Learning Resource Center Carolyn C. Oakley, Director Mission The mission of the LRC is to support the mission of the college and to enhance the teaching/learning process through provision of adequate, up-to-date resource collections in formats consistent with prevailing technologies; provision of access to the collections of other libraries; to promote userdirected electronic database searching; to provide instruction in the use of resources to enable users to function in an information-driven society; and to promote life-long learning opportunities. Customers Our customers are our students, faculty, staff and the citizens of New Hanover and Pender counties. Planning Bi-weekly staff meeting within each section Monthly meetings with Director and section coordinators Departmental meetings each semester Evaluation Comprehensive biannual faculty/staff and student LRC surveys Graduate survey annually Faculty/Staff Survey of CFCC Support Services annually NCCCS Performance Measures The NCCCS Performance Measure that deals with LRC services is the percentage of college LRCs meeting the ACRL Standards for Community, Junior, and Technical College Learning Resource Programs. NC Community College LRCs are ranked by FTE and then by rank for each standard: Excellent Level Minimum Level Below Standard Standards used by NCCCS to rank LRCs: Number of book titles Number of serial subscriptions Expenditures per FTE minus salaries Number of library staff Square footage Performance Measures ACRL Rank Excellent BOOKS SERIALS EXP STAFF SQ FT 85,000 800 9% 24 33,211 Minimum 60,000 500 6% 15 22,140 CFCC 33,531 1999-2000 CFCC 36,878 2000-2001 720 4.5% 13 18,212 721 4.5% 13 18,212 CFCC Rankings in NCCCS 2000-2001 1st in hours open per week (76) 2nd in students per week (5367) 2nd in serial subscriptions (721) 4th in total LRC budget ($1.18 million) 6th in Library Book Funds ($159,597) 20th in Audiovisual Titles (5517) 34th in total Library Books (36,878) The LRC staff will continue with its annual activities that assure the LRC is relevant, current, proactive and continues to support the mission of the college. In addition, the LRC will provide the same resources and services now available at the Downtown Campus to the North Campus in the fall of 2002. LRC Goals for 2002-2003 Goals Provide adequate personnel, technological resources and collections to support the programs at the North Campus to the same level as the Main Campus LRC supports the Downtown Campus. Develop a Bibliographic Instruction program that insures every CFCC student has access to adequate instruction in the use of library and information resources. Develop a program of professional development opportunities for all faculty and staff provided through the Technology Training Center Open the Television/Video studio and begin a program of film and video production, digitizing the media collection and the recording of classroom and college-wide activities Learning Resource Center Library Media Center Technology Training Center LRC Organization Library Reference Technical Services Circulation Reference Develop a Bibliographic Instruction program that insures every CFCC student has access to adequate instruction in the use of library and information resources Notify instructors at the beginning of each semester to schedule Bibliographic Instruction classes in the LRC Publicize and schedule open classes throughout the semester in the use of the library catalog, NC Live and other web databases on the student computer toolbar Update entire reference print collection during Summer, 2002 Technical Services Update the Horizon library automation software from version 5.3 to 7.2 Train staff on new Horizon 7.2 software Establish procedures for routing serials and the handling of specialized library materials to the North Campus Library Process library materials selected by librarians to be transferred to the North Campus Library Download Serial records into the online catalog and automate serials checkin Create vendor records and other computer set-ups needed to automate Acquisitions Circulation Transfer staff, collections and resources to North Campus LRC and set-up for the opening day Automate the circulation of the Reserve Collection Train circulation staff in use of Horizon 7.2 Media Center Open the Television/ Video Studio to offer television/video production, access to digitized media collections and recording of classroom and college-wide activities Begin basic Graphics Production services for faculty and staff at the Downtown and North Campuses Upgrade graphics software Equip classrooms at the North Campus with the equipment needed to provide multimedia presentations for quality instruction Technology Training Center Consolidate all faculty/staff training in one location Acquire additional software for larger groups to be trained Investigate funding possibilities for workshop trainers Utilize in-house trainers when possible Develop a calendar of courses scheduled at least one semester before offered Upgrade current faculty/staff on new software and provide training for all new employees Provide a home base for Horizon training for the NCLITN Library Consortium, whose membership includes Guilford Tech CC, Davidson CC, Carteret CC and Cape Fear CC