What is Wiimote White Board App? – Advanced Digital Media Davis Simson

Davis Simson – Advanced Digital Media
What is Wiimote White Board App?
Wiimote Whiteboard is an Application designed by Johnny Chung, a researcher at Microsoft. The
software basically turns any whiteboard projection into a touch sensitive whiteboard using a
standard Wii remote and an Infra Red LED pen.
How it works:
The basic genius behind the Wii mote hack is the software which recognizes an Infra-red LED
light as being equal to a mouse click. A picture is projected onto the wall using a standard
projector and placing the Wiimote off to the side of the screen so it can “see” the entire screen
and, a 4-pt calibration is done to define the edges of the screen. From there, the software Mr.
Chung wrote interprets the signals from the Wiimote and allows a person to interact with the
desktop like a touch sensitive surface. All this is achieved with a total cost of about $40.
Infra-red LED Pen
Wiimote Whiteboard
Wiimote Whiteboard