Problem First, individuals must be aware, understand, and believe that litter is truly a problem before they are willing to act. The only way for us to see a decrease in the amount of litter is to get people physically involved. People should care, because they can make a difference by throwing their own trash away. The litter problem needs to be addressed, because we need everyone to be a part of the issue in order to be successful. Litter impacts our community negatively because litter draws people away from an area. If people avoid an area full of litter, then that area will never be clean, and people will not act on the situation. Solution If you can first make students aware, eventually you can make students understand. The goal we are trying to achieve is to encourage students to care about the litter around campus. Once we have students caring, we can move on to solving the litter problem. For example, one weekend the clubs at GGC could collect all the trash around campus and put them in one pile near the entrance of the campus. They could leave the trash near the entrance until Monday, so when the students and faculty drive in they will see and understand the amount of litter polluting our campus. By showing people that their little piece of litter makes a difference in the grand scheme of things, we can make them believe that they can make a difference and that their little bit hurts. To make people understand the harmful effects, and change their attitudes on litter, we must first make them aware of the problem, understand the litter problem, believe they can make a difference, and finally act on the situation. Pitch Our campaign is designed to attract students to understand the effects of litter. We want to show them why it is important for us to change and become a cleaner site. The target audience is 18-24 year old students on the campus of GGC. We plan to use sources of communication so that students in this range will react to it. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Myspace, GGC email, TVs around campus could be used. Obviously, we wouldn’t want to use posters because then they could cause litter too. Every Litter Bit Hurts. Every Little Bit Helps will be our slogan. Facebook, Texting, Banners, Commercials, Slideshows, Presentations and T-shirts can all be used to educate the students. These will be filled with facts, but they will be quick and to the point. Students won’t want to stand and read a long, boring poster. Everything will be bright and colorful, with good images and quick facts about litter that spark their interest. We will tell the students how littering decreases property value by 15%. We will inform them that litter increases crime rates. A student will realize the difference his or her actions can make Students will become more aware There will be constant visual reminders The contests will be fun and competitive Students will be pressured by other students to get involved Putting the ideas in practice will create positive results. Encouraging students not to litter and educating them on the harmful effects creates a healthier environment, economy, and social life. When students begin to realize the gravity of littering, the students of Georgia Gwinnett College will become more responisble for their actions Activities & Participant Responsibilities Since we will be implementing a dynamic display of the amount of litter picked up on the campus, our first activity will be determining who will be providing the data, and how often. The choices are: Give every student the opportunity to purchase a GGC mug, located in the school store. All students who purchase this mug will only be required to pay $1.00 for refills in the student cafes. Custodial staff will provide the count A student club will count the amount of refuse that the custodial staff sets aside as litter Once the quantity has been ascertained, there are several choices for providing feedback to students on how their littering (or not) is affecting the campus and other students: Graphics displayed on the plasma TVs located around campus o Digital Media Group will develop graphics o ITech will develop a way to update the displays from a web browser or similar easily accessible means o Student clubs will update the displays at an interval to be determined Signs posted in glass cases, and/or on doors at entryways to buildings o Digital Media Group will develop graphics o ITech may assist in making the graphics easily updatable for printing o Student clubs will update the displays at an interval to be determined Tally signs located at driveways to the campus. These are modeled after the "Seat Belt Usage" signs seen on roadways. o o o o o English Group will develop text English Group will develop trial signs of corrugated plastic Vinyl graphics will be printed using the school's sign-making equipment Signs will be updated by student clubs or custodial staff After a successful trial period, professional signage can be procured Proposed Campaign Planning Launching our litter campaign requires the help of many departments on our campus to carryout our mission. The following are some of the individuals and/or departments whom we hope to congregate with: 1. Dr. Stas Preczewski – Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs 2. Partners in Active Learning also known as PALS o a. Biology 1101 o b. Calculus I – Math 2200 o c. Cognition & Learning – Psych 2100 o d. Digital Media - ITEC 2110 o e. English 1101 o f. Psychopharmacology – Psych 4220 3. Mr. Maurice Blount – Director of Facilities 4. Mr. Rex Smith – Director of Educational Technology & Media Services 5. Student Activities & Leadership Programs Department 6. Institutional Research Department 7. Human Resources Department 8. Student Development Services Department 9. Student Government Association 10. Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful Upon making contact with the above-mentioned, GGC’s first litter campaign timeline will be prepared to launch such a beneficial operation once and for all. 1. Determine • Who---> Digital Media Group of GGC. • What---> Advertisements on the plasma TVs all around campus. • Where---> In every building that has plasma TVs. • When---> TVs are always running advertisements and ours will also be put in there. 2. Present the plan to students, faculty/staff, and vice president. 3. Create poster advertisements as well as electronic advertisements. 4. Request help from digital media crew of GGC. 5. Develop advertisements and contests. 6. Consult with digital media crew and vice president.