Staff Advisory Council (SAC)
Tuesday, November 09, 2010 at 3 p.m.
Student Congress Chambers (University Center)
Arambula, Odilon “Odie”
Ballard, Elizabeth
Caron, Nicole
Collum, Leah
Davies, Doris
Dillon, Yvonne
Donaldson, Cheryl
Drischler, Sara
Galloway, Claire
Gunn, William “B.J.”
Heyerdahl, Elizabeth
Hood, Jeanette
Houston, Kathleen
Larsen, Kerry “J.R.”
McCluer, Donna
Moss, Landa
Nagle, Tiffany
Olson, Linda
Prestianni, David
Rodriguez, Yvette
Salami, Mansour
Schuck, Kevin
Smith, Ashley
Sowder, David
White, Randy
Worley, Shelley
B.J. Gunn called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.
Guest Speakers: Ashley Bobb and Todd Williams, Office of Human Resources
Ashley Bobb and Todd Williams gave a presentation that provided a general overview of
HRMS the job placement system. They spoke of HRMS and how the system is driven by job
code and position identification. Five factors determine the job code: 1) Skill and
Knowledge, 2) Decision-making ability, 3) Supervision/Work Direction, 4) Interpersonal
Skills, and 5) Environmental Demands. The five factors determine the total score. The
compensation section looks at true job descriptions. The compensation section also does
market research to see if our salaries are in line with other universities. Doing market
research may include completing salary surveys. A job may be reclassified if necessary or
may remain unchanged. A merit increase is based on performance. Requests involving
money goes to the hiring committee. Departments have to take certain things into account
before requesting a job classification. For example, will their budget allow a job
reclassification? Currently, there is not a hiring freeze or compensation freeze.
Approval of October 12, 2010 General SAC Meeting
Changes to the 10/12 Minutes were made that included correcting the following attendees’
Odilon “Odio” Arambula
Yvonne Dillon
Sara Dischler
David Sowder
*Motion was made by Linda Olson to approve the minutes. Odie Arambula seconded the
motion to accept the minutes pending the changes discussed.
Treasurer’s Report
Ballard reported the SAC (general) account stands at $3933.11.
Expenditures for September:
$ 17.50 for telephone
Expenditures for October:
$444.55 for SAC retreat lunches from Jason’s Deli
$ 20.94 for SAC retreat drinks
Outstanding encumbrance:
$166.40 for tablecloths
SAC Outreach account free balance is currently at $744.70. Money from last year was not
counted in the report.
Committee Reports
a. Benefits
Kevin Schuck gave an update on T-Mobile. The agreement with UT Arlington does not
exist currently. A new discount is being worked on.
b. Communications
The Communications Committee meetings are the third Thursdays of the month. They
are working on a brochure with the Nominations and Elections Committee.
c. Nominations and Elections
The committee did not hold a meeting. Currently, they are waiting to hear from the OIT
group about their progress.
d. Outreach
The Outreach Committee plan to donate gifts from the annual SAC of Joy toy drive to
Cooks Children’s Hospital. They are working with the Golden Key Society on a food
e. Social
Nicole Caron, Chair, reported that the committee is working on Staff Appreciation
Week, tentatively scheduled for February 7. This would be two weeks before
Staff Development
Odie Arambula, Chair, stated their meeting was postponed. The committee is organizing
a Spring luncheon for mentors.
Old Business
It was mentioned that there were still opening in districts. SAC members should encourage
others to join SAC. SAC will be working on the website. Basically, the program dreamweaver
needs to be purchased to help accomplish updating the website. The motion to approve
spending $500 to buy the program dreamweaver was made by David Sowder. Linda Olson
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Without further questions or comments, the motion was made and passed to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m. Recorded by Yvette Rodriguez.