TIPS FOR SAC CHAIRS (These tips are suggestions and ideas from previous and current SAC Chairs and are not official PCC Policy.) MEETINGS Scheduling meetings Try to schedule as far in advance as possible and let SAC know the date/location/time with as much time as you can Rotate locations for multi-campus SACs Let adjunct know that they can receive compensation for SAC In-service days -- will boost participation Setting the Agenda Put the call out for agenda items at least a week in advance (which will also serve as a reminder) Make the deadline for agenda items 2-3 days prior to meeting (there will always be exceptions for special cases) Post agenda no less than 24 hours in advance of meeting so that people have a chance to examine topics If anything about the topic for discussion/vote can be disseminated earlier, do it so that people have a chance to familiarize themselves and not waste meeting time “coming up to speed” Chairing the meeting Use a flexible version of Robert’s Rules Determine minutes-taker if not provided Following up Create a “to do” list for yourself with items prioritized by date and importance COMMUNICATION (email, etc) Keep email as brief and clear as possible. Be concise, use bullets or numbers. Stick to the facts. Never send an email when you’re angry. Never address or try to solve interpersonal conflict via email -- pick up the phone and try to meet, or at least have discussion by phone. Email is notorious for making matters worse, not better. Only copy others on email that really need to know or are involved in some way. PROBLEM-SOLVING Check-in with Adm Liaison or other expert in Curriculum, Instruction, HR, (etc), before proceeding with a course of action that you’re not 100% sure about, especially if it involves other people OTHER RANDOM TIPS Consider having the SAC create its own by-laws to address areas of ambiguity or regular sources of stress (Term of office? How Chairs / Co-Chairs are determined? Proxy votes allowed? etc)