Welcome! 2010 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat June 11, 2010 BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center



2010 CFCC Annual Planning Retreat

June 11, 2010

BB&T Auditorium, McKeithan Center

Cooperation gets teams pulling together.

Staying focused on the organization’s mission ensures they pull in the right direction.

~ Eric Harvey


• Turn off cell phones…please

• Pads/pens …leave unused pads

• Break 10:00—10:15…food available

• Location of restrooms






Dr. McKeithan- Summative Remarks

Adjournment…Happy Weekend!

Institutional Effectiveness

• Institutional Effectiveness


• Planning

• Accreditation Compliance

• Research

• Data & Report Coordination

• Public Information

• Printing Services

• Other Duties as Assigned

Institutional Effectiveness


Planning Priorities

Public Information Office


Planning Priorities

Public Information Office

Purpose Statement

Promote CFCC services and programs to citizens of New Hanover and Pender counties and to help maintain a positive image of the college to the public.


2010-2011 Planning Priorities



• Promote college-wide graphics standards to reinforce CFCC’s graphical identity

• Increase use of video on college web site

• Develop a calendar of publications with Printing



2010-2011 Planning Priorities


• Increase positive news coverage

• Update CFCC speakers bureau to be used by news media

• Utilize student writers and interns to gather college-related info for news

• Expand use of CFCC’s presence on social media


2010-2011 Planning Priorities


• Increase use of online advertising to promote CFCC programs and events

• Research advertising agencies to help plan ad campaign to make most effective use of funds.

• Investigate partnership with collegiate licensing firm to strengthen brand awareness in community

The #1 way to effectively market

CFCC is …

Keep doing a great job!

• Friendly staff at all levels of the college

• Helpful instructors

Institutional Researcher

Research & Data Coordination

• Coordinate CFCC reporting to ensure that reports are submitted accurately and timely.

• Develop historical data sets for use by faculty, staff and administrators.

• Continue to support data needs for institutional effectiveness processes

• Assist with automation of surveys & evaluations

Institutional Researcher

Research & Data Coordination

• Work with Financial Aid and IT to develop mandatory Net Price Calculator for CFCC website.

• CCSSE Survey (Spring 2011)

• Develop usable data tables from ICR and CRPFA reports

Printing Services

• Effectiveness and Resources -Focus on streamlining production and administrative procedures in Print Shop to maximize supplies and human resources

• CommunicationCollaborate with IT

Services to post monthly billing reports online to improve communication

• Professional Development — participate in professional development opportunities to upgrade skills and

Institutional Effectiveness Admin.,

Planning & Accreditation Compliance

• Monitor and update CFCC on changes to regional accreditation requirements by SACS

• Ensure CFCC complies with SACS reporting requirements

• Oversee efforts for Fifth-Year Interim Report, including QEP Impact Report SACS-COC, Inc. requirement

• Monitor and update CFCC on changes to

NCCCS Performance Measures and CFCC results

Institutional Effectiveness Admin.,

Planning & Accreditation Compliance

• SPOL training for documenting planning, assessing and use of results for continuous improvement

• Update Long Range Plan and Facilities

Master Plan.

• Continue to monitor H1N1 Pandemic

Event & promote healthful practices in accordance with established guidelines

Evaluate the Retreat

• Jan Fazarri will send a link to all attendees to provide an opportunity for feedback about the Retreat


• Don’t forget to close the loop on your

20092010 Objectives in SPOL…and begin entering your Objectives in SPOL for 2010-2011

Dr. McKeithan

Summative Remarks and Adjournment
