APRIL 14, 2015, 2:00 p.m.
Attendees: Lyn Brodersen (Chair), Kaela Black, Deb Coates, Cheryl Heronemus, Jessica Stolee, Linda
Absent: Ross Wilburn, Gene Mohling
Old Business
Lyn shared that Korey Kolash (graduate student assistant) has been working with Carol and Chris in
putting together a pilot program for mentoring. A draft should be ready to present at our next meeting.
Lyn, Jessica and Kaela have been attending meetings to refine the recruiting and hiring strategies
throughout the organization. A draft has been sent out for P&S and will be shared when approved.
Kaela had already developed guidelines for us and we will refine that also, after recommendations from
New Business
In February, Cathann Kress, Ross Wilburn, John-Paul Chaisson-Cardenas and Lyn met about potentially
putting together a strategic plan. Dan Robinson was asked to facilitate but won’t be able to. They are
still looking for someone for that role. Jessica & Lyn feel that climate surveys are a unique way to assess
a wide range of people and would want that included for the strategic plan. It’s not a good idea to
conduct internally and need to bring in someone which would include budget considerations.
Items 11-15 on Civil Rights Response to USDA Report
(It was noted that UHR will be addressing items 6-10 in the Human Capitol Report. Lyn will send out a
draft when it’s ready.)
11. Resignation, Termination, Separation:
We will need more information from the peer study and will be required to
work closely with UHR.
12. Development and Training: ISU Extension and Outreach managers must ensure
that all elements of civil rights, ADA, and EEO laws and regulations are routinely
included in staff meetings and in training conducted at all levels of Extension.
12 and 13 to do with ADA and EEO laws and regulations being routinely included
in staff meetings and trainings. We have written to Bob Dodds and Terry Maloy
on how to accomplish the training. Jessica was asked to contact Extension
Affirmative Action Office but has not received a response yet.
13. Development and Training:
(Refer to #12.)
14. Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Policies:
We are waiting for the same information from the Affirmative Action Office.
We did receive confirmation that extension is included but they haven’t
provided data.
15. ISU Extension and Outreach County Staff Members Assigned in Areas Reviewed:
We can tell more on this after the capitol report is finalized.
We do have data from the Human Capital and P&S Interview workshops & the
TIER study.
Mentoring (Deb, Cheryl, Gene)
This was covered above.
EO/UHR Data (Jessica and Lyn)
We are at a standstill until we get information from the TIER Study.
Reclassification, Position Descriptions, and Recruiting (Kaela)
We are in the same situation until we get information from the TIER Study.
Kaela is working with Carol to develop training after the UHR study is complete.
The Committee will begin work on the following items from our USDA Report at our next meeting:
16. Staff Knowledge of Civil Rights Laws, Rules, and Regulations: ISU Extension and
Outreach training should increase the use of practical application (when applicable in
training opportunities) as to how to apply 7 CFR Part 15 in Extension program delivery
environment. Training opportunities and public notification materials should be
continued with emphasis on use of accommodation statement, use of other languages
and shared on a regular basis to ensure compliance to Title VI.
Target Date: 2014-2015
Action plan: ISU extension and Outreach HR and ISU Extension and Outreach
Organizational Advancement will design handouts for new staff orientation that
will provide updated information on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
which protects people from discrimination based on race, color, or national
origin in programs or activities that receive Federal Financial Assistance. The
ISU Extension and Outreach Civil Rights Programming Task Force and ISU
Extension and Outreach Professional Development and HR, in cooperation with
the EO office, will create a training session on required notifications and nondiscrimination policies and procedures for all ISU Extension and Outreach paid
staff. ISU Extension and Outreach will provide the same session as a resource to
all County paid staff, Council Members, and volunteers. Resources will be
developed in 2014-2015, and implemented in 2015.
17. Staff Knowledge of Civil Rights Laws, Rules, and Regulations: ISU Extension and
Outreach non-discrimination statement and adherence to civil rights guidelines policies and
procedures should continue and be shared with staff.
Target date: 2014-2015
Action plan: The ISU Extension and Outreach Civil Rights Programming Task
Force and ISU Extension and Outreach Professional Development and HR, in
cooperation with the EO office, will create a training session on required
notifications and non-discrimination policies and procedures for all ISU
Extension and Outreach ISU paid staff. ISU Extension and Outreach will provide
the same session as a resource to all County paid staff, Council Members, and
volunteers. Resources will be developed in 2014-2015, and implemented in
18. ISU Extension and Outreach Executive Advisory Boards Committees and Councils: ISU
Extension and Outreach Staff must determine if barriers exist that prevent individuals from
underrepresented groups or assure that racial and ethnic minorities are not denied
participation on advisory groups on advisory boards at the State and County levels.
Target date: 2014-2015
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach Administration and the Civil Rights
Programming Task Force will create a process that allows ISU Extension and
Outreach to annually review and analyze the makeup of all Advisory Boards, and
to provide training, recommendations, and resources to County Councils.
19. ISU Extension and Outreach Executive Advisory Boards Committees and Councils: ISU
Extension and Outreach must ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to encourage racial
and ethnic minorities to participate on ISU Extension and Outreach Advisory Boards, Councils
and Committee in accordance with USDA civil rights regulations.
Target date: 2014-2015
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach Administration and the Civil Rights
Programming Task Force will create a process that allows ISU Extension and
Outreach to annually review and analyze the makeup of all Advisory Boards, and
to provide training, recommendations, and resources to County Councils.
20. ISU Extension and Outreach Executive Advisory Boards Committees and Councils: ISU
Extension and Outreach needs continuous review and monitoring to insure that balance is
achieved by race and gender in all future recruitment of councils, advisory, planning and
program committee members.
Target date: 2014-2015
Action plan: ISU Extension and Outreach Administration and the Civil Rights
Programming Task Force will create a process that allows ISU Extension and
Outreach to annually review and analyze the makeup of all Advisory Boards, and
to provide training, recommendations, and resources to County Councils.
The Committee adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: Mid-May, TBD