Faculty Senate Minutes Thursday, September 17, 2009

Faculty Senate Minutes
Thursday, September 17, 2009
3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 (Gwynn Room)
1. Attendance: Please check-in on the attendance roster.
In attendance, Senate officers and delegates—Mark Hubley (FO President), Swazette Young (FO Vice
President), Len Sekelick (Liberal Arts), Kathi Linville (Nursing), Michelle Klein (Science and Engineering),
Barbara Sanders (Student Development Services), Leon Weaver (Student Development Services), Eldon
Baldwin (at large), John Bartles (at large), Rosanne Benn (Educational Development), Darlene Antezana
(Liberal Arts), Laura Ellsworth (Public Safety & Law), Daniel Jones (at large), Janet Carlson (Educational
Development), Nicole Ives (BSBS), Charles Thomas (Computer and Engineering Technology), Iva Toler
(Health and Human Performance), and Greg Weiss (Accounting and Business Management). Others in
attendance—Alan Mickelson, Scott Huxel. Jean McEvoy
2. Review the Agenda for the 9/17/09 meeting.
The agenda was approved as written.
3. Review the Minutes of the 9/3/09 meeting.
The minutes were approved as written.
4. Calendar
Fall 2009 important dates
A. College closed or no classes
i) Labor Day, college closed, Sat. 9/5—Mon. 9/7
ii) College Enrichment Day, no classes, Tue. 10/27
iii) Thanksgiving, no classes, Wed. 11/25; college closed, Thu. 11/26—Sun. 11/29
B. Other important dates
i) Last day to withdraw from 15-week classes, Fri. 11/20
ii) Final exam week, Fri. 12/11—Thu. 12/17
iii) Grades due, 4:00 PM Fri. 12/18
September/October important dates
C. Senate meetings
i) Thu. 9/3, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
ii) Thu. 9/17, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iii) Thu. 10/1, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
iv) Thu. 10/15, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221
D. Board of Trustees meetings
i) Thu. 9/3, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
ii) Thu. 10/8, 7:00 PM, Kent 262
E. College-wide Forum
i) Tue. 9/15, 2:00—3:30 PM, Kent 262
ii) Tue. 10/6, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
iii) Tue. 10/20, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B
F. Academic Council
i) Thu. 9/10, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
ii) Thu. 9/24, 3:00—5:00 PM, Kent 262
iii) Thu. 10/8, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
iv) Thu. 10/22, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133
5. Attachments
1. Minutes from the 9/3 meeting
2. Draft Faculty Grievance Committee Bylaws
3. Senate and FO Committee vacancies
6. Reports
A. Senate President
B. Senate Vice President
C. Academic Council
Andrea Lex reported to the Academic Council on the MHEC PAR (Performance Accountability Report) –
see more information below.
4. Representative from President’s Leadership Team
Andrea Lex, Dean of OPIR, presented the MHEC PAR (Performance Accountability Report) which
provides key performance indicators (KPIs) to allow a systematic means of evaluating the performance of
the State’s 16 community colleges.
Paul Jackson, OPIR Program Director for Institutional Assessment, presented the Community College
Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) provides information about effective educational practice in
community colleges and assists institutions in using that information to promote improvements in
student learning and persistence.
Copies of these PowerPoint presentations have been distributed to the college community via email.
E. College-wide Forum
i) Representative from Faculty Organization
CWF elected members of the Executive Council, and re-elected Laura Ellsworth as CWF CoChair.
CWF authorized the creation of an ad hoc committee to consider a proposal from SGB to make
PGCC a non-smoking institution. John Bartles and a student (not yet identified) will co-chair this
committee, and report its recommendations to CWF. Committee membership will be open to all
interested parties.
The President signed two CWF proposals over the summer:
Budget proposal
Strategic planning proposal
Constituency benefit issues will go to CWF for information and discussion, but not for a vote.
The President appointed three co-chairs for the Strategic Planning Committee, which is working
this year to develop the institution’s 2010-2013 Strategic Plan. It was observed that this
procedure was contrary to CWF Bylaws. The appropriate procedure would have been to present
the proposal to CWF for approval. The appointed co-chairs are:
Andrea Lex, recently hired Dean of OPIR. (The Dean of OPIR normally chairs this
committee, but this position was vacant last year.)
Dan Mosser
Sandy Dunnington (Mosser and Dunnington were co-chairs last year and guided the
development of our new strategic planning process which is being implemented this
ii) Facilities Committee
Hubley reported receiving a letter from Abby Bardi regarding mold in Marlboro Hall (distributed
during this meeting).
Facilities Committee is scheduled to meet at 2:00 PM 9/28 in K-262.
Rosanne Benn is a member of that committee, but cannot attend the 9/28 meeting. Benn asked
for a volunteer to attend in her stead.
The status of the campus signage project is unknown. Benn believed that it was supposed to be
completed this summer. Eldon Baldwin reported hearing that it may still be in the RFP (request
for proposal) stage.
Hubley and Benn discussed the fact that Facilities agreed last year to paint the parking lot stripes
for faculty and staff using a different color, in order that they are more clearly identified. Despite
this agreement, it appears that the stripes have been repainted “white” at least two more times
since this agreement.
iii) Human Resources Committee
iv) Budget Advisory Committee
v) Campus Culture Committee
Discussed the absence of institutional communication regarding the status of benefit changes that were
discussed last spring.
vi) Learning Committee
vii) Technology Steering Committee
viii) Strategic Planning Committee
ix) Assessment Committee
Chairs’ Council
Discussed an announcement regarding H1N1 (Swine Flu) that is being drafted by Sandy
Discussed draft announcement regarding Q-grades.
Discussed College Enrichment Day
Area meetings are scheduled after lunch
Departments will commence “Course Mapping of Core Learning Outcomes (CLO).” This
process must be completed by 2/1/10. Each outcome will be scored (0-3) for each
course to identify the extent to which each course addresses (or does not address) each
outcome. The goal is to produce a computer profile for each degree program to
demonstrate that each CLO is indeed addressed by that program.
G. Adjunct Faculty
Janet reported that the 2009 Annual Adjunct Faculty Development Conference will held Saturday,
October 3 on the Catonsville CC Campus.
12 adjuncts are being sponsored by Academic Affairs.
10 adjuncts are being co-sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center.
13 other adjuncts are planning to attend as self-pay.
H. Representative from the Student Governance Board
7. Old Business
A. Elections
Hubley reported that there are 28 vacancies on the special fall ballot. Only 8 of these vacancies have
nominations thus far.
Discussed the fact that we have never had candidates representing degree/extension centers. Discussed
possible Bylaws revisions, including removing the position for degree/extension centers. Suggestion to
invite Dennis Huffman, Lynne Lubey, and Nancy Grinberg to attend Senate meetings on behalf of
degree/extension center faculty.
B. Faculty Grievance Committee
Issues discussed during the previous Senate meeting have been forwarded to Nadene Houser-Archield;
assume the FGC is considering the suggestions. Hubley said he would contact President Dukes
regarding her perspectives on the role and status of Faculty Grievance Committee.
8. New Business
A. New benefits for PGCC employees
On behalf of HR, Sabrina Thomas provided information and introduced two speakers who made brief
presentations regarding new benefit programs. The extended open enrollment period ends Friday,
September 17.
Legal Resources (www.legalresourcesplan.com)
Voluntary Life Insurance (www.lincolnfinancial.com)
B. Tenure and promotion revisions
9. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings
A. Tenure and promotion revisions
B. Bylaws revisions
C. Professional development
10. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.