Staff Advisory Council (SAC) MONTHLY GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING – MINUTES Ballard, Elizabeth

Staff Advisory Council (SAC)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 3 p.m.
Student Congress Chambers (University Center)
Ballard, Elizabeth
Collum, Leah
Davies, Doris
Dickey, Robin
Dillon, Yvonne
Drischler, Sara
Galloway, Claire
Houston, Kathleen
Lewis, Mary Ann
Long, Melinda
Madison, Don
McCluer, Donna
McWilliams, Victoria
Palmer, Janet
Rodriguez, Yvette
Smith, Ashley
Sowder, David
Thompson, Sally
Ashley Smith called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Parliamentarian Position
Ashley Smith announced Jeanette Hood has resigned from UT Arlington. Jeanette Hood
filled the position of SAC Parliamentarian. Elizabeth Ballard made a motion to open the
nominations for Parliamentarian. Elizabeth Ballard nominated Victoria McWilliams. Donna
McCluer seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Guest Speaker
Jeannie Deakyne from the Office of Human Resources spoke about the Tobacco Free
campus initiative. This initiative will be effective August 1, 2011. The new initiative will be
promoted across campus. The most visible sign will be the signage on campus. The policy
will have a presence in the new employee orientation. T-shirts and wrist bands will be given
out at the orientation. There will be a spread on the back to school issue of the Shorthorn.
UT Arlington is communicating a culture that this is a Tobacco Free community. If we have
any questions on the policy, it can be found on the Office of Human Resources website.
Sally Thompson brought up language differences on campus specifically Spanish and
Vietnamese. An information card in Spanish will be available. Jeannie Deakyne will be happy
to take back any ideas we have.
Approval May 10, 2011 General SAC Meeting
Sally Thompson had a change on the sentence regarding Amy Schultz. Her role should be
more descriptive. In addition, there was a misspelling and capitalization change. David
Sowder had a change to the minutes. A motion to accept the minutes with the changes was
made by Sally Thompson. David Sowder seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report
SAC spent $126.50. to buy awards for the Slim Down Program. The balance is $13,797.11.
Committee Reports
a. Benefits
The vendor thank you notes and receipts for Maverick Spirit Day were sent out
b. Social
The Slim Down Program was a success.
c. Nominations and Elections
Employees should go to the SAC website and make their nominations for next year. The
nomination program will be available for 2 weeks.
d. Bylaws
The changes to the bylaws are with Jean Hood for review.
e. Communications
The Communications Committee will meet this month.
The Outreach Committee had no news to report.
g. Staff Development
The Staff Development Committee had no news to report.
Old Business
Door prizes from Maverick Spirit Day were given out at the end of the meeting.
Without further questions or comments, a motion was made by Donna McCluer to adjourn the meeting
and David Sowder seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Recorded by Yvette Rodriguez.