Teacher Education Advisory Council University of South Carolina Beaufort May 5, 2011 4:00 p.m. Welcome & Agenda • • • • • • • • • • • • Greetings & Introductions Approval of Minutes (Spring 2010) TEAC Purpose Conceptual Framework Standards Accreditation Benchmarks/Requirements Review Key Assessment Data/Examples/ADEPT Demographics NCATE & Report Updates Changes & Program Improvements Future Opportunities Discussion/Recommendations TEAC Meeting Survey TEAC Purpose The Teacher Education Advisory Council shall be comprised of all education faculty and staff, students, members of the community, principals and teachers from partnership schools, and educators from the USCB service region. The purpose of the council shall be to review and monitor the USCB Teacher Education unit and the quality of its graduates. In addition, the council may make suggestions for the improvement of the unit and program(s). The council will issue a written report of its meeting through minutes and any special reports deemed necessary to communicate with the faculty and administration for the improvement of the unit and program(s). The council shall meet twice a year, once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester. The council membership will be as follows: • All USCB Department of Education faculty • The principal (or designee) and two faculty members from each partnership school (hosted Interns within the past 3 years or regularly host practica courses) • The Beaufort and Jasper County School District Superintendent(s) (or designee) • Four community members from the USCB service region (4) • Two students from each of the USCB Department of Education Degree Program(s) • Chairs from English, Speech, & Theatre; Humanities & Fine Arts; Social Sciences; Science & Mathematics Departments (4); and General Education Committee Chair CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK STANDARDS The Constructivist Educator as NURTURER N-1. Demonstrate positive interpersonal relationships with the learner while identifying the uniqueness of each student.(D) N-2. Demonstrate positive relationships and seek partnerships with families of learners. (D) N-3. Demonstrate knowledge of human development and support, facilitate, and nurture learning.(K) The Constructivist Educator as COMMUNICATOR C-1. Communicate effectively with students, parents, peers and the community using a variety of communication skills including verbal and nonverbal techniques, writing, technology, and media. (S,D) The Constructivist Educator as REFLECTIVE PROFESSIONAL R-1. Reflect on classroom practice utilizing these reflections to improve future practice and classroom instruction. (K,S,D) R-2. Demonstrate a dedication to lifelong learning. (D) R-3. Demonstrate knowledge of educational theory as well as current trends through reading, research and attendance at professional conferences. (K) R-4. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics and dispositions.(K,S,D) The Constructivist Educator as FACILITATOR/ INSTRUCTOR F/I-1. Identify the principles of constructivism as well as other learning theories. (K) F/I-2. Demonstrate best practice in the classroom including developmentally appropriate practice, differentiated instruction, and socially and culturally appropriate pedagogical skills. (S) F/I-3. Demonstrate local, state, and national standards and their application to the curriculum. (K,S) F/I-4. Demonstrate classroom management skills that include a wide array strategies (S) F/I-5. Recognize and respond to the diverse needs and individual differences of learners and design appropriate assessments. (S) LEVELS Level I Pre-Professional Open to all students meeting University entrance requirements. ASSESSMENTS 1. 2. 3. BENCHMARKS 1. 2. 6. GPA 2.75 PRAXIS I: R 175, W-173, M-172 “ C” or better in all Pre-Professional Education courses, English 101, 102, Speech, Math 221, 222. Background check Professional Program Disposition Statement & Recommendations Service Learning: 25 hours Level II Professional Program Open only to education majors who have been accepted to the professional program. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. GPA 2.75/3.0 (Ed) PRAXIS II: 158 Child Study Family Study Integrated Thematic Unit(s) Internship Interview SLED check 1. 