Lesson Plan Template 1. Information Name: Subject/Content: School Name: Grade Level: Date Lesson is Taught: 2. Standard(s)/Relevancy/Objective(s) Standard(s): Vocabulary: 3. Assessment [In the designated column below, state objective(s) and assessment(s). Add additional rows as needed and number them] Objectives(s) 1) The student will Assessment Tool 1) Mastery Level, Performance Level, or Criteria 1) 4. Materials/Resources/Equipment/References Materials/Resources: Equipment: References: 5. Effective Instructional Approaches, Strategies, or Tools *Imbed and BOLD transitions throughout this section of your lesson. If possible, remember to connect the transition to the lesson in order to stimulate student interest. Introduction: (time estimate) Procedures: (time estimate) Closure: (time estimate) 6. Differentiation of Instruction Accommodations: Extensions: Modifications: 7. Analysis of Student Learning - to be completed AFTER lesson is taught (refer to specific questions noted on Lesson Plan Components) 8. Reflection – to be completed AFTER lesson is taught (refer to specific questions noted on Lesson Plan Components)