PALs Interest Form

PALs Interest Form
Discipline area:
Other Expertise:
Thematic/Topics Interest:
Types of Classes Likely to Teach: (circle)
Majors or Non-majors
Upper or Lower Division
Types of Classes Interested in Making PALs with (Leave blank if you're feeling adventurous!):
Indicate one College-Wide Outcome You Want to Meet in Your Classes:
Leap Principles
1. Aim High—and Make Excellence Inclusive
2. Give Students a Compass
3. Teach the Arts of Inquiry and Innovation
4. Engage the Big Questions
5. Connect Knowledge with Choices and Action
6. Foster Civic, Intercultural, and Ethical Learning
7. Assess Students’ Ability to Apply Learning to Complex Problems
GGC IEE Outcomes
1. Clearly communicate ideas in written and oral form.
2. Demonstrate creativity and critical thinking in inter and multi-disciplinary contexts.
3. Demonstrate effective use of information technology.
4. Demonstrate an ability to collaborate in diverse and global contexts.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of human and institutional decision making from multiple
6. Demonstrate an understanding of moral and ethical principles.
7. Demonstrate and apply leadership principles.