elections
 See discussion under CWF.
C. Tech Express
D. Responding to e-mail and voice-mail
 Mark shared draft proposal to send to Sandy Dunnington
 Concerns shared over use of the term “business day”
o Meaning unclear for adjunct faculty
o Meaning unclear for Weekend faculty
 Concern shared over lack of telephone extensions for adjunct faculty
 No action taken
E. Adjunct faculty retreat?
8. New Business
A. Any new business?
9. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
A. Suggestions?
 Procedure for firing a full-time employee
10. Adjournment
 5:20 p.m.