Institutional Development 2003-2004 Planning Priorities Institutional Development Institutional Effectiveness / Planning Research Public Information Printing Services Institutional Effectiveness/ Planning Purpose Provide support to faculty and staff in the implementation of a continuous quality improvement planning process designed to document institutional effectiveness. Institutional Effectiveness / Planning 2003-2004 Objectives #1 Increase awareness and understanding of the college’s continuous quality improvement (IE) planning process campus-wide. College Goal #11 Why? • Fall 1996 – 192 FT employees Fall 2002 – 365 FT employees 233 of the 365 (64%) had 0-5 years at CFCC Today – 381 FT employees 280 of the 381 (74%) have 0-5 years at CFCC • 2002 F/S Survey - 34% of FT employees indicated the IE process was “Not Applicable” to them or ‘Did Not Know” Why? Reaffirmation of Accreditation with SACS depends upon CFCC having a continuous quality improvement (IE) process that is college-wide • outcomes - focused • documents use of results for improvement of programs and services #1 Increase awareness and understanding of the college’s continuous quality improvement process (IE) campus-wide. (College Goal #11) • Comprehensive departmental workshops • Additional materials for unit managers to develop plans • focused on outcomes assessment • document use of results for improvement #2 Provide means for managers to develop annual budgets via the college online planning system. College Goals #3, #11 Why? Planning online ; budget prep on paper Provide further evidence that budgeting is preceded by planning (Principles of Accreditation) Provide access to budget spreadsheets online • Transfer existing data to ‘third generation’ • Implement budget module before January 2004 • Maintain the system #3 Inform faculty and staff of changes to SACS Accreditation Review Process to prepare for CFCC’s review beginning January 2005. College Goal # 11 Why? Help ensure CFCC receives reaffirmation of accreditation status with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Commission on Colleges in 2006 with no recommendations. Schedule department visits to inform faculty and staff about expectations and requirements for accreditation the new Principles of Accreditation major changes and steps in the accreditation review process timeline for CFCC’s next review With Faculty and staff begin to…. Become very familiar with the new Principles of Accreditation Consider the membership of CFCC’s leadership team Identify current challenges/issues as possible topics for a Quality Enhancement Plan With faculty and staff begin to…. identify areas of non-compliance with the Principles of Accreditation and take steps to correct Evaluate the college IE process and faculty credentials Attend SACS Annual Meeting Research Purpose The purpose of institutional research is to collect, analyze, and disseminate data to support college planning and assessment (IE). Typical Research Activities Conduct focused studies Perform statistical analysis Design/implement surveys Collect/compile data to support program and services reviews Produce CFCC Fact Book Utilize existing data files (data warehouse, Prime, Datatel) to retrieve data and produce customized reports Compile & submit external reports #1 Provide research support for program review and the assessment of college services. College Goal #11 collect and compile data for 13 curriculum programs under review in 2003-2004 Produce program review final reports Re-design the faculty/staff survey, administer, analyze data and distribute results spring 2004 With student development and business services, design, administer, & tabulate a currently enrolled student survey to assess quality of services #2 Strengthen the research function at CFCC and become more visible as a support service. College Goal #11 Develop and analyze surveys in a timely manner to support the continuous quality improvement process (IE) process Update/redesign online FACT BOOK Develop a program to calculate projected FTE and enrollment Retrieve data and produce reports from the data warehouse Work closely with Student Development Inform training June 2003 Work with Arts/Sciences to track performance of students enrolled in distance education courses Questions? Public Information Office Purpose: to create and maintain a positive image of CFCC through publications, news outlets, electronic media and advertising. The Public Information Office strives to promote college programs, services and events to raise public awareness of CFCC's educational opportunities. Goal #12 Foster and maintain a positive public image of the college and effectively promote college services and programs to the community. Public Information 2003-2004 Objectives To implement and maintain a broadcastquality video messaging system on the downtown campus to inform students about upcoming events, important dates and other information - ties in with Goal #13 Public Information 2003-2004 Objectives To produce a new promotional video(s) for the college Re-design the CFCC web site to make it more attractive and easier to navigate Produce a monthly TV program that highlights current and upcoming events, programs and people at CFCC Printing Services Mission: To serve the college by providing quality, cost-effective printing and photocopying for faculty and staff in a professional, timely manner. Printing Services 2003-2004 Objectives To begin to produce 4-color process jobs. To have a consolidated Printing/Copy Center work request form. To make liaison with Computer Services so we can offer online access to our work request form. Printing Services 2003-2004 Objectives To implement a "customer feedback" system so we can get a feel for what the school would like as far as enhanced service, and possibly offer some services not currently offered. QUESTIONS?