2. Level III Internship Open to candidates who have completed all requirements for Level II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. GPA 2.75/3.0 (Ed) ADEPT Evaluations Dispositions Evaluation Internship Portfolio Video analysis and self-reflection Final ADEPT Summative Evaluation 1. 2. 3. 4. Level IV Program Completion Open only to students who have completed all requirements for Level III. 1. 2. 3. GPA 2.75 1. Passing Scores on Praxis II: Principles of 2. Learning and Teaching (PLT) 3. Program Completer Survey 1. 2. Alumni Survey Employer Survey 4. 5. Level V Professional Educator 3. 4. 5. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. CONSTRUCTIVIST EDUCATOR PROFICIENCIES Acceptance to the University Completion of a minimum 55 hours of required general education courses as identified in the Department of Education Program of Study Education majors must see program advisor two times per year. Professional Program Application deadline: February 1 and October 1. Verification of all assessment data by Education Advisor. Nurturer N1, N2, N3 Communicator C1 Reflective Professional R4 Facilitator/Instructor F1 Maintain at least 3.0 GPA in education coursework. Internship Applications deadlines prior to final semester: January 15th and September 15th SC SDE Clearance No provisional admission. Appeals are considered when all requirements have been met. Verification of all requirements by Field Experiences Coordinator Nurturer N1, N2, N3 Communicator C1 Reflective Professional R3 Facilitator/Instructor F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 Approval of Internship Application by Education Committee. ADEPT Orientation for Interns and Cooperating Teachers Participation in Professional Conference Senior Seminar Nurturer N1, N2, N3 Communicator C1 Reflective Professional R1, R2, R3 Facilitator/Instructor F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 Graduation Application Recommendation for certification: University Supervisor South Carolina Department of Education Application for Certification Reflective Professional R2 Facilitator/Instructor F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 ADEPT Evaluation Report: IHE Portal Nurturer N1, N2, N3 Communicator C1 Reflective Professional R1, R2, R3 Facilitator/Instructor F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 Assessment Data • Title II: Praxis Data • LiveText Data Reports • Program Completer Survey Data 2010 Education Majors Gender Female Male n 121 24 % 89% 11% 2 1.50% 32 98 3 1 24% 72% 2% 0.50% Full-Time Part-Time 128 8 94% 6% Class Level Freshman 57 42% Sophomore Junior Senior 30 19 30 22% 14% 22% 102 75% 25% Race Hispanic African American Caucasion 2 or more Unknown Traditional Non-tranditional 34 Official Registrar Fall 2010 136 Unofficial Database Spring 2011 182 HEOA - Title II 2009 - 2010 Academic Year UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA -BEAUFORT 5841 South Carolina Assessment Information1 EDUCATION OF YOUNG CHILDREN (0021) Test Company: ETS Score Range: 100-200 Assessment Information1 Group All enrolled students who have completed all nonclinical courses, 2009-10 Other enrolled students, 2009-10 All program completers, 2009-10 All program completers, 2008-09 All program completers, 2007-08 Group All enrolled students who have PRINCIPLES LEARNING AND TEACHING K- completed all nonclinical courses, 2009-10 6 (0522) Other enrolled students, 2009-10 Test Company: ETS Score Range: 100-200 All program completers, 2009-10 All program completers, 2008-09 All program completers, 2007-08 Number Number Institution Number Number Statewide Taking Passing Institution al Average Assessme Taking Passing Average Assessme Assessme al Scaled nt Cut Assessme Assessme Statewide Scaled nt nt Pass Rate Score Score2 nt nt Pass Rate Score 22 20 10 12 22 20 10 12 100% 100% 100% 100% 181 178 180 182 158 158 158 158 113 160 614 619 641 112 155 612 619 640 99% 97% 100% 100% 100% 180 179 183 183 183 Number Number Institution Number Number Statewide Taking Passing Institution al Average Assessme Taking Passing Average Assessme Assessme al Scaled nt Cut Assessme Assessme Statewide Scaled nt nt Pass Rate Score Score2 nt nt Pass Rate Score 12 20 10 12 10 20 10 12 83% 100% 100% 100% 176 176 175 177 165 165 165 165 250 271 1441 1414 1517 224 233 1394 1389 1505 90% 86% 97% 98% 99% 175 175 177 178 178