Attendees: Lyn Brodersen (Chair), Kaela Black, Cheryl Heronemus, Gene Mohling, Jessica Stolee, Ross
Wilburn, Linda Young
Absent: Deb Coates
Old Business
Lyn gave an overview of information gathered since the last meeting, including two recent Board of
Regents Reports that address faculty resignations and diversity issues.
Jessica had provided information on ISU Advance; the Committee as a whole will discuss the information she provided at our next regular meeting.
Items 6-10 on Civil Rights Response to USDA Report
6. Professional Appointments:
Lyn shared that ISUEO HR staff has been working with UHR and the TIER Study consultants to look at current HR practices around recruiting, hiring, and retention in a series of “as is” meetings over the past few weeks. This work will be analyzed and translated into a series of recommendations over the next few months. These recommendations will be shared with the Committee as part of our work around employment within ISUEO.
7. Recruitment and Hiring Strategy: Monitor current impact analysis to determine whether hiring practices/salaries are adversely impacting racial/ethnic diversity in ISU’s workforce.
TIER Study consultants will be working with UHR and staff from HR units throughout the
University to address this issue. Lyn will share recommendations from the Study with the Committee as soon as they become available.
8. Recruitment and Hiring Strategy: ISUEO has made significant improvements in this area, but there still is room for growth.
Refine the onboarding process. Professional Development and HR will partner to begin this work in the spring. We will have an update on the process at our next meeting.
9. Recruitment and Hiring Strategy: ISUEO should conduct self-assessment and monitor efforts toward increasing racial and ethnic representation in its workforce.
Conduct a self-assessment of practices within ISUEO HR and perform an impact analysis of practices, in cooperation with ISUEO HR. We will begin development of our selfassessment this month. The impact analysis with ISUEO HR may be further out on the horizon, due to the length and intensity of the TIER Study.
Lyn will report to the Committee on climate survey research at our next meeting.
10. Promotions: Should conduct impact analysis and monitor current promotion practices.
Kaela will provide additional information to the Committee on reclassification/promotion and writing position descriptions at our next meeting
Jessica requested University Affirmative Action Plan information from the EO Office, but has yet to receive a response. She hopes to follow up with the document at our next meeting.
Deb, Cheryl, and Gene will meet with Carol Heaverlo prior to our next meeting to examine current efforts toward mentoring in ISUEO, and will report at our next meeting.
EO/UHR Data:
Jessica and Lyn will meet and provide updates at the next meeting.
Reclassification/Position Descriptions/Recruiting:
Kaela will update the Committee at our next meeting.
New Business
Ross shared that he, Cathann Kress, Carol Heaverlo, John-Paul Chaisson-Cardenas, and Lyn Brodersen met on February 19 to discuss development of an ISUEO Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion. This plan will provide additional structure and guidance for Committee efforts. Ross and Lyn will provide an update at our next meeting.
The Committee will begin work on the following items from our USDA Report at our next meeting:
11. Resignation, Termination, Separation: ISU Extension and Outreach directors and managers should examine and evaluate current separation practices to ensure the employment decisions surrounding separations are neutral on their face and have a non-discriminatory effect on employees, particularly females and racial/ethnic minorities.
Target date: Ongoing, 2013-2017
Action plan: All involuntary terminations are reviewed and approved by ISU Extension and
Outreach Human Resources, ISU University Human Resources, and the ISU Provost Office. All parties examine reasons for involuntary separation to ensure legality and non-discrimination in all resignations, terminations, and separations.
12. Development and Training: ISU Extension and Outreach managers must ensure that all elements of civil rights, ADA, and EEO laws and regulations are routinely included in staff meetings and in training conducted at all levels of Extension.
Target date: Ongoing, 2013-2017
Action plan: Extension and Outreach Human Resources has revamped the ISU Extension and
Outreach HR Diversity/Civil Rights website to include more training opportunities, resources for staff to utilize, as well as compliance policies. ISU Extension and Outreach HR staff are available to assist managers with providing training and resources on all elements of civil rights, ADA, and
EO laws and regulations.
All Extension and Outreach employees have completed Title IX and Harassment EO trainings for
FY14. All employees will continue to complete both trainings annually.
13. Development and Training: ISU Extension and Outreach should examine and evaluate its current professional development policy/plan to ensure that staff receives professional development and training that will assist all qualified staff in transition and progress to tenured positions, in particular
Target date: Ongoing, 2014-2016
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach is in the process of hiring a Director of Professional
Development, to be on board by September 2014. This position will oversee all professional development for ISU Extension and Outreach paid staff, County paid staff, and Extension Council
Members. ISU Extension and Outreach P&S and Merit staff are not in tenured positions. Staff who desire to move toward tenured positions are encouraged to work through ISU Extension and Outreach Organizational Development and the Provost’s Office to ensure that proper plans for professional development and progression toward faculty status is achieved. ISU Extension and Outreach HR will work with the Provost’s Office and the Civil Rights Employment Task Force to create a more well-defined plan to assist all qualified staff in transition and progress to
tenured positions. Tenured faculty positions are tied to their respective ISU Colleges and receive professional development opportunities through their respective Colleges and the ISU Provost’s
14. Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Policies: ISU administration should update their AAP and ensure the plan includes ISU Extension and Outreach.
Target date: Ongoing, 2014-2015
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach administration will work with the ISU Equal
Opportunity (the office that creates and maintains the ISU AAP) to confirm that the AAP is up to date and includes ISU Extension and Outreach.
15. ISU Extension and Outreach County Staff Members Assigned in Areas Reviewed: ISU Extension and
Outreach where appropriate should review recruitment and hiring of racial and ethnic minorities where the county census data shows representation levels of large racial and ethnic groups in the
county populations.
Target date: Ongoing, 2014-2016
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach Human Resources can provide assistance, resources, and strategies to County Extension Councils in the recruiting and hiring of diverse candidates for
County paid positions. The ISU Extension and Outreach Civil Rights Programming Task Force and
ISU Extension and Outreach Organizational Advancement will work with the Iowa Association of
County Extension Councils to provide information and publicity about this resource for County
Offices and County Councils.
The Committee adjourned at 2:25 pm.
Next Meeting: Mid-April-- TBD
Respectfully submitted by Lyn Brodersen